Now That Ukrainegate Imploded, What’s Next?

Medvedev and he was telling him that political realities meant that he wasn't able to work on negotiations until elections were out of the way...because people like YOU would scream

Did he ask for foreign help in getting elected?

Absolutely not
Oh bullshit, he had the media in his hand and he knew it. He asked for a major favor. And you know it. Quit being a hack.

Of course he asked for a favor, but it was a legal favor to aid the US in an investigation of whether or not Burisma Holdings broke the law.
That is not outside of the duties of the President.
Okay so, Biden had no right to threaten another country? Right?

The office of vice president is largely ceremonial, and has few actually duties or authorized actions.
The few duties a vice president does have, are succession if the president is unable, and under Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution, the vice president serves as president of the Senate and is allowed to vote on legislation when necessary to break a tie.
As president of the Senate, the vice president is assigned by the 12th Amendment to preside over the joint session of Congress in which the votes of the Electoral College are counted and reported.

So it can not be legal for Joe Biden to have withheld aid to the Ukraine for any reason.
However, to withhold that aid in order to help his son avoid investigation, is far more criminal, if true.
Obama approved.

It would still be wrong for the VP to be making the call to the leader of the Ukraine, since it is the president who is supposed to conduct US diplomacy.
But even if Joe Biden was just acting with Obama's consent and intent, that would not make it legal to obstruct justice by forcing the firing of the Ukrainian Inspector General. Biden should have recused himself due to the obvious conflict of interests.
And on what planet has "Ukrainegate" impolded? Asking for a friend.
If it imploded.. it did so in Trump’s face

He’s going to be impeached over it

That seems really foolish, because in order to try to impeach Trump over Burisma Holdings, then the Biden withholding of aid to the Ukraine would have to be investigated, just as Trump was trying to do.
So it will make any impeachment attempt look really, really bad.
It will make Trump gain more votes instead.
Do you get your talking points directly from Putin or does he send them via whatsapp?

This has nothing to do with Trump or Putin, but Biden, Burisma, and Ukraine inspector general Viktor Shokin.

‘I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma, and Joe Biden’s son’

Citing a sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, former Ukraine inspector general Viktor Shokin testified he was told that the reason he was fired in March 2016 was because Joe Biden was unhappy with his probe of a natural gas company that was paying the vice president’s son $50,000 a month.

The Hill investigative reporter John Solomon reported Shokin was fired within hours of Joe Biden’s threat to withhold $1 billion in aid if the Ukrainian president did not fire the prosecutor.

Biden is on video, at a Council on Foreign Relations event, boasting of his threat.
Coat tails can be ignored, but not a vice president committing open blackmail.

Baloney, the Feds do it all the time with foreign aid as well as funds to the States. Politicians can't do it to enrich themselves or solicit aid in an election.

A president, Sec. of State, etc., can negotiate legal concessions from other countries, by withholding aid.
But NOT a Vice President.
He does not have that authority.
And clearly getting the Ukrainian Inspector General fired, was not for US interests, but for the interests of Burisma Holdings instead.
And that makes it illegal as well.

Sure looks like he had the authority from the President to use the US funds like that. Why can't the President delegate that authority to the VP?

Without pressure from Joe Biden, European diplomats, the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations, Shokin would not have been fired, said Daria Kaleniuk, co-founder and executive director of the Anti Corruption Action Centre in Kiev.

"Civil society organizations in Ukraine were pressing for his resignation," Kaleniuk said, "but no one would have cared if there had not been voices from outside this country calling on him to go."

Explainer: Biden, allies pushed out Ukrainian prosecutor because he didn't pursue corruption cases
Coat tails can be ignored, but not a vice president committing open blackmail.

Baloney, the Feds do it all the time with foreign aid as well as funds to the States. Politicians can't do it to enrich themselves or solicit aid in an election.

A president, Sec. of State, etc., can negotiate legal concessions from other countries, by withholding aid.
But NOT a Vice President.
He does not have that authority.
And clearly getting the Ukrainian Inspector General fired, was not for US interests, but for the interests of Burisma Holdings instead.
And that makes it illegal as well.

Sure looks like he had the authority from the President to use the US funds like that. Why can't the President delegate that authority to the VP?

