Now that the newest version of "muh Russians" has failed - what's next???


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
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Hillary turned over 30,000 emails . She deleted her personal ones .

Jr turned over his shit AFTER he was exposed for the liar he is.
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
Hillary turned over 30,000 emails . She deleted her personal ones .

Jr turned over his shit AFTER he was exposed for the liar he is.
I know you do not really believe this, because no one is here hat stupid
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
Story that proves Trump lied about Russians?

Trump met with the Russian leader, Vlad Putin, for 2 hours and 16 minutes...when they were only suppose to meet for 35 minutes.

What the Hell is going on with that? With Trump and the damn Russians?

2 hours & 16 minutes. Its damn suspicious!!!!!

But, we'll know soon what's what.

Our American Intelligence agencies will get the word to the American Pravda in New York in a few days, and they will report the machinations and contrivances to the American people. We can expect allegations of Treason based on reports by unnamed sources.

That's how it works in Obama World....which unfortunately, hasn't quite ended...yet.
Hillary turned over 30,000 emails . She deleted her personal ones .

Jr turned over his shit AFTER he was exposed for the liar he is.


Hillary only deleted her personal ones????????????????????

Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???

Surely there will be something.
Hillary turned over 30,000 emails . She deleted her personal ones .
Funny how Hillary disobeyed the FBI order to turn over ALL of her e-mails and made the decision herself which ones were 'personal' or not. I am sure people being investigated are allowed to do that all the time. And if you can't trust a Clinton, who can you trust?! :p
Hillary turned over 30,000 emails . She deleted her personal ones .
Funny how Hillary disobeyed the FBI order to turn over ALL of her e-mails and made the decision herself which ones were 'personal' or not. I am sure people being investigated are allowed to do that all the time. And if you can't trust a Clinton, who can you trust?! :p
if news got out that Trump deleted 10 top secret emails, Maxine Waters would of demanded impeachment without a trial or vote
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Has it failed? Is it no biggie?

I have no idea but the hysterics on social media are fantastic entertainment
Hillary is a criminal dirtbag who was protected from prosecution by Obama and his criminal Cabinet...and snowflakes can't even admit she was a horrible candidate who ran an incompetent campaign. Oh no, there has to be some other reason... :p
In three days the facts will slowly roll in. No legal issues, no collaboration, just a meeting with someone that turned up nothing.

Don't get me wrong the media will still be going apeshit crazy but everyone else won't care.
i am surprised that any of these liberal hosts haven't crapped their pantys over Trump possibly ordering a Rueben with Russian Dressing
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
Story that proves Trump lied about Russians?

Have you not heard the countless claims over the past few month of NO contact with the Russians... really?
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
Story that proves Trump lied about Russians?

Have you not heard the countless claims over the past few month of NO contact with the Russians... really?

What constitutes contact with the Russians any Russian citizen? Russian salad dressing?
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
Story that proves Trump lied about Russians?

Have you not heard the countless claims over the past few month of NO contact with the Russians... really?

Was irrelevant...
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
Story that proves Trump lied about Russians?

Have you not heard the countless claims over the past few month of NO contact with the Russians... really?

What constitutes contact with the Russians any Russian citizen? Russian salad dressing?
I think a meeting that was arranged by email where the email said that the Russian government wants to help Trump win and they have some damning evidence that will hurt Hillary. I'd say that is rather notable. Jr is saying the meeting was a dud... It would be nice if he was credible and we could believe him. Unfortunately he is not credible after making these claims in March of this year:
- he said, no meetings with Russians had been “set up” (“none that I can think of at the moment,” at least);
- he did not represent the Trump campaign in any meeting with Russians
- he had not discussed government policies related to Russia:
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
Story that proves Trump lied about Russians?

Have you not heard the countless claims over the past few month of NO contact with the Russians... really?

Was irrelevant...
If you consider lying irrelevant then I guess you are right.

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