Now That Ukrainegate Imploded, What’s Next?

You need a cry room, with moral support from people who will lie to you and make you feel better.

I'm not the one that needs support. Toddler Donnie certainly does.

I feel great...Don the Con will be impeached. He'll go down in history with Clinton and Johnson, but I personally think he will go the way of Nixon. He will claim the "deep state" was out to get him and even though he really wanted to "make America great again" the media wouldn't let him. He will, basically, declare bankruptcy and bail.

History has already decided that it was those who impeached Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton who looked bad.
Impeachment is never right or even legal unless there is a smoking gun, because Congress is never impartial and can never conduct a fair trial.

The situations are not similar. Trump isn't being impeached for his fucking porn stars (Clinton) or his behavior at his rallies (Johnson) but for abusing the power of his office (Nixon). Just because he is more brazen about it does not make it less egregious.
What gift did Trump receive? Why are you terrified to back that up?

It was in the asking, not receiving. If I told you to kill my wife or you wouldn't get something you were seeking from me but you don't do it, am I guilty of a crime?
Trump asked for a Arby’s gift certificate?
I'm not the one that needs support. Toddler Donnie certainly does.

I feel great...Don the Con will be impeached. He'll go down in history with Clinton and Johnson, but I personally think he will go the way of Nixon. He will claim the "deep state" was out to get him and even though he really wanted to "make America great again" the media wouldn't let him. He will, basically, declare bankruptcy and bail.

History has already decided that it was those who impeached Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton who looked bad.
Impeachment is never right or even legal unless there is a smoking gun, because Congress is never impartial and can never conduct a fair trial.

The situations are not similar. Trump isn't being impeached for his fucking porn stars (Clinton) or his behavior at his rallies (Johnson) but for abusing the power of his office (Nixon). Just because he is more brazen about it does not make it less egregious.
What gift did Trump receive? Why are you terrified to back that up?

It was in the asking, not receiving. If I told you to kill my wife or you wouldn't get something you were seeking from me but you don't do it, am I guilty of a crime?
Trump asked for a Arby’s gift certificate?

McDonald's, Trump likes McDonald's
Bullshit, that’s why you can’t answer even now.

Okay, so here is where I list the crimes and what he's being impeached for and you say "bullshit" anyway. You can continue to scream "bullshit" all you want but the impeachment will go on regardless.

It is a crime to solicit or accept a thing of value from a foreign government. That is the crime even though one is not needed to impeach. Added to that crime we have the coverup. (Putting the call transcript on a secret server not meant to store unclassified phone transcripts, the text messages between officials) and we have the abuse of power. ("I want you to do is a favor though") and to add to it all will be obstruction of justice with the ignoring of subpoenas.

Articles of impeachment have not been drafted. This is an inquiry to see if violations, in fact, did occur. If they didn't, there will be no impeachment. Why so worried?
Hilarious. Shitforbrains thinks it’s against the law for a President to accept gifts.
What gift is that? A $500k job for his son to work big oil in Ukraine?

Tell us the law about servers. What is it? Can they be in bathrooms?

Transcripts are public, give us the quotes that show a crime.
You’re just a pathetic parrot for Soros.

Ah, so we are devolving into name calling because I replied, truthfully, to your demands? You responded exactly as I predicted you would.

Here's an idea for you...wait it out. After the house votes to impeach, you'll get a trial and you will get to see, first hand, what the articles will be and how they are prosecuted and defended.

So far, republicans suck at defending.

GOP maps out impeachment defense amid messaging stumbles

Since a president is elected by the democratic republic, impeachment is almost always wrong.
It is only excusable when there is a smoking gun.
There is no smoking gun.
The voters will not be happy if congress tries to illegally impeach.
And even the senate will stop any possible impeachment.
The fiasco will only make Trump get even more votes.
There is no such thing as an illegal impeachment. Over half the country supports the inquiry. And they have the "smoking gun". Trump gave it to them himself when he released the notes of the call.

I'm predisposed to being against impeachment, but Trump broke the law for personal gain. That's worse then Reagan in Iran Contra and even worse than Slick.

