NPR radio guest - The Nordstream pipeline was likely blown up by a pro Ukrainian group.

'Better news sources'......that is what I'm looking for, poster PH.
Which sources do you use to know what the evidence is?
Thanks in advance.
I check as many as I can and use what I get from both the left and right on this forum,,

it was posted several times with timelines and events that support that the USA under biden had it blown up,
how you missed it amazes me,,,
  • No way Ukraine had the capability to pull that off.
  • ^^^ what he says :thup:
That is way cool!! Finally, we have a couple of posters -excalibur & skye -- who are suggesting they are knowledgeable enough in the Baltic, in underwater explosives, in Ukrainian naval capabilities, in Russian's navy and give the forum informed credible direction.

Thanks.....and we'll welcome what you bring to the forum that helps us understand this event better.

how you missed it amazes me,,,
Ah, it is far too pedestrian to generate amazement good poster PH.

Rather, there is much 'other stuff' going on in the US, in the world, in my family's life, and my be current on any and all 'stuff'.
Hence, I rely on posters such as yourself who suggest you have credible informed sources on the issues..."better sources" to use your term, and thus you can direct us to the reportage that seemingly keeps you well informed.

Thanks in advance.
That is way cool!! Finally, we have a couple of posters -excalibur & skye -- who are suggesting they are knowledgeable enough in the Baltic, in underwater explosives, in Ukrainian naval capabilities, in Russian's navy and give the forum informed credible direction.

Thanks.....and we'll welcome what you bring to the forum that helps us understand this event better.


Ah, it is far too pedestrian to generate amazement good poster PH.

Rather, there is much 'other stuff' going on in the US, in the world, in my family's life, and my be current on any and all 'stuff'.
Hence, I rely on posters such as yourself who suggest you have credible informed sources on the issues..."better sources" to use your term, and thus you can direct us to the reportage that seemingly keeps you well informed.

Thanks in advance.
so what youre saying is you dont want to know the truth and cant figure out a way to debunk or refute what I said you have no option but to make it personal,,

you do know we all read alinsky too and just laugh at you when you try this tactic dont you???

thanls for stopping by and making an ass of yourself,,
I wait for our next encounter,,
To the people with a pro Ukrainian flag in their avatar.

Why don’t you put a Palestinian flag in your avatar. Do you stand in solidarity with the children of the Gaza Strip with these beautiful Christians and Muslims of Palestine?

Why don’t you put a picture of a starving child in Africa in your avatar and tell us where we can donate to a charity? Why don’t you go ahead and put up a flag of Yemen in your avatar because they have had huge problems with warfare. How about you go ahead and put up a flag of Syria in your avatar for the hell they’re going through right now.

I totally understand any Ukrainian who supports Ukraine. I totally understand any Easter Ukrainian that supports Russia. I totally understand any Russian that supports Russia. ….get it I’m an American I support America. Why are there people on this board not from Ukraine supporting Ukraine?
Christians in the West Bank and Gaza?

Children are starving in Africa mostly due to tribal warfare, mostly based on Islam.

Yemen is being fought over in a proxy war by Iran.

Syria is another Muslim state dominated by radicals.

Why are you so ignorant of reality?
By the way I know a lot of us are wondering where all of the environmental is on this. This was an environmental disaster one of the worst ones in years. Where are all of the people who are all pro LGBT pro BLM pro environment. Where are they.
How was it an environmental disaster?

Did you know the oceans and some lakes "burp" natural gas to the surface in huge quantities? It is, after all, called natural gas.

Not seeing the disaster at all.
theres also been evidence provided that it was biden and not russia or ukraine,,,

I will take evidence over speculation anyday of the week,,,
What evidence has been provided it was Biden?
I check as many as I can and use what I get from both the left and right on this forum,,

it was posted several times with timelines and events that support that the USA under biden had it blown up,
how you missed it amazes me,,,
All speculation, with no evidence.
And who is the biggest pro ukranian group with the technology and resources to pull off something like this undetected?

That's a very very very short list.

All I'll say is this in summation.......

Biden said this

Victoria nuland said this.

Right after it was blown up Poland thanked the usa.

And the day after it was blown up Poland announces it's new pipeline in the same sea.

Of course it was a "pro Ukraine group"; And USA fits very well, EU, Israelis, etc..
However what does "pro-Ukraine" really mean?

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