Now we learn the NSA wiretapped Obama!


Classical Liberal
May 24, 2011
NSA had ordered wiretaps on phones connected to then-Senate candidate Barack Obama

And not just a young Senator either:

“They went after–and I know this because I had my hands literally on the paperwork for these sort of things–they went after high-ranking military officers; they went after members of Congress, both Senate and the House, especially on the intelligence committees and on the armed services committees and some of the–and judicial,”

“But they went after other ones, too. They went after lawyers and law firms. All kinds of–heaps of lawyers and law firms. They went after judges. One of the judges is now sitting on the Supreme Court that I had his wiretap information in my hand. Two are former FISA court judges. They went after State Department officials. They went after people in the executive service that were part of the White House–their own people.”

Russ Tice, Bush-Era Whistleblower, Claims NSA Ordered Wiretap Of Barack Obama In 2004

Holy shit.
Well yea. He was a SWB (senator while black), one of the worst crimes in GOP eyes. And that name? Just the name alone means he must be a secret spy.
He was a SWB (senator while black), one of the worst crimes in GOP eyes.

God you're an idiot. There have been 8 Black Senators in America history. 4 were Dems, 4 were Republicans. There are 2 Black Senators currently in office. One Dem, one Republican.

You can't see past your own partisan blinders.
He was a SWB (senator while black), one of the worst crimes in GOP eyes.

God you're an idiot. There have been 8 Black Senators in America history. 4 were Dems, 4 were Republicans. There are 2 Black Senators currently in office. One Dem, one Republican.

You can't see past your own partisan blinders.

to dimocraps, the veracity of what they say is less important than just saying it.

And there is some validity to that.

But once you realize that dimocraps lie like dogs bark and ducks quack, and they don't even know when they're lying, it makes more sense.

It would have been easy for our dimocrap pal to know that little factoid. Very easy. But that is unimportant, just making the accusation, true or false, is enough to them.

That is why I consider them the scum of the Earth.

Which, of course, they are
I guess he's not a terrorist then. Cool.

Are you also "cool" with government wiretapping without a warrant judges, lawyers, State Department and White House staff?

He was a SWB (senator while black), one of the worst crimes in GOP eyes.

God you're an idiot. There have been 8 Black Senators in America history. 4 were Dems, 4 were Republicans. There are 2 Black Senators currently in office. One Dem, one Republican.

You can't see past your own partisan blinders.

to dimocraps, the veracity of what they say is less important than just saying it.

And there is some validity to that.

But once you realize that dimocraps lie like dogs bark and ducks quack, and they don't even know when they're lying, it makes more sense.

It would have been easy for our dimocrap pal to know that little factoid. Very easy. But that is unimportant, just making the accusation, true or false, is enough to them.

That is why I consider them the scum of the Earth.

Which, of course, they are

Sounds like a sock I have known.
The NSA was and still is fixated on Americans as potential terrorists so doesn't it make sense to investigate known associates of domestic terrorists whether or not the target is a senator? Bill Ayers should be doing time in a cell next to Charlie Manson and his wife, who was a convicted terrorist, is alleged to have helped plan the Brinks robbery where a Black police officer was murdered. Doesn't the intentional murder of a Black Police Officer indicate racism? Barry Hussein was friends with them all.
I guess he's not a terrorist then. Cool.

Are you also "cool" with government wiretapping without a warrant judges, lawyers, State Department and White House staff?


Let's see the evidence and the evidence that no warrants were gotten.

At this point, that's what the whistle blower is alleging. We'll see if more evidence is forthcoming, but unless this guy is outright lying, I can say with certainty, I'm not cool with it.
PAPER: NSA agency can snoop without warrant...
Lawyers eye for evidence in murder, divorce cases...
CLAIM: Top judges, generals, politicians wiretapped...
REPORT: SKYPE helped gov't access customer data...
McConnell: Attack on free speech...
Govt to map your 'every move'...
Oh, poor Barack.

They're picking on him.

Yet another story released to make Obama look like a victim. Like he has nothing to do with the government he is in charge of. Maybe he'll give a speech on how terrible it is to spy on people like he did when he was a senator. (You can read it in my signature)

BTW, if you had a background like Obama I'd expect the FBI to be keeping tabs on you too.

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