NRA dominating gun debate politics!!!

The NRA is a powerful lobby which uses money and power to influence (read bribe) law makers in The District and all around the nation.
You would then characterize campaign contributions from pro-gun control groups as bribes as well - right?

The distinction which makes a difference is the NRA is an adjunct of the gun industry; pro-gun control groups have a much different and broader constituency.

It is a self interest special interest which represents the firearm industry and only peripherally the rights of citizens.
Your characterization has no basis in fact.

Bullshit. The rights of citizens are peripheral to the NRA, see how they have thrown the mentally ill under the bus to protect the sales of gun and large magazines.

Donations to the NRA....
.... and any other special interest group, like those that wich to push gun control...
...also provide it the resources to buy TV, radio print ads to spread propaganda far and wide.

Yep. See my signature line.
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The NRA is a powerful lobby which uses money and power to influence (read bribe) law makers in The District and all around the nation.
You would then characterize campaign contributions from pro-gun control groups as bribes as well - right?
The distinction which makes a difference is the NRA is an adjunct of the gun industry; pro-gun control groups have a much different and broader constituency.
The "difference" in your mind amounts to nothing more than your political disagreement, and is therefore irrelevant - to you, interests groups are tainted if they disagree, but OK if they agree, with you.

Your characterization has no basis in fact.
Bullshit. The rights of citizens are peripheral to the NRA, see how they have thrown the mentally ill under the bus to protect the sales of gun and large magazines.
Nothign here changes the veracity of my response as nothign you have said is supportable by anyting factual.
Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

It is only a problem if it effects YOU personally. Like one gun nutter poster pointed out to me earlier today; 30,000+ gun deaths out of 300+million people. He didn't think those bad odds. Or to much grief to pay for the right of un fettered gun ownership.

End of story.

Better to find something else to argue about. This issue has done been shot deader'n a door nail.

Absolute bullshit. Just because your opinions are based on emotion rather than reality doesn't mean everyone is that fucked up.

Where was the bull shit part? The part about 30,000+ dying from gun shots or the part about you not giving a flying fuk if it doens't effect you? Which part.

Or will you come back and say how respectful you are of people who have had kids and loved ones die by gun. I know that would be bullshit. You and your kind could fuking care less about people getting killed by gun, as long as it doens't effect you.

Why is that so fuking hard for you bad ass gun nuts to admit?

Look at these NRA.

Because American is.

1280 gun deaths since Sandy Hook.
Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

It is only a problem if it effects YOU personally. Like one gun nutter poster pointed out to me earlier today; 30,000+ gun deaths out of 300+million people. He didn't think those bad odds. Or to much grief to pay for the right of un fettered gun ownership.

End of story.

Better to find something else to argue about. This issue has done been shot deader'n a door nail.

More "gun deaths" crap.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

I'll tell you...most of them.

Tell me, can people kill themselves without a gun?

Will taking their gun make them not want to kill themselves?

Then it's a bullshit argument.

Stop trying to bolster your argument with destroys what little credibility you have left.

Another fuked up gun nutter that can't admit the truth. You could care less how many people get killed by guns, as long as they are not your people. Suicide, accident, rage, what fuking difference does it make why they died as long as they were killed with a gun.

Do you not have the balls to admit the fact of the matter. Gun nutters don't give a shit, as long as you have your weapon of cholce, what others do with their guns makes no difference to you. As long as the person getting shot is not your loved one.

If you contend otherwise, I haven't seen any indication by any gun nutter that they have any empathy for the gun tradgadies going on every fukin day. Caused by idiots that haven't got enough sense to lock up a gun with kids around. You so proud of those gun loving idiots that cause their 2 YO to die? You think that represents responsible gun ownership?

Of course you don't. But you never criticize another gun nutter do you?

Or is the dead kids and others just a cost of doing gun business in Ameirca?
2/01/2013 @ 5:08PM

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control - Forbes

I cant stop laughing.............thinking about the mental case left, clearly unable to connect the dots.............


The NRA is a powerful lobby which uses money and power to influence (read bribe) law makers in The District and all around the nation. It is a self interest special interest which represents the firearm industry and only peripherally the rights of citizens. The NRA is supported by gun manufacturers and garners donations from the hoi polloi using the time tested rhetoric of the demagogue. Donations to the NRA also provide it the resources to buy TV, radio print ads to spread propaganda far and wide.

Even the most biased report put industry donations at 14 million, while just annual dues from members alone far exceed $100 million.

