NRA Board Member Blames 'Sympathy Factor of Kids Getting Killed' for Possibility of Gun Control Laws

If you fools think that it will help your cause to post these silly, far rightwing memes, by all means...go ahead.

Nor hit by a car, or drowned, or stabbed, or choked, or in the care of a grandparent, or, or...
A parent doesn’t have a preference as to how. They don’t want it, period!
No sane parent wants the death of their child before they die by ANY means!
You are unclear about the lies and distortion, really?

Why Are We Afraid of Being a Victim of a Mass Shooting?
Mass Shootings and the Fear of Being a Victim
"The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is around 1 in 110,154 — about the same chance of dying from a dog attack or legal execution.

There is a three times greater chance of dying from a sharp object than from a mass shooting. The chance of dying from lightning, though, is lower.

In fact, there are many more likely ways to die than in a mass shooting.

Heart disease and cancer are at the top — the risk of dying is 1 in 7. And even dying in a motor vehicle crash is higher — 1 in 113."


"The researchers suggest that seeing or hearing news related to an attack several hours a day might prolong the stress reaction triggered by the initial “collective trauma.”

It’s difficult to know the exact link between media coverage of an attack and people’s fears, but the content that people watch may matter.

“We do tend to see that people who have greater exposure to different types of news media, as well as people who view more crime dramas, tend to express higher levels of fear,” said Schafer, “but it’s not clear which is causing the other.”

People may develop anxiety from watching the news, or people who are anxious may watch the news in order to calm their worries.

News media can also skew the perception of how frequent these events are."
Youre missing the point. There are a lot of things that cause more deaths than shootings. The point is no one wants a school shooting to be the reason their child dies.
Agreed but if they had to pick a death scenario they wouldnt want their child gunned down at school
Longtime NRA Board MemberCharles Cotton is concerned gun control laws may actually pass in the wake of the Parkland, Florida high school massacre, and he's blaming the "sympathy factor of kids getting killed."

Marjory Stoneman Douglas student survivors have won the hearts of many across the nation, and have effectively countered the tired arguments of the NRA and gun advocates.

Cotton posted to a pro-gun message board, the Texas CHL Forum, responding to a member upset that bump stocks may actually get banned. Bump stocks are add on devices that effectively turn semi-automatic assault weapons into automatic weapons.

In a thread titled, "Can it be?: We may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?" just before midnight Monday Cotton wrote, "the reality is we could well see bump-stocks 'taken away' because the votes are probably there."


"Wake up people and see what's happening!!!! Bloomberg and Hollywood are pouring money into this effort and the media is helping to the fullest extent. We've never had this level of opposition before, not ever. It's a campaign of lies and distortion, but it's very well funded and they are playing on the sympathy factor of kids getting killed."

It's unclear what the "lies and distortion" are that Cotton claims.

He also told members the NRA needs to triple its membership to fight gun safety.

"If you really want to make a difference, then start recruiting NRA members every single day. The NRA better be 15 million strong soon, or this is only going to get worse."

Cotton is no stranger to controversy. In 2015 he said that physically disciplining a school-aged child by "paddling" them might stop him from “having to put a bullet in him later.”

Just months before that Cotton blamed the pastor of the Charleston church for his own murder by a white supremacist terrorist who killed nine bible study members.

Cotton, in addition to serving on the NRA's Board of Directors, also serves on the Board of Trustees of the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund.

Source: NRA Board Member Blames 'Sympathy Factor of Kids Getting Killed' for Possibility of Gun Control Laws Passing

So you're in favor of young, upstanding black men not being able to buy AR-15s until they're 21, do I have that correct? If so, who are you to make that call for them?
You are unclear about the lies and distortion, really?

Why Are We Afraid of Being a Victim of a Mass Shooting?
Mass Shootings and the Fear of Being a Victim
"The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is around 1 in 110,154 — about the same chance of dying from a dog attack or legal execution.

There is a three times greater chance of dying from a sharp object than from a mass shooting. The chance of dying from lightning, though, is lower.

