NRA Board Member Blames 'Sympathy Factor of Kids Getting Killed' for Possibility of Gun Control Laws

Longtime NRA Board MemberCharles Cotton is concerned gun control laws may actually pass in the wake of the Parkland, Florida high school massacre, and he's blaming the "sympathy factor of kids getting killed."

Marjory Stoneman Douglas student survivors have won the hearts of many across the nation, and have effectively countered the tired arguments of the NRA and gun advocates.

Cotton posted to a pro-gun message board, the Texas CHL Forum, responding to a member upset that bump stocks may actually get banned. Bump stocks are add on devices that effectively turn semi-automatic assault weapons into automatic weapons.

In a thread titled, "Can it be?: We may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?" just before midnight Monday Cotton wrote, "the reality is we could well see bump-stocks 'taken away' because the votes are probably there."


"Wake up people and see what's happening!!!! Bloomberg and Hollywood are pouring money into this effort and the media is helping to the fullest extent. We've never had this level of opposition before, not ever. It's a campaign of lies and distortion, but it's very well funded and they are playing on the sympathy factor of kids getting killed."

It's unclear what the "lies and distortion" are that Cotton claims.

He also told members the NRA needs to triple its membership to fight gun safety.

"If you really want to make a difference, then start recruiting NRA members every single day. The NRA better be 15 million strong soon, or this is only going to get worse."

Cotton is no stranger to controversy. In 2015 he said that physically disciplining a school-aged child by "paddling" them might stop him from “having to put a bullet in him later.”

Just months before that Cotton blamed the pastor of the Charleston church for his own murder by a white supremacist terrorist who killed nine bible study members.

Cotton, in addition to serving on the NRA's Board of Directors, also serves on the Board of Trustees of the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund.

Source: NRA Board Member Blames 'Sympathy Factor of Kids Getting Killed' for Possibility of Gun Control Laws Passing
Nice bunch over there, huh?

Much nicer than your bunch...using children, dead and alive, to further your agenda
No, you just let them die and say fuck you to anyone who wants to get guns out of the hands of the violent and insane because RIGHTS.

Now you're just fucking lying, asshole. I've said all along to focus on preventing those types from obtaining guns and to focus on the real problem. mental issues

Now take your BS and stick it up your decrepit ass, bitch. Your shit is getting old
No need to get testy.
My shit is exactly the same as your shit, if you'd take the time to listen. It isn't just about guns, I agree. There is a lot to do. But controlling who has guns is part of it, and I think controlling military style weapons is part of it, too. Even body armor. Who needs that unless they're planning on killing a bunch of cops?

You're being paranoid. I have three sets of body armor and I would never consider doing harm to my local law-enforcement officers.

I'm on a first-name basis with several of them and we've even shot together at the local range.
Longtime NRA Board MemberCharles Cotton is concerned gun control laws may actually pass in the wake of the Parkland, Florida high school massacre, and he's blaming the "sympathy factor of kids getting killed."

Marjory Stoneman Douglas student survivors have won the hearts of many across the nation, and have effectively countered the tired arguments of the NRA and gun advocates.

Cotton posted to a pro-gun message board, the Texas CHL Forum, responding to a member upset that bump stocks may actually get banned. Bump stocks are add on devices that effectively turn semi-automatic assault weapons into automatic weapons.

In a thread titled, "Can it be?: We may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?" just before midnight Monday Cotton wrote, "the reality is we could well see bump-stocks 'taken away' because the votes are probably there."


"Wake up people and see what's happening!!!! Bloomberg and Hollywood are pouring money into this effort and the media is helping to the fullest extent. We've never had this level of opposition before, not ever. It's a campaign of lies and distortion, but it's very well funded and they are playing on the sympathy factor of kids getting killed."

It's unclear what the "lies and distortion" are that Cotton claims.

He also told members the NRA needs to triple its membership to fight gun safety.

"If you really want to make a difference, then start recruiting NRA members every single day. The NRA better be 15 million strong soon, or this is only going to get worse."

Cotton is no stranger to controversy. In 2015 he said that physically disciplining a school-aged child by "paddling" them might stop him from “having to put a bullet in him later.”

Just months before that Cotton blamed the pastor of the Charleston church for his own murder by a white supremacist terrorist who killed nine bible study members.

