Now the Spin Begins Over the Ridiculous Charges Against Trump

For once, the President presented an excellent defense during his brief statement this evening. The only relevant precedent (from Clinton's sock drawer) defeats this case utterly.

The trial will be bullshit. Trump will be convicted (in Florida, Georgia, and Manhattan), and the real disposition of the cases will be on appeal, several years from now. All three cases are Constitutionally flawed. And every competent attorney in the country knows it. Too bad, veracity is not a valued trait among Leftists.
Trump's speech tonight had nothing to do with the current court case. It was just him repeating his normal whine list. The same dumb crap he has said dozens of times in every other speech. Can you point out anything new that he said?
I saw part of the news report where some guy who was claiiming ther e'were 37 criminal counts' and knew right away it was a load of idiot crap, and haven't bothered reading anything about it, for the same reason I'll never read Biden's autobiography.
For once, the President presented an excellent defense during his brief statement this evening. The only relevant precedent (from Clinton's sock drawer) defeats this case utterly.

The trial will be bullshit. Trump will be convicted (in Florida, Georgia, and Manhattan), and the real disposition of the cases will be on appeal, several years from now. All three cases are Constitutionally flawed. And every competent attorney in the country knows it. Too bad, veracity is not a valued trait among Leftists.

It also shows just how sleazy and feckless the legal 'profession' has become. It has as much credibility as the New York Times and Wa po now, less than zero. They both rank below pedophiles.
I believe that most Americans were beginning to truly be sick and tired of all the drama and divisiveness that constantly surrounds Trump. Other options, like DeSantis, offered the promise of returning to "adult" leadership. All that is gone now. At this point, the normal issues such as the border, economy, inflation etc... have all taken a backseat to the narrative that our DOJ and are FBI are being used to cover up Biden's obvious corruption while simultaneously being used as a weapon used to destroy the leading presidential candidate. That is a very powerful narrative. Nothing else really matters in the end. And Trump is the only person on Earth that can fight against the "deep state"...."The final battle" that will be Trumps winning narrative.
Some voters still cling to the "anybody but Trump" mantra. They are fools, and deep down they must know that Joe Biden has been a disaster for the wealth and security of America. And... here we are, where Trump appears to be the only person strong enough to fight the D.C. swamp that is attacking him, and Biden.....well instead of chanting "anybody but Biden" these same fools cheer on the effort to trot out the same old, inept, senile, corrupt fool.
The MSM et al is full of dolts all yammering the same BS that Trump's possession of some of these documents was a threat to national security, blah, blah, blah.


The documents were securely stored in MAL which has 24/7 Secret Service protection.

Meanwhile, the Biden Junta allowed a massive CCP spy balloon to loiter above sensitive military bases and cross CONUS for a week.

Meanwhile, the CCP is building a spy base in Cuba. Which first was denied by the Biden Junta, then acknowledged, then they blamed Trump (which NO ONE believes).

Meanwhile, Biden classified documents made a side trip to Chinatown(!) in DC before travelling elsewhere.

Meanwhile, a thousand classified documents were stored in the CCP bought and paid for Penn Biden Center.

Meanwhile, so much more from Biden.

Take a deep's gonna be ok. Stay away from your propaganda news, and you'll feel better even sooner!
Being a MAGA you are immune from any information that doesn't praise and protect trump, but the non-MAGAs accept reality.

You're so easy. You actually think that mess of unidentified boxes proves something. Just like you thought that refrigerator trucks parked outside NYC hospitals proved that covid was deadly.

Leftists will buy any story that they think confirms what they already believe.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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You're so easy. You actually think that mess of unidentified boxes proves something. Just like you thought that refrigerator trucks parked outside NYC hospitals proved that covid was deadly.

Leftists will buy any story that they think confirms what they already believe.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You might have a point if they were just some random unidentified boxes. They have been identified as boxes that contained top secret documents that trump lied about having.
You might have a point if they were just some random unidentified boxes. They have been identified as boxes that contained top secret documents that trump lied about having.

Yes, you believe that.

You leftists believe everything the TV tells you to believe.

This would be like Trump having Barr prosecute Biden during the campaign... repulsive behavior you democrats... repulsive as hell....
I agree. That is why I announced my candicy a couple months ago. I can do whatever the fuck I want now untill after the election.

Let them try to arrest me; election interference!
The MSM et al is full of dolts all yammering the same BS that Trump's possession of some of these documents was a threat to national security, blah, blah, blah.


The documents were securely stored in MAL which has 24/7 Secret Service protection.

Meanwhile, the Biden Junta allowed a massive CCP spy balloon to loiter above sensitive military bases and cross CONUS for a week.

Meanwhile, the CCP is building a spy base in Cuba. Which first was denied by the Biden Junta, then acknowledged, then they blamed Trump (which NO ONE believes).

Meanwhile, Biden classified documents made a side trip to Chinatown(!) in DC before travelling elsewhere.

Meanwhile, a thousand classified documents were stored in the CCP bought and paid for Penn Biden Center.

Meanwhile, so much more from Biden.
Moreover, there's no indication whatsoever that any of the papers weren't presidential records.

I'm sure the video clips of self-righteous meltdowns from the likes of Scarborough and Tapper will be flying fast and furious over the next few days.
I pray this judge and jury can see this for what it is... A banana republic political retribution... the dems had better be very careful... I'm hearing from my democrat anti Trump friends and they do not like this one bit and two have said they will vote for Trump because they don't like this....
This is not who we are... prosecuting a presidential candidate because he polls higher than the sitting president of the other party....
I got one friend that is the same way.

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