"Now you know how i feel", Glenn Beck laughs with Tucker who gets serious on Jan6 video:'I know deception when I see it'...Schiff Prince Of Darkness

Listened to the Beck-Carlson conversation. Brilliant and erudite comes to mind. Id like to see both together on a talk sow with a guy like Bill Maher just to see the sparks fly.
LOL, Beck was and still is a nutter, it's not going to be as easy for the uniparty to cancel Tucker. The uniparty is pissed because Tucker's focus on the Jan 6 tapes is going to screw up the narrative of the party needs to move away from TRUMP. The GOP/RNC, Nikki, Ron, Scott, Pence and all will have to pick a side on this issue, which will be interesting since they are being funded by the side attacking Tucker.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Democrats

9 Mar 2023 ~~ By D. Parker

Most normal people could be forgiven for wondering about all the vitriol and rhetorical flak being directed at Tucker Carlson these days. National socialist media sources, Democrats, and RINOs all seem to be propagandizing from the same playbook over the subject of Jan. 6, 2021.
If we didn't know any better, all of this rage from the "ruling class" would bring forth the quote from Shakespeare's Hamlet: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." But considering all the issues surrounding this soil enhancement storm of the lowest caliber reveals far more about our ruling aristocrats in Washington than we ever wanted to know.
In his conversation with Glenn Beck on Wednesday morning, Mr. Carlson made the point that the obvious lies of Jan. 6, 2021 diminish him, and they diminish everyone. It's the old saying: "Don't urinate on my leg and tell me it's raining."
They are lying about Jan. 6, 2021, and a myriad of other things, and we know it. But we're supposed to accept these lies because they know better, they know of "the common good" that will come of it. It's a form of oppression, and not accepting these lies just will not do.
It hearkens back to a key moment in what to our horror has become the instruction manual for the fascist far left these days, George Orwell's 1984, where the protagonist is being tortured ("re-educated") in the Ministry of Love, and he has to accept that two plus two equals five. That's not like what we've been battered to accept these days, such as that men can get pregnant or there are 57 genders, but that was the start.
Why not release all the footage to the public — footage of a public building, with public cameras, funded by the public, and video of the public during an event in broad daylight?
Why did the nation's socialist media, the Democrats, and the useless RINOs of the Republican Party insist on keeping all of this material from the people?
Because it would be hard to push their revolving narrative game on Jan. 6, 2021 if the people could fully see what happened — ugly as it was. It was far easier to make all kinds of hyperbolic claims when they controlled what everyone could see. With it all released, they would have to fall back on "don't believe your lying eyes."
The socialists can screech all they want about the release of the footage as a "threat to democracy" or whatever. And that Jan. 6, 2021 was the biggest battle near Washington since Bull Run, but everyone can see for himself that there was some bull involved, but not what they meant. They can complain all they want about an "armed" insurrection, coup, attack, or whatever descriptor comes up on the spinning word wheel for the week. But when it's boring footage of people just walking around, the lies start falling apart, and their new version of the Reichstag fire blows up in their smug faces.
These folks want to restrict your civil rights, individual liberties, and access to information. It's not because they care anything about "misinformation," but because they don't trust you. It's also the reason they don't want you to have an AR-15, the Modern-Day Musket, and whatever size magazines you feel like having.
They want us to move left toward greater government control, in the footsteps of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, the defunct USSR, and Communist China. Alternatively, we can move toward less government control and more individual liberty, favored by the pro-freedom right, where the people are in control instead of the ruling class. Which sounds more democratic?

This author asks these pertinent questions:
“Why not let the people decide?
Why not release all the footage to the public — footage of a public building, with public cameras, funded by the public, and video of the public during an event in broad daylight?”