David Leonhart has an op ed in todays NTY about why the dems should just do it. And it has nothing to do with the crime or seriousness. Rather, it's that the gop impeached Clinton over Lewinsky and the maj disapproved of Clinton's behavior, but his job approval actually went up. BUT the gop didn't suffer any negative electoral effect. They won the WH and kept congress (and mostly) the senate until W burned down the economy … to say nothing of Iraq.
There is no such thing as an illegal impeachment. Over half the country supports the inquiry. And they have the "smoking gun". Trump gave it to them himself when he released the notes of the call.
And yet for some strange reason you can't C&P the part that shows Trump guilty of anything other than kicking Hillary's ass to the curb.

And you can keep believing that all the way to the Senate trial...
Tell you what. I’ve been asking for weeks what’s the crime and the evidence.

You be the first to answer.

Your non answer answers your question.
And you have been getting the answer for weeks. Your inability or unwillingness to understand is no one's problem but your own.
Bullshit, that’s why you can’t answer even now.

Okay, so here is where I list the crimes and what he's being impeached for and you say "bullshit" anyway. You can continue to scream "bullshit" all you want but the impeachment will go on regardless.

It is a crime to solicit or accept a thing of value from a foreign government. That is the crime even though one is not needed to impeach. Added to that crime we have the coverup. (Putting the call transcript on a secret server not meant to store unclassified phone transcripts, the text messages between officials) and we have the abuse of power. ("I want you to do is a favor though") and to add to it all will be obstruction of justice with the ignoring of subpoenas.

Articles of impeachment have not been drafted. This is an inquiry to see if violations, in fact, did occur. If they didn't, there will be no impeachment. Why so worried?
Hilarious. Shitforbrains thinks it’s against the law for a President to accept gifts.
What gift is that? A $500k job for his son to work big oil in Ukraine?

Tell us the law about servers. What is it? Can they be in bathrooms?

Transcripts are public, give us the quotes that show a crime.
You’re just a pathetic parrot for Soros.

Ah, so we are devolving into name calling because I replied, truthfully, to your demands? You responded exactly as I predicted you would.

Here's an idea for you...wait it out. After the house votes to impeach, you'll get a trial and you will get to see, first hand, what the articles will be and how they are prosecuted and defended.

So far, republicans suck at defending.

GOP maps out impeachment defense amid messaging stumbles
You call Trump names all the time. But a foul when someone calls you names.

I rest my case.
The Ukraine scandal and investigation into Trump's criminal behavior has not imploded. It has simply been receiving less attention since the Trump abandonment of the Kurds took priority in the news.
And you have been getting the answer for weeks. Your inability or unwillingness to understand is no one's problem but your own.
Bullshit, that’s why you can’t answer even now.

Okay, so here is where I list the crimes and what he's being impeached for and you say "bullshit" anyway. You can continue to scream "bullshit" all you want but the impeachment will go on regardless.

It is a crime to solicit or accept a thing of value from a foreign government. That is the crime even though one is not needed to impeach. Added to that crime we have the coverup. (Putting the call transcript on a secret server not meant to store unclassified phone transcripts, the text messages between officials) and we have the abuse of power. ("I want you to do is a favor though") and to add to it all will be obstruction of justice with the ignoring of subpoenas.

Articles of impeachment have not been drafted. This is an inquiry to see if violations, in fact, did occur. If they didn't, there will be no impeachment. Why so worried?
Hilarious. Shitforbrains thinks it’s against the law for a President to accept gifts.
What gift is that? A $500k job for his son to work big oil in Ukraine?

Tell us the law about servers. What is it? Can they be in bathrooms?

Transcripts are public, give us the quotes that show a crime.
You’re just a pathetic parrot for Soros.

Ah, so we are devolving into name calling because I replied, truthfully, to your demands? You responded exactly as I predicted you would.

Here's an idea for you...wait it out. After the house votes to impeach, you'll get a trial and you will get to see, first hand, what the articles will be and how they are prosecuted and defended.

So far, republicans suck at defending.

GOP maps out impeachment defense amid messaging stumbles
You call Trump names all the time. But a foul when someone calls you names.

I rest my case.
It'd be a foul if I called you a name like trump cum sucker, wouldn't it?
No truer statement has ever been made, and you tRumplings absolutely epitimize the word "uninformed".

