Now That Ukrainegate Imploded, What’s Next?

Trump is racist, grabs pussies and he's off-color orange. IMPEACH OR BE BEACHED.

Those are the reasons to vote him out of office, not impeach...although I think you should be able to impeach for racism. Trump is not being impeached for those true things about him, but for something else that is completely true...abuse of power. (And, now, obstruction of justice).

You need a cry room, with moral support from people who will lie to you and make you feel better.

I'm not the one that needs support. Toddler Donnie certainly does.

I feel great...Don the Con will be impeached. He'll go down in history with Clinton and Johnson, but I personally think he will go the way of Nixon. He will claim the "deep state" was out to get him and even though he really wanted to "make America great again" the media wouldn't let him. He will, basically, declare bankruptcy and bail.
Tell us more about the crime of accepting gifts, this is fun.

Actually, there are rules for accepting gifts from foreign countries. When the gift is given, the gift is held in an archive while the president is in office, and when he finally leaves, the gifts move from an archive to the presidential library of the president that received the gift. If the president decides that they want to keep the gift, they must purchase it at fair market value. And, there are limits on what a president can and cannot accept......................

The Unusual Gifts Given to U.S. Presidents

As the gifts that U.S. presidents received started to become more extravagant, a rule was enacted to ensure there was no impression of impropriety. The Foreign Gifts and Declarations Act of 1966 was prompted in part by the expensive gifts some Arab kings would bring on their visits, like luxury cars and fine horses, according to Hand. In political culture, “perception becomes reality,” says Hand, and it did not look good to have the president accept something that flashy from a foreign leader. The rule put a limit to the value of a gift a president could accept, with most gifts going directly to the National Archives after being presented. As of January 2014, the limit is currently set at $375.

The gifts of past presidents are located in the National Archives or are transferred to a Presidential Library when he retires. Presidents and other government officials have the option to purchase the gifts they received in office for their market value if they choose, as Hillary Clinton did following her tenure as secretary of state. She chose to purchase the black pearl necklace given to her by Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi in 2012, a gift, priced at $970. But usually, the gifts become a relic of past diplomacy, a little bit of history in the form of a novelty tea infuser or a ceremonial dagger, tucked away and carefully catalogued.

Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff need to return all the Russian money then. LOL I have a 'dossier' and a 'whistleblower' as proof.
And on what planet has "Ukrainegate" impolded? Asking for a friend.
Tell you what. I’ve been asking for weeks what’s the crime and the evidence.

You be the first to answer.

Your non answer answers your question.
And you have been getting the answer for weeks. Your inability or unwillingness to understand is no one's problem but your own.
Bullshit, that’s why you can’t answer even now.

Okay, so here is where I list the crimes and what he's being impeached for and you say "bullshit" anyway. You can continue to scream "bullshit" all you want but the impeachment will go on regardless.

It is a crime to solicit or accept a thing of value from a foreign government. That is the crime even though one is not needed to impeach. Added to that crime we have the coverup. (Putting the call transcript on a secret server not meant to store unclassified phone transcripts, the text messages between officials) and we have the abuse of power. ("I want you to do is a favor though") and to add to it all will be obstruction of justice with the ignoring of subpoenas.

Articles of impeachment have not been drafted. This is an inquiry to see if violations, in fact, did occur. If they didn't, there will be no impeachment. Why so worried?

No, it is NOT at all illegal to solicit as much as possible from foreign governments, as long as it is for the benefit of the US.
Whether or not it also benefits Trump personally, by exposing crimes by an opponent, is totally and completely irrelevant.
Nor has there been any "cover up" by Trump, who completely admitted exactly what was said.

