Now There’s Proof! Brad Raffensperger Lied to President Trump When He Told Him in Jan 2021 Phone Call There Was No Fraud in 2020 Election


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
How much do you people need to see the 2020 election had 0 integrity? A SOS lying to a president is not good.
Georgia Chairman of the Republican Party David Shafer later revealed that Raffensperger and Fuchs lied to the Washington Post about Trump, demanding that they “find the fraud.”

Then, after they leaked their version of the story to the Washington Post, they deleted the audio of the call.

The audio file was later found in the laptop’s “trash” folder.

Caught again and again and people act like it means nothing. Why is that?

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger knew about these illegitimate numbers in December 2020 but lied to President Trump anyway – insisting the election in Georgia was clean! Raffensperger knew this was not true when he spoke to President Trump in early January 2021.
Another example of a drive by reaction with 0 behind it. C'mon prove the article is fake news.

, meaning the proof is not there that the 2020 presidential election wasn't stolen.
What else do people need to admit Trump won GA.?
Lol, gateway pundit. Hilarious. Yall are sure good at being blow hards but when it comes to court where real evidence counts nothing. All your bull shit is proven to be bullshit in court.
Lol, gateway pundit. Hilarious. Yall are sure good at being blow hards but when it comes to court where real evidence counts nothing. All your bull shit is proven to be bullshit in court.
You can't argue with crackpots. Don't you know that the reason you never see elephants up in trees is that they are really good at hiding.
How much do you people need to see the 2020 election had 0 integrity? A SOS lying to a president is not good.
Georgia Chairman of the Republican Party David Shafer later revealed that Raffensperger and Fuchs lied to the Washington Post about Trump, demanding that they “find the fraud.”

Then, after they leaked their version of the story to the Washington Post, they deleted the audio of the call.

The audio file was later found in the laptop’s “trash” folder.

Here comes the reaction from the leftards….





How much do you people need to see the 2020 election had 0 integrity? A SOS lying to a president is not good.
Georgia Chairman of the Republican Party David Shafer later revealed that Raffensperger and Fuchs lied to the Washington Post about Trump, demanding that they “find the fraud.”

Then, after they leaked their version of the story to the Washington Post, they deleted the audio of the call.

The audio file was later found in the laptop’s “trash” folder.
Same shit, different day, no proof.
Hey, here's some real proof for ya! :)

View attachment 879921

Caught again and again and people act like it means nothing. Why is that?

While there were rumors about a possible lawsuit against Raffensperger for recording the conversation without Trump's consent, the telephone call recording laws for both locations where this conversation was held, namely the state of Georgia and District of Columbia, only require "one-party consent", meaning any participant of a phone call can legally record it without another party's consent.[56][57][58] As the conversation was hastily arranged, Raffensperger said that the parties did not establish any non-disclosure agreement before or during the phone call

While there were rumors about a possible lawsuit against Raffensperger for recording the conversation without Trump's consent, the telephone call recording laws for both locations where this conversation was held, namely the state of Georgia and District of Columbia, only require "one-party consent", meaning any participant of a phone call can legally record it without another party's consent.[56][57][58] As the conversation was hastily arranged, Raffensperger said that the parties did not establish any non-disclosure agreement before or during the phone call
The one where Raff tells Trump his states data is wrong? Old news.
Whoever moved this. The title is a proven fact. Not a conspiracy. Debunk it or put it back.

Raffenberger was informed before the phone callFulton county was ripe with fraud and serious problems. The man he hired to report to him told him. I believe his name is Rossi. Now prove he lied.
Lol, gateway pundit. Hilarious. Yall are sure good at being blow hards but when it comes to court where real evidence counts nothing. All your bull shit is proven to be bullshit in court.
Most of it on Twitter (now that censorship got mostly curtailed) you ignorant stupid OX.

All of this is old news from way way back but you didnt hear it in your home O tranny black bubble on CNN MSLSD.
RATT KEMP are example of the corupt Deep State working 24-7 for the uniParty. It pays well as the Country suffers in the long run. VOS in WISC and countless others. If you ever get a chance……take it.
Most of it on Twitter (now that censorship got mostly curtailed) you ignorant stupid OX.

All of this is old news from way way back but you didnt hear it in your home O tranny black bubble on CNN MSLSD.
Lol, twitter is now a source. Hilarious
Lol, twitter is now a source. Hilarious

where do you think you would hear about concrete DEM fraud in 2020? Its not the fact thinga are reported on Twitter or other sites, in many cases it’s the person willing to report it.

Stupi forker was reading Twitter above then asking what was the source? Huh? again you’ll never hear truth on the BS you watch, read or listen into. I already know ALL of these latest facts trickling out. I dug into 2920 Election fraud nearly every day for three years. Turned off all TV & radio “news”. People like you are still a polluted sack of molded garbage.

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