Now the democrats will get credit for ending gridlock

Harry Reid nuked the filibuster obstructionism of the cons, changing the Senate to REAL majority rule democracy. In doing so, the democrats will get credit for ending some of the gridlock. The cons are gnashing their teeth, knowing that the American people will see improvement in the functioning of their government. Though the cons are trying to put on a brave face, it is still obvious that John McCain was whining about it yesterday, when he said that the dems would regret it when republicans are in control. But then, the cons were in control, and America does regret it.

It isn't Kool Aide the Libs and Progs and Leftists and Marxists/Communists/Socialists are drinking. It's wine. Heady, heady wine.

Liberals (representing all of you) already tend to be impulsive, emotionally driven and petty minded by nature.

Add to that the intoxication of power through trickery and subterfuge and a disregard for the law and our Constitution, and this is what we get as a result.

This is what happens when you give them unchecked power.

They will pay a dear price for what they have done and what they are doing.

Threats, bullying, whining and insults, oh how mature of the cons. Pft!
Go kill yourself and make the world a better place
You must have taught those teenage girls in Florida how to bully someone into suicide. You do know they were arrested right? I bet you're one of those stupid rednecks that plays THE KNOCKOUT GAME too. Way to go moron.

Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.

John F. Kennedy
Not only that, any Republican who voted for the shutdown will have to deal with that lapse in judgement throughout their campaigns.

This nuclear option is only the beginning. Republicans want to crush this president and the ACA at every turn? They aren't going to just sit there and take it.
Not only that, any Republican who voted for the shutdown will have to deal with that lapse in judgement throughout their campaigns.

This nuclear option is only the beginning. Republicans want to crush this president and the ACA at every turn? They aren't going to just sit there and take it.

Just curious, Sarah...when was the last time you heard anyone other than the far left even talking about the shut down? I've got news for you...the ACA is going to be the "topic de jour" for the next year because it's floundering horribly and the average American is going to bear the brunt of that with increased premiums and restricted care. Republicans aren't the ones who will be "crushing" the President or the ACA...that will be happening because the ACA was such a badly written piece of legislation in the first place.
Not only that, any Republican who voted for the shutdown will have to deal with that lapse in judgement throughout their campaigns.

This nuclear option is only the beginning. Republicans want to crush this president and the ACA at every turn? They aren't going to just sit there and take it.

Just curious, Sarah...when was the last time you heard anyone other than the far left even talking about the shut down? I've got news for you...the ACA is going to be the "topic de jour" for the next year because it's floundering horribly and the average American is going to bear the brunt of that with increased premiums and restricted care. Republicans aren't the ones who will be "crushing" the President or the ACA...that will be happening because the ACA was such a badly written piece of legislation in the first place.

:lol: It's still there ... looming. You think that shameful act is over? Wait awhile.
What Rs are doing is over saturating the media with ACA bad news. People are finding out now that in states who have setup exchanges, Democratic Governors and any state where Republican Govs have expanded Medicaid, numbers are looking very good.

You keep talking though.
Not only that, any Republican who voted for the shutdown will have to deal with that lapse in judgement throughout their campaigns.

This nuclear option is only the beginning. Republicans want to crush this president and the ACA at every turn? They aren't going to just sit there and take it.

Just curious, Sarah...when was the last time you heard anyone other than the far left even talking about the shut down? I've got news for you...the ACA is going to be the "topic de jour" for the next year because it's floundering horribly and the average American is going to bear the brunt of that with increased premiums and restricted care. Republicans aren't the ones who will be "crushing" the President or the ACA...that will be happening because the ACA was such a badly written piece of legislation in the first place.
Everyone is talking about it EXCEPT the far right wingers, and they would really like to see everyone forget about it. But it's going to be front and center again in February and March. And it's going to be millstone around the cons neck in next years elections.
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What Rs are doing is over saturating the media with ACA bad news. People are finding out now that in states who have setup exchanges, Democratic Governors and any state where Republican Govs have expanded Medicaid, numbers are looking very good.

You keep talking though.

Kind of like we "saturated" the media with Obama Administration scandals like Fast & Furious, the IRS targeting conservative groups, Benghazi and spying on members of the media?

The media has been saturated with bad news about this Administration because this Administration is setting a new standard for ineptness. ObamaCare is just one more thing to add to an ever growing list.

And Sarah? If you think the numbers for the ACA are "looking very good" then you're not paying attention. People are signing up that have preexisting conditions and that qualify for subsidies. The young healthy people are NOT. The numbers for the ACA are looking horrendous at the moment. If they don't turn around this program is in major trouble.
Not only that, any Republican who voted for the shutdown will have to deal with that lapse in judgement throughout their campaigns.

This nuclear option is only the beginning. Republicans want to crush this president and the ACA at every turn? They aren't going to just sit there and take it.

