Now What???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Exactly what the intelligent folks .....the Right....told the easily-led way back when Leftist grab of the healthcare system was advanced, has come to pass.

Now what????


2. A new Gallup poll brings more terrible news for President Obama and his signature health plan. Only 22% of uninsured Americans intend to buy insurance through the ObamaCare exchanges.

3. One of the major selling points for using ObamaCare to disrupt our health care system (that polls showed up to 80% of Americans were satisfied with), was to insure the uninsured. But according to this poll, only a very small minority of that small minority is even interested....

4. ....a month ago, that number was double. A full 44% of the uninsured said they would purchase insurance though the exchanges.

5. ....the reality of ObamaCare scared off half of that 44%. The high cost of premiums, the high deductibles you still have to pay regardless of any tax subsidy, and the unforgivable bungling of the rollout only discouraged those we blew up a perfectly good health care system to help.

6. can bet that the 22% who do intend to sign up are made up of the oldest and sickest among the uninsured.

7. ....a sicker and older pool, which means higher premiums for a couple hundred million Americans who were perfectly satisfied with what they had -- that is, before President Obama, Democrats, and the media decided what was best for us.

8. is not out of left field to speculate that by this time next year, ObamaCare will have caused the number of uninsured in America to increase."
Poll: 78% of Uninsured Not Interested in ObamaCare've given us unemployment, food stamps, a nuclear Iran, and managed to destroy the best healthcare system in the world.

The worse news is that you can bet that the 22% who do intend to sign up are made up of the oldest and sickest among the uninsured. Meanwhile, the 78% who are uninterested in being insured are likely the youngest and healthiest.

This means a sicker and older pool of enrollees, which means higher premiums for a couple hundred million Americans who were perfectly satisfied with what they had--that is, before President Obama, Democrats, and the media decided what was best for us.

As of now, the poll shows only 18% of the uninsured have even tried to visit a marketplace website.

From PC's link above. All of which means is that (if, when) the Dems take the House next fall and HR ends the cloture rule in the Senate, Medicare will be extended to the uninsured.

Another step toward single payer.

Which our GOP could have avoided twenty years ago.
More evidence of the death spiral that is Obamacare.

Think about it: The AHA depends on the premiums of millions of young, healthy people signing up for insurance, but that same law ensures that the penalties for not doing so are far less than the cost of the insurance...and if you do get sick, don't worry, you can always get the insurance on the way to the hospital because all pre-existing conditions are now covered at the same price as if you where healthy.

It's going to fail by DESIGN.

And to those that think we'll simply switch to 'single payer', you're missing the point of the Supreme Court's ruling. The administration probably hoped to get the camel's nose under the tent with Obamacare and parlay that into single payer, which is way they were so adamant that is was NOT a tax. Well, the supreme court basically said the federal government CANNOT Constitutionally run healthcare, but they can force citizens to buy it under the guise of a tax.

That ruling may have pissed off a lot of limited government folks, but there was a silver lining. Single payer isn't going to happen. No frickin' way, not under this court and with 'Stare Decisis' held in such high regard by the court, it ain't going to happen with future judges either.
Aspirin marked up 10,000% at hospitals is the best the health industry can do?

For a guy who specializes in absurd and senseless posts....

...clearly it's a niche you were born to fill.

Based on your propensity to prioritize being similar to the Atlantic City slot machine method of selecting three cherries........ may find that the cost of an aspirin rates higher than life expectancy.....but on the slight possibility that some of your neurons and synapses still function as in normal folks....

Consider life expectancy: many people die for reasons that can’t be controlled the medical profession, such as auto accidents, murder, etc., and once you factor out care crashes and homicides, the US ranks number one in worldwide life expectancy!

“One often-heard argument, voiced by the New York Times' Paul Krugman and others, is that America lags behind other countries in crude health outcomes. But such outcomes reflect a mosaic of factors, such as diet, lifestyle, drug use and cultural values. It pains me as a doctor to say this, but health care is just one factor in health.

