Now the president wants to delay the vote


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
First the president insisted that congress approve a military strike on Syria and now he wants to delay the vote. What an incoherent administration. Can we expect the president to call Russia every time we need to make a foreign policy decision? Maybe Barry Hussein needs to go off and play golf for the next three years.
Yepper, the far right reactionaries condemn bombing and now they condemn diplomacy.

Buncha nutters.

Good on the pres on this foreign diplomacy, He has the nutters in both parties turned upside down.
maybe you should take a course in diplomacy.

O needs "Diplomacy for Dummies"..

Putin is a Man. Men don't negotiate with fagamuffins, they bitch-slap them.

Nobody is afraid of the Stuttering Clusterfukk. The whole world is laughing in his face.

Even if he were to bomb Syria into the Stone Age right now, it wouldn't change a thing.

the SCOAMF really is a phony, made-for-TV, propped up, Hollywood type Star.

He's as phony as can possibly be. So is his entire Administration.

They are not Leaders or great thinkers, they more closely resemble a University Faculty than a group of Leaders.

Think about it. Ever been in a Faculty Lounge? If so, then you've been in the Inner Circle of the current White House.
Once again, common sense evades those stricken with ODS.

The use of military force authorization on the table is for a 90 day period. If it were approved today, the clock would run out before an agreement could be negotiated and it be determined if Syria is following the agreement to remove its chemical weapons from the country.
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Yepper, the far right reactionaries condemn bombing and now they condemn diplomacy.

Buncha nutters.

Good on the pres on this foreign diplomacy, He has the nutters in both parties turned upside down.

Wrong, Jake.

We condemn the worst president in the history of the Galaxy.

With a whole lot of "I told you so" feelings of vindication thrown in.

We were right about him all along and you were wrong.

What else is new? Jake being wrong.... Yeah, that's an anomaly. :lmao:
Yepper, the far right reactionaries condemn bombing and now they condemn diplomacy.

Buncha nutters.

Good on the pres on this foreign diplomacy, He has the nutters in both parties turned upside down.

Putin just played him like a finely tuned violin. You missed that one too?

Man, the desperation wafting from that spin is ripe.

Do you think Syria and Russia suddenly offered up the chemical weapons out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think Syria has been denying for years that it even had chemical weapons and suddenly decided to come clean to punk Obama?

Jesus, you people are beyond retarded.
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At this point I no longer care what Putin does to the bed wetter in chief. The worse things get, the better a chance we'll get a real president in 3 years.
Why does the GOP turn it's back on Bush II?

We haven't turned our backs on Bush 43.

He's a FORMER President. And FORMER Presidents with any class at all STAY THE FUCK OUT OF POLITICS.

Truman did, Eisenhower did, LBJ did, Nixon did, Ford did.... Carter, not so much. Bush 41 did with the exception of one speech for his Son. What a shocker, huh? Campaigning for your Son? Bush 43 has consistently stayed out.

It's called "Class". Something the dimocrap scum of the world have no idea about.
Of course he had to delay the vote. He was going to lose anyway. To look at it, it is just more waffling, more indecision. obama is now in the position of making increasingly bad decisions. He made this impossible situation himself. The delay, that he was basically forced into, is allowing both Russia and Assad time to build up their forces. Russia just sent their carrier killer ship to Syria. Diplomacy works, when it works, when it doesn't work it's a disaster. John Kerry, who is not known for his superior intelligence and decision making ability has been dispatched to Russia to hammer out some sort of plan. Kerry might be the worst man for the job. Like obama he is subject to being influenced by flattery. Everything obama does is wrong. Nothing can compare to his missteps in the last year though. Nothing. Has the man never read a history book?
Yepper, the far right reactionaries condemn bombing and now they condemn diplomacy.

Buncha nutters.

Good on the pres on this foreign diplomacy, He has the nutters in both parties turned upside down.

Putin just played him like a finely tuned violin. You missed that one too?

Man, the desperation wafting from that spin is ripe.

Do you think Syria and Russia suddenly offered up the chemical weapons out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think Syria has been denying for years that it even had chemical weapons and suddenly decided to come clean to punk Obama?

Jesus, you people are beyond retarded.

No, they heard Kerry's gaffe and realizing the opportunity they had just been offered they seized upon on it. They have many more options now. Options make you strong.
Yepper, the far right reactionaries condemn bombing and now they condemn diplomacy.

Buncha nutters.

Good on the pres on this foreign diplomacy, He has the nutters in both parties turned upside down.

Putin just played him like a finely tuned violin. You missed that one too?

Man, the desperation wafting from that spin is ripe.

Do you think Syria and Russia suddenly offered up the chemical weapons out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think Syria has been denying for years that it even had chemical weapons and suddenly decided to come clean to punk Obama?

Jesus, you people are beyond retarded.

And here I thought the year was 2013, not 2012.
Syrian officials warned Monday that they would deploy chemical weapons against any foreign intervention
Putin just played him like a finely tuned violin. You missed that one too?

Man, the desperation wafting from that spin is ripe.

Do you think Syria and Russia suddenly offered up the chemical weapons out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think Syria has been denying for years that it even had chemical weapons and suddenly decided to come clean to punk Obama?

Jesus, you people are beyond retarded.

And here I thought the year was 2013, not 2012.
Syrian officials warned Monday that they would deploy chemical weapons against any foreign intervention

And the west pushed him----fully expecting to take advantage of the deaths. and now we claim the moral high ground ?? :cuckoo:
I'm thinking Congress should go ahead with the vote and be on record as giving AHOTOS a resounding slap in the face.
It's unlikely that Reid would let it come to a vote in the Senate, though.
Yepper, the far right reactionaries condemn bombing and now they condemn diplomacy.

Buncha nutters.

Good on the pres on this foreign diplomacy, He has the nutters in both parties turned upside down.

Judging by the mess the administration is in I guess left wingers have always condemned leadership.

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