The fuse has been lit…

9 Mar 2023 ~~ By DrJohn

America has gotten a taste of what happens when the far left democrat party controls everything: censorship of everything, weaponization of the FBI and DOJ to punish and suppress opponents and more. Regaining the House is probably the only thing that kept this country from collapsing into a totalitarian state.
Tucker Carlson obtaining the videos from Jan 6 is incredibly important. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and America overwhelmingly wants the videos released. It is the fascist democrat party (and some assorted idiot Republicans) who are afire with outrage about their contents becoming public.
Carlson lit the fuse to a bomb when he broadcast the video capturing the actions of one Jacob Chansley. Chansley is a Navy vet who was diagnosed with a mental issue in 2006. Because of his flamboyant costume democrats seized on Chansley to make him the face of the riot and set out to make an example of him. They basically prosecuted him for all of the crimes committed on that day. The left fabricated a name for him- the "QAnon Shaman." He's been smeared incessantly by them. Chansley was charged with "knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds."
That right there is a lie. There isn't a shred of evidence that Chansley was ever violent. Chansley entered the building after the doors were already open. Curiously, one inside Chansley was not stopped by a single one of the nine armed cops he encountered. In fact, he was escorted around the building by two of the cops. They can even be seen attempting to open a door for Chansley.
🚨BREAKING: Never before seen video of January 6 shows Jacob Chansley, the QAnon Shaman, being led through the Capitol by police the entire time that he was in the building. pic.twitter.com/rikoRMWezF — Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 7, 2023
The bottom line is that he was convicted and handed a lengthy sentence for his costume. Jonathan Turley:​
Yet many of us were surprised Chansley was given a 41-month sentence for “obstructing a federal proceeding.” The sentence exceeded those handed down for violent offenses. Indeed, an Antifa member who took an axe to a member’s office in Fargo, ND, was later given probation … and his axe back.​
When Price calls that video "never before seen", he's not kidding. The video was not made available to anyone- not even to Chanley's lawyer Albert Watkins. That's called withholding Brady material.
Brady material, or the evidence the prosecutor is required to disclose under this rule, includes any information favorable to the accused which may reduce a defendant's potential sentence, go against the credibility of an unfavorable witness, or otherwise allow a jury to infer against the defendant's guilt.​
"And through each of those three hearings that government assistant U.S. attorney knew the most important aspect of that hearing was that Jake was not violent. The government knew," he continued. "They knew that Jake had walked around with all of these police officers. They had that video footage I didn't get. It wasn't disclosed to me. It wasn't provided to me."​
The attorney called Chansley's prison sentence a "tragedy" and a "dagger at the heart of our American justice system."​
"This is about our justice system being so compromised, the very integrity and core of that, which we wore as a badge of honor for the entirety of our nation's history, has been rendered a vile, disgusting mess by a Department of Justice that was running amok," Watkins said. "And they didn't share the video of my client, the footage from my client with nine officers surrounding him peacefully, wandering about, trying to help them, trying to get him access to the Senate chamber. They didn't because it didn't fit their narrative."​
Chansley's Constitutional rights were violated. Bigly.
When one stirs trash heaps, rats are often seen to scurry about and flee but not before giving one a hateful glare. Such is happening right now. Comments made by the head of the Jan 6 Committee Bennie Thompson raise very serious questions. Questions like- did the Committee actually do any work at all?
Indeed. Blockbuster, heavily edited and contrived. A dog and pony show. No wonder the democrat fascists were so indignant over the video going public. Thompson is the first to jump ship separating himself from the committee, not wanting to see his reputation further trashed. I am very hopeful that Chansley gets justice and sues the J6 Committee and prosecutors for violating his civil rights.
Tucker Carlson has lit the fuse of a bomb- a truth bomb. It will be interesting to see how many democrats (and perhaps Republicans) are taken out by it. Had the GOP not taken the House, the fascist democrats would rule and Jacob Chansley would continue to unfairly rot in solitary. The rest of us would be at risk for the same. It’s hard to overstate the damage democrats have done to this country.

