Now That You Have Poisoned Your Kids with the Least-Tested, Most Toxic Vaccines in History, World Health Organization Says They Don't Need Them


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
35,000 reported VAERS deaths, 64,000 permanent disabilities, definitely some risk there.

  • Columbia University Professor Spiro Pantazatos, who explained on the Dr. Drew Show his findings from extensive US and European data that death rates since the vaccine roll-out were greater in populations with higher vaccination rates, to a high level of statistical certainty due to the vaccines.

  • Edward Dowd, a former Wall Street investment manager at the world’s largest investment house Blackrock, in his book “Cause Unknown” analyzes all-cause mortalty data from the life insurance industry and comes to the firm conclusion that the true number of Covid vaccine deaths since the start of 2021 is in the hundreds of thousands.

  • In October of 2021, the peer-reviewed science journal Toxicology Reports published a study which estimated that deaths directly caused by the vaccines “could be in the hundreds of thousands for the USA,” with long-term effects still unknown. In a highly unusual move, the paper was hastily retracted by the publisher, against the wishes of the authors, who to this day stand by their conclusions.
But never mind all that. Just trust us and give your kids the shots.


"Healthy children and teens likely don’t need COVID-19 vaccinations, according to updated guidance posted on the website of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday.

WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) met last week to create a revised roadmap for COVID vaccinations.

The new roadmap defines three priority groups — high, medium and low — based on the "risk of severe disease and death" when contracting the virus.

Healthy kids between 6 months and 17 years old are now deemed low priority."

Hey kids the candy man is here! Justin Trudeau addresses 4-year-olds directly,

Newly released COVID vaccine victim documentary “Anecdotals”

But maybe some parents if they could have seen all the information without censorship would have decided against the shot for their kids:

Biden White House urged Meta to crack down on 'vaccine-skeptical' content on WhatsApp private chat platform

ALL from the same people and media who are STILL trying to scare you with the latest variant, asking you to trust them, and will soon be bringing CBDC total control currency.


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I guess the Demoncreeps and Big Pharma stopped paying them bribe now they are telling the truth.

As long as we have SUBS we will fail to notice

Larry Hogan
Brian Kemp
Mitt Romney

and so many more "non Dems" who publicly pushed the Murderous Fraud Vax

we are missing the entire target.
The die off in 0-14 year olds in UK is horrifying, one can only imagine the scope of the die off of such youngsters in this evil nation!

10 or 20 percent over normal excess deaths for an age range is a genocidal apocalypse. But the same media won't report that reported on every new Covid death in 2020.
35,000 reported VAERS deaths, 64,000 permanent disabilities, definitely some risk there.

  • Columbia University Professor Spiro Pantazatos, who explained on the Dr. Drew Show his findings from extensive US and European data that death rates since the vaccine roll-out were greater in populations with higher vaccination rates, to a high level of statistical certainty due to the vaccines.

  • Edward Dowd, a former Wall Street investment manager at the world’s largest investment house Blackrock, in his book “Cause Unknown” analyzes all-cause mortalty data from the life insurance industry and comes to the firm conclusion that the true number of Covid vaccine deaths since the start of 2021 is in the hundreds of thousands.

  • In October of 2021, the peer-reviewed science journal Toxicology Reports published a study which estimated that deaths directly caused by the vaccines “could be in the hundreds of thousands for the USA,” with long-term effects still unknown. In a highly unusual move, the paper was hastily retracted by the publisher, against the wishes of the authors, who to this day stand by their conclusions.
But never mind all that. Just trust us and give your kids the shots.


"Healthy children and teens likely don’t need COVID-19 vaccinations, according to updated guidance posted on the website of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday.

WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) met last week to create a revised roadmap for COVID vaccinations.

The new roadmap defines three priority groups — high, medium and low — based on the "risk of severe disease and death" when contracting the virus.

Healthy kids between 6 months and 17 years old are now deemed low priority."

Hey kids the candy man is here! Justin Trudeau addresses 4-year-olds directly,

Newly released COVID vaccine victim documentary “Anecdotals”

But maybe some parents if they could have seen all the information without censorship would have decided against the shot for their kids:

Biden White House urged Meta to crack down on 'vaccine-skeptical' content on WhatsApp private chat platform

ALL from the same people and media who are STILL trying to scare you with the latest variant, asking you to trust them, and will soon be bringing CBDC total control currency.

And all of it against the unrelenting backdrop of modern day authoritarian oppression.

