Now THIS is the REAL Definition of TDS (Trump Delusional Disorder)

Blaine Sweeter

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2019
TrumpTards so frustrated with "winning" that they now want to kill Democrats.
'Splain to me how THAT works.

"""As the head of Cowboys for Trump, Couy Griffin has led pro-Trump horse rides through Washington, D.C., and posed for a photo in the White House with Donald Trump. He’s a superfan of the president and on May 17, he made the case that Democrats should die. “I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to a conclusion where the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat,” Griffin said to cheers at a rally at a New Mexico church. """(!?!?!?! Does he also think he's a Christian???")
"""" He was there to defy a public safety order pertaining to the coronavirus. """

What would Jesus do?????

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TrumpTards so frustrated with "winning" that they now want to kill Democrats.
'Splain to me how THAT works.

"""As the head of Cowboys for Trump, Couy Griffin has led pro-Trump horse rides through Washington, D.C., and posed for a photo in the White House with Donald Trump. He’s a superfan of the president and on May 17, he made the case that Democrats should die. “I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to a conclusion where the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat,” Griffin said to cheers at a rally at a New Mexico church. """(!?!?!?! Does he also think he's a Christian???")
"""" He was there to defy a public safety order pertaining to the coronavirus. """

What would Jesus do?????

I don't get all the feigned outrage, half of Democrat voters are dead.
He is absolutely right. The only good democrat is a dead democrat.

I knew there'd be a few who would slither out from underneath the premordial slime and agree with "Kowboy Couy".

Congratulations, drunk pussy lover, Couy's a real nut job. Your cup of tea:

He is absolutely right. The only good democrat is a dead democrat.

I knew there'd be a few who would slither out from underneath the premordial slime and agree with "Kowboy Couy".

Congratulations, drunk pussy lover, Couy's a real nut job. Your cup of tea:

We have the left on this board saying they want those on the right removed from the country, killed moved to reeducation camps,etc.
So to pretend that the left is any better is beyond intentional lying.
He is absolutely right. The only good democrat is a dead democrat.

I knew there'd be a few who would slither out from underneath the premordial slime and agree with "Kowboy Couy".

Congratulations, drunk pussy lover, Couy's a real nut job. Your cup of tea:

We have the left on this board saying they want those on the right removed from the country, killed moved to reeducation camps,etc.
So to pretend that the left is any better is beyond intentional lying.

Yep. Agreed.
TrumpTards so frustrated with "winning" that they now want to kill Democrats.
'Splain to me how THAT works.

"""As the head of Cowboys for Trump, Couy Griffin has led pro-Trump horse rides through Washington, D.C., and posed for a photo in the White House with Donald Trump. He’s a superfan of the president and on May 17, he made the case that Democrats should die. “I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to a conclusion where the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat,” Griffin said to cheers at a rally at a New Mexico church. """(!?!?!?! Does he also think he's a Christian???")
"""" He was there to defy a public safety order pertaining to the coronavirus. """

What would Jesus do?????

Meh, both parties need purging. Kill all humans.
kill all humans.jpg
He is absolutely right. The only good democrat is a dead democrat.

I knew there'd be a few who would slither out from underneath the premordial slime and agree with "Kowboy Couy".

Congratulations, drunk pussy lover, Couy's a real nut job. Your cup of tea:

We have the left on this board saying they want those on the right removed from the country, killed moved to reeducation camps,etc.
So to pretend that the left is any better is beyond intentional lying.

You'll have to point that out for the class, Teach. The only keyboard commandos I see are on the right tilting side of the ship.
Honestly, is this what this country is coming to? Almost 26 years of sliding to the right wing and now they've gone full on fascist.
He is absolutely right. The only good democrat is a dead democrat.

See, the RWI's, like this tipsycatlover clown, are the ones that scream that (D) are the party of hatred.
Sure dude.
Fuck You and everything you represent.
TrumpTards so frustrated with "winning" that they now want to kill Democrats.
'Splain to me how THAT works.

"""As the head of Cowboys for Trump, Couy Griffin has led pro-Trump horse rides through Washington, D.C., and posed for a photo in the White House with Donald Trump. He’s a superfan of the president and on May 17, he made the case that Democrats should die. “I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to a conclusion where the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat,” Griffin said to cheers at a rally at a New Mexico church. """(!?!?!?! Does he also think he's a Christian???")
"""" He was there to defy a public safety order pertaining to the coronavirus. """

What would Jesus do?????

I think we better revoke his grazing rights and see how he behaves in public then, naughty cowboy
TrumpTards so frustrated with "winning" that they now want to kill Democrats.
'Splain to me how THAT works.

"""As the head of Cowboys for Trump, Couy Griffin has led pro-Trump horse rides through Washington, D.C., and posed for a photo in the White House with Donald Trump. He’s a superfan of the president and on May 17, he made the case that Democrats should die. “I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to a conclusion where the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat,” Griffin said to cheers at a rally at a New Mexico church. """(!?!?!?! Does he also think he's a Christian???")
"""" He was there to defy a public safety order pertaining to the coronavirus. """

What would Jesus do?????

Jesus would tell you, "Get behind me Satan"
What would Jesus do?????
Purge all anti-God, anti-American, baby-killing, toddler-perverting Democrats from America with like 5 of them apiece.. roped to huge millstones around their necks and thrown into the ocean.
You asked and got told. There ya go. That is the reality of Democrats. (today in 2020)
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TrumpTards so frustrated with "winning" that they now want to kill Democrats.
'Splain to me how THAT works.

"""As the head of Cowboys for Trump, Couy Griffin has led pro-Trump horse rides through Washington, D.C., and posed for a photo in the White House with Donald Trump. He’s a superfan of the president and on May 17, he made the case that Democrats should die. “I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to a conclusion where the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat,” Griffin said to cheers at a rally at a New Mexico church. """(!?!?!?! Does he also think he's a Christian???")
"""" He was there to defy a public safety order pertaining to the coronavirus. """

What would Jesus do?????

Meanwhile... Kathy Griffin...

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