now they are beheading hostages...

As I type this:

Israelis killed by this attack: 1,200
Israel population: 9,300,000

That would be equal to about 43,000 Americans, based on our population.
Almost half of Israel's Jews admit that they support ethnic cleansing (1) and murderous Zionist barbarians even bayonetted pregnant women in the abdomen(2)

Palestine's native residents have endured this sort of relentless Zionist ethnic cleansing for 75 years and at the same time, been guinea pigs for Israel's genotoxic, D.U., NDU weapons, D.I.M.E. bomb program.(3)

Generally, the world is supportive of humiliated and tormented occupied peoples when they resist genocidal occupiers however Israel's army Hasbara propagandists, apologists for any Zionist atrocity and pro Israel MSM has led simpler minds into pitying the oppressor rather than the oppressed.

If history is any indicator, the occupier wont be satisfied with a Kill Ratio less than a 20+ Palestinian lives to one Israeli:

“Chart: 6,407 Palestinians and 308 Israelis Killed in Violence in Last 15 Years”

EXCERPT “The deadliest year for Palestinian casualties had been 2014 when Hamas kidnapped and killed three Israeli teenagers. The seven weeks of war, which included Israeli airstrikes and Hamas rocket launches left over 2,310 Palestinians dead. The fatalities on the Israeli side were 73, which included 67 soldiers, and the rest civilians.” CONTINUED

What Netanyahu calls a "War" is really just murdering innocent civilians until Israel's 20+ to one Kill Ratio is satisfied.


(1). “Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”

EXCERPT “Almost half of Jewish Israelis believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel, a survey has found.

A study carried out by the Pew Research Centre found that around one in five adults questioned “strongly agreed” with the controversial statement, which amounts to ethnic cleansing under some definitions.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes the act as “attempting to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic group”, while a United Nations report in 1993 additionally specified the use of “force or intimidation”.CONTINUED

(2). Deir Yasin Massacre, 09.04.1948

EXCERPT " One of the worst Zionist massacres committed against Palestinians is the Deir Yasin massacre. Defenceless Palestinian civilians were tortured before being massacres and their bodies mutilated. Women and children were raped, babies were butchered and pregnant women were bayoneted." CONTINUED

(3) “The Lab”: Israel Tests Weapons, Tactics On Captive Palestinian Population

EXCERPT "“The Lab,” which won a recent award at DocAviv, Israel’s documentary Oscars, is due to premiere in the U.S. in August. Directed by Yotam Feldman, the film presents the first close-up view of Israel’s arms industry and the dealers who have enriched themselves.

The title relates to the film’s central argument: that Israel has rapidly come to rely on the continuing captivity of Palestinians in what are effectively the world’s largest open-air prisons.

The reason is that there are massive profits to be made from testing Israeli military innovations on the more than four million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank."CONTINUED
thanks for your research
So why the fuck do you think they are going to die if they go on a hostage rescue mission? If you know the SEALs so well, you must know that they have crazy good support on their missions, especially when we arent in the middle of our own war and our resources arent spread thin. They would have multiples eyes in the sky, AWACS, drones, satellite, probably several Apache's and most definitely 2-4 fully loaded F/A-18's ready to drop bombs at a moments notice. Aint nothin getting near the SEAL team, except for their targets who are holding the captives.
You are living in a Hollywood world, Gaza is the size of Washington DC with three times the population those hostages will not all be in the same place, Hamas are probably looking forward to the IDF going in, combat in that sort of environment is the most difficult.
thanks for your research
I don't agree with killing any civilians Israeli or Palestinian, but Israel always say they are attacking terrorists targets, well this morning a high ranking Israeli Admiral said they are concentrating on inflicting damage not accuracy, anyone who has seen the latest images of Gaza already knew that parts of it look like Dresden.
Apaches and Blackhawks cannot be used on a carrier because their rotors don't fold! It was a problem when the carriers were used to carry Army helicopters to Haiti back in the early 90s.

I happen to know the standard aircraft complement of a carrier air wing. Do you?

