NRA Fanatics are WRONG - Vast Majority of Americans Favor Tougher Gun Control Laws

If what he calls an assault weapon is an assault weapon why doesn't the military use them? It's because the civilian models are only assault weapons on paper not in function. which is what really counts.

And they don't even exist on paper anymore (federally).

Equating the invented political term "assault weapon" as a synonym for "assault rifle" is just stupid.
If what he calls an assault weapon is an assault weapon why doesn't the military use them? It's because the civilian models are only assault weapons on paper not in function. which is what really counts.

And they don't even exist on paper anymore (federally).

Equating the invented political term "assault weapon" as a synonym for "assault rifle" is just stupid.

Since the military will not use the civilian version they really aren't assault weapons are they?

?????????? Asking the question means you dismiss the legal definition for "assault weapon" that was established in the 1994 law and are promoting one YOU have invented that has some sort of "military use" aspect. You seem to understand that "assault weapons" were never "military weapons" but you persist with the "why doesn't the military use them if they are assault weapons" inquiry . . . Jesus H Christ, you are either a moron or schizophrenic.

They are assault weapons on paper created by anti gun people.

No Shit Sherlock. So why must you elevate the term to be military select fire firearms? What is the benefit in you arguing that "assault weapons" = "assault rifles"?
Thank the universe for the terrorist organization known as the NRA.

That better?

Yes, you are being honest.

You should add in there that you are not an idiot, that you know the NRA is owned by gun mfgs and that they dont really give one shit about your rights, just their sales.

Their sales = My rights

nah, their sales are their sales, your rights are meaningless to them and all conz ....
If, as some may argue, that the Second Amendment’s “militia” meaning, is that every person has a right to keep and bear arms. The only way to describe one’s right as a private individual, is not as a “militia” but as a “person” (“The individual personality of a human being: self.”). “Person” or “persons“” is mentioned in the Constitution 49 times, to explicitly describe, clarify and mandate a Constitutional legal standing as to a “person”, his or her Constitutional rights. Whereas in the Second Amendment, reference to “person” is not to be found. Was there are reason?. The obvious question arises, why did the Framers use the noun “person/s” as liberally as they did throughout the Constitution 49 times and not apply this understanding to explicitly convey same legal standard in defining an individual’s right to bear arms as a “person”?
Merriam Webster “militia”, “a body of citizens organized for military service : a whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service.

Article 2, Section 2 “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into actual Service of the United States;…”

In the whole of the U.S. Constitution, “militia” is mentioned 5 times. In these references there is no mention of person or persons. One reference to “people“ in the Second Amendment. People, meaning not a person but persons, in describing a “militia”. “People” is mentioned a total 9 times.

It’s not enough to just say that “person(s)” is mentioned in the United States Constitution 49 times. But to see it for yourself, and the realization was for the concern envisioned by the Framers that every “person” be secure in these rights explicitly spelled out, referenced and understood how these rights were to be applied to that “person”.

“..No Person shall be a Representative..”
“..whole Number of free Persons,..”
“..three fifths of all other Persons…”
“..No person shall be a Senator…”
“..And no Person shall be convicted…”
“ Person holding any Office…”
“..Names of the Persons voting for…”
“…of such Persons as any of the States…”
“…not exceeding ten dollars for each Person…”
“…And no Person holding any…”
“…or Person holding an Office of Trust o…“
“…and vote by Ballot for two persons,…”
“…List of all the Persons voted for,…”
“…The Person having the greatest Number of Votes…”
“…and if no Person have a Majority,…”
“…the Person having the greatest Number…”
“…No person except a natural born Citizen,…”
“…Any Person be eligible to that ….”
“…No Person shall be convicted of …”
“…except during the Life of the Person attainted….”.
“…A Person charged in any State…”
“…No Person held to Service…”
“…The right of the people to be secure in their persons,…”
“…and the persons or things to be seized….”
“..No person shall be held to answer…”
“..nor shall any person be subject for the same offense….”
“…they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President,…”
“…the person voted for as Vice-President,…”
“…all persons voted for as President,….”
“…all persons voted for as Vice-President…”
“…The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, …”
“…and if no person have such majority,…”
“..the persons having the highest numbers …”
“… The person having the greatest number of votes…”
“..and if no person have a majority,…”
“…But no person constitutionally ineligible…”
“…All persons born or naturalized …”
“…nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property,…”
“…nor deny to any person within …”
“…number of persons in each State,….”
“…No person shall be a Senator or …”
“..and such person shall act accordingly….”
“…of the death of any of the persons from…”
“…death of any of the persons from…”
“…No person shall be elected to the office…”
“…and no person who has held the office of President,…”
“ which some other person was elected…”
“…shall not apply to any person holding the office…”
“..prevent any person who may be holding…”

Excerpts in reading Emerson v. United States (1999), or Miller v. United States (1939), one can be struck with the many thoughts, interpretations of what the second amendment means, but more important how it came about and ended. However, even still, I am left with the thought if the Framers had treated Amendment 2 with the same obedience, and reverence to explain the 49 Constitutional references to “person”, there would be no controversy in what is perceived as a right to bear arms.