Without pressure from Joe Biden, European diplomats, the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations, Shokin would not have been fired, said Daria Kaleniuk, co-founder and executive director of the Anti Corruption Action Centre in Kiev.

"Civil society organizations in Ukraine were pressing for his resignation," Kaleniuk said, "but no one would have cared if there had not been voices from outside this country calling on him to go."

Explainer: Biden, allies pushed out Ukrainian prosecutor because he didn't pursue corruption cases
How does that explain a $500k salary with zero experience?
Perhaps I should have written 'prison yard' instead.

Visiting day for Manifort, Cohen and Gates is Tuesday. And soon the Resolute Desk will be replaced by an aluminum picnic table and blue suits and long ass red ties will run into an orange jump suit.
Odd how John Pedesta’s brother was given immunity for the-same things and more...
Not only was John Podesta given immunity but so was the entire Podesta Group same as entire Clinton Campaign was.

Manafort claims he never received any of these monies Mueller said he did when he did work on behalf of Obama Bin Lying, Clinton, and Biden in The Ukraine through the Podesta Group.

Manafort is unable to request any financial records from The Podesta Group to defend him self, nor is he allowed to call a single person who worked for the Podesta Group in to court to be cross examined.

Any one with a brain can see that something is extremely wrong with that situation. And then you have to ask yourself, why is a "alleged" petty tax cheat thrown in Solitary Confinement for months while awaiting such a kangaroo trial for things he did for Obama, Clinton and Biden in The Ukraine?

Isn’t it amazing how Manafort and all these crooks tied to Trump are really innocent (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain)....

View attachment 284458
It’s amazing how the guys associated with the Clinton’s and the prior administration just happened to be given immunity...

John Podesta and The Entire Podesta Group (GRANT IMMUNITY)
Hillary Clinton and The Entire Clinton Campaign (GRANTED IMMUNITY)

Whole lot of conspiracy theories you got spinning there.
Odd how John Pedesta’s brother was given immunity for the-same things and more...
Not only was John Podesta given immunity but so was the entire Podesta Group same as entire Clinton Campaign was.

Manafort claims he never received any of these monies Mueller said he did when he did work on behalf of Obama Bin Lying, Clinton, and Biden in The Ukraine through the Podesta Group.

Manafort is unable to request any financial records from The Podesta Group to defend him self, nor is he allowed to call a single person who worked for the Podesta Group in to court to be cross examined.

Any one with a brain can see that something is extremely wrong with that situation. And then you have to ask yourself, why is a "alleged" petty tax cheat thrown in Solitary Confinement for months while awaiting such a kangaroo trial for things he did for Obama, Clinton and Biden in The Ukraine?

Isn’t it amazing how Manafort and all these crooks tied to Trump are really innocent (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain)....

View attachment 284458
It’s amazing how the guys associated with the Clinton’s and the prior administration just happened to be given immunity...

John Podesta and The Entire Podesta Group (GRANT IMMUNITY)
Hillary Clinton and The Entire Clinton Campaign (GRANTED IMMUNITY)

Whole lot of conspiracy theories you got spinning there.
Hilarious. Tell us more about Russia, Ukraine, Taxes, and a porn Star.
The three ring circus from the DemonRats must stop.


Sorry, but as a democrat I can tell you that Biden is toast.

"As a Democrat"

Obama asked for a favor from Putin? Correct?
View attachment 284519
Democrats know they’ve lost a ton of black votes. That’s why the racist accusations blew up as their talking points. Next we will get Joe to repeat the accusation blacks are going back to the plantation if they vote Republican.
Sorry, but as a democrat I can tell you that Biden is toast.

"As a Democrat"

Obama asked for a favor from Putin? Correct?
View attachment 284519
Democrats know they’ve lost a ton of black votes. That’s why the racist accusations blew up as their talking points. Next we will get Joe to repeat the accusation blacks are going back to the plantation if they vote Republican.
Or back in chains, I think he said.
Trump is racist, grabs pussies and he's off-color orange. IMPEACH OR BE BEACHED.

Those are the reasons to vote him out of office, not impeach...although I think you should be able to impeach for racism. Trump is not being impeached for those true things about him, but for something else that is completely true...abuse of power. (And, now, obstruction of justice).

