Now that the newest version of "muh Russians" has failed - what's next???

Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
how about you and CNN and all the rest stop dogging his every waking breath cause you don't like him?

if you're pissed at liars in office you should be a very very very bitter man but if you overlook the lies of your side, or say DEFLECTION! then you're just as bad as anyone you could bitch at for this.

if lying is an issue - make it an issue for all or you're just another self-serving mungholio and we have more than enough of those already.
Lying is an issue for ALL in my opinion. What's yours? They did it so it's ok for my guy to do it?
The snowflake opinion is that their giant and incessant lying is a non-issue. The tiniest omission on the Trump side is a Constitutional crisis.

The bottom line: your full of shit.
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
how about you and CNN and all the rest stop dogging his every waking breath cause you don't like him?

if you're pissed at liars in office you should be a very very very bitter man but if you overlook the lies of your side, or say DEFLECTION! then you're just as bad as anyone you could bitch at for this.

if lying is an issue - make it an issue for all or you're just another self-serving mungholio and we have more than enough of those already.
Lying is an issue for ALL in my opinion. What's yours? They did it so it's ok for my guy to do it?
i've been abundantly clear i want all sides to be held to the same standard.

you figure it out.
Good. Then maybe you see that I'm not dogging Trump because I don't like him. I actually did like him before this election and still hope he turns things around and does well for us. I Watched most seasons of the apprentice, used to be a fan. I dog on him when he lies and acts like a child bully. It is completely fair for me and others to do so as the office that he holds represents all of us and it demands better.

On the flip side the office also deserves a level of respect that most on the Left are not giving it. Trump isn't acting in a respectful way though as he talks shit, and flings insults and false accusations every other day with his twitter, but many in the left are overreacting.

The change needs to come from our leader. He needs to act like a president. Display things like integrity, character, honesty, sincerely, restraint and intellect. If he does this and the Left keeps doing what it is doing then shame on them. At this point, shame on Trump
for the most part i agree. but what trump is trying to do *is* shake things up. i also don't put my behavior off on someone else.

if i don't like the way trump acts, *I* act better. i don't use it as an excuse to go batshit on him and justify my own bad behavior on his.

i don't disagree with you in the end, i suppose at most i just deal with it differently. i hold our media/news up to pretty high standards also and they're just as much to blame as anyone here.
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
how about you and CNN and all the rest stop dogging his every waking breath cause you don't like him?

if you're pissed at liars in office you should be a very very very bitter man but if you overlook the lies of your side, or say DEFLECTION! then you're just as bad as anyone you could bitch at for this.

if lying is an issue - make it an issue for all or you're just another self-serving mungholio and we have more than enough of those already.
Lying is an issue for ALL in my opinion. What's yours? They did it so it's ok for my guy to do it?
The snowflake opinion is that their giant and incessant lying is a non-issue. The tiniest omission on the Trump side is a Constitutional crisis.

The bottom line: your full of shit.
Nice. Lump me into a general group called snowflakes then call me a liar for no specific reason. Great argument man!

If you want to call me a liar or full of shit then how about you back it up by pointing to a specific quote of mine that you disagree with... at least try and act like you know how to use that noodle inside your head
Do our friends on the left and their pawns in the media have a new narrative to pivot to?

Or are they really just a working with a one trick pony?

Think about this - Don Jr turned over his emails

Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

Is there ONE honest leftist out there that actually sees the problem and double standard?

Anyway, back to the point, will leftists start offering up ideas or discussing issues?

Or are they so invested in their pack of lies that they can't turn back???
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
how about you and CNN and all the rest stop dogging his every waking breath cause you don't like him?

if you're pissed at liars in office you should be a very very very bitter man but if you overlook the lies of your side, or say DEFLECTION! then you're just as bad as anyone you could bitch at for this.

if lying is an issue - make it an issue for all or you're just another self-serving mungholio and we have more than enough of those already.
Lying is an issue for ALL in my opinion. What's yours? They did it so it's ok for my guy to do it?
The snowflake opinion is that their giant and incessant lying is a non-issue. The tiniest omission on the Trump side is a Constitutional crisis.

The bottom line: your full of shit.
Nice. Lump me into a general group called snowflakes then call me a liar for no specific reason. Great argument man!

If you want to call me a liar or full of shit then how about you back it up by pointing to a specific quote of mine that you disagree with... at least try and act like you know how to use that noodle inside your head
yea, i thought your answer was fine. didn't agree on a few points but i could certainly see your logic there.
Funny for you to attack leftists for pivoting and lying as you try and pivot from a story that exposes Tump and his crew for lying about Russian contacts.

