NRA dominating gun debate politics!!!

The NRA did not want this debate. The NRA has members who are considering controls they would not have a few months back.

This is what happens when people take data and polls out of context and build a partisan case....they look stupid and defensive

Dante, you're a prime example of "look(ing) stupid and defensive"...

Had you bothered to READ the Forbes article you would know that there is NO 'out of context', there is NO 'partisan case'.
Dante read the linked to article. You obviously have issues with reading and comprehension. :eusa_hand:

Assuming you are a follower of right wing noise machine probably wet your pants over the words "objective data" as you are unused to see that come out of your side.

While data is usually objective, how it is put together and put forth in an arguments is usually anything but 'objective'

"Here are some other interesting observations from the data" = subjective opinion


And here is where you fail, but at least you're a CONSISTENT failure...

I'm not a 'follower' of EITHER side. I skewer Democrats and Republicans with equal vigor. BOTH 'sides' have the same goal, the subjugation of the people under the bootheel of Big Government.
Let's not get overly excited.

The opposition has some valid concerns.

Not on semi automatic rifles...that, IMO, is either a knee-jerk reaction, a hidden agenda or an attempt to weaken the second amendment.

But...crime and especially gun crime and murders are something that needs to be addressed with REAL common sense solutions.

Solutions that don't involve infringing on the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens.

Here's an idea....

Stop stuffing prisons with potheads and make some room for the truly dangerous. Start handing down 20 year sentences for gun crimes, and life without parole for the criminals that actually pull the trigger.
2/01/2013 @ 5:08PM

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control - Forbes

I cant stop laughing.............thinking about the mental case left, clearly unable to connect the dots.............


The NRA is a powerful lobby which uses money and power to influence (read bribe) law makers in The District and all around the nation. It is a self interest special interest which represents the firearm industry and only peripherally the rights of citizens. The NRA is supported by gun manufacturers and garners donations from the hoi polloi using the time tested rhetoric of the demagogue. Donations to the NRA also provide it the resources to buy TV, radio print ads to spread propaganda far and wide.
Let's not get overly excited.

The opposition has some valid concerns.

Not on semi automatic rifles...that, IMO, is either a knee-jerk reaction, a hidden agenda or an attempt to weaken the second amendment.

But...crime and especially gun crime and murders are something that needs to be addressed with REAL common sense solutions.

Solutions that don't involve infringing on the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens.

Here's an idea....

Stop stuffing prisons with potheads and make some room for the truly dangerous. Start handing down 20 year sentences for gun crimes, and life without parole for the criminals that actually pull the trigger.

I'm not opposed...but is prison a deterrent?

I'm not so sure that it is anymore.
2/01/2013 @ 5:08PM

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control - Forbes

I cant stop laughing.............thinking about the mental case left, clearly unable to connect the dots.............


The NRA is a powerful lobby which uses money and power to influence (read bribe) law makers in The District and all around the nation. It is a self interest special interest which represents the firearm industry and only peripherally the rights of citizens. The NRA is supported by gun manufacturers and garners donations from the hoi polloi using the time tested rhetoric of the demagogue. Donations to the NRA also provide it the resources to buy TV, radio print ads to spread propaganda far and wide.

Nonsense... The NRA represents gun owners who refuse to hand away their Freedoms to ideological idiots who dream of remaking America.
The Left is trying (and failing) to demonize the NRA the same way that they have attacked the good folks of the Tea Party. It's good to see that the people are holding their own with the aid of the NRA.
Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

It is only a problem if it effects YOU personally. Like one gun nutter poster pointed out to me earlier today; 30,000+ gun deaths out of 300+million people. He didn't think those bad odds. Or to much grief to pay for the right of un fettered gun ownership.

End of story.

Better to find something else to argue about. This issue has done been shot deader'n a door nail.
The NRA is a powerful lobby which uses money and power to influence (read bribe) law makers in The District and all around the nation.
You would then characterize campaign contributions from pro-gun control groups as bribes as well - right?

It is a self interest special interest which represents the firearm industry and only peripherally the rights of citizens.
Your characterization has no basis in fact.

Donations to the NRA....
.... and any other special interest group, like those that wich to push gun control...
...also provide it the resources to buy TV, radio print ads to spread propaganda far and wide.
Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

If someone in my family was murdered by a criminal with a gun I wouldn't blame the gun.
2/01/2013 @ 5:08PM

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control - Forbes

I cant stop laughing.............thinking about the mental case left, clearly unable to connect the dots.............


The NRA is a powerful lobby which uses money and power to influence (read bribe) law makers in The District and all around the nation. It is a self interest special interest which represents the firearm industry and only peripherally the rights of citizens. The NRA is supported by gun manufacturers and garners donations from the hoi polloi using the time tested rhetoric of the demagogue. Donations to the NRA also provide it the resources to buy TV, radio print ads to spread propaganda far and wide.

