Now we start seeing ICE on stupid: they are confiscating:

A Janitor Preserves the Seized Belongings of Migrants

This has been going for more than year. A janitor for C&PB began photographing the seized belongings of immigrants more than a year ago.


And once again WE SEE STUPID being selective! "ICE"???? this was ONE guy! ONE agent. NOT ICE.... NOT all... ONE!
YET idiots like Starkey take ONE stupid AGENT and make it the rule!

How many times are we going to believe EXAGGERATED crap like this?

A) Trump nor 90+million people like me who are or have relatives that were "LEGAL" immigrants are NOT ANTI-IMMIGRANT! We are against people who sneak in and illegally
cross the border. Why is that concept so hard to comprehend Starkey?
B) Starkey.... how about me just walking into your house? Did you invite me? NO.... I just decided to walk in. Now what would you do?
C) Starkey... how about YOU with no compulsions against "ILLEGAL immigrants" crossing the border... why don't you just walk into the local bank and take some money?

All of the above are examples of people breaking the laws of a country, a person a business.

This is hard for people like Starkey to comprehend but neither Trump, nor me or 90 million like us are ANTI_IMMIGRANT!
The obvious truth is Starkey and his ilk are against all laws. They are anarchists. They want to tear down. Destroy. Not build!

It wasn't even an agent, .. it was a janitor.
A Janitor Preserves the Seized Belongings of Migrants

This has been going for more than year. A janitor for C&PB began photographing the seized belongings of immigrants more than a year ago.


You don’t get to keep your bling in jail stupid.
That argument is driving on stupid, podjo: these are religious items not "bling". What is wrong with you?

It’s bling dickhead. People who are incarcerated don’t get to keep their bling. Religious or otherwise. Even the Haji fucks have to take all their shit off and hand it in. The wet backs want to be American? Well here they go.
You don’t get to keep your bling in jail stupid.
Do you think bibles are bling?

If you had read the link, which it appears none of you dipshits have, you would know those personal items are thrown away. Including their bibles and rosaries. They are not returned to their rightful owners.

Even a crook gets his "bling" back when he is released from jail. Every scrap has to be accounted for, stored, and returned.

Talk to some folks who have been to prision. Their shit gets tossed to. And look at you, now libtard gives two fucks about a persons religious liberty, just not Americans. Fuck you, and fuck the wet backs feligeous talismans. They are just stuff. They can get a Bible at the bus depot and they can make new bling in arts and crafts while in jail.
I was just pointing out that straw men fallacies are false witness. And look you you, making shit up about me.


I believe religious liberties are extremely important. I just don't believe any one of you are actually religious. You are hypocrites using the bible as a shield for your bigotry and hatred. And that is sacrilege.

Ever said I was religious retard. Jail is jail. They can ask for a new bible like the rest of the inmates have to, and they can make a new crosses on bead chains in arts and crafts. Fuck them.
You know they've hit rock bottom when they appeal to tenets of a faith they don't even practice. Lol...

And typically redicule. Stupid plonkers.
And once again WE SEE STUPID being selective! "ICE"???? this was ONE guy! ONE agent. NOT ICE.... NOT all... ONE!
YET idiots like Starkey take ONE stupid AGENT and make it the rule!

How many times are we going to believe EXAGGERATED crap like this?

A) Trump nor 90+million people like me who are or have relatives that were "LEGAL" immigrants are NOT ANTI-IMMIGRANT! We are against people who sneak in and illegally
cross the border. Why is that concept so hard to comprehend Starkey?
B) Starkey.... how about me just walking into your house? Did you invite me? NO.... I just decided to walk in. Now what would you do?
C) Starkey... how about YOU with no compulsions against "ILLEGAL immigrants" crossing the border... why don't you just walk into the local bank and take some money?

All of the above are examples of people breaking the laws of a country, a person a business.

This is hard for people like Starkey to comprehend but neither Trump, nor me or 90 million like us are ANTI_IMMIGRANT!
The obvious truth is Starkey and his ilk are against all laws. They are anarchists. They want to tear down. Destroy. Not build!

Now all of a sudden you are not into Exaggeration? Did you have conversion therapy after Trump was elected?

for the few of you that don't understand what OWS is all about...

I mean you were also of a different species of being here

Why do people support this Congenital LIAR???

what's with that?
You have to wonder how many read the article. It says that he started in 2007 and he quit work there a few years ago. So I have to ask what does this have to do with Trump? Perhaps it points to a fact that some can not read? Or does it instead point to an unreasoning hate?
You be the judge.
Auditioning for the coming job openings at the new Trump/Pence MAGA program?

Great fit for Kommando @ Koncentration Kamps

You pass with flying colors - white - white - and more white
Ah did I hurt your feelings with the truth?
I know you feel that everyone should be allowed into the country because too many of your terrorist cell have been caught and sent back.

If you notice you are not allowed to pack an overnight bag when you go to prison. In what backward thinking reality says that you can pack one when you are caught crossing the border without permission?
JBVM nailed Maxdeath, who is squirming. :)

What kind of crazy talk is "terrorist cell" nonsense, Max. You shoot off words you don't understand.

These are families. They are not criminals. They presented themselves at the border for asylum.

A terrible price awaits the Alt Right for this very foolish attempt to escalate the divide between themselves and Real America.
JBVM nailed Maxdeath, who is squirming. :)

What kind of crazy talk is "terrorist cell" nonsense, Max. You shoot off words you don't understand.

These are families. They are not criminals. They presented themselves at the border for asylum.

A terrible price awaits the Alt Right for this very foolish attempt to escalate the divide between themselves and Real America.
Jakey little one. First off you have yet to prove that it took place during Trumps time or that it is now common practice. The article says that the last the janitor worked there was a few years ago. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension?
The article does not state that these articles came only from those presenting themselves at the border. Nice that you post and then add things in your own mind.
You need to learn some of the immigration laws before you post. Not having the least clue makes you look a unhinged at best.
As far as squirming I have been around people that know more about debat then most and never felt the need to squirm.

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