Cotton, in addition to serving on the NRA's Board of Directors, also serves on the Board of Trustees of the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund.

Source: NRA Board Member Blames 'Sympathy Factor of Kids Getting Killed' for Possibility of Gun Control Laws Passing
Nice bunch over there, huh?

Much nicer than your bunch...using children, dead and alive, to further your agenda
No, you just let them die and say fuck you to anyone who wants to get guns out of the hands of the violent and insane because RIGHTS.

Now you're just fucking lying, asshole. I've said all along to focus on preventing those types from obtaining guns and to focus on the real problem. mental issues

Now take your BS and stick it up your decrepit ass, bitch. Your shit is getting old
No need to get testy.
My shit is exactly the same as your shit, if you'd take the time to listen. It isn't just about guns, I agree. There is a lot to do. But controlling who has guns is part of it, and I think controlling military style weapons is part of it, too. Even body armor. Who needs that unless they're planning on killing a bunch of cops?
Republicans don't understand. The terrorists killed in the Middle East are killed by drones no one ever saw coming. Even with the terrorists possessing many kinds of military weapons.

If the government wanted someone dead and knew where they were? There would be no gunfight. No injuries. There would be one drone destroyed and a dead body.
I disagree but thats my opinion.
In all likelihood you are colluding with the russians.

Maybe I am. If they paid me enough, I'd canvas against whatever next candidate you idiots are going to run.

Aww hell. I'd actually do it for free.
Most of you cons readily support russian meddling. You are all idiot traitors.

Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

How can we be "neurotic" if we're not wearing pink pussy hats, screaming at the sky, and believing some harebrained conspiracy about "Russians hacked muh election"?

You lost me there.
Ah, you just can't see it because you're nutty as a fruitcake.
Nice bunch over there, huh?

Much nicer than your bunch...using children, dead and alive, to further your agenda
No, you just let them die and say fuck you to anyone who wants to get guns out of the hands of the violent and insane because RIGHTS.

Now you're just fucking lying, asshole. I've said all along to focus on preventing those types from obtaining guns and to focus on the real problem. mental issues

Now take your BS and stick it up your decrepit ass, bitch. Your shit is getting old
No need to get testy.
My shit is exactly the same as your shit, if you'd take the time to listen. It isn't just about guns, I agree. There is a lot to do. But controlling who has guns is part of it, and I think controlling military style weapons is part of it, too. Even body armor. Who needs that unless they're planning on killing a bunch of cops?

You're being paranoid. I have three sets of body armor and I would never consider doing harm to my local law-enforcement officers.

I'm on a first-name basis with several of them and we've even shot together at the local range.
I'm not sure I dare ask, but WHY do you have three sets of body armor?
Who are you expecting to shoot you?
The numbers aren't there dear sir.
The significance is not in the numbers, but in the extremity of the tragedy and the resulting, widespread psychological effect. You try to load the debate from the beginning, and I reject your charlatan's effort to do so. I do bot have to produce large numbers of deaths from airplane disasters in order to pass new laws to curb a particular sort.
The only reason we are having a national conversation right now, is b/c there was yet another shooting that the press won't let go as an isolated tragedy.
Bullshit . 100% self serving bullshit, and yet another cheater's attempt to stop discusdion before it begins. No, the reason we are having a PROMINENT national discussionnow is because you propagandists have been too successful for 20 years, and people are sick of it. This is happening not just because we have had yet another tragedy, but because, fir 20 years, fuck all has been done about it.

Why? Precisely because of people like you, armed with your specious arguments and rhetorical tricks. I mean, let's be honest, the target audience you are tasked with conning isn't exactly a collection of the country's brightest. ;)

Where did you get your amazing but hollow rhetorical skills? Ancient Greece?


Psychological effect is no reason to pass laws. If it were, we would have no freedom of speech, no freedom of assembly, no freedom of religion, etc.

Facts are the only legitimate reason to pass laws.

And as far as these tragedies being a reason to discuss this?

meh, not impressed.

If you are telling me that "significance is not in the numbers but the nature of the tragedy," well then by that logic, owning gun powder and explosives would have been made illegal years ago.
The 1927 Bombing That Remains America’s Deadliest School Massacre | History | Smithsonian
Nope, sorry, taking away folks freedom, "for the children," is not a good excuse for creating a police state. Try again.