I disagree, they are informed. Informed with disinformation, misleading headlines and slogans. "No Collusion, No Obstruction"
The Ukraine scandal and investigation into Trump's criminal behavior has not imploded. It has simply been receiving less attention since the Trump abandonment of the Kurds took priority in the news.
Yeah... The fact that nobody has proof of any wrongdoing on Trump's part probably has nothing to do with it.
Bullshit, that’s why you can’t answer even now.

Okay, so here is where I list the crimes and what he's being impeached for and you say "bullshit" anyway. You can continue to scream "bullshit" all you want but the impeachment will go on regardless.

It is a crime to solicit or accept a thing of value from a foreign government. That is the crime even though one is not needed to impeach. Added to that crime we have the coverup. (Putting the call transcript on a secret server not meant to store unclassified phone transcripts, the text messages between officials) and we have the abuse of power. ("I want you to do is a favor though") and to add to it all will be obstruction of justice with the ignoring of subpoenas.

Articles of impeachment have not been drafted. This is an inquiry to see if violations, in fact, did occur. If they didn't, there will be no impeachment. Why so worried?
Hilarious. Shitforbrains thinks it’s against the law for a President to accept gifts.
What gift is that? A $500k job for his son to work big oil in Ukraine?

Tell us the law about servers. What is it? Can they be in bathrooms?

Transcripts are public, give us the quotes that show a crime.
You’re just a pathetic parrot for Soros.

Ah, so we are devolving into name calling because I replied, truthfully, to your demands? You responded exactly as I predicted you would.

Here's an idea for you...wait it out. After the house votes to impeach, you'll get a trial and you will get to see, first hand, what the articles will be and how they are prosecuted and defended.

So far, republicans suck at defending.

GOP maps out impeachment defense amid messaging stumbles

Since a president is elected by the democratic republic, impeachment is almost always wrong.
It is only excusable when there is a smoking gun.
There is no smoking gun.
The voters will not be happy if congress tries to illegally impeach.
And even the senate will stop any possible impeachment.
The fiasco will only make Trump get even more votes.
There is no such thing as an illegal impeachment. Over half the country supports the inquiry. And they have the "smoking gun". Trump gave it to them himself when he released the notes of the call.

Then why are the democrats afraid to vote on it? Please, explain.....

If you think the Transcript is a smoking gun, you are smoking something that used to be illegal in most states....the democrats are hiding every aspect of the coup....if it was legitimate it would be out in the open, you moron......
And you have been getting the answer for weeks. Your inability or unwillingness to understand is no one's problem but your own.
Bullshit, that’s why you can’t answer even now.

Okay, so here is where I list the crimes and what he's being impeached for and you say "bullshit" anyway. You can continue to scream "bullshit" all you want but the impeachment will go on regardless.

It is a crime to solicit or accept a thing of value from a foreign government. That is the crime even though one is not needed to impeach. Added to that crime we have the coverup. (Putting the call transcript on a secret server not meant to store unclassified phone transcripts, the text messages between officials) and we have the abuse of power. ("I want you to do is a favor though") and to add to it all will be obstruction of justice with the ignoring of subpoenas.

Articles of impeachment have not been drafted. This is an inquiry to see if violations, in fact, did occur. If they didn't, there will be no impeachment. Why so worried?
Hilarious. Shitforbrains thinks it’s against the law for a President to accept gifts.
What gift is that? A $500k job for his son to work big oil in Ukraine?

Tell us the law about servers. What is it? Can they be in bathrooms?

Transcripts are public, give us the quotes that show a crime.
You’re just a pathetic parrot for Soros.

Ah, so we are devolving into name calling because I replied, truthfully, to your demands? You responded exactly as I predicted you would.

Here's an idea for you...wait it out. After the house votes to impeach, you'll get a trial and you will get to see, first hand, what the articles will be and how they are prosecuted and defended.

So far, republicans suck at defending.

GOP maps out impeachment defense amid messaging stumbles
You call Trump names all the time. But a foul when someone calls you names.

I rest my case.