It clearly is Congress that is guilty of obstruction of justice, in attempting to stop the legal investigation of Burisma Holdings.
So impeachment proceedings are really, really stupid, because there is no way to investigate Trumps phone call request without then also investigating Burisma Holdings, which is exactly what Trump wanted to do in the first place.
The hypocrisy is obvious, because we have Trumps call where he is doing his sworn duty, attempting to get the Ukraine to help US interests, and then we have Joe Biden's phone call were he is illegally withholding aid in order to get the Inspector General fired, who was looking into Hunter Biden corruption.
Very ironic actually.
Aside from the Biden family, who else was Trump seeking investigations into? And why
Lol, Schiff brought up the whistleblower because he didn't think Trump would release the transcripts. When Trump did, it blew the plan out of the water. Lol, you have nothing and Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

You got it partially correct. Schiff and everyone involved including the ICIG knew that Trump would interfere in the established whistleblower process...and he did just that through Barr...illegally

When Trump was FORCED to release the edited version of the phone call it blew TRUMP out of the water
Actually it made the whistleblower useless. Nice try though.
“After failing with the voting machine gambit, the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, the emoluments clause, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux-coup, the Comey memos farce, the “resistance” efforts outlined by the New York Times anonymous op-ed writer, the campaign finance violations accusations, Stormy, tax returns, whistleblowers, leakers, the Mueller 22 months charade, and now impeachment 2.0, what exactly is the point of impeaching Trump just 13 months before the election?”

The Strategies of Targeting Trump

The point is Democrats are insane and know they can’t win an election so have gone full fascist.
Ukraine is exploding.

We have Trump caught in lies, Rudy's buddies in jail. Trump denying he knew them, photos popping up everywhere.
Lol, Schiff brought up the whistleblower because he didn't think Trump would release the transcripts. When Trump did, it blew the plan out of the water. Lol, you have nothing and Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

You got it partially correct. Schiff and everyone involved including the ICIG knew that Trump would interfere in the established whistleblower process...and he did just that through Barr...illegally

When Trump was FORCED to release the edited version of the phone call it blew TRUMP out of the water
Actually it made the whistleblower useless. Nice try though.
Actually, the whistleblower nailed the phone call.
Actually it made the whistleblower useless. Nice try though.

In a sense you are correct for once.

There is no point in going after the Whistleblower (but Trump will...because that's what he does)

The phone call that he forced Trump to expose publicly speaks for itself. And what is says is devastating for Trump
Lol, Schiff brought up the whistleblower because he didn't think Trump would release the transcripts. When Trump did, it blew the plan out of the water. Lol, you have nothing and Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

You got it partially correct. Schiff and everyone involved including the ICIG knew that Trump would interfere in the established whistleblower process...and he did just that through Barr...illegally

When Trump was FORCED to release the edited version of the phone call it blew TRUMP out of the water
Actually it made the whistleblower useless. Nice try though.
Actually, the whistleblower nailed the phone call.
Lol, what version? Schiff's? Why would I know you would support the fairytale version?
Actually it made the whistleblower useless. Nice try though.

In a sense you are correct for once.

There is no point in going after the Whistleblower (but Trump will...because that's what he does)

The phone call that he forced Trump to expose publicly speaks for itself. And what is says is devastating for Trump
Lol, Trump asked for a favor. He isn't the first president to do that, and that favor was more about the private company the dnc gave the emails too. We need to see them, that's where the collusion will be.
Propaganda depends upon the unwillingness of people to seek out the facts for themselves.

Headlines stick in the mind, and have a great deal of influence upon the weak-minded.
Indeed. Faux News is the perfect example. Good catch... :21:

As I said earlier, who puts out most of the headlines?


Interestingly enough, if you go to InfoWars or Breitbart, their articles are mainly headlines and one or two bullet points. They give just enough information to slant the article in favor of their side.
the stock.jpg
Know what is funny? They are still doing the investigation to see if they will bring this to a vote, yet the Trump supporters are saying that it's imploding and there is nothing there. Hey, how's about giving them more than a week and a half to do their investigation?
Now That Ukrainegate Imploded, What’s Next?

the Ukraine implodes in Trumps fat ass.

“After failing with the voting machine gambit, the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, the emoluments clause, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux-coup, the Comey memos farce, the “resistance” efforts outlined by the New York Times anonymous op-ed writer, the campaign finance violations accusations, Stormy, tax returns, whistleblowers, leakers, the Mueller 22 months charade, and now impeachment 2.0, what exactly is the point of impeaching Trump just 13 months before the election?”

The Strategies of Targeting Trump

The point is Democrats are insane and know they can’t win an election so have gone full fascist.
Ukraine is exploding.

We have Trump caught in lies, Rudy's buddies in jail. Trump denying he knew them, photos popping up everywhere.
The voices in your head are hilarious.

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