They have been going on far longer than you or I have been alive.

Thank goodness cooler heads and more rational folks like me have been around to safe guard freedom for future generations. For in the end, all children will grow old, we all die, but hopefully, with any luck, liberty in this nation will endure with our efforts.
Nobody really needs one, but everyone should have the privilege of owning one.

Personally, I'm an AK-47 guy myself. Does that mean I'm "colluding" with the Russians?
I disagree but thats my opinion.
In all likelihood you are colluding with the russians.

Maybe I am. If they paid me enough, I'd canvas against whatever next candidate you idiots are going to run.

Aww hell. I'd actually do it for free.
Most of you cons readily support russian meddling. You are all idiot traitors.

Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

You never had it from them in the first place. Leftists as such are less than 27% of the population, and declining rapidly.

The Marxist faggot did a lot of damage, everyone realizes that. Unfortunately for decent American black men, he probably delayed the election of one by one.

I would have said "the next one" except Obama is not a black American. He's nothing like any black Americans I've ever met, he's not for America. He never was, or was to be a black American. I know, and have known plenty of black Americans, zero were a Marxist faggot like Obama.
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Maybe I am. If they paid me enough, I'd canvas against whatever next candidate you idiots are going to run.

Aww hell. I'd actually do it for free.
Most of you cons readily support russian meddling. You are all idiot traitors.

Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

How can we be "neurotic" if we're not wearing pink pussy hats, screaming at the sky, and believing some harebrained conspiracy about "Russians hacked muh election"?

You lost me there.
Ah, you just can't see it because you're nutty as a fruitcake.

No, seriously. When have you seen conservatives or Republicans acting like silly little spoiled children, as the Democrats have been acting?

Have we been protesting, rioting, breaking windows, setting fires, assaulting people physically and denying them their right to speech?
Nice bunch over there, huh?

Much nicer than your bunch...using children, dead and alive, to further your agenda
No, you just let them die and say fuck you to anyone who wants to get guns out of the hands of the violent and insane because RIGHTS.

Now you're just fucking lying, asshole. I've said all along to focus on preventing those types from obtaining guns and to focus on the real problem. mental issues

Now take your BS and stick it up your decrepit ass, bitch. Your shit is getting old
No need to get testy.
My shit is exactly the same as your shit, if you'd take the time to listen. It isn't just about guns, I agree. There is a lot to do. But controlling who has guns is part of it, and I think controlling military style weapons is part of it, too. Even body armor. Who needs that unless they're planning on killing a bunch of cops?
Republicans don't understand. The terrorists killed in the Middle East are killed by drones no one ever saw coming. Even with the terrorists possessing many kinds of military weapons.

If the government wanted someone dead and knew where they were? There would be no gunfight. No injuries. There would be one drone destroyed and a dead body.
Of course. No question. They live in a fantasy world.
Most of you cons readily support russian meddling. You are all idiot traitors.

Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

How can we be "neurotic" if we're not wearing pink pussy hats, screaming at the sky, and believing some harebrained conspiracy about "Russians hacked muh election"?

You lost me there.
Ah, you just can't see it because you're nutty as a fruitcake.

No, seriously. When have you seen conservatives or Republicans acting like silly little spoiled children, as the Democrats have been acting?

Have we been protesting, rioting, breaking windows, setting fires, assaulting people physically and denying them their right to speech?
Oh quit whining. I seem to recall some big burly beer gutted Republicans shouting down high schoolers at our state capital last week, and I definitely remember Cruz in his MAGA hat talking about shooting him some Antifa, and a bunch of Republicans with tiki torches chanting in downtown Charlottesville last summer. I could go on, but it's stupid. Neither side is being reasonable, including YOURS.
I disagree but thats my opinion.
In all likelihood you are colluding with the russians.

Maybe I am. If they paid me enough, I'd canvas against whatever next candidate you idiots are going to run.

Aww hell. I'd actually do it for free.
Most of you cons readily support russian meddling. You are all idiot traitors.

Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

You never had it from them in the first place. Leftists as such are less than 27% of the population.

The Marxist faggot did a lot of damage, everyone realizes that.

