Now that Kasich wins Ohio his mission is to catch Cruz

He is pro illegals and pro unfair trade. THAT is what the people are going against. Its too late for corporatists like Kasich in the republican party. At least this election.
He's won ONE state for cripes sake, be realistic. He can't catch Cruz.

His speech is ridiculous. He almost cries? WTH??!! I think he may start burning incense and having everyone share a group hug. What he should do is start writing self help books

A president with a conscience? Haven't had one of those in a very long time. ;)
Kascish is pro-Amnesty.

I will not vote for anyone who is.

Then vote for a sociopath who believes in I instead of we the people.
I'm not voting for Hillary either.

She's actually not who I was talking about. Who I was talking about is much much worse
If 10% of Republicans stayed home because Trump wasn't the nominee its a Democratic landslide.


Link for what? Look at the election results for any presidential election and remove 10% of the vote from the GOP across all states.

So, you have nothing to support your claims.

Is this really far fetched? if 10% of Republicans who normally vote party line stayed home on election day the GOP is toast. Sorry, it;'s just how it works
If 10% of Republicans stayed home because Trump wasn't the nominee its a Democratic landslide.


Link for what? Look at the election results for any presidential election and remove 10% of the vote from the GOP across all states.

People are too pist off at liberals if Trump is gone they will pick whoever it is and show up to vote

No, far right wing conservatives are pissed off at Liberals, but they are every year.
If 10% of Republicans stayed home because Trump wasn't the nominee its a Democratic landslide.


Link for what? Look at the election results for any presidential election and remove 10% of the vote from the GOP across all states.

So, you have nothing to support your claims.

The only election I've seen in the last 75 years where the Republicans could have lost 13,000,000 voters and still won.....was 1984. And there was an incumbent election where the incumbent won.

You don't have an incumbent. You've lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 elections. And your party is either going to nominate Trump or its going to split.

The GOP has no plausible path to victory in the general election. You lose by less with Trump than you do without him.
If 10% of Republicans stayed home because Trump wasn't the nominee its a Democratic landslide.


Link for what? Look at the election results for any presidential election and remove 10% of the vote from the GOP across all states.

So, you have nothing to support your claims.

Is this really far fetched? if 10% of Republicans who normally vote party line stayed home on election day the GOP is toast. Sorry, it;'s just how it works

Yes, that is far fetched. You're talking about less than 3% of voters. Anyone who isn't an idiot knows that Presidential elections are won in the middle on the swing vote. You are being just as stupid as the rabid Cinos who think that Trump will trounce Clinton.

Of course you know that what you're saying is nonsense. You know that Trump would lose spectacularly to Clinton. You are hoping Trump is nominated. You aren't clever.

Stop. You are speaking nothing but bullshit. You are advocating for the GOP to nominate Trump, precisely because you know that Clinton will defeat Trump overwhelmingly. You are no clever, either.
If 10% of Republicans stayed home because Trump wasn't the nominee its a Democratic landslide.


Link for what? Look at the election results for any presidential election and remove 10% of the vote from the GOP across all states.

People are too pist off at liberals if Trump is gone they will pick whoever it is and show up to vote

No, far right wing conservatives are pissed off at Liberals, but they are every year.

And there officially done with them so they will vote for whoever is not. You have no point. Sorry.
If 10% of Republicans stayed home because Trump wasn't the nominee its a Democratic landslide.


Link for what? Look at the election results for any presidential election and remove 10% of the vote from the GOP across all states.

So, you have nothing to support your claims.

Is this really far fetched? if 10% of Republicans who normally vote party line stayed home on election day the GOP is toast. Sorry, it;'s just how it works

Lets take any of the last 6 elections and apply those numbers and see what happens?

2012: If Romney lost as many votes as Trump will cost the GOP, its Obama 59%, Romney 41%. Almost identical to the numbers of Reagan's 1984 blow out victory over Mondale. Except this time its the democrats winning.

2008: If McCain lost as many votes as Trump will cost the GOP, its Obama 60%, McCain 40%. Wider than Reagan's spread in 1984

2004: If Bush lost as many votes as Trump will cost the GOP, its Kerry 55%, Bush 45%. A wider margin of victory than any recent election except 1984.

2000: If Bush lost as many votes as Trump will cost the GOP, its Gore 58%, Bush 42%. Even wider than 2004.

1996: If Dole lost as many votes as Trump will cost the GOP, its 58% clinton, 32% Dole. That's a 26 point spread. Even with a significant 3rd party, that's enormous.

1992: If Bush had lost as many votes as Trump will cost the GOP, its 50% Clinton, 28% Bush.

But this year its gonna be different?

Stop. You are speaking nothing but bullshit. You are advocating for the GOP to nominate Trump, precisely because you know that Clinton will defeat Trump overwhelmingly. You are no clever, either.

I'm speaking a truth that you don't want to believe. And so you're going to pretend doesn't exist. You're going to pretend that you can lose 13,000,000 votes....and still win the general election. Despite history just slapping you around, you're going to lie to yourself.

Math isn't your friend.

And it doesn't matter if you nominate Trump or if you don't. If you nominate Trump, Hillary kicks the shit out of him. As Trump has the highest unfavorability rating of *any* major candidate in polling history. The GOP candidate loses.

If you don't nominate Trump after he wins the most delegates and gets the most votes, you lose 13,000,000 Trump voters at best. And split your party at worst. Either of which cost you the general election. The GOP candidate loses.

The GOP is simply fucked.
The only GOP candidate beating hilary head to head right now is kasich. Trump is getting destroyed by a woman with zero accomplishments.

And that is why the liberals are running around, arguing bullshit in Drumpf's favor.

I'm arguing it doesn't matter. If you run Trump, you lose. If you don't run Trump, you lose. As Trump's 13,000,000 voters won't support the GOP establishment after the GOP establishment uses a 'brokered convention' to give the nomination to someone who got fewer votes and fewer delegates than Trump.

You claim that's 'bullshit'.

Okay, plausibly explain how and where I'm wrong and how the GOP candidate wins the general election in either scenario. idiot.

You are only arguing in favor of Trump because you know that he would lose to Clinton in a landslide. Trump's supporters are irrelevant. Better to lose a handful and gain five times as many among Independents and Democratic cross over.
No, Kasich's only mission is to ensure there is a brokered convention... idiot.

You are only arguing in favor of Trump because you know that he would lose to Clinton in a landslide. Trump's supporters are irrelevant. Better to lose a handful and gain five times as many among Independents and Democratic cross over.

Laughing.....that's not a plausible explanation of how I'm wrong or how the GOP candidate can win the election without Trump's supporters. That's naked, desperate denial.

13,000,0000 voters are not irrelevant. If 13,000,000 voters had been removed from McCain's or Romney's numbers in 2008 and 2012 respectively......Obama would have had a victory on the scale of Reagan's 1984 win.

You're in denial. The math doesn't lie. You're fucked.

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