now they are beheading hostages...

Carriers transport planes? Do they have firepower like battleships had? I should ask my dad. He is ex navy.
I guess its also important to point out that wherever you have a carrier, you also have a "carrier group". Basically a small sample of all of the Navy's ships, so like missile cruisers with Tomahawk missiles and even a submarine. They might even have a Trident sub with the group, which hold a large number of nuclear missiles.
Yes, they transport planes.. They have WAY more firepower than battleships had, and 10 times their range. You could park a battleship of a coast and fire 20 miles inland, while an aircraft carrier will let you attack 200+ miles inland. Probably much further than that even.
Thank you for educating me
AWACS do multiple things, one of which is "air surveillance.". They are commonly used for "counter terrorism" and "search and rescue". Learn your planes if youre going to try and act like youre the expert, dipshit. :laugh:
Why are you talking to yourself dipshit?

They track MOVING tanks and other military equipment. That would be useless in this scenario.

At least I know how to spell "you're" properly.
What the hell do i even say to this horseshit? None of that is true. What in the flying fuck are you talking about? :laugh:

There are a bunch of Apaches in Israel.

Military drones fly for HOURS!!!!

Satellites are used by SEAL's on virtually every mission. Tha fuck? :laugh:
Apaches from the US Army in Israel? I have Apaches 5 miles from my house in Tennessee.

Which military drones are on the USS Gerald R. Ford?

Satellites don't tell you shit! Also, when were you a SEAL or worked with them?
You have no god damn idea whats over there. You do realize that we have a carrier there right now, dont you? Do you know whats in its hanger? No, you dont.
Apaches and Blackhawks cannot be used on a carrier because their rotors don't fold! It was a problem when the carriers were used to carry Army helicopters to Haiti back in the early 90s.

I happen to know the standard aircraft complement of a carrier air wing. Do you?

BTW, this is an " ' ". You are missing three in your post. Try using them.
I guess its also important to point out that wherever you have a carrier, you also have a "carrier group". Basically a small sample of all of the Navy's ships, so like missile cruisers with Tomahawk missiles and even a submarine. They might even have a Trident sub with the group, which hold a large number of nuclear missiles.
OK amateur. Ballistic missiles submarines (SSBNs) are NEVER part of a carrier battle group. Likewise, the SSGN variants do not either. They "hide with pride".
The SEALs would love nothing more than to go rescue US hostages. So would Delta Force. The only thing holding them back is the Biden administration.
And little things like intelligence, plans of where they are held, etc. This ain't the movies. Once you know where they are, you need to plan and practice, not just jump on a plane and go Rambo somewhere.

The best the US can do if the locate the hostages is let Israel know. They can send their SF units.
1937: Arabs reject the Peel Commission to create a Jewish and Arab state.
1947: Arabs reject the UN partition plan to create a Jewish and Arab state. Wage war against the new nation of Israel. Lose more land than the partition gave them.
1967: Israel wins yet another war against its Arab neighbors, conquering Gaza, the West Bank and Sinai in a defensive war. The Arab League declares the "three no's": No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel. Israel voluntarily hands control of the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism back to the Islamic Waqf, and made it illegal for Jews to pray there.
1979: Israel voluntarily hands the Sinai back to Egypt, returning land conquered in a defensive war.
1993: Israel recognizes the sovereignty of the Palestinian Authority over the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the Oslo Accords. Yasser Arafat uses it to support terrorism.
2000: Israel offers Yasser Arafat recognition of a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 94% of the West Bank with East Jerusalem as its Capital. Arafat rejects it and launches the Second Intifada.
2005: Israel pulls out of the Gaza Strip, dismantles all its settlements, and forces Jews to leave their homes. Palestinians respond by electing Hamas who turn it into a terror state.
2008: Israel offers Mahmoud Abbas once again recognition of a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 94% of the West Bank with East Jerusalem as its Capital and even offered to dismantle all their settlements. And once again, the Palestinians reject it.
2010-2021: Hamas launches periodic rocket attacks against the state of Israel and builds terror tunnels in order to kidnap and murder Jews while using the people of Gaza as human shields against the IDF.
2023: Hamas commits the worst act of mass murder against Jews since the Holocaust.
You forgot 1973, when combined Arabs armies attacked Israel on Yom Kippur. And just for good measure, those devout Muslims launched that attack during Ramadan. And they lost yet more territory.
Because our hostage rescue teams are better and more experienced at it. Plus, those are our people. We should be getting them back ourselves.
Clearly you've never encountered IDF Special Forces. And those Americans are also Israelis.
I doubt millions are going to walk 50 miles south and stand in the desert leaving the armed terrorist huddled up along the Israeli-Gaza border for urban combat or being blown up from the air or artillery fire. //#suchamess
What the hell do i even say to this horseshit? None of that is true. What in the flying fuck are you talking about? :laugh:

There are a bunch of Apaches in Israel.

Military drones fly for HOURS!!!!

Satellites are used by SEAL's on virtually every mission. Tha fuck? :laugh:
Those Apaches are IDF assets. methinks you watch too much "Seal team" on TV.

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