NRA has won - this round.

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Assault weapons ban dropped due to lack of support as gun control package with tighter background checks moves forward for vote - NY Daily News

Assault weapons ban dropped due to lack of support as gun control package with tighter background checks moves forward for vote
With suprising gun lobby victory, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has assured she will offer the assault weapon and high-capacity magazine ban as an amendment to the package instead. But the move, which was expected, suggests the ban has little chance of overcoming resistance from Republicans.

Read more: Assault weapons ban dropped due to lack of support as gun control package with tighter background checks moves forward for vote - NY Daily News

The NY Daily News is known for being over the top but is it possible to overdo this issue? How is it possible to sensationalize the shooting deaths of so many people, so many children. And, more are shot every day.

Even though a majority want an assault weapons ban, Rs will ignore the people's wishes. We need to let them know we're not going to forget these slaughtered children. For the nutters who don't like the word, "slaughtered", remember than some were actually dismembered and at least one had more than 11 bullets in his body.
Unfortunately, the NRA have even MORE "Rounds" in their Arsenal! :evil:

The good news is that Background checks are moving forward. That's a good way for government to deny Gun Ownership Extra-Judicially.

Plus, now that the government is in charge of ObamaCare, they can look into our Medical Records, see what Medications people are taking and make a Medical determination that they shouldn't own Firearms.

Still many ways to Control and Oppress the People.
The political left loves to exploit children in order to stomp on people's freedoms. Nothing new to see here.

Ghoulish scaremonger cranks hiding behind dead children deserve to lose.

But its the children who are losing.

Their lives.

We could also save children by breaking into everyone's home, rigerously interrogating them to see if they are thinking of abusing/shooting/hurting children, and even if there is only a shred of evidence of this, lock them up in camps without trial or any method of getting out...

but hey, its for the children....
Maybe it's the lack of education on the left but lobby groups like the NRA and Sierra Club and PETA do not run the government. The so-called assault weapons ban lost because the people we elected thought it was a bad law.
What is with rw's? they'll whine and cry about abortion but then make fun of the deaths of children.

Its sick.
What is with rw's? they'll whine and cry about abortion but then make fun of the deaths of children.

Its sick.

I know you are too feeble minded to get this, but most "RW's" issue is that progressives want to take away rights from people who have done NOTHING wrong, just because some other idiot decided to become a criminal and use a weapon illegally.

They think disarming law abiding citizens will somehow save them from the criminals, because of course, criminals obey ALL laws, without question.
What is with rw's? they'll whine and cry about abortion but then make fun of the deaths of children.

Its sick.

I know you are too feeble minded to get this, but most "RW's" issue is that progressives want to take away rights from people who have done NOTHING wrong, just because some other idiot decided to become a criminal and use a weapon illegally.

They think disarming law abiding citizens will somehow save them from the criminals, because of course, criminals obey ALL laws, without question.

If the average 'law abiding citizens' who want to have guns are like the pro-gun posters on this forum, it is absolutely disconcerting and frightening that they be allowed guns: they come off as a very disturbed, very angry, very unstable, very blood thirsty and viscious breed with not a lot of intelligence and mental stabliity..
Lots of different ways children lose their lives and it is to bad we had a crazy go off and kill kids with a gun...But if it was not with a gun it would have been something else...yes?...What if he had thrown malitov cocktales in classrooms and wired the doors shut by putting a scew in the wall with a cordless drill?....Teachers should be armed for crazies, the Principle sure should have been.
How many kids are run over by people every year?...a lot, should we ban cars that go over 15 miles per hr?

I think it is disgusting how regulation people pile these kids in a pile, to shout their agenda from.That goes for the President himself....In Colorado we have a Democrat Governnor a Democrat House and a Democrat Senate and they are jamming new laws on us from Denver...In a few days it will be against the law to buy a gun from a private person, or to sell one to somebody..Our freedom will be greatly diminished.
If the average 'law abiding citizens' who want to have guns are like the pro-gun posters on this forum, it is absolutely disconcerting and frightening that they be allowed guns: they come off as a very disturbed, very angry, very unstable, very blood thirsty and viscious breed with not a lot of intelligence and mental stabliity.
Never mind the fact that you cannot soundly address. let alone refute, any of our arguments...
What is with rw's? they'll whine and cry about abortion but then make fun of the deaths of children.