I'd love to talk about issues. How about our president and his team stop perpetually lying so we can get to work?
how about you and CNN and all the rest stop dogging his every waking breath cause you don't like him?

if you're pissed at liars in office you should be a very very very bitter man but if you overlook the lies of your side, or say DEFLECTION! then you're just as bad as anyone you could bitch at for this.

if lying is an issue - make it an issue for all or you're just another self-serving mungholio and we have more than enough of those already.
Lying is an issue for ALL in my opinion. What's yours? They did it so it's ok for my guy to do it?
i've been abundantly clear i want all sides to be held to the same standard.

you figure it out.
Good. Then maybe you see that I'm not dogging Trump because I don't like him. I actually did like him before this election and still hope he turns things around and does well for us. I Watched most seasons of the apprentice, used to be a fan. I dog on him when he lies and acts like a child bully. It is completely fair for me and others to do so as the office that he holds represents all of us and it demands better.

On the flip side the office also deserves a level of respect that most on the Left are not giving it. Trump isn't acting in a respectful way though as he talks shit, and flings insults and false accusations every other day with his twitter, but many in the left are overreacting.

The change needs to come from our leader. He needs to act like a president. Display things like integrity, character, honesty, sincerely, restraint and intellect. If he does this and the Left keeps doing what it is doing then shame on them. At this point, shame on Trump
for the most part i agree. but what trump is trying to do *is* shake things up. i also don't put my behavior off on someone else.

if i don't like the way trump acts, *I* act better. i don't use it as an excuse to go batshit on him and justify my own bad behavior on his.

i don't disagree with you in the end, i suppose at most i just deal with it differently. i hold our media/news up to pretty high standards also and they're just as much to blame as anyone here.
I agree, we have big problems with honesty in our media, and plenty of problems on the Left side of the aisle. Trump is the elected leader of our country and it is our collective voices that need to hold him accountable when he is out of line. I'm not saying to ring the sirens for every misstep like many are doing, but he can't get away with the lies and petty insults. He can still shake things up, but he has to do it with more integrity. He is making a joke out of the office with his antics. They aren't necessary.

I like what you said about personal responsibility. We can only control our own actions. We all need to do better
how about you and CNN and all the rest stop dogging his every waking breath cause you don't like him?

if you're pissed at liars in office you should be a very very very bitter man but if you overlook the lies of your side, or say DEFLECTION! then you're just as bad as anyone you could bitch at for this.

if lying is an issue - make it an issue for all or you're just another self-serving mungholio and we have more than enough of those already.
Lying is an issue for ALL in my opinion. What's yours? They did it so it's ok for my guy to do it?
i've been abundantly clear i want all sides to be held to the same standard.

you figure it out.
Good. Then maybe you see that I'm not dogging Trump because I don't like him. I actually did like him before this election and still hope he turns things around and does well for us. I Watched most seasons of the apprentice, used to be a fan. I dog on him when he lies and acts like a child bully. It is completely fair for me and others to do so as the office that he holds represents all of us and it demands better.

On the flip side the office also deserves a level of respect that most on the Left are not giving it. Trump isn't acting in a respectful way though as he talks shit, and flings insults and false accusations every other day with his twitter, but many in the left are overreacting.

The change needs to come from our leader. He needs to act like a president. Display things like integrity, character, honesty, sincerely, restraint and intellect. If he does this and the Left keeps doing what it is doing then shame on them. At this point, shame on Trump
for the most part i agree. but what trump is trying to do *is* shake things up. i also don't put my behavior off on someone else.

if i don't like the way trump acts, *I* act better. i don't use it as an excuse to go batshit on him and justify my own bad behavior on his.

i don't disagree with you in the end, i suppose at most i just deal with it differently. i hold our media/news up to pretty high standards also and they're just as much to blame as anyone here.
I agree, we have big problems with honesty in our media, and plenty of problems on the Left side of the aisle. Trump is the elected leader of our country and it is our collective voices that need to hold him accountable when he is out of line. I'm not saying to ring the sirens for every misstep like many are doing, but he can't get away with the lies and petty insults. He can still shake things up, but he has to do it with more integrity. He is making a joke out of the office with his antics. They aren't necessary.

