NOW the USPS is going under. what in the heck is going on?

They are the ones that have no input at all.

That is unfortunately true in too many organizations. When I ran the Quality Improvement Department in a hospital, the best ideas came from the nurses and the ward secretaries when it came to improving patient care.

They dropped the whole program and went back to the traditional Nursing QA.

Go figure.
The post office needs to reinvent itself and modernize. Times have changed; they need to do the same.
The post office needs to reinvent itself and modernize. Times have changed; they need to do the same.


They have too much brick and mortar.

But the business model no longer makes sense, anyway.

They ought to sell their real estate, pay off the pensioners a lump sum based on their age, and call it a day.

Ben Franklin's idea is no longer viable, I'm afraid.
Speaking of inefficiencies, Blackwater, Haliburton, and other private enterprises really haven't delivered the best products for the dollar either.
cap post master salaries at 75g/year.

STARTING with that piece of shit Potter

Postmaster got $800,000 in pay, perks
Raise came amid calls for cuts in delivery

Washington Times - Postmaster got $800,000 in pay, perks
that is what I was thinking.
I was also thinking the other day about how they say people do not send letters anymore due to email which causes them profit loss. But don't they send quite a bit more bills in the mail than they used to? Also when I order stuff off the internet it always seems to come USPS.
Maybe I am being an idiot and someone could explain to me how they loose so much money. And maybe it is just my family that gets the same amount of mail as they did ten fifteen years ago.

they loose a LOT money every day,because somebody with enough middle justify their job....will come up with a "NEW" way to move the mail and save the service time and make the numbers look good....and all the while were the "REAL" work is being done,in the local office,they have got to figure out how to implement something that doesnt work that great,and is costing as much or more than the previous way....and it WILL work,whether you like it or the general management attitude....
agree with the five day service...saturday mail is nearly all unnecessary...

and what about their egregious amount of federal holidays...cut one holiday

this situation is a prime example of why the government should not run anything, amtrak...usps...

name a few things that the government runs that it makes money on...

the USPS is mandated buy Congress NOT to make money......try to break even.......
With the volume of business that eBay, Amazon, Ubid, and others generate, cmon...the other thing is that post office staff are always griping about "union this, union that."

Fine, get rid of the "union" and stop telling me, the customer about it!

yea i bet they are....
agree with the five day service...saturday mail is nearly all unnecessary...

and what about their egregious amount of federal holidays...cut one holiday

this situation is a prime example of why the government should not run anything, amtrak...usps...

name a few things that the government runs that it makes money on...
The 5 day work week would really be beneficial for the Post office. But, I did hear that they wanted to eliminate Tuesday as a delivery day. That is what's know as "Postal Logic". They are famous for this kind of thinking. The union has a lock on the holidays...that would take an act of congress to eliminate some of them..... we're talking obama and "union"....
The person that knows how the mail is delivered is the best person to ask on ways to save money, and hours in the post office....that would be the carrier, or clerk. They are the ones that have no input at all.
There is way too much upper level management in the post office, I worked there for 30 years, and seen it all....there was a reason why the term "Going Postal" was coined. It was because of management, and "postal logic" working in harmony.

30 years???.....Dam old timing man....was it hard working under ole' Ben?......:lol:
In this day and age, there really is no need for the United States Postal Service. The service is horrid. They have not broken even in a long long time. I vote that we allow them to fail!

forgive them father....for they know not,of what they speak......:eusa_pray:
agree with the five day service...saturday mail is nearly all unnecessary...

and what about their egregious amount of federal holidays...cut one holiday

this situation is a prime example of why the government should not run anything, amtrak...usps...

name a few things that the government runs that it makes money on...
The 5 day work week would really be beneficial for the Post office. But, I did hear that they wanted to eliminate Tuesday as a delivery day. That is what's know as "Postal Logic". They are famous for this kind of thinking. The union has a lock on the holidays...that would take an act of congress to eliminate some of them..... we're talking obama and "union"....
The person that knows how the mail is delivered is the best person to ask on ways to save money, and hours in the post office....that would be the carrier, or clerk. They are the ones that have no input at all.
There is way too much upper level management in the post office, I worked there for 30 years, and seen it all....there was a reason why the term "Going Postal" was coined. It was because of management, and "postal logic" working in harmony.

30 years???.....Dam old timing man....was it hard working under ole' Ben?......:lol:

Harry...I'm about ready to hunt your ass down and ...well, just sayin...
ah....the good olde government run post into the ground .....wonder when the senate hearing will happen and blame will be assigned.....

wonder who our elected officials will blame this on.....

doesn't the government run amtrack as well.....

the USPS has ALWAYS been run into the ground,the only difference now?,they dont have all that cash to blow,like back in the day,when business was good.....
that is what I was thinking.
I was also thinking the other day about how they say people do not send letters anymore due to email which causes them profit loss. But don't they send quite a bit more bills in the mail than they used to? Also when I order stuff off the internet it always seems to come USPS.
Maybe I am being an idiot and someone could explain to me how they loose so much money. And maybe it is just my family that gets the same amount of mail as they did ten fifteen years ago.

Just within the past two months, I stopped receiving nearly all bills and banking statements via postal mail. I was sick of it having to shred it and ended up paying online anyways, so I switched the paper stuff out. If much can be done online, why not? It's a waste of paper anyway. I've also (finally!) stopped receiving as much junk mail -- catalogues and such. :D

The internet changed the way people bank, pay bills, purchase products, etc. Maybe the post office needs to revamp in order to keep up with the changing times. For starters, 5 days a week service seems like a good idea.

The biggest problem with moving to five days is the fact that they still will need to offer overnight service six days a week, meaning they can't completely shut down. If they cut out overnight on whichever they choose to stop other service, they will lose an awful lot of revenue to UPS, Fed Ex, and other competitors.

the Post Office delivers OVERNIGHTERS 7 days a week,365 days a year......i dont know about now,but at one time,for a while,the PO was the only one doing this.....EVERYDAY...EVERY ADDRESS....
NOW the USPS is going under. what in the heck is going on?
Government run entities never make a profit (aside from increasing taxes) and are notoriously inefficient.
I hope I didn't surprise you with that information.

govt entities are not SUPPOSED to make a profit......the PO is mandated by Congress NOT TOO.....

they could give it back.......instead they suck and keep taking our money to suck.....
I was applying for a post office job a few years back. Holidays? there's only 11 or 12 of those. Your first year you get 25 days vacation and 30 days sick level. There problem now is that no one works a fice day work week let alone 6. It goes up to 30 days the second year.

Figure in fifty-two Sundays then add 72 paid days off a year. That's 124 days out of 365 you don't have to work a year.
whatever Post Office you work at.....i wanna TRANSFER......124 DAYS A YEAR!!!! bags are my Satchel and im waiting for the word....

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