Not just the censorship, but the evisceration of livelihoods and savings.

The purposeful destruction of the economy in tandem with the "otherization" of any and all who would dare vocalize dissent.

The modern Left is pure distilled evil.

It is the enemy of individual thought, free expression, and rational inquiry.

You either bend the knee, or you must be taken down.

Which is how we find ourselves where we are now, in the year of our Lord 2023.

Now do they have the strength and persistent fortitude to pull of their ultimate end game by rendering us all subservient to the globalist agenda?

We're about to find out.

But I never bet against America.
10 or 20 percent over normal excess deaths for an age range is a genocidal apocalypse. But the same media won't report that reported on every new Covid death in 2020.
Every single day I see report of death of some local kid, especially hard hit are athletic boys and girls up to around 24 years of age, but it also includes kids 12-18! Such death notices are now almost always devoid of cause, the boy or girl just topples over dead, I would very much like to see Fauci's head placed in vice and slowly worked to popping of his head like a semi-ripened grape!
Every single day I see report of death of some local kid, especially hard hit are athletic boys and girls up to around 24 years of age, but it also includes kids 12-18! Such death notices are now almost always devoid of cause, the boy or girl just topples over dead, I would very much like to see Fauci's head placed in vice and slowly worked to popping of his head like a semi-ripened grape!

Sudden Healthy Young Athlete Death Syndrome (SHYADS)
Had this truth been released when they knew it, which was from the start, then this truth would have been HUGE but the TDS afflicted could not allow truth nor a rapid solution and correction
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As long as we have SUBS we will fail to notice

Larry Hogan
Brian Kemp
Mitt Romney

and so many more "non Dems" who publicly pushed the Murderous Fraud Vax

we are missing the entire target.

Fucking Zionists!
Every single day I see report of death of some local kid, especially hard hit are athletic boys and girls up to around 24 years of age, but it also includes kids 12-18! Such death notices are now almost always devoid of cause, the boy or girl just topples over dead, I would very much like to see Fauci's head placed in vice and slowly worked to popping of his head like a semi-ripened grape!

It goes to show what can happen when the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party. Nobody investigates the source of the disease and nobody questions the statistical results of a poorly developed vaccine.
It goes to show what can happen when the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party. Nobody investigates the source of the disease and nobody questions the statistical results of a poorly developed vaccine.

It's worse than that. The vaxes are meant to kill you.

Death by Covid Injection Is Premeditated and Co-ordinated, Experts Conclude​

Evidence showing patterns of death seen by Covid injection batches or lots were discussed during a session with two lawyers and two doctors. The two lawyers, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Vivienne Fischer, are members of the Corona Investigative Committee who were joined by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Sam White.

"Dr. Wodarg, a German medical doctor and former politician, was instrumental in bringing to an end the falsified 2009 Swine Flu pandemic and Dr. Sam White, a UK medical doctor, has been engaged in lawsuits for many months for his stance regarding freedom of speech and informed consent.

“A recent presentation done by Dr. Michael Yeadon shows precisely how they use these different batches in order to have an experiment within an experiment. In order to try out what kind of dosages is needed in order, this is what it looks like, in order to kill people and maim people,” Dr. Fuellmich said, “this in inescapable, at least this is my view as a lawyer, this is inescapable evidence of there being premeditation. And once you have premeditation there is no immunity for anyone anymore. Not even in the United States.”

“It is not true that there is the same stuff in each shot,” Dr Wodarg said. Adding that there is hard evidence that the batches have different effects. Dr. Wodarg presented graphs and explained what they revealed including that when one pharmaceutical company, for example Pfizer, was conducting an experiment on the population with their injections, the other companies will not. Then another company will experiment and, for example, Pfizer will stop their experiment within the experiment. It is a co-ordinated effort. “This is proof that it is planned,” Dr. Wodarg said."

Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer and VP Dr. Mike Yeadon - CDC Data for COVID Vaccines Shows Calibration of a Killing Weapon

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Every single day I see report of death of some local kid, especially hard hit are athletic boys and girls up to around 24 years of age, but it also includes kids 12-18! Such death notices are now almost always devoid of cause, the boy or girl just topples over dead, I would very much like to see Fauci's head placed in vice and slowly worked to popping of his head like a semi-ripened grape!

It is almost painful to watch them grovel and thank the demon who is killing them, fangs dripping with blood, and all they can say is "Thank you lord Fauci thank you."

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