Now we know why it's been hard to corroborate the raped 10 year old girl story. An illegal immigrant is the rapist!!!!!

1) haha yeah he promised to do what he wasn’t doing..horrible
Obviously he was doing slow bus. The Justice Dept doesn't sue you twice for doing nothing.
2) haha more deflection
3) haha yeah because he was accused he must of been doing something…geez you are a good little fascist
Yea because they sue folks for that all the time, eventhough, they weren't doing it. That makes perfect sense. Smfh.
4)cause it’s a dumb law.
What's dumb about it?
1) the AG of the State said there was no report of it happening.
2) i am not sure why that’s a good excuse not to enforce immigrant laws. Actually a rather lazy responses and excuse

1) Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut until he knew for sure.
2) The problem is, when a law is stupid, people will ignore it. Our immigration laws are stupid. We make it difficult for companies to hire legal immigrants but easy for them to hire illegal ones.

If you thought that lying about a blowjob is the worst thing that Clinton did as President, then you are severely deluded. But then the rest of your post confirms that as well, but doesn't tell us anything that everyone who has paid any attention to you doesn't already know.

But that is what you impeached him over. Hundreds of millions of dollars spent investigating the Clintons, and the only thing you can prove he did is that he lied about getting a blow job.

Me, I look at what we got at the end of Bush's term... underwater mortgages, endless wars, etc. Lying about a beej just doesn't seem that bad.
1) Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut until he knew for sure.
2) The problem is, when a law is stupid, people will ignore it. Our immigration laws are stupid. We make it difficult for companies to hire legal immigrants but easy for them to hire illegal ones.

But that is what you impeached him over. Hundreds of millions of dollars spent investigating the Clintons, and the only thing you can prove he did is that he lied about getting a blow job.

Me, I look at what we got at the end of Bush's term... underwater mortgages, endless wars, etc. Lying about a beej just doesn't seem that bad.
1) maybe
2) what’s stupid about requiring people to be here legally?
This is beyond sickening!

Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Allegedly Raping Ten-Year-Old Ohio Girl at Center of Viral Abortion Story​

The left is like the gang that couldn't shoot straight with this story. At every turn, it's been a disaster for their agenda. First the fake rape, then the fact that all parties are illegals, then the fact that the girl did not have to leave Ohio, then the fact that abortion doctor/activist is now up on charges of violating HIPAA laws. Every new development buries the lie that was originally claimed.
He got arrested yesterday. There was a report made with DCS. Why didnt that AG check with them when he said nothing was reported?
Did he lie, or is he just a complete moron?
He checked with the police. No report. Not until this case blew up. DCS is supposed to notify the police. That wasn't done, not until the story went viral. Why not? What was so important to keep it so secret? Now we know, baby daddy is an illegal. They were all protecting him. And are still protecting him.
The NBC covered it. Indentified the man but forgot to say he was an illegal. I wonder why? If he was not here that girl would not be in the trouble she is.
"Clark Torbett, an attorney with the Franklin County Public Defender’s office ....said Fuentes had lived in Columbus the last seven years and had a steady job at a café."
-From the other thread
Ohhh. The ten year old's mother looked at that and said "what a CATCH!"
Really, I would LOVE to have my life under Bill Clinton back. But at the time, I was one of you wingnuts who thought a president lying about a blow job was the worst thing ever.

Then Bush came along, and I found out perpetual war, major recessions and inept government that allows cities to get wiped off the map were much, much worse.

Then Obama fixed everything Bush fucked up, and people like you screamed "OH MY GOD, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!"

Then Trump gave us plagues, recessions and riots, and you cheered him on when he did it.

Now Biden is trying to fix all the problems... and you'll be unhappy with him when he does.
Obama fixed what? He didn't fix shit...he funnelled money around, at best if you are union, you got part of my taxmoney that you don't deserve under Obama.
1) maybe
2) what’s stupid about requiring people to be here legally?

The stupidity is we need their labor, but we don't want to acknowledge their presense. You could roll up all the "illegals" tomorrow. Just crack down on the rich white people who hire them.

The sweatshop owner
The Farmer who needs illegals to pick the crop because his own kids have gone off to the city or are too stoned at the local meth house.
The rich yuppie who thinks of Lupe as part of the family because they don't want to raise their own Yuppie Larva
The guy who picks up a bunch of Day-Laborers at the Home Depot when they realize the DIY project wasn't as easy as Chip and Joanna made it look.

All the shitheads who benefit from undocumented labor while whining the whole time about illegals and wearing MAGA hats.

Obama fixed what? He didn't fix shit...he funnelled money around, at best if you are union, you got part of my taxmoney that you don't deserve under Obama.
What, actually giving money to the people who do the work? How awful!!!
The stupidity is we need their labor, but we don't want to acknowledge their presense. You could roll up all the "illegals" tomorrow. Just crack down on the rich white people who hire them.

The sweatshop owner
The Farmer who needs illegals to pick the crop because his own kids have gone off to the city or are too stoned at the local meth house.
The rich yuppie who thinks of Lupe as part of the family because they don't want to raise their own Yuppie Larva
The guy who picks up a bunch of Day-Laborers at the Home Depot when they realize the DIY project wasn't as easy as Chip and Joanna made it look.

All the shitheads who benefit from undocumented labor while whining the whole time about illegals and wearing MAGA hats.

What, actually giving money to the people who do the work? How awful!!!
we have work visas…people can come here legally for a temporary bases and work

by allowing illegals you harm those folks.
we have work visas…people can come here legally for a temporary bases and work

by allowing illegals you harm those folks.

We don't have work visas for unskilled labor, which is what we need.

We have H1B's for technical workers so that big corporations can pay Pradip less money than they pay Bob in IT. Which kind of defeats the purpose of getting Bob into technical school.

The ironic thing is that most of the "illegal" problem was caused by racist twits like you.

You see, used to be, some undocumented laborers would come up by themselves, work a few months for construction or harvest season, and then go home and live very well because $100 goes pretty far in Mexico.

Then these racist twits started living in mortal fear that a Mexican might date their daughters. So you insisted on making that border harder to cross. So instead of coming up for one season, they decided to cross for good to save themselves the trouble.
We don't have work visas for unskilled labor, which is what we need.

We have H1B's for technical workers so that big corporations can pay Pradip less money than they pay Bob in IT. Which kind of defeats the purpose of getting Bob into technical school.

The ironic thing is that most of the "illegal" problem was caused by racist twits like you.

You see, used to be, some undocumented laborers would come up by themselves, work a few months for construction or harvest season, and then go home and live very well because $100 goes pretty far in Mexico.

Then these racist twits started living in mortal fear that a Mexican might date their daughters. So you insisted on making that border harder to cross. So instead of coming up for one season, they decided to cross for good to save themselves the trouble.
no we actually have visas specifically for migrant workers
Which are difficult to get... and usually don't provide enough labor to go around. Hence, illegals.
illegals are taking their spots

secondly you still haven’t explain why having immigrantion laws are stupid
He checked with the police. No report. Not until this case blew up. DCS is supposed to notify the police. That wasn't done, not until the story went viral. Why not? What was so important to keep it so secret? Now we know, baby daddy is an illegal. They were all protecting him. And are still protecting him.
So DCS was protecting an illegal that raped a 10 year old? Lol
illegals are taking their spots

secondly you still haven’t explain why having immigrantion laws are stupid

sure I did... you were just too stupid to understand it.

The point is, if you don't hold the people accountable who hire them, they are going to hire the cheaper undocumented every time. This is why the current laws are stupid.

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