now they are beheading hostages...

The problem isn’t the antisemites on the forum. The problem is the antisemites in the real world. Did you hear how in Australia a bunch of pro-Palestinian savages were chanting “Gas the Jews!”? And how a pro-Palestinian in New York was calling for slaughter of Jews here in America?!

Jews worldwide are scared. This is the worst since the Holocaust, and let’s face it….Biden is being run by the antisemitic, pro-Muslim Obama. The $6 billion for the hostages has Obama’s stink all over it.

Agreed. All of them need to be exposed for the demonic ghouls they are. Here, and in real life.
And it proves that multiculturism is a lie and doesn’t work, especially with Muslims.

Israel will set the example of how to deal with Muslims. Will the US have the balls to do the same? Well, not with Dems around.
The Israeli response will be brutal
Far beyond what we have ever seen
Battleships are a specific class of ship. No new ones since the last of the Iowa class became museum ships in the 1990's. Our modern warships are Aircraft Carriers, Cruisers, Destroyers, Frigates, LCS, submarines, and gator navy ships.
Thank you. That’s what I was asking.
You are living in a Hollywood world, Gaza is the size of Washington DC with three times the population those hostages will not all be in the same place, Hamas are probably looking forward to the IDF going in, combat in that sort of environment is the most difficult.
The size of Gaza is irrelevent and who the fuck ever said the hostages were all in the same place? SEALs and Delta are sent to hot zones for rescue missions all the time. Its literally what they do, and youre fucking stupid if you think we WONT be rescuing at least some of our own hostages. :cuckoo:
Cruisers (CGs), destroyers (DDGs), aircraft carriers (CVNs), submarines, (SSNs, SSGNs, SSBNs), littoral combat ships (LCSs), patrol ships (PC), and amphibious ships (LHAs, LHDs, LPDs, LSDs).
Was that so hard? Why did it take like five posts to get to this? You wanted to troll. Just admit it. Thank you.
Mature is one way to put it. If it’s good why is his approval rating in the 30% range?

All one has to do is listen to the Generals on Trumps staff.

Mattis, Milley, Kelly……all are consistent in their descriptions of Trump.
His wild statements, overall cluelessness, unwillingness to take advice

A man unsuited to lead in a crisis
And little things like intelligence, plans of where they are held, etc. This ain't the movies. Once you know where they are, you need to plan and practice, not just jump on a plane and go Rambo somewhere.

The best the US can do if the locate the hostages is let Israel know. They can send their SF units.
Youre fucking dumb. I clearly said that the CIA is currently gathering leads on their whereabouts and that once they put an intel package together they would send it to Biden to make the call. And the best thing to do would be getting them back ourselves because we are better at it. We are WAAAAAAY the fuck better at it.
The size of Gaza is irrelevent and who the fuck ever said the hostages were all in the same place? SEALs and Delta are sent to hot zones for rescue missions all the time. Its literally what they do, and youre fucking stupid if you think we WONT be rescuing at least some of our own hostages. :cuckoo:
OK Rambo calm down.
Agreed. All of them need to be exposed for the demonic ghouls they are. Here, and in real life.
Problem is some see antisemites where there are no antisemites, and brand anyone who speaks against Israel as a antisemite, the jewish people who do that are not helping themselves, i have been accused many times by some of them, trust me i am not antisemitic, my father was among the liberators of Bergen Belsen it stayed with him all his life what he saw in that place, i have read all my adult life about the holocaust, but i will not give a blank cheque to Israel or anyone else.
Even if that means killing thousands of people in Gaza and reducing it to ground level?
The Israelis, since they are not savages like the Islamic terrorists who are INTENTIONALLY hunting down and killing Jews in a surprise attack, have already given warning for Palestinians to vacate.

So yes, they’ve been warned. The entire Gaza region is about to be leveled, and they need to start making the trek to Egypt.
The Israelis, since they are not savages like the Islamic terrorists who are INTENTIONALLY hunting down and killing Jews in a surprise attack, have already given warning for Palestinians to vacate.

So yes, they’ve been warned. The entire Gaza region is about to be leveled, and they need to start making the trek to Egypt.
Hello!! the Israelis have bombed the crossing into Egypt they have even locked the West bank down into another prison.

the Warsaw Ghetto it's 80 years ago since the Nazis also leveled that place.


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