In fact, there are many more likely ways to die than in a mass shooting.

Heart disease and cancer are at the top — the risk of dying is 1 in 7. And even dying in a motor vehicle crash is higher — 1 in 113."


"The researchers suggest that seeing or hearing news related to an attack several hours a day might prolong the stress reaction triggered by the initial “collective trauma.”

It’s difficult to know the exact link between media coverage of an attack and people’s fears, but the content that people watch may matter.

“We do tend to see that people who have greater exposure to different types of news media, as well as people who view more crime dramas, tend to express higher levels of fear,” said Schafer, “but it’s not clear which is causing the other.”

People may develop anxiety from watching the news, or people who are anxious may watch the news in order to calm their worries.

News media can also skew the perception of how frequent these events are."
Youre missing the point. There are a lot of things that cause more deaths than shootings. The point is no one wants a school shooting to be the reason their child dies.

So let's ask parents what reason they would want their child to die.
You are unclear about the lies and distortion, really?

Why Are We Afraid of Being a Victim of a Mass Shooting?
Mass Shootings and the Fear of Being a Victim
"The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is around 1 in 110,154 — about the same chance of dying from a dog attack or legal execution.

There is a three times greater chance of dying from a sharp object than from a mass shooting. The chance of dying from lightning, though, is lower.

In fact, there are many more likely ways to die than in a mass shooting.

Heart disease and cancer are at the top — the risk of dying is 1 in 7. And even dying in a motor vehicle crash is higher — 1 in 113."


"The researchers suggest that seeing or hearing news related to an attack several hours a day might prolong the stress reaction triggered by the initial “collective trauma.”

It’s difficult to know the exact link between media coverage of an attack and people’s fears, but the content that people watch may matter.

“We do tend to see that people who have greater exposure to different types of news media, as well as people who view more crime dramas, tend to express higher levels of fear,” said Schafer, “but it’s not clear which is causing the other.”

People may develop anxiety from watching the news, or people who are anxious may watch the news in order to calm their worries.

News media can also skew the perception of how frequent these events are."
Youre missing the point. There are a lot of things that cause more deaths than shootings. The point is no one wants a school shooting to be the reason their child dies.


It's an issue of balance though. It is an issue of understanding the magnitude of the problem. It really isn't that big of a problem. The media over-hypes it, so it seems like it is a huge problem when really, it isn't. Sure, it is a tragedy when it occures, but it doesn't necessitate the infringement of the rights of millions of people.

This problem is so small, does it justify creating laws that will affect millions and millions of people over something so infinitesimally small?

There are much better ways to stop school shootings than gun control laws.

The governing elites just would prefer that the population be disarmed though.

If these elites pass gun control laws, do you think these laws would ever apply to private security companies that provide them protection? Seriously?
The numbers may be small but the emotional effect isnt. No one freaks out over someone getting killed by a lawn mower. Its more a a curiosity. Kill a couple of kids and youre messing with a natural instinctive desire to protect.

Tightening gun laws wont prevent school shootings. Just make it harder.
That is precisely what I am getting at.

"but the emotional effect isnt."

Laws should be passed based on reason, logic and statistics, not based on heat of the moment passions and emotions.

There are many more effective ways to harden schools and make it more difficult for these shootings to occur than to infringe upon the rights of others.
You are unclear about the lies and distortion, really?

Why Are We Afraid of Being a Victim of a Mass Shooting?
Mass Shootings and the Fear of Being a Victim
"The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is around 1 in 110,154 — about the same chance of dying from a dog attack or legal execution.

There is a three times greater chance of dying from a sharp object than from a mass shooting. The chance of dying from lightning, though, is lower.

In fact, there are many more likely ways to die than in a mass shooting.

Heart disease and cancer are at the top — the risk of dying is 1 in 7. And even dying in a motor vehicle crash is higher — 1 in 113."


"The researchers suggest that seeing or hearing news related to an attack several hours a day might prolong the stress reaction triggered by the initial “collective trauma.”

