NRA missing in action as usual

Kamala Harris is running for Senate of California, probably unopposed.

As Attorney General, she sent law enforcement to people's homes to collect guns.

as usual, not a freaking word out of the NRA

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

Such as ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy.

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

Doesn't ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy sound good to you?

Sounds like a pipe dream to me. And more specifically, incorrect

California is a lost cause, just gift the state to punish Mexico.

California is a lost cause, just gift the state to punish Mexico.

Well, idiot, California has a larger GDP and population than Canada, why would you want to give that away.

Oh yeah, your stupid.
What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

Such as ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy.

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

Doesn't ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy sound good to you?

Yeah so does running my truck on unicorn farts and pixie dust but that won't work either. Only reason regressives are pushing a raise in the minimum wage is most union contracts are tied to it so their big money benefactors will benefit, they don't give a shit about minimum wage earners, they don't donate big bucks.

How can you say that, they gave them cash for clunkers, food stamps, government cheese, projects slums, and let them riot and burn their own neighborhoods on occasion.

How can you say that, they gave them cash for clunkers, food stamps, government cheese, projects slums, and let them riot and burn their own neighborhoods on occasion.

All caused by wage disparity, a Republican ideal.
What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

Such as ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy.

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

Doesn't ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy sound good to you?

Yeah so does running my truck on unicorn farts and pixie dust but that won't work either. Only reason regressives are pushing a raise in the minimum wage is most union contracts are tied to it so their big money benefactors will benefit, they don't give a shit about minimum wage earners, they don't donate big bucks.

Yeah so does running my truck on unicorn farts and pixie dust but that won't work either. Only reason regressives are pushing a raise in the minimum wage is most union contracts are tied to it so their big money benefactors will benefit, they don't give a shit about minimum wage earners, they don't donate big bucks.

Middle class spending makes a healthy economy.

Well maybe, just maybe, you regressives should reconsider using the jack booted EPA to drive businesses off shore and drive up energy costs.

Well maybe, just maybe, you regressives should reconsider using the jack booted EPA to drive businesses off shore and drive up energy costs.

Businesses should be able to pollute to make a larger profit? Or should they be responsible in their actions?

You vote Republican, so what would you know about responsible?
Kamala Harris is running for Senate of California, probably unopposed.

As Attorney General, she sent law enforcement to people's homes to collect guns.

as usual, not a freaking word out of the NRA

This is a lie.

She did no such thing.

It’s hard to tell which is more reprehensible: conservatives who contrive these lies or conservatives who attempt to propagate such lies knowing they are in fact false.
Kamala Harris is running for Senate of California, probably unopposed.

As Attorney General, she sent law enforcement to people's homes to collect guns.

as usual, not a freaking word out of the NRA

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

Such as ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy.

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

Doesn't ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy sound good to you?

Sounds like a pipe dream to me. And more specifically, incorrect


Sounds like a pipe dream to me. And more specifically, incorrect

Care to explain?
She's not running "unopposed", there are like 25 people in that race.

The NRA's not going to waste any money on the primary.

why didn't you name any of the 25?
Why did you lie about Harris sending ‘law enforcement’ to ‘collect guns.’

Those firearms were voluntarily surrendered by prohibited persons for whom it was illegal to possess a gun.

The propensity of most on the right to lie is truly disturbing.
Kamala Harris is running for Senate of California, probably unopposed.

As Attorney General, she sent law enforcement to people's homes to collect guns.

as usual, not a freaking word out of the NRA

So what would you like the NRA to do about it? California is pretty much as anti-gun as they get in this country. They have the right to be so. The citizens can elect anti-gun leaders, pro-gun leaders, or people that have no stance on the issue. It's not up to the NRA, it's up to California voters.

California firearm regulatory measures comport with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

That you might not like those measures for subjective, ignorant, and partisan reasons does not make California ‘anti-gun.’
What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

Doesn't ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy sound good to you?

Yeah so does running my truck on unicorn farts and pixie dust but that won't work either. Only reason regressives are pushing a raise in the minimum wage is most union contracts are tied to it so their big money benefactors will benefit, they don't give a shit about minimum wage earners, they don't donate big bucks.

Yeah so does running my truck on unicorn farts and pixie dust but that won't work either. Only reason regressives are pushing a raise in the minimum wage is most union contracts are tied to it so their big money benefactors will benefit, they don't give a shit about minimum wage earners, they don't donate big bucks.

