NRA dominating gun debate politics!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
2/01/2013 @ 5:08PM

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control - Forbes

I cant stop laughing.............thinking about the mental case left, clearly unable to connect the dots.............

An apt video to celebrate the emerging consensus.................


We'll call this video........... "Winning!!!"
This is not a battle over "gun control".

This is a battle over CONSTITUTIONAL rights. This is a battle over the rights of U.S. citizens to defend themselves from criminals, psychopaths, sociopaths, and governmental tyranny.

This is a battle over PEOPLE control.
This is not a battle over "gun control".

This is a battle over CONSTITUTIONAL rights. This is a battle over the rights of U.S. citizens to defend themselves from criminals, psychopaths, sociopaths, and governmental tyranny.

This is a battle over PEOPLE control.

Exactly right brother..............

Theres no gun problem. There is a city problem.

Gun deaths..........Chicago/Illinois..........Detroit/Michigan.........Miami/Florida. No gun problems outside those hellholes. Except to the k00ks.

Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Guns Don't Kill People; Dangerous Minorities Do -- The Chicago Edition
Because............... "Winning is the Greatest Feeling in the World!!!"
[ame=]Sunoco "City of Victory w/Jimmie Johnson" Big Science Music - YouTube[/ame]
Our politicians are the last people I want making decisions on firearms. One thing for sure is they are not experts.
On January 30, the U.S. Senate Judiciary committee held a hearing entitled, "What Should America Do About Gun Violence?"

It should have been called, "How Do We Attack Second Amendment Rights?"

The hearing (which can be viewed here) consisted of a single panel that included NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, Second Amendment scholar David Kopel, attorney Gayle Trotter, Baltimore County, Md. police chief James Johnson, and Mark Kelly, the husband of former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. (Rep. Giffords made a brief opening statement to the committee before the other witnesses took their seats.)

Anti-gun politicians such as Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) all made the same emotion-laden arguments they have made for decades on why government should infringe the Second Amendment rights of the American people. As always, they failed to provide any rational evidence that the so-called solutions they are proposing--a massive new gun and magazine ban and banning the private transfers of firearms--would reduce ordinary street crime, let alone stop the kind of tragedies that have recently shocked our nation.

NRA-ILA | Senate Holds First Hearings of 2013 on Gun Rights

If you want the RIGHT to keep and bear arms joining the NRA or Gun Owners of America is a good way to help with the fight.
Given that the NRA/Pro-gun side argues from a position of reason and the anti-gun loons have nothing but lies and appeals to emtion, that the pro-gun side is winning the debate should be a surprise to no one.

the plain fact of the matter is that the NRA is winning this debate easily over obama. They are kicking his ass clearly. He wont even get a vote in the Dem controilled senate on the biggest aspects of the proposal -- the assault weapons ban and may not get a vote on the second biggest the big clip ban. At most then he will get some little background check thing which of course the MSM will proclaim as a big victory for him but they would say he win if all he gets is a joint resolution calling for a national day of reflection on gun violence. clearly he is losing this -- and im surprised for that reason that he even went after it. right or wrong there is a perception that he is riding high and a loss here will tarnish it. if he fails to get a path to citizenship in any immigratrion bill -- or any bill at all -- the bloom will totally be off the second term rose. Then he has the sequester coming where the repubs can hold the upper hand if they are smart. bad days may be ahead for obama

Someone argues to me this isnt really JUST the NRA beating back the gun control crowd. Maybe so but if anything passes it will be spun as an obama victory over the NRA so its only fair to say his failure to get anything real is a defeat at the hands of the NRA.

The other thing that seems to be happening is that for all the anti gun elitists made fun of the NRA proposal to have armed school guards, a fair number of schools and systems seem to be doing it or seriously considering it.

bottom line -- they are winning this debate and its costing obama political capital
2/01/2013 @ 5:08PM

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control - Forbes

I cant stop laughing.............thinking about the mental case left, clearly unable to connect the dots.............][/quote]

The NRA did not want this debate. The NRA has members who are considering controls they would not have a few months back.

[B]This is what happens when people take data and polls out of context and build a partisan case....they look stupid and defensive[/B][/QUOTE]

Dante, you're a prime example of "look(ing) stupid and defensive"...

Had you bothered to READ the Forbes article you would know that there is NO 'out of context', there is NO 'partisan case'.
If the side that wants our right protected is winning, it's because the discussions people are having every day reflect the NRA's stance. I don't know how many minds have been changed by this latest debate. I would guess most people in this country already have a set of beliefs and that is showing in polls. Obama likely is well aware of recent polls or he wouldn't have posed for that pic of him shooting a rifle. If he thinks that will work, he is wrong. He can't pretend to be an all-American guy while he is pushing his radical policies.

We Americans might be a tad spoiled having had rights, freedom and liberty our whole lives. Now that some of those are threatened, a lot of people realize that we've taken them for granted.
2/01/2013 @ 5:08PM

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control - Forbes

I cant stop laughing.............thinking about the mental case left, clearly unable to connect the dots.............][/quote]

The NRA did not want this debate. The NRA has members who are considering controls they would not have a few months back.

This is what happens when people take data and polls out of context and build a partisan case....they look stupid and defensive[/QUOTE]

Our politicians are the last people I want making decisions on firearms. One thing for sure is they are not experts.

What I find especially repugnant is all these members of Congress reassuring me that they are not proposing anything that violates the 2nd Amendment . . .

I don't need any of them pontificating on the extent of my rights; their purview is only the creation of law at the citizen's behest within the confines of the Constitution. Their only legitimate concern regarding my rights is to not exceed the legislative authority granted to them by the Constitution . . . if the SOB's just only stick to that, ALL our rights would be safe without regard of their listing in the Bill of Rights.
skoozzerssss obnoxiously large images and crap aside...

2/01/2013 @ 5:08PM

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control - Forbes

I cant stop laughing.............thinking about the mental case left, clearly unable to connect the dots.............][/quote]

The NRA did not want this debate. The NRA has members who are considering controls they would not have a few months back.

This is what happens when people take data and polls out of context and build a partisan case....they look stupid and defensive
2/01/2013 @ 5:08PM

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control - Forbes

I cant stop laughing.............thinking about the mental case left, clearly unable to connect the dots.............][/quote]

The NRA did not want this debate. The NRA has members who are considering controls they would not have a few months back.

[B]This is what happens when people take data and polls out of context and build a partisan case....they look stupid and defensive[/B][/QUOTE]

Dante, you're a prime example of "look(ing) stupid and defensive"...

Had you bothered to READ the Forbes article you would know that there is NO 'out of context', there is NO 'partisan case'.[/QUOTE]
Dante read the linked to article. You obviously have issues with reading and comprehension. :eusa_hand:

Assuming you are a follower of right wing noise machine probably wet your pants over the words "objective data" as you are unused to see that come out of your side.

While data is usually objective, how it is put together and put forth in an arguments is usually anything but 'objective'

"Here are some other[I][B] interesting observations[/B][/I] from the data" = subjective opinion

Let's not get overly excited.

The opposition has some valid concerns.

Not on semi automatic rifles...that, IMO, is either a knee-jerk reaction, a hidden agenda or an attempt to weaken the second amendment.

But...crime and especially gun crime and murders are something that needs to be addressed with REAL common sense solutions.

Solutions that don't involve infringing on the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens.

Solutions that attack gun crime...not gun owners.
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