Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

Sweetheart, she won. I'm not going to quibble. She won. The cake baker won. The florist won.

You lose.

Right. So you came into this thread to do what, exactly? You're refusing to actually discuss the subject at hand. You're just here to say that the woman won her court case. Which everyone knows. So....your existence seems to lack any purpose at the moment.
You seem like an idiot.

And you didn't even answer any of my questions.
I answered it fully.
The judgement was a 1st amendment issue, nothing to do with serving food to people.
Now if the black person came in and demanded to be served to show how the business supports BLM - then the business owner could refuse service.
Speech - get it?
Hey OP.

salty tears.jpg
I answered it fully.
The judgement was a 1st amendment issue, nothing to do with serving food to people.
Now if the black person came in and demanded to be served to show how the business supports BLM - then the business owner could refuse service.
Speech - get it?

So you're saying that a sign that says "No blacks allowed" isn't speech?
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?

Yeah....if you leftists didn't have emotional, irrational arguments, you wouldn't have anything to post about.........

Any business owner should be able to set their own rules about who they hire......except for the Federal Government......which is the post office ruling. To clarify this, businesses will simply have to take their own cases through the court system...just like conservatives have to do with gun laws when you guys violate the rulings of the Supreme Court.....
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?

Remember, twit.....the people who refused to serve black people in the past were democrats.....who used the power of the government to enact jim crow if democrat party business owners start refusing to serve blacks again or refuse to hire blacks...your issue is with them, not the court.....
Public accommodation may soon go the way of Affirmative Action. That is, let the free market decide. If there's a cretin out there who actually wants to hang a sign that says "whites only" in their store, fine. Let the free market, in the age of Yelp reviews, take care of the situation.

Don't expect leftists to understand the free market...if they can't get the government to force people to do what they want, they get all confused and helpless......government force is about the extent of their understanding of human interactions...
just like conservatives have to do with gun laws when you guys violate the rulings of the Supreme Court.

Don't put words into my mouth. I mean, you can put things in my mouth, just not words. And you have to pay.

In any event, you should go searching for my past comments about 2nd amendment rights to see what I've said on those topics.
Don't expect leftists to understand the free market...if they can't get the government to force people to do what they want, they get all confused and helpless......government force is about the extent of their understanding of human interactions...

Yes, a solid reminder.

If they were smarter, they wouldn't be liberals.
Really? Because the KKK would strongly disagree. As would a great many other individuals and groups.

Why do you keep bringing up the democrat party.....and you are behind the times.....true, the kkk was a democrat party terrorist group.....but the democrat party has dropped them, they are too, the democrat party uses the racist group, blm and the other idiots, antifa, to do their dirty particular, the rich, trust fund kids in blm and antifa now burn, loot and murder in primarily black neighborhoods in the cities the democrat party controls.....they will be out in force fairly soon since we are approaching another election season......and the democrats love to turn loose their blm racists on their black neighborhoods....right before an election....
Can I refuse service to anyone wearing a MAGA hat? should be able to if you own a business.......and they have the right to post about it and to go somewhere else...that is called freedom.... I know...freedom is a strange concept to fascists like you...but individual Americans have freedom to do things you simply cannot understand...

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