In "The Business of Health," Robert Ohsfeldt and John Schneider factor out intentional and unintentional injuries from life-expectancy statistics and find that Americans who don't die in car crashes or homicides outlive people in any other Western country.
And if we measure a health care system by how well it serves its sick citizens, American medicine excels."

Of course....this is prior to ObamaCare.

How's that for "the best the health industry can do"?
The worse news is that you can bet that the 22% who do intend to sign up are made up of the oldest and sickest among the uninsured. Meanwhile, the 78% who are uninterested in being insured are likely the youngest and healthiest.

This means a sicker and older pool of enrollees, which means higher premiums for a couple hundred million Americans who were perfectly satisfied with what they had--that is, before President Obama, Democrats, and the media decided what was best for us.

As of now, the poll shows only 18% of the uninsured have even tried to visit a marketplace website.

From PC's link above. All of which means is that (if, when) the Dems take the House next fall and HR ends the cloture rule in the Senate, Medicare will be extended to the uninsured.

Another step toward single payer.

Which our GOP could have avoided twenty years ago.

I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
And if we measure a health care system by how well it serves its sick citizens, American medicine excels

before all it took was cash or a policy, now, it's the same. Longevity is not just from medical care, it's also a matter of hygiene and food consumed.
And if we measure a health care system by how well it serves its sick citizens, American medicine excels

before all it took was cash or a policy, now, it's the same. Longevity is not just from medical care, it's also a matter of hygiene and food consumed.

Inadvertently you've supported the view that America has the finest healthcare system in the world.

One of the problems with long life in America is that we eat so well.

With so much food, so many choices we Americans are eating ourselves to death: obesity. Is this the fault of poor healthcare?

From a NYTimes article about ‘Sicko,’ and Cuba:
“Because they don’t have up-to-date cars, they tend to have to exercise more by walking,” he said. “And they may not have a surfeit of food, which keeps them from problems like obesity, but they’re not starving, either.”

And yet, we live longest.....thanks to the healthcare industry.

Don't you want to rant about aspirins???
Exactly what the intelligent folks .....the Right....told the easily-led way back when Leftist grab of the healthcare system was advanced, has come to pass.

Now what????


2. A new Gallup poll brings more terrible news for President Obama and his signature health plan. Only 22% of uninsured Americans intend to buy insurance through the ObamaCare exchanges.

3. One of the major selling points for using ObamaCare to disrupt our health care system (that polls showed up to 80% of Americans were satisfied with), was to insure the uninsured. But according to this poll, only a very small minority of that small minority is even interested....

4. ....a month ago, that number was double. A full 44% of the uninsured said they would purchase insurance though the exchanges.

5. ....the reality of ObamaCare scared off half of that 44%. The high cost of premiums, the high deductibles you still have to pay regardless of any tax subsidy, and the unforgivable bungling of the rollout only discouraged those we blew up a perfectly good health care system to help.

6. can bet that the 22% who do intend to sign up are made up of the oldest and sickest among the uninsured.

7. ....a sicker and older pool, which means higher premiums for a couple hundred million Americans who were perfectly satisfied with what they had -- that is, before President Obama, Democrats, and the media decided what was best for us.

8. is not out of left field to speculate that by this time next year, ObamaCare will have caused the number of uninsured in America to increase."
Poll: 78% of Uninsured Not Interested in ObamaCare've given us unemployment, food stamps, a nuclear Iran, and managed to destroy the best healthcare system in the world.



You've just nailed the proverbial "liberal" on the head…….

Exactly what the intelligent folks .....the Right....told the easily-led way back when Leftist grab of the healthcare system was advanced, has come to pass.

Now what????


2. A new Gallup poll brings more terrible news for President Obama and his signature health plan. Only 22% of uninsured Americans intend to buy insurance through the ObamaCare exchanges.

3. One of the major selling points for using ObamaCare to disrupt our health care system (that polls showed up to 80% of Americans were satisfied with), was to insure the uninsured. But according to this poll, only a very small minority of that small minority is even interested....