We let the 27% run this country for 8 years under Obama, and all they did was run it into the ground and run up a huge tab.

Now there are adults running the country. President Trump is the adult in the room and the silly little children must mind their manners, or else they'll be in for a 20-minute time out in the corner.
Much nicer than your bunch...using children, dead and alive, to further your agenda
No, you just let them die and say fuck you to anyone who wants to get guns out of the hands of the violent and insane because RIGHTS.

Now you're just fucking lying, asshole. I've said all along to focus on preventing those types from obtaining guns and to focus on the real problem. mental issues

Now take your BS and stick it up your decrepit ass, bitch. Your shit is getting old
No need to get testy.
My shit is exactly the same as your shit, if you'd take the time to listen. It isn't just about guns, I agree. There is a lot to do. But controlling who has guns is part of it, and I think controlling military style weapons is part of it, too. Even body armor. Who needs that unless they're planning on killing a bunch of cops?
Republicans don't understand. The terrorists killed in the Middle East are killed by drones no one ever saw coming. Even with the terrorists possessing many kinds of military weapons.

If the government wanted someone dead and knew where they were? There would be no gunfight. No injuries. There would be one drone destroyed and a dead body.
Of course. No question. They live in a fantasy world.
How many times do you think the government could do that?

They have already done it once overseas, and the far left, AND the far right were very upset by it.

How many times do you think the Central government, in D.C., could pull that stunt on an American citizen in the continental U.S. before a boiling point was hit?
Nice bunch over there, huh?

Much nicer than your bunch...using children, dead and alive, to further your agenda
No, you just let them die and say fuck you to anyone who wants to get guns out of the hands of the violent and insane because RIGHTS.

Now you're just fucking lying, asshole. I've said all along to focus on preventing those types from obtaining guns and to focus on the real problem. mental issues

Now take your BS and stick it up your decrepit ass, bitch. Your shit is getting old
No need to get testy.
My shit is exactly the same as your shit, if you'd take the time to listen. It isn't just about guns, I agree. There is a lot to do. But controlling who has guns is part of it, and I think controlling military style weapons is part of it, too. Even body armor. Who needs that unless they're planning on killing a bunch of cops?

You're being paranoid. I have three sets of body armor and I would never consider doing harm to my local law-enforcement officers.

I'm on a first-name basis with several of them and we've even shot together at the local range.

Liberals only care if you sleep with them!
Why don't we dig a huge underground for all of the rude paranoid NRA Kool Aid drinkers flaunt their sexy guns..and let the normal kids who want change live in the normal world stay where we don't need assault weapons .It is ridiculous.

I wonder how much money the NRA spent this last time to put the fear of God in them.

I disagree but thats my opinion.
In all likelihood you are colluding with the russians.

Maybe I am. If they paid me enough, I'd canvas against whatever next candidate you idiots are going to run.

Aww hell. I'd actually do it for free.
Most of you cons readily support russian meddling. You are all idiot traitors.

Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

You never had it from them in the first place. Leftists as such are less than 27% of the population, and declining rapidly.

The Marxist faggot did a lot of damage, everyone realizes that. Unfortunately for decent American black men, he probably delayed the election of one by one.

I would have said "the next one" except Obama is not a black American. He's nothing like any black Americans I've ever met, he's not for America. He never was, or was to be a black American. I know, and have known plenty of black Americans, zero were a Marxist faggot like Obama.
^ Can't quit Former President Obama......:lol:
Maybe I am. If they paid me enough, I'd canvas against whatever next candidate you idiots are going to run.

Aww hell. I'd actually do it for free.
Most of you cons readily support russian meddling. You are all idiot traitors.

Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

You never had it from them in the first place. Leftists as such are less than 27% of the population, and declining rapidly.

The Marxist faggot did a lot of damage, everyone realizes that. Unfortunately for decent American black men, he probably delayed the election of one by one.

I would have said "the next one" except Obama is not a black American. He's nothing like any black Americans I've ever met, he's not for America. He never was, or was to be a black American. I know, and have known plenty of black Americans, zero were a Marxist faggot like Obama.
^ Can't quit Former President Obama......:lol:

^Can't realize that despite all the bullshit Obama did, leftism is swirling the drain in America.

