Now that the good guys are in charge, is it time to revisit the 14th amendment?

oh I know, how on Earth will we maintain the wealth gap and keep wages low?

Let's just believe that corporate media, buy their agenda, and import us some more poor folks.

If these businesses ever had to raise wages and entice more folks to enter the work force? But nah, more immigration!

Why should they offer more money for jobs people don't want? You know, it's hilarious, that you guys insist we can't raise the minimum wage to make sure people don't starve, but you think that people will take these scrub jobs if you offer a dollar or two more?
Re-education camps? Why don’t you use the proper term from the book 1984? It was called reprogramming. Oh well, I guess that’s what you call progressive.

Yes, helping you get over your racism would be progressive... I think in your case, though, you might be incurable.
You see, many times to become wealthy, you need to make a lot of sacrifices. You can’t start a family at the age of 18 with a low skill job. If you’re going to only use the internet for porn and sports stories instead of studying investments, then you are never going to become wealthy unless you hit a lottery number.

Again, says the guy who can't get health insurance and won't look for a better paying job or gain new job skills.
So now Trump claims he will change birth right citizenship by executive order
You see, many times to become wealthy, you need to make a lot of sacrifices. You can’t start a family at the age of 18 with a low skill job. If you’re going to only use the internet for porn and sports stories instead of studying investments, then you are never going to become wealthy unless you hit a lottery number.

Again, says the guy who can't get health insurance and won't look for a better paying job or gain new job skills.

Thank you Mr. OCD. I'm so thrilled I live rent-free in your head 24/7. Tell me, do you discuss this with your family and friends too?

The difference is that I don't complain about other people having more money than me. In fact I look up to them. I don't stay awake at night or have dreams about evil rich people.

As for myself, I can at least say I tried. You can't. You are a loser who whines and moans about what other people have instead of trying to have the same things yourself. And when I get some finances finally straightened out, I'm going to keep on trying, and you will sit there and keep on complaining.
So now Trump claims he will change birth right citizenship by executive order

I just read that. I don't know if he can do that even with a court leaning towards our side. I wish he could, but I can't see it without being challenged.
I think even conservatives on the court do not want to go there

I think if he does try to do it, it will be shot down at the first lower court. I'm sure his legal advisers explained this to him, but it is election time, and this is what his voters want to hear.
Re-education camps? Why don’t you use the proper term from the book 1984? It was called reprogramming. Oh well, I guess that’s what you call progressive.

Yes, helping you get over your racism would be progressive... I think in your case, though, you might be incurable.

Is that so? Well Joe, your race obsession is not incurable. In fact licensed psychiatrists treat this every day of the week. You are a miserable person. You shouldn't allow this to happen to yourself. Life is too short. And the more you listen to MSM and left-wing politicians, the more obsessed you're going to get. These kinds of things usually don't get better on their own.
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oh I know, how on Earth will we maintain the wealth gap and keep wages low?

Let's just believe that corporate media, buy their agenda, and import us some more poor folks.

If these businesses ever had to raise wages and entice more folks to enter the work force? But nah, more immigration!

Why should they offer more money for jobs people don't want? You know, it's hilarious, that you guys insist we can't raise the minimum wage to make sure people don't starve, but you think that people will take these scrub jobs if you offer a dollar or two more?

Yes, they will. Kids who get out of high school or even before that could use a better paying low-skill job. It can happen on it's own without government force. The market will work just fine on it's own if liberals would STF out of it.
So now Trump claims he will change birth right citizenship by executive order

I just read that. I don't know if he can do that even with a court leaning towards our side. I wish he could, but I can't see it without being challenged.
I think even conservatives on the court do not want to go there
That's the beauty of having real jurists on the Court. They won't do something like that.

Do you see now why we want those types on the Court?

If they were loose constructionists, they could say whatever they want to support their political agenda.

So now Trump claims he will change birth right citizenship by executive order

I just read that. I don't know if he can do that even with a court leaning towards our side. I wish he could, but I can't see it without being challenged.
I think even conservatives on the court do not want to go there
That's the beauty of having real jurists on the Court. They won't do something like that.

Do you see now why we want those types on the Court?

If they were loose constructionists, they could say whatever they want to support their political agenda.


That's exactly it. How many times have justices picked by Republicans turn against us in the past? How many times have Democrat picked justices turn on the liberal agenda?
Yes, they will. Kids who get out of high school or even before that could use a better paying low-skill job. It can happen on it's own without government force. The market will work just fine on it's own if liberals would STF out of it.

Yup. Market Fairies.... who've brought us the last 10 recessions... just trust them!

Is that so? Well Joe, your race obsession is not incurable. In fact licensed psychiatrists treat this every day of the week. You are a miserable person. You shouldn't allow this to happen to yourself. Life is too short. And the more you listen to MSM and left-wing politicians, the more obsessed you're going to get. These kinds of things usually don't get better on their own.