Just curious, Sarah...when was the last time you heard anyone other than the far left even talking about the shut down? I've got news for you...the ACA is going to be the "topic de jour" for the next year because it's floundering horribly and the average American is going to bear the brunt of that with increased premiums and restricted care. Republicans aren't the ones who will be "crushing" the President or the ACA...that will be happening because the ACA was such a badly written piece of legislation in the first place.
Everyone is talking about it EXCEPT the far right wingers, and they would really like to see everyone forget about it. But it's going to be front and center again in February and March. And it's going to be millstone around the cons neck in next years elections.

That's wishful thinking on your part, Hangover. The problems of ObamaCare have gotten the lion's share of coverage for the better part of a month. Democrats using the "nuclear option" have drawn a bit of that coverage. The government shut down isn't even on the radar right now...especially since it didn't have the catastrophic consequences we were led to believe it would.
It's amazing that millions of people are being hurt by Obamacare and people are still acting as if it's a good thing.

Now can someone please explain how the gridlock has ended. The Senate still wont vote on House Bills. The House still wont vote on Senate Bills. So unless you think getting all these judges approved is going to help you overthrow the government and establish a dictator who will make things happen, how can you possibly believe the gridlock is over?
Not only that, any Republican who voted for the shutdown will have to deal with that lapse in judgement throughout their campaigns.

This nuclear option is only the beginning. Republicans want to crush this president and the ACA at every turn? They aren't going to just sit there and take it.

BTW, I was a partial shutdown. Not a full shutdown. It was only 17% and it was totally at the President's digression. The shutdown never was put to a vote. Nobody would vote for that.

Hussien just decided, "If you don't give me everything I want then I'm shutting down the parts of the government I don't like".

Veterans memorials
National Parks
Payouts to dead service members' families
National Cemeteries
Department of Defense Services
Pay and Benefits for Government Employees

Then, like the hypocrite he is he said this:

[ame=]Obama Calls Government Shutdown the 'Height of Irresponsibility' - YouTube[/ame]

One of the first things Obama said in this speech was that Congress must pass a budget, but he hasn't passed a budget nor has he signed a budget in 5 years. He's never passed a budget and that is one of the reasons for the shutdown. Orders were given to the effected government officials that they were to make the shutdown as painful as possible simply for political effect. Obama felt this would assure him a Congressional majority so he can pass anti-gun legislation for example. Of course the ACA, Obama said in this speech, will not be shut down. Too bad it didn't. He might have gotten a majority in the coming election.

Obama was in charge of the shutdown. He said in this speech what will be cut and what will be shutdown. This is over Obamacare. Nothing else. Millions of Americans were about to lose their health insurance and Obama was bound and determined to make sure that it happened.

This is Barack H. Obama's shutdown. Not the Republicans.
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This is Barack H. Obama's shutdown. Not the Republicans.
^^^A page out of Goebbels propaganda tactics. Tell a lie enough times and morons will buy it. The Germans were that stupid, if Americans are, then they deserve the fascist GOP.
Not only that, any Republican who voted for the shutdown will have to deal with that lapse in judgement throughout their campaigns.

This nuclear option is only the beginning. Republicans want to crush this president and the ACA at every turn? They aren't going to just sit there and take it.

Do you want us to believe you really can't recognize the lasting damage he has done and is continuing to do to this great country, our free and proud populace and our system of government???

This is Barack H. Obama's shutdown. Not the Republicans.
^^^A page out of Goebbels propaganda tactics. Tell a lie enough times and morons will buy it. The Germans were that stupid, if Americans are, then they deserve the fascist GOP.

Do you want us to believe you really can't recognize the lasting damage he has done and is continuing to do to this great country, our free and proud populace and our system of government???

It's amazing that millions of people are being hurt by Obamacare and people are still acting as if it's a good thing.

Now can someone please explain how the gridlock has ended. The Senate still wont vote on House Bills. The House still wont vote on Senate Bills. So unless you think getting all these judges approved is going to help you overthrow the government and establish a dictator who will make things happen, how can you possibly believe the gridlock is over?

A certain amount of gridlock or at least resistance means the system is functioning as it should.

The idea of a 'lay-down' opposition or a smooth sailing session of Congress where there was no contention defeats the entire foundation of government with its checks and balances.
What Rs are doing is over saturating the media with ACA bad news. People are finding out now that in states who have setup exchanges, Democratic Governors and any state where Republican Govs have expanded Medicaid, numbers are looking very good.

You keep talking though.

Do you want us to believe you really can't recognize the lasting damage Obamacare will do to this great country, our free and proud populace, our system of government and MOST importantly, the roles of Master and Servant???

Obamacare will lead to the Government being able to compel us to do as it wishes.

THAT is a dangerous dynamic.

The Federal Government is supposed to be our servant, our entity WE THE PEOPLE created to do for us the things we can't do for ourselves as individuals, groups or jurisdictions of city, county, or State.

