Now This Is Funny... Laura Criticizes Myanmar's Response to Crisis?

I didn't say the army should be there. I said Bush didn't live up to his end of the bargain. He waited days before sending supplies, rescue people and relief.

You have no idea what a hurricane is like, do you? Once it passes the winds are GONE. No reason in the world they couldn't have reached the city almost immediately.

You might want to actually know what you are talking about. I spent over 6 years on Okinawa, of course they call them Typhoons there and I have lived in NC since 1993 ( and was here in 88 to 90) ON the Coast. I am afraid I am quite well aware of what and how Hurricanes work, I am also aware of what happens when the wind goes away. The Bridges are out or obstructed, the roads are under water, damaged or blocked by debris, Airfields are unusable for the same reason.

Bush and FEMA did not fail at all, they prepositioned supplies as needed and then got them where they needed to be as best they could given the conditions.

The Mayor failed to use buses he had and he sure as hell could have had drivers, that is another bald faced lie. He failed to provide security at the dome and at several other places. He failed to provide food and water at most telling the poor of his city to some how shit food and water with no money.

The biggest problem areas the city had were places the Mayor FAILED to adequately stock or provide security for. And then failed to tell FEMA about.
He controls FEMA? Do you mean he sits in on their meetings and coordinates their day-to-day fuckups?

No, I mean as an executive agency he controls FEMA and can, and should, direct it when massive national disasters strike. Its called "leadership".

Hardly. You know that the illogical hatred of all things Bush makes you look unstable, right?

Considering I praised Laura Bush for condemning the pathetic response to the cyclone, I don't think you are judging what I actually do, rather you are (as usual) just making some bullshit up.

Hurricane Katrina (August 29, 2005 and in subsequent flooding): 2,500 to 4,400 22 Nov 2005 USA Today: 6,644 people still missing after Katrina. "Those counting the victims are particularly concerned about an estimated 1,300 unaccounted-for people who lived in areas that were heavily damaged by Katrina, or who were disabled at the time the storm hit." Official death toll: 1,306 -- including 301 unidentified.
January 19, 2006 CNN: More than 3,200 people are officially still unaccounted for.
Feb 6, 2006 Newsweek: about 2,500 people remain missing and the trail is going cold. About 100 unidentified bodies left.
[Estimate = 1,300 official + 1,300 to 3,200 missing -100 unidentified probably counted among both the dead and the missing = 2,500 to 4,400 = ca. 3,500 if you split the difference.]

that's alot of people. Wouldn't have been that high had they issued a mandatory evacuation as well as put all those lovely buses to use.
As for your first response, She HAS to ask for federal troops. It's not telling Bush his job. He can't perform THAT job without being asked. She asked for assistance and he complied. However, if NOLA had been completely evacuated before hand, they would have never needed to be in the frickin mess they were in. What happened was, the frickin people of NOLA that didn't leave, started looting the crap out of the city, then when the levies broke they said, "Oh shit!"

If the levees had failed in one of our cities, no one would have been there to die. You wouldn't have seen hundreds and hundred of bodies floating around in the water. Do you remember seeing the hundreds of school buses (that could have been used to evacuate the elderly and sick) that became flooded in?? The City and State gov. failed the city of NO. It seems like local and state gov. want to do things their own way until they screw-up, then they blame the federal government.

I don't know if she specifically has to ask for Federal troops or not, but that wasn't what I was talking about. She asked Bush to declare a state of Emergency, which he did. But he didn't follow through in sending rescue, etc. Maybe you're getting confused by thinking the Federal troops are used for rescue.

You don't know what you're talking about when it comes to evacuations. What percent of people evacuated from your major cities? And keep in mind, Katrina had just happened so people actually paid attention during Rita.

The school buses might have bused out a few hundred more people, I'll give you that.
Nagin did a good job?


heheh.. ooooook.


Nagin was tested and failed. Not to mention, that he started becomming batshit crazy afterwards. God wants NO to be a chocolate city, Ravi. You'd think a guy who talks to god like that could have predicted Katrina better than Miss Cleo.

And, let's not forget Blanco, a Dem, who was also a complete failure. sure, Bush's "little buddy" syndrome came to bite him in the ass but blaming Katrina on republicans is extremely retarded.

He could have used the buses to evacuate a few hundred more, sure. Up until that time, no one had ever actually done that that I'm aware of...certainly even after that no one in my state ever gets evacuated by school bus. In fact, we are often told we are better off staying put so we don't get stuck on the highway.
You might want to actually know what you are talking about. I spent over 6 years on Okinawa, of course they call them Typhoons there and I have lived in NC since 1993 ( and was here in 88 to 90) ON the Coast. I am afraid I am quite well aware of what and how Hurricanes work, I am also aware of what happens when the wind goes away. The Bridges are out or obstructed, the roads are under water, damaged or blocked by debris, Airfields are unusable for the same reason.

Bush and FEMA did not fail at all, they prepositioned supplies as needed and then got them where they needed to be as best they could given the conditions.

The Mayor failed to use buses he had and he sure as hell could have had drivers, that is another bald faced lie. He failed to provide security at the dome and at several other places. He failed to provide food and water at most telling the poor of his city to some how shit food and water with no money.

The biggest problem areas the city had were places the Mayor FAILED to adequately stock or provide security for. And then failed to tell FEMA about.

I don't believe you. I bet you've never been in a major hurricane.

All of the problems reported at the superdome turned to have been made up - the looting and dead bodies - for the most part.