You need a cry room, with moral support from people who will lie to you and make you feel better.
The only people crying here are tRumplings.
Tell you what. I’ve been asking for weeks what’s the crime and the evidence.

You be the first to answer.

Your non answer answers your question.
And you have been getting the answer for weeks. Your inability or unwillingness to understand is no one's problem but your own.
Bullshit, that’s why you can’t answer even now.

Okay, so here is where I list the crimes and what he's being impeached for and you say "bullshit" anyway. You can continue to scream "bullshit" all you want but the impeachment will go on regardless.

It is a crime to solicit or accept a thing of value from a foreign government. That is the crime even though one is not needed to impeach. Added to that crime we have the coverup. (Putting the call transcript on a secret server not meant to store unclassified phone transcripts, the text messages between officials) and we have the abuse of power. ("I want you to do is a favor though") and to add to it all will be obstruction of justice with the ignoring of subpoenas.

Articles of impeachment have not been drafted. This is an inquiry to see if violations, in fact, did occur. If they didn't, there will be no impeachment. Why so worried?

No, it is NOT at all illegal to solicit as much as possible from foreign governments, as long as it is for the benefit of the US.
Whether or not it also benefits Trump personally, by exposing crimes by an opponent, is totally and completely irrelevant.
Nor has there been any "cover up" by Trump, who completely admitted exactly what was said.

It clearly is Congress that is guilty of obstruction of justice, in attempting to stop the legal investigation of Burisma Holdings.
So impeachment proceedings are really, really stupid, because there is no way to investigate Trumps phone call request without then also investigating Burisma Holdings, which is exactly what Trump wanted to do in the first place.
The hypocrisy is obvious, because we have Trumps call where he is doing his sworn duty, attempting to get the Ukraine to help US interests, and then we have Joe Biden's phone call were he is illegally withholding aid in order to get the Inspector General fired, who was looking into Hunter Biden corruption.
Very ironic actually.

Actually, it is illegal to solicit foreign assistance for help in a domestic election.

The investigation of the Bidens, Burisma Holdings, and the firing of Ukraine inspector general Viktor Shokin, has nothing at all to do with a domestic election.
Their investigation are required by the lawful duties of the presidency.
Tell you what. I’ve been asking for weeks what’s the crime and the evidence.

You be the first to answer.

Your non answer answers your question.
And you have been getting the answer for weeks. Your inability or unwillingness to understand is no one's problem but your own.
Bullshit, that’s why you can’t answer even now.

Okay, so here is where I list the crimes and what he's being impeached for and you say "bullshit" anyway. You can continue to scream "bullshit" all you want but the impeachment will go on regardless.

It is a crime to solicit or accept a thing of value from a foreign government. That is the crime even though one is not needed to impeach. Added to that crime we have the coverup. (Putting the call transcript on a secret server not meant to store unclassified phone transcripts, the text messages between officials) and we have the abuse of power. ("I want you to do is a favor though") and to add to it all will be obstruction of justice with the ignoring of subpoenas.

Articles of impeachment have not been drafted. This is an inquiry to see if violations, in fact, did occur. If they didn't, there will be no impeachment. Why so worried?

No, it is NOT at all illegal to solicit as much as possible from foreign governments, as long as it is for the benefit of the US.
Whether or not it also benefits Trump personally, by exposing crimes by an opponent, is totally and completely irrelevant.
Nor has there been any "cover up" by Trump, who completely admitted exactly what was said.

It clearly is Congress that is guilty of obstruction of justice, in attempting to stop the legal investigation of Burisma Holdings.
So impeachment proceedings are really, really stupid, because there is no way to investigate Trumps phone call request without then also investigating Burisma Holdings, which is exactly what Trump wanted to do in the first place.
The hypocrisy is obvious, because we have Trumps call where he is doing his sworn duty, attempting to get the Ukraine to help US interests, and then we have Joe Biden's phone call were he is illegally withholding aid in order to get the Inspector General fired, who was looking into Hunter Biden corruption.
Very ironic actually.
Aside from the Biden family, who else was Trump seeking investigations into? And why

Good point.
But still just a suspicion, and not sufficient to prove wrong doing by Trump.

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