Now time for aoc moments. There is just no stopping the unbelievable stupidity.

Man. You fuckers are jealous of that young woman. It's something.
Jealous? I bet AOC prays every night that she could be prettier, smarter and more worldly, just like Marsha Blackburn. Amen
Can you believe they actually try to claim we are jealous? Why the fuck do we even communicate with such fucking moronic slime?

I can only stomach 30 seconds of this fucking moron if that.

Like any stupid fucking left wing woman. So fucking annoying to endure these morons while they continuously make fucking trainwrecks of themselves while thinking they are being so clever.

Like jilian.

So much hate and misogyny in this post. Why do you hate on bright, accomplished young women? Does she make you feel stupid? I notice you haven't said anything in this post that is based on facts. You're just spewing hate at someone you don't even know.

Your hate filled vomit says far more about you that it does AOC.

I can only stomach 30 seconds of this fucking moron if that.

Like any stupid fucking left wing woman. So fucking annoying to endure these morons while they continuously make fucking trainwrecks of themselves while thinking they are being so clever.

Like jilian.

So much hate and misogyny in this post. Why do you hate on bright, accomplished young women? Does she make you feel stupid? I notice you haven't said anything in this post that is based on facts. You're just spewing hate at someone you don't even know.

Your hate filled vomit says far more about you that it does AOC.

AOC Has zero tolerance of any sort of conservatism, The socialist state she envisions would eliminate everybody she disagrees with. Fact

She lives in a socialist bubble... And has a control freak nature
I will gladly discuss the issue of AOC being of superior intelligence with those who call in to our podcast this evening.

Here is the info. Have a listen. Be heard.

Worlds Collide ep. 2 - Halloween 2019 (& reading fan mail) 10/25/19 9pm East
Link still dead here. Listening to episode 1 from RSS feed link.. Kind of funny.. Production value horrible as I'm sure you're well aware. Kudos for the effort. Best of luck making it into a winner..

Episode 2 is this at 9.
I will gladly discuss the issue of AOC being of superior intelligence with those who call in to our podcast this evening.

Here is the info. Have a listen. Be heard.

Worlds Collide ep. 2 - Halloween 2019 (& reading fan mail) 10/25/19 9pm East
Intelligence alone does not make a person... Most people learn that in grade school… LOL

That's like saying "Money doesn't buy happiness". While money doesn't buy happines, it does eliminate of lot of the problems that make people miserable. Intelligence alone doesn't make a person. Without empathy, morals or discipline, which are the building blocks of character, it can just as easily be a tool for corruption and deceipt, and harm to others.

Why do Trumpkins always try to hate on others? All these whiny snowflakes have is hate and victimhood? It's all so unfair!!!
White people's pain.
She's the smart one among the Democratic party.

What? You must be a RINO. You said "Democratic" Party. All RW freaks must say "Democrat Party". Get with the program.
/——-/ Its DemocRATic Party

How old are you? 12???
/———/ I’m 68 and you should learn the name of your own party.
We are the Democratic Party - Democrats
Together, we are the Democratic Party. We are fighting for a better, fairer, and brighter future for every American: rolling up our sleeves, empowering grassroots voters, and organizing everywhere to take our country back
I will gladly discuss the issue of AOC being of superior intelligence with those who call in to our podcast this evening.

Here is the info. Have a listen. Be heard.

Worlds Collide ep. 2 - Halloween 2019 (& reading fan mail) 10/25/19 9pm East
Link still dead here. Listening to episode 1 from RSS feed link.. Kind of funny.. Production value horrible as I'm sure you're well aware. Kudos for the effort. Best of luck making it into a winner..

Episode 2 is this at 9.
Mostly through episode 1 now. Quite a bit improved. Liked to quiz questions. Cool hearing from Moonglow. Now talking about Liz vs Donny. Haven't paid enough attention to know who your main guest(/cohost?) is, but agree more with him. As Jimmy Dore has noted the only candidate worse than Trump in history was Hillary. Any on the Dem ticket will easily beat him should he survive until the next election, although Bidon is even less likely to last that long. Warren's problem is that beneath the fierce rhetoric she remains, like the Clintons and Obama, just another corporate tool / party servant, mouthing enough hopey changey stuff (mostly thanks to Sanders and the Green Party) to appease thinkers while leaving herself enough outs to appease potential big donors. Even on Wall Street. Maintaining plausible deniability for later use no matter what. Clinton called it "triangulation" while Obama simply stuck with "compromise." Voters have tired of these games. So while Warren remains a clear contender, why go for imitation when you can have the original? Bernie did lose the primary largely due to being fucked over by Hillary, the party, and the corporate media. That continues but won't once he wins the primary.
She's the smart one among the Democratic party.

What? You must be a RINO. You said "Democratic" Party. All RW freaks must say "Democrat Party". Get with the program.
/——-/ Its DemocRATic Party

How old are you? 12???
/———/ I’m 68 and you should learn the name of your own party.
We are the Democratic Party - Democrats
Together, we are the Democratic Party. We are fighting for a better, fairer, and brighter future for every American: rolling up our sleeves, empowering grassroots voters, and organizing everywhere to take our country back

Emphasis on "Demo" they wreck everything they touch the idiots.

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