You keep telling that lie, it only serves to undermine your credibility.

No lie was posted, you simply read with a biased mind.
NRA Funding -Bloomberg

Read what I posted slowly, i'll help:

The NRA is supported by gun manufacturers and garners donations from the hoi polloi using the time tested rhetoric of the demagogue. Donations to the NRA also provide it the resources to buy TV, radio print ads to spread propaganda far and wide.

I suppose you think the hoi polloi is another name for an industry. I forget sometimes are how stupid some of you on the right are.
2/01/2013 @ 5:08PM

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control - Forbes

I cant stop laughing.............thinking about the mental case left, clearly unable to connect the dots.............


The NRA is a powerful lobby which uses money and power to influence (read bribe) law makers in The District and all around the nation. It is a self interest special interest which represents the firearm industry and only peripherally the rights of citizens. The NRA is supported by gun manufacturers and garners donations from the hoi polloi using the time tested rhetoric of the demagogue. Donations to the NRA also provide it the resources to buy TV, radio print ads to spread propaganda far and wide.
....and obamaturd is a representative of the socialists. The NRA is better then obamaturd at protecting our 2nd amendment rights.
Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

It is only a problem if it effects YOU personally. Like one gun nutter poster pointed out to me earlier today; 30,000+ gun deaths out of 300+million people. He didn't think those bad odds. Or to much grief to pay for the right of un fettered gun ownership.

End of story.

Better to find something else to argue about. This issue has done been shot deader'n a door nail.

More "gun deaths" crap.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

I'll tell you...most of them.

Tell me, can people kill themselves without a gun?

Will taking their gun make them not want to kill themselves?

Then it's a bullshit argument.

Stop trying to bolster your argument with destroys what little credibility you have left.

Another fuked up gun nutter that can't admit the truth. You could care less how many people get killed by guns, as long as they are not your people. Suicide, accident, rage, what fuking difference does it make why they died as long as they were killed with a gun.

Do you not have the balls to admit the fact of the matter. Gun nutters don't give a shit, as long as you have your weapon of cholce, what others do with their guns makes no difference to you. As long as the person getting shot is not your loved one.

If you contend otherwise, I haven't seen any indication by any gun nutter that they have any empathy for the gun tradgadies going on every fukin day. Caused by idiots that haven't got enough sense to lock up a gun with kids around. You so proud of those gun loving idiots that cause their 2 YO to die? You think that represents responsible gun ownership?

Of course you don't. But you never criticize another gun nutter do you?

Or is the dead kids and others just a cost of doing gun business in Ameirca?

Indications from a "gun nutter" that death of children tears us up too



If EVERYONE over the age of 21 carried a gun, the crazies attempting to mow people down would just cease to exist.

Take guns away from legal owners is one of the stupidest ideas of all time. If someone is shooting at you, you don't put down your arms.
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More "gun deaths" crap.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

I'll tell you...most of them.

Tell me, can people kill themselves without a gun?

Will taking their gun make them not want to kill themselves?

Then it's a bullshit argument.

Stop trying to bolster your argument with destroys what little credibility you have left.

Another fuked up gun nutter that can't admit the truth. You could care less how many people get killed by guns, as long as they are not your people. Suicide, accident, rage, what fuking difference does it make why they died as long as they were killed with a gun.

Do you not have the balls to admit the fact of the matter. Gun nutters don't give a shit, as long as you have your weapon of cholce, what others do with their guns makes no difference to you. As long as the person getting shot is not your loved one.

If you contend otherwise, I haven't seen any indication by any gun nutter that they have any empathy for the gun tradgadies going on every fukin day. Caused by idiots that haven't got enough sense to lock up a gun with kids around. You so proud of those gun loving idiots that cause their 2 YO to die? You think that represents responsible gun ownership?

Of course you don't. But you never criticize another gun nutter do you?

Or is the dead kids and others just a cost of doing gun business in Ameirca?

Indications from a "gun nutter" that death of children tears us up too



If EVERYONE over the age of 21 carried a gun, the crazies attempting to mow people down would just cease to exist.

Take guns away from legal owners is one of the stupidest ideas of all time. If someone is shooting at you, you don't put down your arms.

How many fire fights have you experienced?
a few hundred people more have been killed by guns since Sandy hook, gun nuts make fool's of themselfs at gun shows and the gun wackos call it "Winning" ...... what a buch of el' tardos.
a few hundred people more have been killed by guns since Sandy hook...
No different than any 6 week perriod starting in the middle of December - only now it matters to you because the picture if dead children is useful in your pre-existing desire to limit the rights of the law abiding.