It’s difficult to know the exact link between media coverage of an attack and people’s fears, but the content that people watch may matter.

“We do tend to see that people who have greater exposure to different types of news media, as well as people who view more crime dramas, tend to express higher levels of fear,” said Schafer, “but it’s not clear which is causing the other.”

People may develop anxiety from watching the news, or people who are anxious may watch the news in order to calm their worries.

News media can also skew the perception of how frequent these events are."
Youre missing the point. There are a lot of things that cause more deaths than shootings. The point is no one wants a school shooting to be the reason their child dies.

So let's ask parents what reason they would want their child to die.
Thats a stupid question.
You are unclear about the lies and distortion, really?

Why Are We Afraid of Being a Victim of a Mass Shooting?
Mass Shootings and the Fear of Being a Victim
"The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is around 1 in 110,154 — about the same chance of dying from a dog attack or legal execution.

There is a three times greater chance of dying from a sharp object than from a mass shooting. The chance of dying from lightning, though, is lower.

In fact, there are many more likely ways to die than in a mass shooting.

Heart disease and cancer are at the top — the risk of dying is 1 in 7. And even dying in a motor vehicle crash is higher — 1 in 113."


"The researchers suggest that seeing or hearing news related to an attack several hours a day might prolong the stress reaction triggered by the initial “collective trauma.”

It’s difficult to know the exact link between media coverage of an attack and people’s fears, but the content that people watch may matter.

“We do tend to see that people who have greater exposure to different types of news media, as well as people who view more crime dramas, tend to express higher levels of fear,” said Schafer, “but it’s not clear which is causing the other.”

People may develop anxiety from watching the news, or people who are anxious may watch the news in order to calm their worries.

News media can also skew the perception of how frequent these events are."
Youre missing the point. There are a lot of things that cause more deaths than shootings. The point is no one wants a school shooting to be the reason their child dies.


It's an issue of balance though. It is an issue of understanding the magnitude of the problem. It really isn't that big of a problem. The media over-hypes it, so it seems like it is a huge problem when really, it isn't. Sure, it is a tragedy when it occures, but it doesn't necessitate the infringement of the rights of millions of people.

This problem is so small, does it justify creating laws that will affect millions and millions of people over something so infinitesimally small?

There are much better ways to stop school shootings than gun control laws.

The governing elites just would prefer that the population be disarmed though.

If these elites pass gun control laws, do you think these laws would ever apply to private security companies that provide them protection? Seriously?
The numbers may be small but the emotional effect isnt. No one freaks out over someone getting killed by a lawn mower. Its more a a curiosity. Kill a couple of kids and youre messing with a natural instinctive desire to protect.

Tightening gun laws wont prevent school shootings. Just make it harder.
That is precisely what I am getting at.

"but the emotional effect isnt."

Laws should be passed based on reason, logic and statistics, not based on heat of the moment passions and emotions.

There are many more effective ways to harden schools and make it more difficult for these shootings to occur than to infringe upon the rights of others.
There have been plenty of laws passed that werent based on any of those criteria. Anti Miscegenation laws for example.
If so, who are you to make that call for them?
I really, really hate this moronic counterpoint. That poster isn't "deciding" anything for anyone . Only if this proposal goes through full due process and becomes law will anything be decided for anybody, and then it will be the entire country which has decided it.
You are unclear about the lies and distortion, really?

Why Are We Afraid of Being a Victim of a Mass Shooting?
Mass Shootings and the Fear of Being a Victim
"The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is around 1 in 110,154 — about the same chance of dying from a dog attack or legal execution.

There is a three times greater chance of dying from a sharp object than from a mass shooting. The chance of dying from lightning, though, is lower.

In fact, there are many more likely ways to die than in a mass shooting.

Heart disease and cancer are at the top — the risk of dying is 1 in 7. And even dying in a motor vehicle crash is higher — 1 in 113."


"The researchers suggest that seeing or hearing news related to an attack several hours a day might prolong the stress reaction triggered by the initial “collective trauma.”