Middle class spending makes a healthy economy.

Well maybe, just maybe, you regressives should reconsider using the jack booted EPA to drive businesses off shore and drive up energy costs.

Well maybe, just maybe, you regressives should reconsider using the jack booted EPA to drive businesses off shore and drive up energy costs.

Businesses should be able to pollute to make a larger profit? Or should they be responsible in their actions?

You vote Republican, so what would you know about responsible?

There's nothing the EPA does that the States can't do, like most bureaucracies they've out lived their usefulness and now are creating regulations just to justify their existence and to advance the leftist political agenda. They fund leftist environmental groups, those groups sue them, they settle the suits to allow the courts to implement things congress never wrote in the law. Just search "EPA sue and settle. It cost the tax payers billions.
As attorney general, Kamala Harris promised to force businesses out of the state. She kept that promise starting on day one.
Kamala Harris is running for Senate of California, probably unopposed.

As Attorney General, she sent law enforcement to people's homes to collect guns.

as usual, not a freaking word out of the NRA
California has been a lost cause for decades.
There's nothing the EPA does that the States can't do, like most bureaucracies they've out lived their usefulness and now are creating regulations just to justify their existence and to advance the leftist political agenda. They fund leftist environmental groups, those groups sue them, they settle the suits to allow the courts to implement things congress never wrote in the law. Just search "EPA sue and settle. It cost the tax payers billions.

The two biggest threats to our liberty are bureaucracies and lifelong appointed judges, because neither are held accountable for what they do to us.

California firearm regulatory measures comport with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

That you might not like those measures for subjective, ignorant, and partisan reasons does not make California ‘anti-gun.’

WTF don't you read what people write before using words like Ignorant?

I never said that California wasn't within the Second Amendment, I said they are about as anti-gun as they get. Pay close attention to the words "AS THEY GET."
Kamala Harris is running for Senate of California, probably unopposed.

As Attorney General, she sent law enforcement to people's homes to collect guns.

as usual, not a freaking word out of the NRA

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

Such as ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy.

We aren't talking about job killing stupidity like state enforced minimum wages....
Kamala Harris is running for Senate of California, probably unopposed.

As Attorney General, she sent law enforcement to people's homes to collect guns.

as usual, not a freaking word out of the NRA

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

Such as ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy.

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

Doesn't ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy sound good to you?

Everything you left wing nuts come up with sound good......then when you get it and it destroys lives and ruins the economy...then you say...our intentions were good....Venezuela has implemented your dream........why don't you move there...
What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

Such as ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy.

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

Doesn't ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy sound good to you?

Yeah so does running my truck on unicorn farts and pixie dust but that won't work either. Only reason regressives are pushing a raise in the minimum wage is most union contracts are tied to it so their big money benefactors will benefit, they don't give a shit about minimum wage earners, they don't donate big bucks.

How can you say that, they gave them cash for clunkers, food stamps, government cheese, projects slums, and let them riot and burn their own neighborhoods on occasion.

How can you say that, they gave them cash for clunkers, food stamps, government cheese, projects slums, and let them riot and burn their own neighborhoods on occasion.

All caused by wage disparity, a Republican ideal.

No...all created by big government policy......including wage disaparity.....wait till they mandate higher minimum wages.....then you will see real wage disparity.....
Kamala Harris is running for Senate of California, probably unopposed.

As Attorney General, she sent law enforcement to people's homes to collect guns.

as usual, not a freaking word out of the NRA

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

Such as ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy.

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

What the hell does that have to do with which person will be elected senator for CA? When's the last time CA had a republican senator? Can you say, the last republican elected in CA was 1988?

Doesn't ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy sound good to you?

Everything you left wing nuts come up with sound good......then when you get it and it destroys lives and ruins the economy...then you say...our intentions were good....Venezuela has implemented your dream........why don't you move there...
Or find a way to blame Republicans.
Kamala Harris is running for Senate of California, probably unopposed.

As Attorney General, she sent law enforcement to people's homes to collect guns.

as usual, not a freaking word out of the NRA

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

What's the point of spending time and resources on a lost cause? CA is going to elect another regressive sodomite enabler, that just the way it is. So here's a thought, how about picking battles we actually have a chance of winning?

Such as ending wage disparity by raising the minimum wage and improving the economy.

We aren't talking about job killing stupidity like state enforced minimum wages....

We aren't talking about job killing stupidity like state enforced minimum wages....

Employer greed kills jobs.

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