We're about making our people prosperous and smart, not a bunch of mindless slaves.
I disagree but thats my opinion.
In all likelihood you are colluding with the russians.

Maybe I am. If they paid me enough, I'd canvas against whatever next candidate you idiots are going to run.

Aww hell. I'd actually do it for free.
Most of you cons readily support russian meddling. You are all idiot traitors.

Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

You never had it from them in the first place. Leftists as such are less than 27% of the population, and declining rapidly.

The Marxist faggot did a lot of damage, everyone realizes that. Unfortunately for decent American black men, he probably delayed the election of one by one.

I would have said "the next one" except Obama is not a black American. He's nothing like any black Americans I've ever met, he's not for America. He never was, or was to be a black American. I know, and have known plenty of black Americans, zero were a Marxist faggot like Obama.

Trumps a Marxist. Everything for the rich. Putin loves his oligarchs as long as they don't sass him.
Most of you cons readily support russian meddling. You are all idiot traitors.

Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

You never had it from them in the first place. Leftists as such are less than 27% of the population, and declining rapidly.

The Marxist faggot did a lot of damage, everyone realizes that. Unfortunately for decent American black men, he probably delayed the election of one by one.

I would have said "the next one" except Obama is not a black American. He's nothing like any black Americans I've ever met, he's not for America. He never was, or was to be a black American. I know, and have known plenty of black Americans, zero were a Marxist faggot like Obama.
^ Can't quit Former President Obama......:lol:

^Can't realize that despite all the bullshit Obama did, leftism is swirling the drain in America.

We're about making our people prosperous and smart, not a bunch of mindless slaves.

and what white?
Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

How can we be "neurotic" if we're not wearing pink pussy hats, screaming at the sky, and believing some harebrained conspiracy about "Russians hacked muh election"?

You lost me there.
Ah, you just can't see it because you're nutty as a fruitcake.

No, seriously. When have you seen conservatives or Republicans acting like silly little spoiled children, as the Democrats have been acting?

Have we been protesting, rioting, breaking windows, setting fires, assaulting people physically and denying them their right to speech?
Oh quit whining. I seem to recall some big burly beer gutted Republicans shouting down high schoolers at our state capital last week, and I definitely remember Cruz in his MAGA hat talking about shooting him some Antifa, and a bunch of Republicans with tiki torches chanting in downtown Charlottesville last summer. I could go on, but it's stupid. Neither side is being reasonable, including YOURS.
Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

How can we be "neurotic" if we're not wearing pink pussy hats, screaming at the sky, and believing some harebrained conspiracy about "Russians hacked muh election"?

You lost me there.
Ah, you just can't see it because you're nutty as a fruitcake.

No, seriously. When have you seen conservatives or Republicans acting like silly little spoiled children, as the Democrats have been acting?

Have we been protesting, rioting, breaking windows, setting fires, assaulting people physically and denying them their right to speech?
Oh quit whining. I seem to recall some big burly beer gutted Republicans shouting down high schoolers at our state capital last week, and I definitely remember Cruz in his MAGA hat talking about shooting him some Antifa, and a bunch of Republicans with tiki torches chanting in downtown Charlottesville last summer. I could go on, but it's stupid. Neither side is being reasonable, including YOURS.

Gawd, you're such a milquetoast moderate. You're attitude reminds me of those Jews in 1930's Germany who said "That Hitler, he's not such a bad guy..."

Maybe I am. If they paid me enough, I'd canvas against whatever next candidate you idiots are going to run.

Aww hell. I'd actually do it for free.
Most of you cons readily support russian meddling. You are all idiot traitors.

Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

You never had it from them in the first place. Leftists as such are less than 27% of the population, and declining rapidly.

The Marxist faggot did a lot of damage, everyone realizes that. Unfortunately for decent American black men, he probably delayed the election of one by one.

I would have said "the next one" except Obama is not a black American. He's nothing like any black Americans I've ever met, he's not for America. He never was, or was to be a black American. I know, and have known plenty of black Americans, zero were a Marxist faggot like Obama.

Trumps a Marxist. Everything for the rich. Putin loves his oligarchs as long as they don't sass him.

You leftists pissed everybody off, Centrists, Democrats, the whole nine. Enjoy the next 12 years while you wonder where you went wrong.

It was from the jump.

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