It’s difficult to know the exact link between media coverage of an attack and people’s fears, but the content that people watch may matter.

“We do tend to see that people who have greater exposure to different types of news media, as well as people who view more crime dramas, tend to express higher levels of fear,” said Schafer, “but it’s not clear which is causing the other.”

People may develop anxiety from watching the news, or people who are anxious may watch the news in order to calm their worries.

News media can also skew the perception of how frequent these events are."
Youre missing the point. There are a lot of things that cause more deaths than shootings. The point is no one wants a school shooting to be the reason their child dies.


It's an issue of balance though. It is an issue of understanding the magnitude of the problem. It really isn't that big of a problem. The media over-hypes it, so it seems like it is a huge problem when really, it isn't. Sure, it is a tragedy when it occures, but it doesn't necessitate the infringement of the rights of millions of people.

This problem is so small, does it justify creating laws that will affect millions and millions of people over something so infinitesimally small?

There are much better ways to stop school shootings than gun control laws.

The governing elites just would prefer that the population be disarmed though.

If these elites pass gun control laws, do you think these laws would ever apply to private security companies that provide them protection? Seriously?
The numbers may be small but the emotional effect isnt. No one freaks out over someone getting killed by a lawn mower. Its more a a curiosity. Kill a couple of kids and youre messing with a natural instinctive desire to protect.

Tightening gun laws wont prevent school shootings. Just make it harder.
That is precisely what I am getting at.

"but the emotional effect isnt."

Laws should be passed based on reason, logic and statistics, not based on heat of the moment passions and emotions.

There are many more effective ways to harden schools and make it more difficult for these shootings to occur than to infringe upon the rights of others.
There have been plenty of laws passed that werent based on any of those criteria. Anti Miscegenation laws for example.
Thank you.

And how ridiculous were those laws?

Asslips, are you in favor of young, law-abiding black men not being able to buy an AR-15?
The NRA was founded to arm all Americans, of which a significant portion happen to be black.
Youre missing the point. There are a lot of things that cause more deaths than shootings. The point is no one wants a school shooting to be the reason their child dies.


It's an issue of balance though. It is an issue of understanding the magnitude of the problem. It really isn't that big of a problem. The media over-hypes it, so it seems like it is a huge problem when really, it isn't. Sure, it is a tragedy when it occures, but it doesn't necessitate the infringement of the rights of millions of people.

This problem is so small, does it justify creating laws that will affect millions and millions of people over something so infinitesimally small?

There are much better ways to stop school shootings than gun control laws.

The governing elites just would prefer that the population be disarmed though.

If these elites pass gun control laws, do you think these laws would ever apply to private security companies that provide them protection? Seriously?
The numbers may be small but the emotional effect isnt. No one freaks out over someone getting killed by a lawn mower. Its more a a curiosity. Kill a couple of kids and youre messing with a natural instinctive desire to protect.

Tightening gun laws wont prevent school shootings. Just make it harder.
That is precisely what I am getting at.

"but the emotional effect isnt."

Laws should be passed based on reason, logic and statistics, not based on heat of the moment passions and emotions.

There are many more effective ways to harden schools and make it more difficult for these shootings to occur than to infringe upon the rights of others.
There have been plenty of laws passed that werent based on any of those criteria. Anti Miscegenation laws for example.
Thank you.

And how ridiculous were those laws?

Very ridiculous and they didnt even result in anyone dying. Its just common sense to tighten gun control. No one needs an AR-15 for example.
No sane parent wants the death of their child before they die by ANY means!
You are unclear about the lies and distortion, really?

Why Are We Afraid of Being a Victim of a Mass Shooting?
Mass Shootings and the Fear of Being a Victim
"The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is around 1 in 110,154 — about the same chance of dying from a dog attack or legal execution.

There is a three times greater chance of dying from a sharp object than from a mass shooting. The chance of dying from lightning, though, is lower.

In fact, there are many more likely ways to die than in a mass shooting.

Heart disease and cancer are at the top — the risk of dying is 1 in 7. And even dying in a motor vehicle crash is higher — 1 in 113."