Prof Mattias Desmet has suggested that the American Left is in a kind of mass hypnotic trance (he calls it "mass formation") that, if not stopped, can only end in the formation of a totalitarian state (in which those resisting--that would be us--will be sent to gulags or exterminated).
This has occurred throughout history, but most recently in Nazi Germany, USSR and China.
Maoist Democrats tried to create Americans into a Marxist "BORG" and they've failed.
The most amusing part is that Tuckers people did not have to sort through thousands of hours of video, whomever looked at it previously left it bookmarked, so Tucker knew exactly what they had been viewing.
Now the some of the Democrat politicians on the Select Committee are claiming they were not aware of those videos. They are trying to use the “AOC Defense” — “our staff did it.”
What a bunch of bovine scat.
It's like like Hitler claiming, “I didn’t kill a single Jew. It was all corporals in the SS. Those are the bad guys. I’m innocent.”
The Maoist/DSA Democrat Left's movement to a totalitarian government has to happen now because Americans have caught onto their madness and are going to rise up in reaction if they are given time.
As I read somewhere recently when you go against reality, you are going to lose. It appears that the Left is in a battle against time (and reality) because reality is catching up with them.
i don't know what you would call Jan 6, but it's not terrorism, and no one should do 4 years in prison for the events of that day

I'd be giving the violent ones a time in prison, but the others?? Community service at worst.


The J6 Committee’s Obstruction of Justice

15 Mar 2023 ~~ By Ted Noel

We are all familiar with the fact that members of Congress are constitutionally immune from prosecution over what they say during the time they are debating in the House or Senate (Article 1, §6, clause 1). So, Pencil Neck Schiff was free to lie through his teeth about “evidence” of Trump conspiring with Russia, and all we could do was turn the volume down or change channels. The January 6 Select Committee was similarly free to declare that the riot around the Capitol building was “an insurrection” “worse than Pearl Harbor,” and we had no other recourse.
Of course, the Uniparty, to which Mitch the Turtle McConnell, Mittens Romney, and Thom Tillis have declared their allegiance, is now sounding air raid sirens over Tucker Carlson’s airing of previously concealed surveillance video from inside the Capitol. Kevin McCarthy wisely has avoided taking any sides other than to declare that transparency is a paramount virtue. Mere citizens such as this writer are left to puzzle out the legal ramifications of this turn of events. The case of Jacob Chansley, aka the Q-Anon Shaman, brings them into sharp focus. And we must wonder if the Committee and their allies are yelling because they have been placed in serious legal jeopardy. Tucker is taking flak from them, so he must be over the target.
Jacob Chansley became the face of the January 6 event because of his outlandish makeup and dress on that day. He was photographed in the Senate chambers and charged with "knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds." He argued in his defense that he had been admitted to the building by the Capitol Police and was escorted around by them. His attorney made “extraordinary efforts” to get security video to bolster his claims but was unable to gain access to it.
Before we go any farther, we must note that there is an issue with the statute of limitations. The DOJ has five years to prosecute, unless the offender has traveled out of state (out of DC!), in which case the statute is tolled (extended). But! If the obstruction involves a case where people were murdered (Does the name Ashli Babbitt come to mind?), there is no statute of limitations.
Princess Pelosi and her minions on the J6 Committee concealed over forty thousand hours of video. In that library are segments documenting how multiple people were beaten, and some even killed. Others have died in jail without being able to present a defense. Other video shows what appear to be agents provocateur working to stir up the crowd. In short, the J6 Committee concealed evidence of their own criminality while preventing innocents from presenting legitimate defenses to trumped-up criminal charges. This is “concealing” and “covering up” evidence “with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States.”
The J6 Committee members are not just left-wing blowhards. They have obstructed justice, which I presume is not protected by the Speech and Debate clause. It is a felony and should be prosecuted post haste by an incoming Attorney General in a new Republican administration. Congress must never be allowed to think that they are immune from the laws that are used against the rest of us.