4. ....a month ago, that number was double. A full 44% of the uninsured said they would purchase insurance though the exchanges.

5. ....the reality of ObamaCare scared off half of that 44%. The high cost of premiums, the high deductibles you still have to pay regardless of any tax subsidy, and the unforgivable bungling of the rollout only discouraged those we blew up a perfectly good health care system to help.

6. can bet that the 22% who do intend to sign up are made up of the oldest and sickest among the uninsured.

7. ....a sicker and older pool, which means higher premiums for a couple hundred million Americans who were perfectly satisfied with what they had -- that is, before President Obama, Democrats, and the media decided what was best for us.

8. is not out of left field to speculate that by this time next year, ObamaCare will have caused the number of uninsured in America to increase."
Poll: 78% of Uninsured Not Interested in ObamaCare've given us unemployment, food stamps, a nuclear Iran, and managed to destroy the best healthcare system in the world.



You've just nailed the proverbial "liberal" on the head…….


It seems that the attempts of government schooling to find America the fault in every conflict has been generalized by the unthinking element of our electorate....i.e., that destruction and and ruination of every aspect of American society has....unconsciously?....become their aim.

With great 'success'...if one may use that term with respect to failure.
Exactly what the intelligent folks .....the Right....told the easily-led way back when Leftist grab of the healthcare system was advanced, has come to pass.

Now what????


2. A new Gallup poll brings more terrible news for President Obama and his signature health plan. Only 22% of uninsured Americans intend to buy insurance through the ObamaCare exchanges.

3. One of the major selling points for using ObamaCare to disrupt our health care system (that polls showed up to 80% of Americans were satisfied with), was to insure the uninsured. But according to this poll, only a very small minority of that small minority is even interested....

4. ....a month ago, that number was double. A full 44% of the uninsured said they would purchase insurance though the exchanges.

5. ....the reality of ObamaCare scared off half of that 44%. The high cost of premiums, the high deductibles you still have to pay regardless of any tax subsidy, and the unforgivable bungling of the rollout only discouraged those we blew up a perfectly good health care system to help.

6. can bet that the 22% who do intend to sign up are made up of the oldest and sickest among the uninsured.

7. ....a sicker and older pool, which means higher premiums for a couple hundred million Americans who were perfectly satisfied with what they had -- that is, before President Obama, Democrats, and the media decided what was best for us.

8. is not out of left field to speculate that by this time next year, ObamaCare will have caused the number of uninsured in America to increase."
Poll: 78% of Uninsured Not Interested in ObamaCare've given us unemployment, food stamps, a nuclear Iran, and managed to destroy the best healthcare system in the world.



You've just nailed the proverbial "liberal" on the head…….


It seems that the attempts of government schooling to find America the fault in every conflict has been generalized by the unthinking element of our electorate....i.e., that destruction and and ruination of every aspect of American society has....unconsciously?....become their aim.

With great 'success'...if one may use that term with respect to failure.

One needs only to remember that the democrats are the party of the "victim". Understanding that makes the rest of it fall into place.

These clowns believe that America is inherently an "evil" country. They tell us that at every chance. They teach it in schools from the time our kids enter pre-school. They march up and down the streets with signs that proclaim that. The people they elect to represent them in Washington espouse the same ideals. "WE MUST HAVE SOCIAL JUSTICE!!" The "RICH ARE GREEDY!!"

So, it would only follow that the American healthcare system (the envy of the world) should be dismantled and taken over by the "socially responsible" federal government. This country is in deep trouble. At the rate we are presently headed, I predict that there will be civil unrest on a scale not seen since the Civil War. I know it sounds insane, but Americans (and I mean REAL Americans) are just about fed up with this "victim-hood" crap that the communist democrats are foisting on us.

Just wait until 2014 - when the employer mandate kicks in and 20-30 million MORE Americans become "victims" of the communist democrats…...

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