Now the democrats will get credit for ending gridlock

Harry Reid nuked the filibuster obstructionism of the cons, changing the Senate to REAL majority rule democracy. In doing so, the democrats will get credit for ending some of the gridlock. The cons are gnashing their teeth, knowing that the American people will see improvement in the functioning of their government.

Though the cons are trying to put on a brave face, it is still obvious that John McCain was whining about it yesterday, when he said that the dems would regret it when republicans are in control. But then, the cons were in control, and America does regret it.

The obstruction game is not over, but the rules have changed :lol:
Next year when the republicans take the senate and increase their hold in the house, the democrats will love no gridlock.

End gridlock and democrats will pass more harmful policies and appoint more unqualified, but ideologically motivated judges. By next year, the public should be seething.

:clap2: admitting it was always about partisan gridlock and not principles of Senate rules
The whiner cons sure are wearing their emotions on their sleeves on this thread. I'd say heart, but we know cons don't have one. And all of them are still playing the same old broken record..."Wait till next year, when we take over." After six years, they prefer fantasy land over reality. They still think they can chump the American people into letting them destroy Social Security, destroy Medicare and Medicaid, destroy education, destroy the EPA, take away women's rights, and give everything to the rich.

Well go ahead morons, I really want to see this magic act. If America really is a bunch of chumps, they deserve a right wing fascist government.
The whiner cons sure are wearing their emotions on their sleeves on this thread. I'd say heart, but we know cons don't have one. And all of them are still playing the same old broken record..."Wait till next year, when we take over." After six years, they prefer fantasy land over reality. They still think they can chump the American people into letting them destroy Social Security, destroy Medicare and Medicaid, destroy education, destroy the EPA, take away women's rights, and give everything to the rich.

Well go ahead morons, I really want to see this magic act. If America really is a bunch of chumps, they deserve a right wing fascist government.

shut up loser, this is only reason you start put people down..
go get back on the Democrat/ government tit you slipped off of...leave the adults to discuss things
Does the prodigal son amaze you?

I can't wait to hear the WAILS of protest coming from liberals when they lose majority control of government and Republicans return the favor. Doh! Didn't think of that...did you?

I did not like it when the dems did it during BushII.

And yet you don't have a problem when the Democrats do it NOW? Why is that, Moon?

If Harry Reid would actually let GOP House bills come to the Senate floor for discussion and votes then he'd get more sympathy from me about Republican filibusters. The truth's Harry Reid that has shut down our government since the 2010 mid-terms because he didn't like the message the voters sent.
The whiner cons sure are wearing their emotions on their sleeves on this thread. I'd say heart, but we know cons don't have one. And all of them are still playing the same old broken record..."Wait till next year, when we take over." After six years, they prefer fantasy land over reality. They still think they can chump the American people into letting them destroy Social Security, destroy Medicare and Medicaid, destroy education, destroy the EPA, take away women's rights, and give everything to the rich.

Well go ahead morons, I really want to see this magic act. If America really is a bunch of chumps, they deserve a right wing fascist government.

Who's REALLY the Fascists right now, Hangover? In 2010 the American electorate responded to Obama's taking the country hard left by replacing Democrats with Republicans in the largest single turn around in modern day political history. So what was Harry Reid's response to that? He tabled any bill that came over from the GOP controlled House that he didn't like! Wouldn't even let them come to the floor for DISCUSSION let alone a vote!

This country is in dire need of an adult running our adult that has the stones to tell people "no, we can't afford that!" You, of course translate THAT into the GOP wanting to get rid of every single government program there is instead of simply asking for a return to SANITY in how we govern ourselves!
It will end the backlog of presidential appointees, not stop the grid lock in legislation.
It will be interesting to see how the electorate take this change in Senate procedures. I expect that most will not give a flip, while others don't understand it. The GOP will use this as an issue in 2014, but I doubt it will make much difference. Ask a GOP Senator is they will change the rules back when they gain a majority....SILENCE....

The GOP has abused the filibuster, which by the way, is not mentioned in the Constitution. They have only themselves to blame.

Republicans have only themselves to blame for Reid?s ?nuclear option?

lol, just like they didn't give a flip over Democrats shoving Ofailnocare down our throats against their will and gave the house to Republicans afterwards..

you can keep hoping I suppose...

Steph, you are comparing a program that effected the insurance coverage of citizens to a change that effects the minority party in the Senate? Really?

Once the web site is fixed and the enrollment is up for ACA, the GOP will wish they moved on immigration....cause their continued obstruction in that area will continue to stand in their way. That is what you need to be worried about.

