Now There is a Hole in the Global Warming?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Do we have to repair this Hole in the Global Warming so we can go back to slowly roasting ourselves alive and then fix the broader issue?

Or can enhance the hole till it consumes all the Global Warming?

Science Fiction writers want to know.

Frigid iguanas in Florida. Snowball fights on North Carolina’s beaches. Recent winters have delivered a bitter chill to the Southeast, reinforcing attitudes among some that global warming is a fraud.
But according to a scientific study published this month, the Southeast’s colder winter weather is part of an isolated trend, linked to a more wavy pattern in the jet stream that crosses North America. That dipping jet stream allows artic air to plunge into the Southeast. Scientists call this colder weather a “hole” in overall global warming, or a “warming hole.”
“What we are looking at is an anomaly,” said Jonathan M. Winter, an assistant professor of geography at Dartmouth College and the principle investigator in the study. “The Southeast is the exception to the rule.”
Winter and lead author Trevor F. Partridge, a Dartmouth graduate student, say this year’s extreme cold in Southeast could be a product of the warming hole. “It is the same mechanism that causes this bitterly cold air to come down,” said Winter.​
Snow-covered beaches? Chilly iguanas? They are part of a mysterious ‘hole’ in global warming
after the near deep freeze with the cyclone, it's been fairly nice in the NE.

expecting it to reach the 60's in a couple of days.

That is God slipping up abit. normally NE is an ice box with snow on the ground all winter, no?

Too cold for me and mine, lol.

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