300,000,000 guns in the US, 8853 of which were used to commot murder (2011).

Clearly, the widespead ownership of guns in the US is turning the streets red with blood.
For sure, the wackiest idea is arming teachers.

You can't fight an assault weapon with a handgun. You've got to give assault weapons to every teachers, fully loaded and easy to get to. Just put it in a special gun stand next to the desk. I'm sure if you tell the students not to touch it, they won't. Of course, the teacher becomes the primary target, but you can simply teach a 60 year old woman to "drop and roll".

Ah yes, when I think of how this would work, it all makes sense to me now:

Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

It is only a problem if it effects YOU personally. Like one gun nutter poster pointed out to me earlier today; 30,000+ gun deaths out of 300+million people. He didn't think those bad odds. Or to much grief to pay for the right of un fettered gun ownership.

End of story.

Better to find something else to argue about. This issue has done been shot deader'n a door nail.

More "gun deaths" crap.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

I'll tell you...most of them.

Tell me, can people kill themselves without a gun?

Will taking their gun make them not want to kill themselves?

Then it's a bullshit argument.

Stop trying to bolster your argument with destroys what little credibility you have left.

Another fuked up gun nutter that can't admit the truth. You could care less how many people get killed by guns, as long as they are not your people. Suicide, accident, rage, what fuking difference does it make why they died as long as they were killed with a gun.

Do you not have the balls to admit the fact of the matter. Gun nutters don't give a shit, as long as you have your weapon of cholce, what others do with their guns makes no difference to you. As long as the person getting shot is not your loved one.

If you contend otherwise, I haven't seen any indication by any gun nutter that they have any empathy for the gun tradgadies going on every fukin day. Caused by idiots that haven't got enough sense to lock up a gun with kids around. You so proud of those gun loving idiots that cause their 2 YO to die? You think that represents responsible gun ownership?

Of course you don't. But you never criticize another gun nutter do you?

Or is the dead kids and others just a cost of doing gun business in Ameirca?

You are absolutely wrong...

Let me help you out...

Now, are you ready to address the fact that you cannot stop people who want to end their lives by outlawing guns.

And, as that is indeed a fact, that bolstering your statistics with suicides is a false argument.
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Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

It is only a problem if it effects YOU personally. Like one gun nutter poster pointed out to me earlier today; 30,000+ gun deaths out of 300+million people. He didn't think those bad odds. Or to much grief to pay for the right of un fettered gun ownership.

End of story.

Better to find something else to argue about. This issue has done been shot deader'n a door nail.

More "gun deaths" crap.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

I'll tell you...most of them.

Tell me, can people kill themselves without a gun?

Will taking their gun make them not want to kill themselves?

Then it's a bullshit argument.

Stop trying to bolster your argument with destroys what little credibility you have left.

Another fuked up gun nutter that can't admit the truth. You could care less how many people get killed by guns, as long as they are not your people. Suicide, accident, rage, what fuking difference does it make why they died as long as they were killed with a gun.

Do you not have the balls to admit the fact of the matter. Gun nutters don't give a shit, as long as you have your weapon of cholce, what others do with their guns makes no difference to you. As long as the person getting shot is not your loved one.

If you contend otherwise, I haven't seen any indication by any gun nutter that they have any empathy for the gun tradgadies going on every fukin day. Caused by idiots that haven't got enough sense to lock up a gun with kids around. You so proud of those gun loving idiots that cause their 2 YO to die? You think that represents responsible gun ownership?

Of course you don't. But you never criticize another gun nutter do you?

Or is the dead kids and others just a cost of doing gun business in Ameirca? this dude not the poster child for the saying, "Liberals know how to live your life better than you do!!!"

s0n.........stop angsting about stupid shit. If you are too dumb to buy a weapon for yourself, well God bless. Guns exist......thats the way it is and the way it is going to be. Move someplace else if you are too terrified. I dont know what to tell you. Tens of millions of "gun nutters" arent going anywhere because people who think like you do are amongst the political fringe.

The limpwristers of this country..........they want everybody else to be a limpwrister too.

Time to leave the bubble s0ns..............its time.
For sure, the wackiest idea is arming teachers.
Ah yes, when I think of how this would work, it all makes sense to me now:

Let any teacher who desires and is lawfully able to train and conceal carry without any one knowing but the teacher.

You can require them to meet law enforcement course of fire standards.

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