You haven't figured it out yet, have you, Jim? Getting the web site fixed is the LEAST of worries for the ACA! Getting young, healthy Americans to sign up is what YOU need to worry about because right now...that's SO not going to happen which means the premiums for ObamaCare are going to increase substantially which means even fewer people are going to sign up...which means premiums will increase even more...which means that fewer people will sign up...and on and on.
lol, just like they didn't give a flip over Democrats shoving Ofailnocare down our throats against their will and gave the house to Republicans afterwards..

you can keep hoping I suppose...

Steph, you are comparing a program that effected the insurance coverage of citizens to a change that effects the minority party in the Senate? Really?

Once the web site is fixed and the enrollment is up for ACA, the GOP will wish they moved on immigration....cause their continued obstruction in that area will continue to stand in their way. That is what you need to be worried about.

You haven't figured it out yet, have you, Jim? Getting the web site fixed is the LEAST of worries for the ACA! Getting young, healthy Americans to sign up is what YOU need to worry about because right now...that's SO not going to happen which means the premiums for ObamaCare are going to increase substantially which means even fewer people are going to sign up...which means premiums will increase even more...which means that fewer people will sign up...and on and on.

Typical GOP Obstructionist. Rather than lay awake at night praying for failure at every turn, why not propose some fixes if you see problems. I guess that just too much to ask...
Steph, you are comparing a program that effected the insurance coverage of citizens to a change that effects the minority party in the Senate? Really?

Once the web site is fixed and the enrollment is up for ACA, the GOP will wish they moved on immigration....cause their continued obstruction in that area will continue to stand in their way. That is what you need to be worried about.

You haven't figured it out yet, have you, Jim? Getting the web site fixed is the LEAST of worries for the ACA! Getting young, healthy Americans to sign up is what YOU need to worry about because right now...that's SO not going to happen which means the premiums for ObamaCare are going to increase substantially which means even fewer people are going to sign up...which means premiums will increase even more...which means that fewer people will sign up...and on and on.

Typical GOP Obstructionist. Rather than lay awake at night praying for failure at every turn, why not propose some fixes if you see problems. I guess that just too much to ask...

You're kidding, right? For five years I've been telling Progressives that this isn't going to work because the ACA was terrible legislation written by idiots with no clue about the health care industry and for five years people like you have stated that I was simply being a "hater".

So we've finally reached the point where it's time for this Frankenstein's Monster of a bill to work and everything I've said all along is turning out to be true...BUT NOW YOU THINK IT'S MY FAULT BECAUSE I HAVEN'T COME UP WITH A FIX? Really? I mean REALLY!!!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Steph, you are comparing a program that effected the insurance coverage of citizens to a change that effects the minority party in the Senate? Really?

Once the web site is fixed and the enrollment is up for ACA, the GOP will wish they moved on immigration....cause their continued obstruction in that area will continue to stand in their way. That is what you need to be worried about.

You haven't figured it out yet, have you, Jim? Getting the web site fixed is the LEAST of worries for the ACA! Getting young, healthy Americans to sign up is what YOU need to worry about because right now...that's SO not going to happen which means the premiums for ObamaCare are going to increase substantially which means even fewer people are going to sign up...which means premiums will increase even more...which means that fewer people will sign up...and on and on.

Typical GOP Obstructionist. Rather than lay awake at night praying for failure at every turn, why not propose some fixes if you see problems. I guess that just too much to ask...

leave it to you traitors of the people in this for something against the will of the people and then whine when it doesn't WORK and blame others for not helping FIX IT

WE didn't vote for it...WE DIDN'T WANT IT......So it's Not our problem TO FIX IT...Democrats and their sheep base OWN IT lock, stock, and the failings that comes with it

see ya come elections....

You people have some NERVE calling us the obstructionist because we don't help fix this fascist pos entitlement we have TO PAY FOR...You didn't care about that when you shoved down our throats
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The whiner cons sure are wearing their emotions on their sleeves on this thread. I'd say heart, but we know cons don't have one. And all of them are still playing the same old broken record..."Wait till next year, when we take over." After six years, they prefer fantasy land over reality. They still think they can chump the American people into letting them destroy Social Security, destroy Medicare and Medicaid, destroy education, destroy the EPA, take away women's rights, and give everything to the rich.

Well go ahead morons, I really want to see this magic act. If America really is a bunch of chumps, they deserve a right wing fascist government.

shut up loser, this is only reason you start put people down..
go get back on the Democrat/ government tit you slipped off of...leave the adults to discuss things

BWAH HA HA HA HA! Pot talks to herself, the kettle. Such an ADULT thing for you to say. BWAH HA HA! So you must be getting a sex change, so you don't lose your rights when the cons take them from women. Shall we call you Stephen? BWAH HA HA!
The whiner cons sure are wearing their emotions on their sleeves on this thread. I'd say heart, but we know cons don't have one. And all of them are still playing the same old broken record..."Wait till next year, when we take over." After six years, they prefer fantasy land over reality. They still think they can chump the American people into letting them destroy Social Security, destroy Medicare and Medicaid, destroy education, destroy the EPA, take away women's rights, and give everything to the rich.

