NPR about to lose another Exec to O'Keefe's sting

Mini 14

Senior Member
Jun 6, 2010
You remember Betsy Lily? The bump that sat there with Mr. Schiller, giggling and laughing along with Mr. Schiller's racist, bigoted conversation with the faux Muslims?

Say goodbye to her while you can:

O’Keefe Releases Audio of Phone Call With NPR Exec | The Blaze

Evidently, she was going to arrange to hide the $5Million donation from a government audit.

NPR has a culture of corruption. I wouldn't be surprised it someone doesn't do jail time before this is over.

And O'Keefe says there is still more to come.
Looking into it a little deeper, I think Ms. Lily may have some legal issues, certainly IRS questions to answer.

She may be the opening the GOP needs to cut NPR wide open and do a full cavity search on them.
Yeah, they're done.

This blows everything we've seen and heard so far out of the water.

This woman is already on administrative leave. They know she just damned the entire organization.

Adios Car Talk....Says You.....and all the other crap NPR used to broadcast.
How will I ever solve the problem of that rattling noise in the transverse-mounted slip differential on my 1985 Corolla 5-speed with air conditioning?
How will I ever solve the problem of that rattling noise in the transverse-mounted slip differential on my 1985 Corolla 5-speed with air conditioning?

Time to sell, I suppose.

I have a feeling Tom and Ray will get moved to real radio though. Their show is one of the few NPR success stories.
They fell SO hard for this.... Head over heels. Swallowed the hook.

But, now we know why NPR "didn't take the money." How honorable!

Exactly. And this woman is going to be hated very quickly. Opening up NPR to a full IRS audit wasn't enough.....she had to implicate her other and former employers as well!

They are toast.

Corrupt as can be.
They fell SO hard for this.... Head over heels. Swallowed the hook.

But, now we know why NPR "didn't take the money." How honorable!

Exactly. And this woman is going to be hated very quickly. Opening up NPR to a full IRS audit wasn't enough.....she had to implicate her other and former employers as well!

They are toast.

Corrupt as can be.
The IRS will just look the other way.... Obama's in the WH.

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