Its sick.

I know you are too feeble minded to get this, but most "RW's" issue is that progressives want to take away rights from people who have done NOTHING wrong, just because some other idiot decided to become a criminal and use a weapon illegally.

They think disarming law abiding citizens will somehow save them from the criminals, because of course, criminals obey ALL laws, without question.

If the average 'law abiding citizens' who want to have guns are like the pro-gun posters on this forum, it is absolutely disconcerting and frightening that they be allowed guns: they come off as a very disturbed, very angry, very unstable, very blood thirsty and viscious breed with not a lot of intelligence and mental stabliity..

People tend to get cranky when you decide to take a shit on thier rights. Progressives on the other hand, are more than happy to let "thier betters" tell them how to live, what to eat, when to breathe, and how to fight of rape with vomiting, urinating and maybe yelling a bit.
I know you are too feeble minded to get this, but most "RW's" issue is that progressives want to take away rights from people who have done NOTHING wrong, just because some other idiot decided to become a criminal and use a weapon illegally.

They think disarming law abiding citizens will somehow save them from the criminals, because of course, criminals obey ALL laws, without question.

If the average 'law abiding citizens' who want to have guns are like the pro-gun posters on this forum, it is absolutely disconcerting and frightening that they be allowed guns: they come off as a very disturbed, very angry, very unstable, very blood thirsty and viscious breed with not a lot of intelligence and mental stabliity..

People tend to get cranky when you decide to take a shit on thier rights. Progressives on the other hand, are more than happy to let "thier betters" tell them how to live, what to eat, when to breathe, and how to fight of rape with vomiting, urinating and maybe yelling a bit.

What a completely asinine response. You just prove my point that pro-gun people are stupid, angry, and unstable. If you could come up with a thoughtful, intelligent response, possibly it would have some effect to rebut what I said, but instead, you just reinforce it.
If the average 'law abiding citizens' who want to have guns are like the pro-gun posters on this forum, it is absolutely disconcerting and frightening that they be allowed guns: they come off as a very disturbed, very angry, very unstable, very blood thirsty and viscious breed with not a lot of intelligence and mental stabliity..

People tend to get cranky when you decide to take a shit on thier rights. Progressives on the other hand, are more than happy to let "thier betters" tell them how to live, what to eat, when to breathe, and how to fight of rape with vomiting, urinating and maybe yelling a bit.

What a completely asinine response. You just prove my point that pro-gun people are stupid, angry, and unstable. If you could come up with a thoughtful, intelligent response, possibly it would have some effect to rebut what I said, but instead, you just reinforce it.

I will put my IQ and stability against yours in real life any day of the week.

This is the internet, where we can unleash our inner anger without repercussions or reason.

You want to take a crap on my rights in the hope it might make you safer, and instead of doing it the right way, via repealing the 2nd amendment, you want legislatures to make unconsitutional law, and then hope you get a sympathetic progressive court to validate said law.

Just because you don't like the response I gave does not allow you to dismiss it. Although when faced with a concept opposite in opinion of thiers, most progressives just cant fathom someone smarter than them having a differing opinion, so they have to ignore it.

Go baa with the other sheep out in the pasture.
People tend to get cranky when you decide to take a shit on thier rights. Progressives on the other hand, are more than happy to let "thier betters" tell them how to live, what to eat, when to breathe, and how to fight of rape with vomiting, urinating and maybe yelling a bit.

What a completely asinine response. You just prove my point that pro-gun people are stupid, angry, and unstable. If you could come up with a thoughtful, intelligent response, possibly it would have some effect to rebut what I said, but instead, you just reinforce it.

I will put my IQ and stability against yours in real life any day of the week.

You'd lose.

And the rest of your ranting post just continues to prove it.
What a completely asinine response. You just prove my point that pro-gun people are stupid, angry, and unstable. If you could come up with a thoughtful, intelligent response, possibly it would have some effect to rebut what I said, but instead, you just reinforce it.

I will put my IQ and stability against yours in real life any day of the week.

You'd lose.

And the rest of your ranting post just continues to prove it.

No i win, because you have no response to anything I just posted.

Enjoy your neg.

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