Well go ahead morons, I really want to see this magic act. If America really is a bunch of chumps, they deserve a right wing fascist government.

shut up loser, this is only reason you start put people down..
go get back on the Democrat/ government tit you slipped off of...leave the adults to discuss things

BWAH HA HA HA HA! Pot talks to herself, the kettle. Such an ADULT thing for you to say. BWAH HA HA! So you must be getting a sex change, so you don't lose your rights when the cons take them from women. Shall we call you Stephen? BWAH HA HA!

I doubt many take you serious...but show your stupidity if you wish
Hoping for the dumbing down of the electorate is a stupid fantasy. If the cons can convince the American people that they don't deserve health care, and throwing the elderly out in the street is a good idea, and taking away women's rights is cool, and destroying education will make America great again,and giving everything to the rich is the moral thing to do, ...then this country deserves the GOP. Good fucking luck with that.


You deserve to purchase all the heath care and health insurance you wish to.. with your own money or use thru voluntary charitable donation

Name one REP or CON that advocated 'throwing the elderly out on the street'

You do not get to take away one human's rights at the expense of another human's right... and an unborn human is still a human.. as a dad of a once premature child who was born during the gestation time period where someone could have aborted her.. I say FUCK YOU.. and I am sure she does too

Nobody is giving anything to the rich.. as a matter of fact most CONs are against government entitlement of ANY kind.. keeping the same % of your income as everyone else or reducing the amount government takes away to redistribute in entitlements is not 'giving' the rich anything

Go kill yourself and make the world a better place

^ Charming....and from a RWr. :D

I am all for the likes of him offing themselves... better for the world as a whole.. waste of oxygen... it is a shame that innocent kids with cancer die and that piece of statist filth still walks on the earth
Steph, you are comparing a program that effected the insurance coverage of citizens to a change that effects the minority party in the Senate? Really?

Once the web site is fixed and the enrollment is up for ACA, the GOP will wish they moved on immigration....cause their continued obstruction in that area will continue to stand in their way. That is what you need to be worried about.

You haven't figured it out yet, have you, Jim? Getting the web site fixed is the LEAST of worries for the ACA! Getting young, healthy Americans to sign up is what YOU need to worry about because right now...that's SO not going to happen which means the premiums for ObamaCare are going to increase substantially which means even fewer people are going to sign up...which means premiums will increase even more...which means that fewer people will sign up...and on and on.

Typical GOP Obstructionist. Rather than lay awake at night praying for failure at every turn, why not propose some fixes if you see problems. I guess that just too much to ask...

Here is the fix.. take care of yourself instead of thinking government exists to fix problems for you
Harry Reid nuked the filibuster obstructionism of the cons, changing the Senate to REAL majority rule democracy. In doing so, the democrats will get credit for ending some of the gridlock. The cons are gnashing their teeth, knowing that the American people will see improvement in the functioning of their government. Though the cons are trying to put on a brave face, it is still obvious that John McCain was whining about it yesterday, when he said that the dems would regret it when republicans are in control. But then, the cons were in control, and America does regret it.

It isn't Kool Aide the Libs and Progs and Leftists and Marxists/Communists/Socialists are drinking. It's wine. Heady, heady wine.

Liberals (representing all of you) already tend to be impulsive, emotionally driven and petty minded by nature.

Add to that the intoxication of power through trickery and subterfuge and a disregard for the law and our Constitution, and this is what we get as a result.

This is what happens when you give them unchecked power.

They will pay a dear price for what they have done and what they are doing.
Harry Reid nuked the filibuster obstructionism of the cons, changing the Senate to REAL majority rule democracy. In doing so, the democrats will get credit for ending some of the gridlock. The cons are gnashing their teeth, knowing that the American people will see improvement in the functioning of their government. Though the cons are trying to put on a brave face, it is still obvious that John McCain was whining about it yesterday, when he said that the dems would regret it when republicans are in control. But then, the cons were in control, and America does regret it.

It isn't Kool Aide the Libs and Progs and Leftists and Marxists/Communists/Socialists are drinking. It's wine. Heady, heady wine.

Liberals (representing all of you) already tend to be impulsive, emotionally driven and petty minded by nature.

Add to that the intoxication of power through trickery and subterfuge and a disregard for the law and our Constitution, and this is what we get as a result.

This is what happens when you give them unchecked power.

They will pay a dear price for what they have done and what they are doing.

Threats, bullying, whining and insults, oh how mature of the cons. Pft!
Go kill yourself and make the world a better place
You must have taught those teenage girls in Florida how to bully someone into suicide. You do know they were arrested right? I bet you're one of those stupid rednecks that plays THE KNOCKOUT GAME too. Way to go moron.

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