Even the most biased report put industry donations at 14 million, while just annual dues from members alone far exceed $100 million.

You keep telling that lie, it only serves to undermine your credibility.

NRA Funding -Bloomberg
Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

It is only a problem if it effects YOU personally. Like one gun nutter poster pointed out to me earlier today; 30,000+ gun deaths out of 300+million people. He didn't think those bad odds. Or to much grief to pay for the right of un fettered gun ownership.

End of story.

Better to find something else to argue about. This issue has done been shot deader'n a door nail.

Moving to emotion over reason is why liberals are losing the debate. You went right to demonizing the opposition.
The NRA is winning because the American anti gun agenda is tied into the global U.N. conspiracy to
confiscate all small arms from people in America and the rest of the world.

The U.N. wants the United States senate to pass a small arms ban treaty. This U.N. treaty will
lead to outright confiscation of all arms in public hands. This is why Obama, and many of the anti Gun
agenda people are pushing for this small arms U.N. treaty, which will end up as a world wide small arms confiscation campaigne.

They want American citizens disarmed first, and they have already begun the campaigne in Africa, and the rest of the third world. This will better facilitate their global agenda for a world takeover of all countries, and then they will be better able to install their one world governmental system.
The people of the world must first be disarmed. Then the world take over will be initiated more easily
on an unarmed populace. Private property, land and the likes will all be better confiscated on an unarmed world population. Especially an unarmed American gun loving freedom loving capitalist populace.
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Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

It is only a problem if it effects YOU personally. Like one gun nutter poster pointed out to me earlier today; 30,000+ gun deaths out of 300+million people. He didn't think those bad odds. Or to much grief to pay for the right of un fettered gun ownership.

End of story.

Better to find something else to argue about. This issue has done been shot deader'n a door nail.

More "gun deaths" crap.

How many of those gun deaths were suicides?

I'll tell you...most of them.

Tell me, can people kill themselves without a gun?

Will taking their gun make them not want to kill themselves?

Then it's a bullshit argument.

Stop trying to bolster your argument with destroys what little credibility you have left.
Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

It is only a problem if it effects YOU personally. Like one gun nutter poster pointed out to me earlier today; 30,000+ gun deaths out of 300+million people. He didn't think those bad odds. Or to much grief to pay for the right of un fettered gun ownership.

End of story.

Better to find something else to argue about. This issue has done been shot deader'n a door nail.

Absolute bullshit. Just because your opinions are based on emotion rather than reality doesn't mean everyone is that fucked up.
2/01/2013 @ 5:08PM

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control

The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today. And the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. So who’s winning? To find out, we turned to objective data provided exclusively to Forbes Insights by Appinions, the influence marketing platform. Keep in mind Forbes Insights has no agenda other than to shed research light on the process of measuring influence and what we can learn from it. The facts are objective, whatever your perspective on the issue may be. We certainly don’t aim to promote either side and are just stating the facts of influence and who is leading or gaining ground through the lens of influence.

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control - Forbes

I cant stop laughing.............thinking about the mental case left, clearly unable to connect the dots.............


The NRA is a powerful lobby which uses money and power to influence (read bribe) law makers in The District and all around the nation. It is a self interest special interest which represents the firearm industry and only peripherally the rights of citizens. The NRA is supported by gun manufacturers and garners donations from the hoi polloi using the time tested rhetoric of the demagogue. Donations to the NRA also provide it the resources to buy TV, radio print ads to spread propaganda far and wide.

Nonsense... The NRA represents gun owners who refuse to hand away their Freedoms to ideological idiots who dream of remaking America.

Indeed Bud........but you beat me to the punch!!!:eusa_dance:

I so love then the limpwristers get kicked in the balls. Next, they are going to get kicked in the balls on climate change legislation too!!! For Christsakes, they should all just go out and buy a gun and face the real world. I cant imagine being afraid of your own shadow your whole life. How gay...............
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Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

If someone in my family was murdered by a criminal with a gun I wouldn't blame the gun.
A clear indication that you do not lack a functiong brain.
Hey hey, lets face it. If it isn't your kid, spouse, relative or friend that gets killed accidently or on purpose by some crazy with a gun, then there is not a gun problem in this country.

If someone in my family was murdered by a criminal with a gun I wouldn't blame the gun.
A clear indication that you do not lack a functiong brain.

no one blames the gun. :laugh2:

people may blame easy access to guns and more, but wtf blames the gun? :rofl:
When people like


constantly post

huge images

how can anyone

read the posts?

and why bother?

how does this make

posting fun?

s0n.....nobody has more laughs on here than yours truly!!! In fact, when I fire off one of my gay MSPAINT Photobucket Classics, invariably, IM tryng to chew off my own arm to keep from laughing to death. People on here who think like me get it........which is all that matters. When you highlight pronounced levels of thought process disorder ( ie: see mental case), its a fucking hoot.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:

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