Since Biden did not stop the Pelosi J6 committee from perpetrating these civil violations, he too should be charged, as well as Merrick Garland who egregiously ignored the onus on him as AG to apply the laws of our nation equally without partisan interference. They all violated the Constitution and the laws.
The J6 defendants that were unfairly and unconstitutionally sentenced or forced into antithetical plea deals should ALL have their cases thrown out on appeal.
I’d settle for the J6 committee members being removed from political power, disbarred and disgraced, plus all the political prisoners to be released. The J6 committee members can keep their ill gotten gains so long as we get our republic back if we ever had one.
and no one should do 4 years in prison for the events of that day

‘I hope you suffer’: Ex-D.C. officer confronts Jan. 6 attacker in court

A member of the mob that launched a series of violent attacks on police — including D.C. officer Michael Fanone — in a tunnel under the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, apologized Tuesday as a judge sentenced him to seven years and two months in prison.

Kyle Young, 38, is the first rioter to be sentenced for the group attack on Fanone, who was dragged into the mob, beaten and electrocuted until he suffered a heart attack and lost consciousness.

“You were a one-man wrecking ball that day,” Judge Amy Berman Jackson said. “You were the violence.”


Young and his 16-year-old son joined the tunnel battle just before 3 p.m., and Young handed a stun gun to another rioter and showed him how to use it. When Fanone was pulled from the police line, Young and his son pushed through the crowd toward him.

Just after that, authorities said, another rioter repeatedly shocked Fanone with the stun gun, and Young helped restrain the officer as another rioter stole his badge and radio.

Young lost his grip on Fanone as the mob moved. He then pushed and hit a nearby Capitol Police officer, who had just been struck with bear spray, according to documents filed with his plea.

Young also pointed a strobe light at the officers, jabbed at them with a stick and threw an audio speaker toward the police line, hitting another rioter in the back of the head, prosecutors said.
I think Tucker Carlson may be schizophrenic. More specifically, he has dissociative identity disorder.

The person he is off the air is entirely different from the person on the air.

A Handy January 6 Fact Sheet

Plenty of other falsehoods and misrepresentations animate the fable of January 6. But for those honestly seeking the truth, consider this a cheat sheet for future use.
20 Mar 2023 ~~ By Julie Kelly

