Now Words Are a Crime

Why are they attacking Asians? Why? I don't understand this madness.
They're attacking orientals.
Russians are Asian. Indians are Asian. Greeks are Asian

They mean orientals. Specifically Chinese

"They" correctly believe Chinese traveled worldwide, spreading the virus while their Commie government was cracking down on travel in their own country.

Definitely truth to that, but blame the Commie government, not individuals who mostly disnt know they were infected

The real question is did the ChiCom party intentionally use them to spread the virus
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Why are they attacking Asians? Why? I don't understand this madness.
They're attacking orientals.
Russians are Asian. Indians are Asian. Greeks are Asian

They mean orientals. Specifically Chinese

"They" correctly believe Chinese traveled worldwide, spreading the virus while their Commie government was cracking down on travel in their own country.

Definitely truth to that, but blame the Commie government, not individuals who mostly disnt know they were infected

What are the 48 countries in Asia?
Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, China, East Timor, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Qatar, ...

Do you see Russia, India or Greece in that list. Now of course there are Asians in all those countries like there are Asians....many Asians in America....are Americans Asian?

Now some contend Native Americans are Asian or of Asian origin. also seem not to understand that the term 'oriental' is not politically in
President Obama recently signed a bill prohibiting use of the term in all federal documents. Rep. Grace Meng, the New York congresswoman who sponsored the legislation, exulted that "at long last this insulting and outdated term will be gone for good."
I have an Oriental rug. The store that sold it to me has a big sign that says "Oriental Rugs".

The owner's an irascible old coot from the Orient. I don't see him changing his sign.
Your first amendment has limitations and have been curved in the past, so anyone thinking your speech or words can not land you in jail should review the long history of how it can...
There is no mugshot on the internet of the woman

Which means she is black

I wonder if asians are independent thinking enough to realize that whites are not their enemy?
There is no mugshot on the internet of the woman

Which means she is black

I wonder if asians are independent thinking enough to realize that whites are not their enemy?

I am pretty sure that most Asians know that Caucasian Americans are their best friends.

I am also pretty sure that many thoughtful Asians are anxious about their future in this country as the Caucasian population continues to shrink and is replaced by two other ethnicities. also seem not to understand that the term 'oriental' is not politically correct
Irregardless isnt a word.

Greece is BARELY in Europe.
Russia is significantly ASIAN, They are very WHITE
India Is part of Asia.

"Asians" are a very diverse group

My point is, the term "Oriental" more correctly refers to the people being targeted by Africans. Your silly political correctness be damned. There 8s NOTHING wrong with correctly referring to those FROM THE ORIENT, as oriental.
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Orwell rolls his eyes.

Another racist attack has been added to the list of more than 110 anti-Asian hate crimes reported in the United States since March 2020, this time involving a New York Police Department officer.

Sharon Williams, 50, is charged with a hate crime and criminal trespassing after allegedly physically threatening an Asian woman and yelling racist remarks at Asian workers inside Good Choice for Nails, a nail salon in New York City, on Tuesday.

“You brought the corona to this country,” she said, reported WLNY.

Screaming fire could get you arrested in a theater or bomb on a plane, so yeah words can be against the law...
“You brought the corona to this country” caused you Leftards to panic and stampede out of a building? Thanks for validating the Left are insane.
It’s not a crime to be angry. The fascist State theologian is invoking more rules to quell the anger of a preferred docile congregation. However, that’s a communist Chinese virus that has killed half a million Americans, and it evolved by way of that population’s culinary promiscuity. Boycott church-and-state sociopaths and Chinese-owned puppets in the White House.
#12: ‘Russians are Asian.’ We would disagree, There are important differences between Russian and Asian psyches, especially when it comes to communism. In fact, there are German underpinnings to Chinese thought (ex., Goethe Reading Room in Pyongyang).

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