They knew in advance they couldn't handle it on their own. That's why Blanco asked Bush to declare a federal emergency.
that's alot of people. Wouldn't have been that high had they issued a mandatory evacuation as well as put all those lovely buses to use.

They did issue a mandatory evacuation. In reality, there is no such thing as MANDATORY. It isn't legal to drag people from their homes. 97% of the city, an all time record.
there's plenty of screw ups at all levels...

but the people in the convention center were starving...

how hard would it have been for the feds to drop some MRE's in there?

looting because you are starving isn't much of a crime to me.
there's plenty of screw ups at all levels...

but the people in the convention center were starving...

how hard would it have been for the feds to drop some MRE's in there?

looting because you are starving isn't much of a crime to me.

Exactly. And though parts of the city did flood - the poor neighborhood and the lake shore, there were plenty of high and dry spots where helicopters could land.

Watching people starving in an American city, no matter what the cause, while the federal government stands by in dereliction of their duty is just not right.
He could have used the buses to evacuate a few hundred more, sure. Up until that time, no one had ever actually done that that I'm aware of...certainly even after that no one in my state ever gets evacuated by school bus. In fact, we are often told we are better off staying put so we don't get stuck on the highway.

stop making excuses for failures just because those failures are on the side that you associate with. We hate that shit when republicans do it so maybe it's time to be a little consistent.
stop making excuses for failures just because those failures are on the side that you associate with. We hate that shit when republicans do it so maybe it's time to be a little consistent.

Oh, he screwed a few things up. IMO, he's borderline retarded. Which makes what he managed to accomplish even more impressive.

I'm not making excuses, btw. I just know a lot about hurricanes and hindsight is 20/20.

You can blame the Fed's response on Nagin if you wish. No skin off my nose.
I blame it on nagin, blanco, and brownie. 2/3 dems. Katrina wasn't wholly a republican fuckup.

just sayin.
I don't know if she specifically has to ask for Federal troops or not, but that wasn't what I was talking about. She asked Bush to declare a state of Emergency, which he did. But he didn't follow through in sending rescue, etc. Maybe you're getting confused by thinking the Federal troops are used for rescue.

You don't know what you're talking about when it comes to evacuations. What percent of people evacuated from your major cities? And keep in mind, Katrina had just happened so people actually paid attention during Rita.

The school buses might have bused out a few hundred more people, I'll give you that.

As far as our evacuations...EVERYONE evacuated a multi-hundred mile stretch of Texas coastline. It was mandatory. The police went door to door at homes where they believed people where home and had them leave. I'd be willing to suggest (have no proof) that if there were civilians that stayed behind, it was under 2% easy. When we returned, (even though the hurricane didn't hit here), stores were vacant and closed for days because there was no employees to work. (no gas, no food, etc...) The entire coast evac. There's no comparison at all to NO. The NO and LA political officials dropped the ball even though they knew a large cat. hurricane was berring down on a city that's under sea-level. I feel for the people, but it's not GB who originally dropped the ball.

As far as your buses....are you nuts..."a few hundred more." Those buses seat 30+ people each...there were hundreds of buses...and that's just school buses.
I blame it on nagin, blanco, and brownie. 2/3 dems. Katrina wasn't wholly a republican fuckup.

just sayin.

I don't get why you'd hold the Federal response against them. Their own screwups, sure.
They did issue a mandatory evacuation. In reality, there is no such thing as MANDATORY. It isn't legal to drag people from their homes. 97% of the city, an all time record.

Proof please...I'm not doubint your statistics, but post a link please.
As far as our evacuations...EVERYONE evacuated a multi-hundred mile stretch of Texas coastline. It was mandatory. The police went door to door at homes where they believed people where home and had them leave. I'd be willing to suggest (have no proof) that if there were civilians that stayed behind, it was under 2% easy. When we returned, (even though the hurricane didn't hit here), stores were vacant and closed for days because there was no employees to work. (no gas, no food, etc...) The entire coast evac. There's no comparison at all to NO. The NO and LA political officials dropped the ball even though they knew a large cat. hurricane was berring down on a city that's under sea-level. I feel for the people, but it's not GB who originally dropped the ball.

As far as your buses....are you nuts..."a few hundred more." Those buses seat 30+ people each...there were hundreds of buses...and that's just school buses.

You'll need a link for that 100% evacuation. I simply do not believe it is probable.
You know, if you're hungry and need dry clothes, by all means, steal some clothes and food to feed your families. But when you see hoards of people (remember on the news) looting wal-mart and stealing flat-screens and stereos, DVDs, etc. is not my exact definition of a good reason for looting.
I don't get why you'd hold the Federal response against them. Their own screwups, sure.

As has been posted already, the fed can't just come into a state in a sweeping military force to usurp the authority of a state governor. Sure, Brownie sucked balls and Bush takes a hit for failure produced by installing his cronies at fema but you can't just blame the fed every time STATE elected leaders are completely worthless. Did Bush have a magic "hurricane B gone" wand? Could he have FORCED NO to evacuate?

Bush has plenty of failures to account for but katrina wasn't the cherry on top of his sundae by any stretch. That fuckup is firmly on the shoulders of LA dems.

"Traffic volumes did not ease for nearly 48 hours as more than three million residents evacuated the area in advance of the storm.[citation needed] This was the largest evacuation in United States history.[citation needed]"

"The reported death toll by Rita was 120. Only seven were direct deaths."

I can't find a 100% evac. stat. but above are some statistics and descriptions of the evacuation along with a WIKI link.

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