In another example of Washington’s inexorable slide into banana republic territory, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) took to the floor of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday to call for the removal of an American journalist.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen an anchor treat the American people, and American democracy, with such disdain,” Schumer said during his seven-minute authoritarian tirade. “And he’s going to come back tonight with another segment. Fox News should tell him not to. Fox News, Rupert Murdoch—tell Mr. Carlson not to run a second segment of lies. You know it’s a lie.”
Schumer later reiterated his demand to a group of journalists who, rather than denounce one of the most powerful government officials in the country attempting to silence an influential member of the media, dutifully reported Schumer’s bleating without question.
Republican senators including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) joined the fray, echoing Schumer’s faux concerns over “national security.”
Clearly, it’s panic time. The White House, Congress, and the Democratic Party propaganda arm that is the corporate media realize their carefully engineered narrative about January 6 is imploding in real time. Which is why they’re accusing Carlson of “whitewashing” and “rewriting” the events of January 6. Anything less than total fealty to regime-approved talking points about what happened before and after that day now is considered a “threat to democracy.”
But facts are facts. And no amount of pearl-clutching by the hags on “The View” or threats made by U.S. senators can alter the reality of January 6. Between video recordings, witness testimony, court filings, and news reporting, the undeniable truth about January 6 cannot be willfully wished away even by the most skilled spinmeisters.
Here’s what we know:
  • Some people acted badly. A handful came ready for a fight while others admit they were caught up in a mob mentality that unfolded over the course of the afternoon.
  • The overwhelming majority of protesters did not act badly or violently. Not only do security footage and other video sources demonstrate that is indeed true, the Justice Department’s own data supports it. “Parading” in the Capitol, a class B misdemeanor, is by far the most common charge in the Justice Department’s sweeping investigation. According to an update published this week, 919 out of 1,000 defendants face trespassing charges. Of the 518 who accepted plea agreements, 385 pleaded guilty to misdemeanors and 133 pleaded guilty to a felony.
  • The most common felony is not “insurrection” but rather obstruction of an official proceeding. Fewer than 20 people face seditious conspiracy charges.
  • Roughly 100 defendants are accused of attacking police officers with a dangerous weapon. No one is charged with carrying or using a firearm inside the building.
  • Speaking of police, body-worn camera and independent video show outrageous misconduct by law enforcement. D.C. Metropolitan Police launched an aggressive and unnecessary offensive against the crowd assembled on the west lawn. Even though protesters were respecting police lines at the time, footage shows officers throwing stun grenades into and other devices containing rubber bullets into the crowd beginning shortly after 1:00 p.m.
  • Video and testimony by Capitol police officers at trial confirmed how that activity enraged the crowd. Other officers shoved women down stairs and shoved one man off the upper terrace balcony.
  • This conduct continued inside the building. Some officers shoved and hit individuals inside the Rotunda and other areas. A brutal scene in the lower west terrace tunnel unfolded as police used their batons to beat at least two women on the head resulting in bleeding and injuries.
  • Excessive force caused the deaths of four Trump supporters: Ashli Babbitt, Rosanne Boyland, Kevin Greeson, and Benjamin Phillips.
  • On the flip side, despite persistent claims even by Attorney General Merrick Garland and White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre as recently as this week, no police officers died as a result of injuries sustained on January 6. Officer Brian Sicknick is on video walking around after he suffered a pepper spray attack; he died of a stroke the next day. There’s no evidence the reported suicides of other officers after January 6 were related to the protest.
  • Further, the responsibility of sufficiently protecting the Capitol with enough officers fell to the Capitol Police board—staffed by the sergeant-at-arms for then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and then Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund repeatedly testified that he requested additional help including National Guardsmen days before January 6. Even as the chaos unfolded that day, House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving and Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger delayed pursuing the proper authorization of the National Guard.
  • Irving told House Republicans that his staff as well as members of the House Administration committee began planning for January 6 weeks before the protest. Jamie Fleet, a security staffer for both Pelosi and the committee overseeing Capitol functions, told the January 6 select committee that he started preparations for January 6 in the summer of 2020.
  • When the building was breached at around 2:15 p.m., Congress was not voting to certify the electoral college results at the time, a common misperception. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Arizona) were in the process of disputing the election outcome in Gosar’s home state, a process permitted under the Electoral Count Act. The joint session of Congress technically had been adjourned an hour earlier so debate could begin.
  • For all the wasted energy spent over the past two years that democracy almost died on January 6, the chaotic protest only delayed the certification ceremony for seven hours. Joe Biden officially was declared president at 3:00 a.m. the next day.
  • The surveillance video viewed by Carlson’s team has not been made available to defense attorneys, arguably in violation of defendants’ constitutional rights.
  • A separate trove of tapes that captured activity from the hours between noon and 8:00 p.m. was turned over to the FBI in early 2021 to use in its investigation. With few exceptions, all footage remains under protective orders. Defense attorneys consistently have complained that access to the full archive is constrained by the protective orders.
Plenty of other falsehoods and misrepresentations animate the fable of January 6. But for those honestly seeking the truth, consider this a cheat sheet for future use.

Julie Kelly has written an excellent article.
But, just a reminder, it’s only “evidence” if a judge allows it. So far we have seen conviction after conviction (or plea deals) mostly because the defenses have had exculpatory evidence hidden, altered or destroyed by the prosecution/DOJ/FBI. When the defenses have discovered exculpatory evidence that was withheld by the prosecution/DOJ/FBI, the defenses have been repeatedly denied access to, or allowed to use said evidence in court, citing classified and security concerns.
Used to be that the actions of the prosecutors/DOJ/FBI was enough to declare a mistrial and get convictions overturned.
Interesting how law enforcement personnel are frequently charged with violating the civil rights of scumbag criminals, but these prosecutors/DOJ/FBI are getting away with this in case after case.
They can complain all they want about an "armed" insurrection, coup, attack, or whatever descriptor comes up on the spinning word wheel for the week

"The spinning word wheel" .........................Think I'll borrow that.

Plenty of evidence for it. Example.


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