I like what you said about personal responsibility. We can only control our own actions. We all need to do better

it's all i can do. i can't tell you or anyone else in here what to do or how to act. i suppose i can try - but it's not a realistic goal to have someone who's experienced a ton of different things than me to act like me, much less think the same way or hold the same values.

i can't stop trump from being trump but i don't have to be part of the problem and egg him on. it's seriously like 2 big kids going at it and the rest of the playground picking a side and just shouting a lot, each saying if xyz happened all would be fine.

if we all just worked on making ourselves better, i think we'd be just fine and the noise would fade.
Lying is an issue for ALL in my opinion. What's yours? They did it so it's ok for my guy to do it?
i've been abundantly clear i want all sides to be held to the same standard.

you figure it out.
Good. Then maybe you see that I'm not dogging Trump because I don't like him. I actually did like him before this election and still hope he turns things around and does well for us. I Watched most seasons of the apprentice, used to be a fan. I dog on him when he lies and acts like a child bully. It is completely fair for me and others to do so as the office that he holds represents all of us and it demands better.

On the flip side the office also deserves a level of respect that most on the Left are not giving it. Trump isn't acting in a respectful way though as he talks shit, and flings insults and false accusations every other day with his twitter, but many in the left are overreacting.

The change needs to come from our leader. He needs to act like a president. Display things like integrity, character, honesty, sincerely, restraint and intellect. If he does this and the Left keeps doing what it is doing then shame on them. At this point, shame on Trump
for the most part i agree. but what trump is trying to do *is* shake things up. i also don't put my behavior off on someone else.

if i don't like the way trump acts, *I* act better. i don't use it as an excuse to go batshit on him and justify my own bad behavior on his.

i don't disagree with you in the end, i suppose at most i just deal with it differently. i hold our media/news up to pretty high standards also and they're just as much to blame as anyone here.
I agree, we have big problems with honesty in our media, and plenty of problems on the Left side of the aisle. Trump is the elected leader of our country and it is our collective voices that need to hold him accountable when he is out of line. I'm not saying to ring the sirens for every misstep like many are doing, but he can't get away with the lies and petty insults. He can still shake things up, but he has to do it with more integrity. He is making a joke out of the office with his antics. They aren't necessary.

I like what you said about personal responsibility. We can only control our own actions. We all need to do better

it's all i can do. i can't tell you or anyone else in here what to do or how to act. i suppose i can try - but it's not a realistic goal to have someone who's experienced a ton of different things than me to act like me, much less think the same way or hold the same values.

i can't stop trump from being trump but i don't have to be part of the problem and egg him on. it's seriously like 2 big kids going at it and the rest of the playground picking a side and just shouting a lot, each saying if xyz happened all would be fine.

if we all just worked on making ourselves better, i think we'd be just fine and the noise would fade.
It's a great personal philosophy. I think politically speaking sometimes loud voices need to be heard if there is going to be change. That's how every major evolution has happened, slavery, civil rights, gay marriage etc. I understand this is different as we are talking about the presidents temperament and personality. I just think it is so disappointing because he really had the ability to do many great things if he could just grow up and check his ego. Maybe he still does but I just don't see that happening.
Hillary deleted hers. And bleached her server. And physically destroyed it.

When will Trumpster dumbasses learn that Clinton can't help them? Desperate pleading for equivalency will not right any wrongs.

Election is over, time to put on the big boy pants and face the reality that the administration keeps getting caught lying about Russian dealings amid serious and progressing investigations.

So the statue of limitations ran out on Nov8? was that just for Hillary or can Trump use that too?
Have you not heard the countless claims over the past few month of NO contact with the Russians... really?


the Russia collusion story is made up - everyone knows this

these people tried to say that Jeff Sessions LIED because he was at a dinner with a large number of guests, one was a Russian Ambassador, and he did not report it

the crazy is strong with these people

digging into this, it looks like it may have been set up by dem operatives

Trump Jr was promised info about Clinton, but instead got a pitch about the plight of adopted Russian children

THIS is what is going to sink Trump?

no, it is not

I am serious, it's time to try a new angle - the Russia thing is going nowhere

dems and their pawns in the media have spent the better part of a year on this - let's have a policy debate please...
Have you not heard the countless claims over the past few month of NO contact with the Russians... really?


the Russia collusion story is made up - everyone knows this

these people tried to say that Jeff Sessions LIED because he was at a dinner with a large number of guests, one was a Russian Ambassador, and he did not report it

the crazy is strong with these people

digging into this, it looks like it may have been set up by dem operatives

Trump Jr was promised info about Clinton, but instead got a pitch about the plight of adopted Russian children

THIS is what is going to sink Trump?

no, it is not

I am serious, it's time to try a new angle - the Russia thing is going nowhere

dems and their pawns in the media have spent the better part of a year on this - let's have a policy debate please...
What do you mean "so"... So they lied. No we didn't meet with or talk to the Russians.... Then it gets uncovered that they did and they have to "amend" their statements. Its called lying... I'm not talking about collusion, im talking about lying and not being transparent.

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