"The researchers suggest that seeing or hearing news related to an attack several hours a day might prolong the stress reaction triggered by the initial “collective trauma.”

It’s difficult to know the exact link between media coverage of an attack and people’s fears, but the content that people watch may matter.

“We do tend to see that people who have greater exposure to different types of news media, as well as people who view more crime dramas, tend to express higher levels of fear,” said Schafer, “but it’s not clear which is causing the other.”

People may develop anxiety from watching the news, or people who are anxious may watch the news in order to calm their worries.

News media can also skew the perception of how frequent these events are."
Youre missing the point. There are a lot of things that cause more deaths than shootings. The point is no one wants a school shooting to be the reason their child dies.
Agreed but if they had to pick a death scenario they wouldnt want their child gunned down at school

You're right. They'd probably want their kids to shoot back.

It's an issue of balance though. It is an issue of understanding the magnitude of the problem. It really isn't that big of a problem. The media over-hypes it, so it seems like it is a huge problem when really, it isn't. Sure, it is a tragedy when it occures, but it doesn't necessitate the infringement of the rights of millions of people.

This problem is so small, does it justify creating laws that will affect millions and millions of people over something so infinitesimally small?

There are much better ways to stop school shootings than gun control laws.

The governing elites just would prefer that the population be disarmed though.

If these elites pass gun control laws, do you think these laws would ever apply to private security companies that provide them protection? Seriously?
The numbers may be small but the emotional effect isnt. No one freaks out over someone getting killed by a lawn mower. Its more a a curiosity. Kill a couple of kids and youre messing with a natural instinctive desire to protect.

Tightening gun laws wont prevent school shootings. Just make it harder.
That is precisely what I am getting at.

"but the emotional effect isnt."

Laws should be passed based on reason, logic and statistics, not based on heat of the moment passions and emotions.

There are many more effective ways to harden schools and make it more difficult for these shootings to occur than to infringe upon the rights of others.
There have been plenty of laws passed that werent based on any of those criteria. Anti Miscegenation laws for example.
Thank you.

And how ridiculous were those laws?

Very ridiculous and they didnt even result in anyone dying. Its just common sense to tighten gun control. No one needs an AR-15 for example.

So a young black man, who's been risking his life for his country, shouldn't be able to buy a modern weapon of choice in America? :cuckoo:

What's so scary about an AR-15, asslips?

Because lemme tell ya, you'd do better to be more afraid of me with a bolt gun.

You think them little bitty bullets do damage? Pah!
No sane parent wants the death of their child before they die by ANY means!
You are unclear about the lies and distortion, really?

Why Are We Afraid of Being a Victim of a Mass Shooting?
Mass Shootings and the Fear of Being a Victim
"The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is around 1 in 110,154 — about the same chance of dying from a dog attack or legal execution.

There is a three times greater chance of dying from a sharp object than from a mass shooting. The chance of dying from lightning, though, is lower.

In fact, there are many more likely ways to die than in a mass shooting.

Heart disease and cancer are at the top — the risk of dying is 1 in 7. And even dying in a motor vehicle crash is higher — 1 in 113."


"The researchers suggest that seeing or hearing news related to an attack several hours a day might prolong the stress reaction triggered by the initial “collective trauma.”

It’s difficult to know the exact link between media coverage of an attack and people’s fears, but the content that people watch may matter.

“We do tend to see that people who have greater exposure to different types of news media, as well as people who view more crime dramas, tend to express higher levels of fear,” said Schafer, “but it’s not clear which is causing the other.”

People may develop anxiety from watching the news, or people who are anxious may watch the news in order to calm their worries.

News media can also skew the perception of how frequent these events are."
Youre missing the point. There are a lot of things that cause more deaths than shootings. The point is no one wants a school shooting to be the reason their child dies.
Agreed but if they had to pick a death scenario they wouldnt want their child gunned down at school

You're right. They'd probably want their kids to shoot back.
Only if they lived out in those areas where their sisters double as their wives.

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