United States v Emerson
“The American colonists exercised their right to bear arms under the English Bill of Rights. Indeed, the English government's success in luring Englishmen to America was due in part to pledges that the immigrants and their children would continue to possess "all the rights of natural subjects, as if born and abiding in England."
“A foundation of American political thought during the Revolutionary period was the well justified concern about political corruption and governmental tyranny. Even the federalists, fending off their opponents who accused them of creating an oppressive regime, were careful to acknowledge the risks of tyranny. Against that backdrop, the framers saw the personal right to bear arms as a potential check against tyranny.”
“The framers thought the personal right to bear arms to be a paramount right by which other rights could be protected. Therefore, writing after the ratification of the Constitution, but before the election of the first Congress, James Monroe included "the right to keep and bear arms" in a list of basic "human rights" which he proposed to be added to the Constitution. HALBROOK, supra at 223 n. 145 (citing James Monroe Papers, New York Public Library (Miscellaneous Papers of James Monroe)).”

307 U.S. 174 United States v. Miller
Structural Analysis
“Furthermore, the very inclusion of the right to keep and bear arms in the Bill of Rights shows that the framers of the Constitution considered it an individual right. "After all, the Bill of Rights is not a bill of states' rights, but the bill of rights retained by the people." David Harmer, Securing a Free State: Why The Second Amendment Matters, 1998 BYU L. REV. 55, 60 (1998). Of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, only the Tenth concerns itself with the rights of the states, and refers to such rights in addition to, not instead of, individual rights. Id. Thus the structure of the Second Amendment, viewed in the context of the entire Bill of Rights, evinces an intent to recognize an individual right retained by the people.”

After debating by the Framers on the proposed right to bear arms, from these few references, some credence is given to the “intent” to “to bear arms”. Analysis of structural statutory construction, “..viewed in the context of the entire Bill of Rights,..” individual citizens, a person, to “bear arms“ however proposed and debated, there is reference to “person” mentioned 49 times, is this not to be considered when looking at the context of the entire Bill Of Rights? Right to bear arms was debated and proposed, but the Second Amendment remains silent.

The explaining by the many well intentioned people into trying to bring the Second Amendment into the 21st century gun debate cannot be overcome by interpretive speculation evolving into word variations hoping that if you say it something long enough, many times over and over again, people will believe it. You cannot get there from here.

“If Congress enacted into law something different from what it intended, then it should amend the statute to conform it to it’s intent. “It is beyond our province to rescue Congress from it’s drafting errors, and to provide for what we might the preferred result.” Fullbright v. United States Dep’t of Educ.

Jones v Smart [1785} 1 Term Rep.44,52 (per Buller, J.) “[W]e are bound to take the act of parliament, as they made it: a casus omissus can in no case be supplied by a Court of Law, for that would be to makes laws.” (Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts) Antonin Scalia/ Bryan A. Gardner .West.

What are we missing?
Contrary to what the deranged NRA fanatics on this messageboard have to say, the VAST MAJORITY of Americans favor tougher gun control laws --

A 2011 New York Times/CBS News poll found that 63 percent of Americans favor a ban on high-capacity magazines; just as many supported an assault-weapons ban.

According to the poll, even a majority of gun-owning households favor a ban on assault weapons, although by a smaller margin. 54% of them favor it, and 44% oppose --

Also in 2011, a Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 83 percent supported financing a system in which people treated for mental illness would be reported to a federal gun registry database to prevent them from buying guns; 71 percent favored this for those treated for drug abuse. Guns and Discourse.pdf

So let me simplify this poll data for you uninformed, unsophisticated NRA simpletons -- most Americans are on MY SIDE, not yours.

All of your right-wing nutjob spinning and excuse-making isn't going to change that fact.

Most Americans? in those Americans that voted the clown Marxist Obama into a second term? in the unenlightened mass of people that vote for a living and don't really give a shit about anything except what the government can give them?
Well, I guess the bills will just sail through Congress then...

...what specifically is your concern?
Contrary to what the deranged NRA fanatics on this messageboard have to say, the VAST MAJORITY of Americans favor tougher gun control laws --

A 2011 New York Times/CBS News poll found that 63 percent of Americans favor a ban on high-capacity magazines; just as many supported an assault-weapons ban.

According to the poll, even a majority of gun-owning households favor a ban on assault weapons, although by a smaller margin. 54% of them favor it, and 44% oppose --

Also in 2011, a Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 83 percent supported financing a system in which people treated for mental illness would be reported to a federal gun registry database to prevent them from buying guns; 71 percent favored this for those treated for drug abuse. Guns and Discourse.pdf

So let me simplify this poll data for you uninformed, unsophisticated NRA simpletons -- most Americans are on MY SIDE, not yours.