I'm not here having a discussion with the Oompa Loompa Oligarch. I was trying to answer the OP's question (that he really doesn't want to hear) and when I did, he didn't like the answer and resorted to personal attacks...much like Crooked Donnie Two Scoops himself.
Okay, so here is where I list the crimes and what he's being impeached for and you say "bullshit" anyway. You can continue to scream "bullshit" all you want but the impeachment will go on regardless.

It is a crime to solicit or accept a thing of value from a foreign government. That is the crime even though one is not needed to impeach. Added to that crime we have the coverup. (Putting the call transcript on a secret server not meant to store unclassified phone transcripts, the text messages between officials) and we have the abuse of power. ("I want you to do is a favor though") and to add to it all will be obstruction of justice with the ignoring of subpoenas.

Articles of impeachment have not been drafted. This is an inquiry to see if violations, in fact, did occur. If they didn't, there will be no impeachment. Why so worried?
Hilarious. Shitforbrains thinks it’s against the law for a President to accept gifts.
What gift is that? A $500k job for his son to work big oil in Ukraine?

Tell us the law about servers. What is it? Can they be in bathrooms?

Transcripts are public, give us the quotes that show a crime.
You’re just a pathetic parrot for Soros.

Ah, so we are devolving into name calling because I replied, truthfully, to your demands? You responded exactly as I predicted you would.

Here's an idea for you...wait it out. After the house votes to impeach, you'll get a trial and you will get to see, first hand, what the articles will be and how they are prosecuted and defended.

So far, republicans suck at defending.

GOP maps out impeachment defense amid messaging stumbles

Since a president is elected by the democratic republic, impeachment is almost always wrong.
It is only excusable when there is a smoking gun.
There is no smoking gun.
The voters will not be happy if congress tries to illegally impeach.
And even the senate will stop any possible impeachment.
The fiasco will only make Trump get even more votes.
There is no such thing as an illegal impeachment. Over half the country supports the inquiry. And they have the "smoking gun". Trump gave it to them himself when he released the notes of the call.

Then why are the democrats afraid to vote on it? Please, explain.....

If you think the Transcript is a smoking gun, you are smoking something that used to be illegal in most states....the democrats are hiding every aspect of the coup....if it was legitimate it would be out in the open, you moron......

Relax! They will vote when the inquiry is done. Have you never watched a single courtroom drama in your life? There is a suspected crime, an investigation then charges and a trial. We are at the investigation/inquiry part. The charges will be the full house vote on impeachment articles then it moves to the Senate trial. If your guy is innocent, you've got nothing to worry about. (You should worry)
And on what planet has "Ukrainegate" impolded? Asking for a friend.
Tell you what. I’ve been asking for weeks what’s the crime and the evidence.

You be the first to answer.

Your non answer answers your question.
And you have been getting the answer for weeks. Your inability or unwillingness to understand is no one's problem but your own.
Is that why you can't answer the question?
Catch up to the thread, sugar, I answered.
“After failing with the voting machine gambit, the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, the emoluments clause, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux-coup, the Comey memos farce, the “resistance” efforts outlined by the New York Times anonymous op-ed writer, the campaign finance violations accusations, Stormy, tax returns, whistleblowers, leakers, the Mueller 22 months charade, and now impeachment 2.0, what exactly is the point of impeaching Trump just 13 months before the election?”

The Strategies of Targeting Trump

The point is Democrats are insane and know they can’t win an election so have gone full fascist.

Is that why Republicans are trying to smear Joe Biden? Clearly they are worried he will get the nomination. The scandal in Ukraine has not imploded. It is alive and well as it has exposed Trump for what he is. A authoritarian who will conspire with anyone including foreign countries to win.
Lol, do us the favor of running plugs. He will be hilarious in the election, all the way till his loss.
And on what planet has "Ukrainegate" impolded? Asking for a friend.
Tell you what. I’ve been asking for weeks what’s the crime and the evidence.

You be the first to answer.

Your non answer answers your question.
And you have been getting the answer for weeks. Your inability or unwillingness to understand is no one's problem but your own.
Is that why you can't answer the question?
Catch up to the thread, sugar, I answered.
He released the entire transcript, you have him on nothing that you stated. Also the new York Times wrote an article about Hunters sweet deal he got because of his daddy. So it was already known before Trump had the phone call. Trump was just seeing if it was true. You have absolutely nothing.

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