Obamacare effectively REVERSES that role.

This allows them to compel us to buy health care, under penalty of law if we refuse, from the Government.

This sets a dangerous precendent which seems lost on most of you but is likely the all important reason Obama is fighting with everything he has to get us addicted to it.

So he can get the deciding edge over the people.

This is NOT what our forefathers had in mind.

They had a great deal of experience with that kind of government and they wanted to create a new nation which was FREE not a government that was our boss.

They'd lived under that system and they'd read about all of the other systems of government and they all stank.

So they conceived THIS nation to be free.

And you want to give up your freedom to someone who is playing US like chumps!?

And you'd betray your fellow citizens' freedom for a few pieces of silver?

Or in this case a health care plan???

That's what he is counting on.


Hatch: Obamacare Was Designed to Become Single-Payer System

March 20, 2013 - 12:56 PM
By Elizabeth Harrington

( – Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said Democrats set up the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, to “fail” in order to establish a single-payer health care system, “where the government controls everybody’s lives.”

“Let’s just be honest about it, the bill hasn’t triggered yet fully,” Hatch said of Obamacare, during a press conference on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. “And it doesn’t until the 1st of next year.”

“When the young people in this country find out that they are going to be the generation of debtors and there’s no way they’re ever going to get out from underneath this kind of stuff—I’ve got to tell you, people don’t even realize how crushing it’s going to be after the 1st of this next year,” he said.

“And I’ll predict that within that year—now I may be wrong on this—but within the immediate future the Democrats are going to throw their hands in the air and say, ‘It’s not working. It’s unaffordable. And we have to go to a single-payer system,’” Hatch said, adding, “where the government controls everybody’s lives.”

“That’s what’s behind all of this. And they know it’s going to fail,” he said. “It’s already failing, and it hasn’t even triggered yet, the big expenses.”

Hatch and Senators John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) and Mike Johanns (R-Neb.) are introducing legislation to repeal Obamacare piece by piece, starting with the health insurance tax (HIT) and a restriction in the health care law on flexible savings accounts (FSA).

The senators argued that the law is already having a harmful effect on the economy, with employers keeping less than 50 employees on the payroll to avoid penalties. To illustrate their point, the senators brought a seven-foot tall “tower of red tape”: a 20,000-page stack of new regulations under Obamacare.

“You can’t look at that without being aghast,” Hatch said. “And that’s just the beginning, this is not the end.”

“This is just the beginning of regulations that are coming as a result of Obamacare,” he said.
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Affordable Care Act is about government control

July 08, 2012 12:00 am • By Doug Ross,

The Affordable Care Act consists primarily of taking away many of our liberties by advocating health care for the less fortunate.

The government does not possess the authority to require an individual to purchase health insurance, so why try trick the uniformed into thinking the government knows what is best for them?

The Affordable Care Act is about government control over a large market and the welfare of those people. As more companies drop their health insurance plans, those individuals will be required to join a government-controlled health plan and be subservient to that ideology.

This is just what the socialistic president wants — more people dependent on government and therefore more control over those individual lives. Again, just smoke and mirrors. Watch this hand while I steal your liberties.

— Jack Jaros, Whiting

Affordable Care Act is about government control
Not only that, any Republican who voted for the shutdown will have to deal with that lapse in judgement throughout their campaigns.

This nuclear option is only the beginning. Republicans want to crush this president and the ACA at every turn? They aren't going to just sit there and take it.

"The Charge of the Tea Party"

Half a leg, half a leg,
Half a leg, inching forward
Slowly to the Government Shutdown
Rode the Republicans.
"Forward the Tea Party"
"Abolish Obamacare! Ted said
Into the Government Shutdown
Rode the Republicans

"Forward the Tea Party"
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not till his constituents knew:
Someone had blunder'd.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die,
Into the government shutdown:
Rode the Republicans.

Cruz to right of them,
Obama to left of them,
Boehner in front of them
Glittering generalities thunder'd;
Storm'd at with logic and reason,
Boldly they committed their treason
Into the jaws of pre-existing conditions
Into the mouth of Health Care
Rode the Republicans

Flash'd all their options bare,
Flash'd as rhetoric turn'd in air,
Sabring their own leaders there,
Imposing a shutdown, while
All the world wonder'd:
To a man, blowing-smoke
Right thro' the party line they broke;
Constitutional government
Reel'd from the sabre stroke
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the Republicans

Cruz to the right of them,
Obama to left of them,
Cantor behind them
Glittering generalities thunder'd;
Storm'd at with logic and reason,
While party and hero fell,
Why they fought, who could tell
Humiliatingly failed to quell
Back from the mouth of Health Care
All that was left of them,
Left of the Republicans

A shutdown as their glory fades
All for the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Wonder the charge they made
Watch as the Tea Party fades
Ignoble Republicans
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