BTW, this is an " ' ". You are missing three in your post. Try using them.
I already told you that there are Apaches in Israel and i never said they were hiding a fucking blackhawk on the carrier.
Apaches from the US Army in Israel? I have Apaches 5 miles from my house in Tennessee.

Which military drones are on the USS Gerald R. Ford?

Satellites don't tell you shit! Also, when were you a SEAL or worked with them?
Israel has Apache squadrons.

Israel can launch drones from Israel.

Satellites do all kinds of shit for SEALs, not just being eyes in the sky, but they do that too.
As I type this:

Israelis killed by this attack: 1,200
Israel population: 9,300,000

That would be equal to about 43,000 Americans, based on our population.

Oh Mac, embrace the suck of your people. Embrace Biden. Embrace the Dems.

You've been dancing to their tune for years now. Keep dancing. Don't stop now.
Why are you talking to yourself dipshit?

They track MOVING tanks and other military equipment. That would be useless in this scenario.

At least I know how to spell "you're" properly.
"In addition, AWACS can also be used for civilian purposes such as air traffic control and search and rescue operations."

It conducts a wide range of missions from peacetime air policing, support to counter-terrorism, evacuation operations, embargo, initial entry and crisis response to the full spectrum of wartime missions.

They also use them for controlling UAV's.

You dont know enough about AWACS to act like an authority on the subject. Why the fuck were you sooo confident in the first place? Your confidence is not warranted.
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OK amateur. Ballistic missiles submarines (SSBNs) are NEVER part of a carrier battle group. Likewise, the SSGN variants do not either. They "hide with pride".
Thats why i said they "might" have a Trident sub there. Given that a war is popping off in the Middle East, they might have nukes parked off the coast. For you to suggest thats impossible is just fucking stupid. Of course its possible and probably likely.

You sure love to pretend like youre an expert on everything, but youre ALWAYS wrong. You are sooo quick to embarrass someone with your bullshit knowledge of the military, but you are ALWAYS wrong.

Stop talking about the military. You seem to run into a lot of trouble every time you talk about military shit. You clearly didnt soak up enough while you served.
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You would be better to cover yourself in dust and ashes than type this pathetic garbage
It’s pretty sad the way these antisemitic leftists have taken a thread on the horror of antisemitism so great that Jewish babies are being beheaded, and instead accusing Jews of genocide.
I don't agree with killing any civilians Israeli or Palestinian, but Israel always say they are attacking terrorists targets, well this morning a high ranking Israeli Admiral said they are concentrating on inflicting damage not accuracy, anyone who has seen the latest images of Gaza already knew that parts of it look like Dresden.

I don't agree with killing any civilians Israeli or Palestinian, but Israel always say they are attacking terrorists targets, well this morning a high ranking Israeli Admiral said they are concentrating on inflicting damage not accuracy, anyone who has seen the latest images of Gaza already knew that parts of it look like Dresden.
can you post a picture?
It’s pretty sad the way these antisemitic leftists have taken a thread on the horror of antisemitism so great that Jewish babies are being beheaded, and instead accusing Jews of genocide.

Our daughter called me early yesterday morning, before work. She rarely pays much attention to the news but is really upset by this. I told her, honey, you can't reason with evil. And more and more, these people are wholly beyond reason. You can almost hear the hellish screaming when they type or talk.

No reasoning with it. Just be repelled, as we should be: and pray.
Our daughter called me early yesterday morning, before work. She rarely pays much attention to the news but is really upset by this. I told her, honey, you can't reason with evil. And more and more, these people are wholly beyond reason. You can almost hear the hellish screaming when they type or talk.

No reasoning with it. Just be repelled, as we should be: and pray.
The problem isn’t the antisemites on the forum. The problem is the antisemites in the real world. Did you hear how in Australia a bunch of pro-Palestinian savages were chanting “Gas the Jews!”? And how a pro-Palestinian in New York was calling for slaughter of Jews here in America?!

Jews worldwide are scared. This is the worst since the Holocaust, and let’s face it….Biden is being run by the antisemitic, pro-Muslim Obama. The $6 billion for the hostages has Obama’s stink all over it.

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