All of your right-wing nutjob spinning and excuse-making isn't going to change that fact.

Most Americans? in those Americans that voted the clown Marxist Obama into a second term? in the unenlightened mass of people that vote for a living and don't really give a shit about anything except what the government can give them?

The Fortune 500 just recorded record profits.

If Obama is a marxist, he's a really poor one.
Contrary to what the deranged NRA fanatics on this messageboard have to say, the VAST MAJORITY of Americans favor tougher gun control laws --

A 2011 New York Times/CBS News poll found that 63 percent of Americans favor a ban on high-capacity magazines; just as many supported an assault-weapons ban.

According to the poll, even a majority of gun-owning households favor a ban on assault weapons, although by a smaller margin. 54% of them favor it, and 44% oppose --

Also in 2011, a Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 83 percent supported financing a system in which people treated for mental illness would be reported to a federal gun registry database to prevent them from buying guns; 71 percent favored this for those treated for drug abuse. Guns and Discourse.pdf

So let me simplify this poll data for you uninformed, unsophisticated NRA simpletons -- most Americans are on MY SIDE, not yours.

All of your right-wing nutjob spinning and excuse-making isn't going to change that fact.

Most Americans? in those Americans that voted the clown Marxist Obama into a second term? in the unenlightened mass of people that vote for a living and don't really give a shit about anything except what the government can give them?

The Fortune 500 just recorded record profits.

If Obama is a marxist, he's a really poor one.

Maybe, but he tops the list of idiots and assholes.
Most Americans? in those Americans that voted the clown Marxist Obama into a second term? in the unenlightened mass of people that vote for a living and don't really give a shit about anything except what the government can give them?

The Fortune 500 just recorded record profits.

If Obama is a marxist, he's a really poor one.

Maybe, but he tops the list of idiots and assholes.

I think you just described yourself.
Wow how much dust did this thread have on it before someone pulled it out of the archives?
Contrary to what the deranged NRA fanatics on this messageboard have to say, the VAST MAJORITY of Americans favor tougher gun control laws --

A 2011 New York Times/CBS News poll found that 63 percent of Americans favor a ban on high-capacity magazines; just as many supported an assault-weapons ban.

According to the poll, even a majority of gun-owning households favor a ban on assault weapons, although by a smaller margin. 54% of them favor it, and 44% oppose --

Also in 2011, a Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 83 percent supported financing a system in which people treated for mental illness would be reported to a federal gun registry database to prevent them from buying guns; 71 percent favored this for those treated for drug abuse. Guns and Discourse.pdf

So let me simplify this poll data for you uninformed, unsophisticated NRA simpletons -- most Americans are on MY SIDE, not yours.

All of your right-wing nutjob spinning and excuse-making isn't going to change that fact.

BS Poll. Everyone wants controls on guns. Just because someone says they favor tougher gun control laws, does not mean they agree with Obama and the left about what laws, and banning certain guns.
The NRA's new no background checks position means that your friendly neighborhood gangbanger,

getting out of prison today after doing a 7 year stretch for armed robbery,

could go to the nearest gun shop and buy himself a whole new set of armaments, and be back in the armed robbery business before you could say jack robinson.

Now tell us, gun nuts,

how many normal Americans do you think support that????
Liberals perverted the definition of assault weapon and high capacity magazine.
So let me simplify this poll data for you uninformed, unsophisticated NRA simpletons -- most Americans are on MY SIDE, not yours.

All of your right-wing nutjob spinning and excuse-making isn't going to change that fact.

And thankfully the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic not a democracy so the fundamental, individual rights of a citizen are not subject to the ignorant whims of collectivists and those they have brainwashed, even if they constitute a majority.

BOOYAH!!! Post of the year so far. :clap2::clap2:
Contrary to what the deranged NRA fanatics on this messageboard have to say, the VAST MAJORITY of Americans favor tougher gun control laws --

A 2011 New York Times/CBS News poll found that 63 percent of Americans favor a ban on high-capacity magazines; just as many supported an assault-weapons ban.

According to the poll, even a majority of gun-owning households favor a ban on assault weapons, although by a smaller margin. 54% of them favor it, and 44% oppose --

Also in 2011, a Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 83 percent supported financing a system in which people treated for mental illness would be reported to a federal gun registry database to prevent them from buying guns; 71 percent favored this for those treated for drug abuse. Guns and Discourse.pdf

So let me simplify this poll data for you uninformed, unsophisticated NRA simpletons -- most Americans are on MY SIDE, not yours.

All of your right-wing nutjob spinning and excuse-making isn't going to change that fact.

4 democratic senators gout a very different reaction from their voters

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