Now the democrats will get credit for ending gridlock


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Harry Reid nuked the filibuster obstructionism of the cons, changing the Senate to REAL majority rule democracy. In doing so, the democrats will get credit for ending some of the gridlock. The cons are gnashing their teeth, knowing that the American people will see improvement in the functioning of their government. Though the cons are trying to put on a brave face, it is still obvious that John McCain was whining about it yesterday, when he said that the dems would regret it when republicans are in control. But then, the cons were in control, and America does regret it.
Next year when the republicans take the senate and increase their hold in the house, the democrats will love no gridlock.

End gridlock and democrats will pass more harmful policies and appoint more unqualified, but ideologically motivated judges. By next year, the public should be seething.
Idiots like the statist OP think gridlock is a BAD thing :rolleyes:

It is SUPPOSED to be hard for government to expand power, do new things, etc.. it was purposely made that way... it is not supposed to be able to just expand, legislate, and throw around weight at will
Next year when the republicans take the senate and increase their hold in the house, the democrats will love no gridlock.

End gridlock and democrats will pass more harmful policies and appoint more unqualified, but ideologically motivated judges. By next year, the public should be seething.

Hoping for the dumbing down of the electorate is a stupid fantasy. If the cons can convince the American people that they don't deserve health care, and throwing the elderly out in the street is a good idea, and taking away women's rights is cool, and destroying education will make America great again,and giving everything to the rich is the moral thing to do, ...then this country deserves the GOP. Good fucking luck with that.
Yes, the same old democrat song. It's not as popular as it once was is it? The only ones taking away health care are the democrats.
Katzndogz, the Dems won the presidency and increased their seats in House and Senate last election.

You can sing your song, maybe, after the next election.

I am curious to the electorate's take on the limitations on filibuster.
Harry Reid nuked the filibuster obstructionism of the cons, changing the Senate to REAL majority rule democracy. In doing so, the democrats will get credit for ending some of the gridlock. The cons are gnashing their teeth, knowing that the American people will see improvement in the functioning of their government. Though the cons are trying to put on a brave face, it is still obvious that John McCain was whining about it yesterday, when he said that the dems would regret it when republicans are in control. But then, the cons were in control, and America does regret it.

This is not going to be a long term story like Obama care and more people will lose their insurance by 2014, or their doctors, or access to some hospitals but come 2014 we will have the nuclear power the same power Obama in 2005 was UN AMERICAN.. Harry REID and other Democrats said it was a power grab.. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Look out 2014 Dems your days are numbered
Democrat sheep are a danger to us and our country

People, you need to vote these Progressives out of POWER over us, who are shredding our checks and balances in this country...There was a reason not to just let all these judges SAIL through with no objections..
Next year when the republicans take the senate and increase their hold in the house, the democrats will love no gridlock.

End gridlock and democrats will pass more harmful policies and appoint more unqualified, but ideologically motivated judges. By next year, the public should be seething.

or maybe not
Democrat sheep are a danger to us and our country

People, you need to vote these Progressives out of POWER over us, who are shredding our checks and balances in this country...There was a reason not to just let all these judges SAIL through with no objections..

Hey, objections noted. Now let us sail them through LOL
[ame=]Nuclear Option (Reconciliation) 2005 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Biden On Nuclear Option In 2005: "I Pray To God" Democrats Do Not Do This When We Have Power - YouTube[/ame]
Harry Reid nuked the filibuster obstructionism of the cons, changing the Senate to REAL majority rule democracy. In doing so, the democrats will get credit for ending some of the gridlock. The cons are gnashing their teeth, knowing that the American people will see improvement in the functioning of their government. Though the cons are trying to put on a brave face, it is still obvious that John McCain was whining about it yesterday, when he said that the dems would regret it when republicans are in control. But then, the cons were in control, and America does regret it.

What a fool. Just like a lib,taking actions without a care for the damage it will cause at a later date.
Like a crack head smoking up the rent.
Next year when the republicans take the senate and increase their hold in the house, the democrats will love no gridlock.

End gridlock and democrats will pass more harmful policies and appoint more unqualified, but ideologically motivated judges. By next year, the public should be seething.

And the republicans do not? Is your only despair over the party or the nation?
Democrat sheep are a danger to us and our country

People, you need to vote these Progressives out of POWER over us, who are shredding our checks and balances in this country...There was a reason not to just let all these judges SAIL through with no objections..

Hey, objections noted. Now let us sail them through LOL

Some posters just don't want govt. to work unless their guy is in charge.
The timing is no coincidence...the lib base is feeling overwhelmingly defeated, and this is the bone they were begging for. Desperate times indeed...and amusing to see the elitists forced to go dumpster diving.:D
Democrat sheep are a danger to us and our country

People, you need to vote these Progressives out of POWER over us, who are shredding our checks and balances in this country...There was a reason not to just let all these judges SAIL through with no objections..

Hey, objections noted. Now let us sail them through LOL

Some posters just don't want govt. to work unless their guy is in charge. the thing that Obama, Biden and Reid all made impassioned speeches about NOT doing when they were in the minority party...they have now turned around and DONE when they are in the majority party? These people never cease to amaze...
Smart move democrats! Everything obama has gotten passed has been a failure. Now he prdtty much can do what he want. Luckley the republicans when they take over next year. Will have the power to stop obama from doing anything.
Hey, objections noted. Now let us sail them through LOL

Some posters just don't want govt. to work unless their guy is in charge. the thing that Obama, Biden and Reid all made impassioned speeches about NOT doing when they were in the minority party...they have now turned around and DONE when they are in the majority party? These people never cease to amaze...

Does the prodigal son amaze you?
Harry Reid nuked the filibuster obstructionism of the cons, changing the Senate to REAL majority rule democracy. In doing so, the democrats will get credit for ending some of the gridlock. The cons are gnashing their teeth, knowing that the American people will see improvement in the functioning of their government. Though the cons are trying to put on a brave face, it is still obvious that John McCain was whining about it yesterday, when he said that the dems would regret it when republicans are in control. But then, the cons were in control, and America does regret it.

What a fool. Just like a lib,taking actions without a care for the damage it will cause at a later date.
Like a crack head smoking up the rent.

Just like a crackhead will come to the public crying because he can't pay the rent and needs housing assistance.
Hey, objections noted. Now let us sail them through LOL

Some posters just don't want govt. to work unless their guy is in charge. the thing that Obama, Biden and Reid all made impassioned speeches about NOT doing when they were in the minority party...they have now turned around and DONE when they are in the majority party? These people never cease to amaze...

when people like that can over look what is posted right in their face to justify know we are in a world of hurt in this country

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