Now the left demands this:

Calling a transgender a "patient" implies that they have a sickness.

At least you admitted that. :laughing0301:
Yea, I never said someone who was so unhappy they wanted to change their gender was not a patient and did not need help from their doctors and other support systems. For some reason you people seem to rejoice in their gender dysphoria. I still don't understand why or whether it is you or them that has the biggest problem.
Yea, I never said someone who was so unhappy they wanted to change their gender was not a patient and did not need help from their doctors and other support systems. For some reason you people seem to rejoice in their gender dysphoria. I still don't understand why or whether it is you or them that has the biggest problem.

Nobody is "rejoicing" in their gender dysphoria, except the gender-dysphoric themselves. The biggest problem is that nature abhors anomalies and contradictions of terms. Even Darwin's Theory of Evolution shows that lifeforms that do not propagate their species are doomed to extinction.

So being the natural creations we are, it's only human to feel disgusted when affronted by freaks of nature. Anyone who feels otherwise is completely out of touch with their own human instinct.
Nobody is "rejoicing" in their gender dysphoria, except the gender-dysphoric themselves. The biggest problem is that nature abhors anomalies and contradictions of terms. Even Darwin's Theory of Evolution shows that lifeforms that do not propagate their species are doomed to extinction.

So being the natural creations we are, it's only human to feel disgusted when affronted by freaks of nature. Anyone who feels otherwise is completely out of touch with their own human instinct.
Ok, so why have homosexuals not become extinct?
1% of the world's population? That's pretty much extinct, wouldn't you agree?
But still, not extinct. I just don't think we should make a group's, any groups life a little more miserable just because we don't approve or like it or think it is icky. I refuse to rejoice in others misery, and gender dysphoria is certainly misery. But you guys go, if it makes you feel better, a little more manly or whatever, I am sure you will.
But still, not extinct. I just don't think we should make a group's, any groups life a little more miserable just because we don't approve or like it or think it is icky. I refuse to rejoice in others misery, and gender dysphoria is certainly misery. But you guys go, if it makes you feel better, a little more manly or whatever, I am sure you will.

I don't want to make anyone's live more miserable. All I ask is keep their sexual dysfunctions to themselves, and leave the kids alone.
Yea, I never said someone who was so unhappy they wanted to change their gender was not a patient and did not need help from their doctors and other support systems. For some reason you people seem to rejoice in their gender dysphoria. I still don't understand why or whether it is you or them that has the biggest problem.
Gender dysphoria means a person denies their natal gender and should get help to realign to their natal gender. No one rejoices in cutting kids to to 'make' them what they are not.
I don't want to make anyone's live more miserable. All I ask is keep their sexual dysfunctions to themselves, and leave the kids alone.
I hang out on both conservative sites and liberal sites. The conservatives spend significantly more time on this subject then the libs.
No straight guy is going to have sex with some fruitloop with a penor pretending to be a woman

The depths of left loonism is mind boggling
Sadly, this was the next step. Now it isn’t enough to force people to accept this sickness, now if you don’t partake you’re a transphobic bigot, or whatever the word of the week is.
No straight guy is going to have sex with some fruitloop with a penor pretending to be a woman

The depths of left loonism is mind boggling
The RWI's find outrage in most things, so as me Being a Married Straight Male, are you outraged that I find it repulsive to even think about having sex with another Male, or Trans?

Or are you outraged that I spoke up about my thoughts on Gay or Trans Sex?
If nothing about thinking about REAL WOMENS sporting event?
How do you reconcile that?
I do not believe any male that changes to a female should participate in a sport in which he has unfair advantage.
The RWI's find outrage in most things, so as me Being a Married Straight Male, are you outraged that I find it repulsive to even think about having sex with another Male, or Trans?

Or are you outraged that I spoke up about my thoughts on Gay or Trans Sex?
I doubt that anyone cares. I too am a straight heterosexual male and don't give a big rats ass what anyone else thinks. I guess the big question is, why do you?
If nothing about thinking about REAL WOMENS sporting event?
How do you reconcile that?
Easy, and I think Congress should get involved in making laws about it.

Sports: 3 Categories:
Public Bathrooms: Same 3 Categories.

1). Male/Boy/Men/He
2). Female/Girl/Women/She
3). Gender.Confused/Other/Other/They

Pretty Simple huh.
I doubt that anyone cares. I too am a straight heterosexual male and don't give a big rats ass what anyone else thinks. I guess the big question is, why do you?
What are you talking about?
I don't care if people are Gay/Trans/Married.Same.Sex/
I just stated I'm Straight and asked if Liberal Hater SassyIrishLass was outraged by my post, one way or the other?

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