Guy, you don't need the MSM to tell you this is a racist society. ALl you have to do is watch six cop cars descend on a "Driving While Black" incident.
Dictators interpret the Constitution the proper way?

If that was the proper way, then someone would have made that determination a long time ago...

Most legal scholars say Trump will get slapped down, but more than likely, he's going to forget all about this after the midterms... Just like that caravan will mysteriously not be in the news anymore.
Dictators interpret the Constitution the proper way?

If that was the proper way, then someone would have made that determination a long time ago...

Most legal scholars say Trump will get slapped down, but more than likely, he's going to forget all about this after the midterms... Just like that caravan will mysteriously not be in the news anymore.

Depends on if the MSM will cover it, and that's based on if it will help the Democrat party promote their hate.

No, the case has never been heard by the Supreme Court before, and it's about time it has. The amendment was adopted before there was any such thing as anchor babies, legal or illegal citizens. It was adopted for former slaves and their offspring.

The term Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof meant that in order to have an American baby, the parents had to be Americans themselves. That's not the case with anchor babies.
Depends on if the MSM will cover it, and that's based on if it will help the Democrat party promote their hate.

No, the case has never been heard by the Supreme Court before, and it's about time it has. The amendment was adopted before there was any such thing as anchor babies, legal or illegal citizens. It was adopted for former slaves and their offspring.

The term Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof meant that in order to have an American baby, the parents had to be Americans themselves. That's not the case with anchor babies.

Oh, so by that logic, Undocumented aliens are not under the Jurisdiction of the United States.

That's AWESOME, guy. It means those stupid immigration laws don't apply to them. It means that if MS-13 murders someone, they have to send them right back to El Salvador.

Being an immigrant could be the ultimate "Get out of Jail Free" card.


You see how stupid that sounds now?
Depends on if the MSM will cover it, and that's based on if it will help the Democrat party promote their hate.

No, the case has never been heard by the Supreme Court before, and it's about time it has. The amendment was adopted before there was any such thing as anchor babies, legal or illegal citizens. It was adopted for former slaves and their offspring.

The term Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof meant that in order to have an American baby, the parents had to be Americans themselves. That's not the case with anchor babies.

Oh, so by that logic, Undocumented aliens are not under the Jurisdiction of the United States.

That's AWESOME, guy. It means those stupid immigration laws don't apply to them. It means that if MS-13 murders someone, they have to send them right back to El Salvador.

Being an immigrant could be the ultimate "Get out of Jail Free" card.

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You see how stupid that sounds now?

No, what that clause meant was that the baby cannot have allegiance to another country.

If two illegals have a child in the US, their home country still has claims on that child; an alternate allegiance.

For instance John McCain was born overseas because of his father serving in the military. McCain was an American citizen because both his parents were American citizens. If something happened to them overseas, the US would have had claims on John for that reason.

The same holds true in the US. If two illegal Mexicans had a child here, and they were sent to prison or killed, Mexico has claims on that child. It's something similar to what happened to Elian Gonzalez. His mother died trying to get to the US, but he survived on the raft. Cuba made a claim on that child even though he had relatives here. Bill Clinton sent him back because legally, Cuba had the right to claim as a citizen of Cuba.

That brings us to Birth Tourism. People are coming here legally using Visas and paying extraordinary fees to have agencies set them up to have a child in the US. Once they have the child, they leave when their Visa's expire and take home an American Visa for their baby. Once that baby becomes a legal adult, he or she has the right to enter the US without question because technically, he or she is a citizen even though they have no recollection of being in the US and may not even know the language.

So let's say that people from the middle-east start doing the same thing. They have a baby here, take the kid back to the middle-east where he is radicalized. He comes back at the age of 18 as a suicide bomber and blows up part of a shopping mall. He would be able to come back without a problem because he's an American citizen thanks to Anchor Baby policies.
That brings us to Birth Tourism. People are coming here legally using Visas and paying extraordinary fees to have agencies set them up to have a child in the US. Once they have the child, they leave when their Visa's expire and take home an American Visa for their baby. Once that baby becomes a legal adult, he or she has the right to enter the US without question because technically, he or she is a citizen even though they have no recollection of being in the US and may not even know the language.

1) Probably not happening all that often.
2) So what if it does?

So let's say that people from the middle-east start doing the same thing. They have a baby here, take the kid back to the middle-east where he is radicalized. He comes back at the age of 18 as a suicide bomber and blows up part of a shopping mall. He would be able to come back without a problem because he's an American citizen thanks to Anchor Baby policies.

Well, that's a pretty elaborate scheme... it's actually much easier to just radicalize an American teen who is already living here... or get in on a Saudi Passport because the Saudis own Trump.

We could try something as crazy as "Stop pursuing policies that radicalize people in that part of the world.", but as long as the Oil Companies and the Jews are dictating our Middle East policy, that's never going to happen.

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