NRA opposes Fla move to raise age for rifles to 21, the same age for other firearms.

Criminals aren't shooting up schools. Got any irrelevant observations?

Criminals aren't shooting up schools? You managed to make shooting up schools legal now? While I'm sickened by that, I am impressed by your effectiveness. No wonder you oppose people shooting someone killing innocent people. They aren't a criminal!
The kid wasn't a criminal before he shot up the school and didn't buy his weapon on the street. Please try to keep up.

He'd had the police called on him over his behavior dozens of time. While he may not have been arrested for anything in the past he most certainly wasn't an innocent.
So you agree with me that he wasn't a criminal. Good for you.

Not at all. He was well known to the police and had several investigations into his behavior.
But he wasn't a criminal, thanks for clearing that up. Please tell kaz, he's totally lost.
Criminals aren't shooting up schools? You managed to make shooting up schools legal now? While I'm sickened by that, I am impressed by your effectiveness. No wonder you oppose people shooting someone killing innocent people. They aren't a criminal!
The kid wasn't a criminal before he shot up the school and didn't buy his weapon on the street. Please try to keep up.

He'd had the police called on him over his behavior dozens of time. While he may not have been arrested for anything in the past he most certainly wasn't an innocent.
So you agree with me that he wasn't a criminal. Good for you.

I like how you idiots consider an organization that promotes gun safety and self defense are criminals, but people who shoot up schools aren't criminals
It's because you're too thick to know what we're actually talking about.

Your plan is to prevent shooters from getting any of the 300 million guns in the country or any other ones transported over our non-existent southern border that you fight to maintain.

You're arguing that if we deny him a legal gun, then poof, he can't get one.

Every time I say he'd just buy an illegal gun, you say that's not the discussion.

Of course it is, nimrod. That's exactly the discussion.

What you don't like is you're losing
AR15 type weapons outgun whomever they come up against, like an armed teacher, police or guard... No wonder the armed school guard was hiding outside.

Have you ever fired one before? Or any gun, for that fact?
What's the relevance?

Your lack of an answer is the answer, which is no. You don't think it's relevant that you're commenting on a topic you are completely ignorant on? You've never fired an AR-15. You've never fired a revolver, a semi-auto, or a standard shot gun, and yet somehow you think you're more of an expert on this than the rest of us who have experience using these weapons. Typical hubris. Your entire argument is based on emotion and biased opinion. In other words, you have little clue what you're talking about.
Criminals aren't shooting up schools? You managed to make shooting up schools legal now? While I'm sickened by that, I am impressed by your effectiveness. No wonder you oppose people shooting someone killing innocent people. They aren't a criminal!
The kid wasn't a criminal before he shot up the school and didn't buy his weapon on the street. Please try to keep up.

He'd had the police called on him over his behavior dozens of time. While he may not have been arrested for anything in the past he most certainly wasn't an innocent.
So you agree with me that he wasn't a criminal. Good for you.

Not at all. He was well known to the police and had several investigations into his behavior.
But he wasn't a criminal, thanks for clearing that up. Please tell kaz, he's totally lost.

He's really a victim if you think about it
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.
If you don't want schools to be shot up with an AR15 type weapon, then don't sell them. It's that simple.

Will the kids be less dead if they get shot up with your standard handgun instead?
AR15 type weapons outgun whomever they come up against, like an armed teacher, police or guard... No wonder the armed school guard was hiding outside.

And ...... you are wrong...and know nothing about this topic....thanks for not playing....

He had no idea what weapon was being used....

Unless a mass shooting is by a muslim terrorist, the shooter will commit suicide, surrender or run away as soon as someone with a gun shows up.....either civilian or police.....I gave you a list of A-15 rifle equiped mass shooters who did just that....they committed suicide, surrendered or the shooter in this high school ran away.
So how did that help the dead kids?
It's time to begin isolating the NRA...

We see the serious beginnings of this with Enterprise, Symantec, the First National Bank of Omaha, and SimpliSafe, today...

Gotta love it, when the Big Boys begin shunning the Obstructionists and standing alongside The Children's Crusade that now unfolding...

The NRA is being repositioned as a Toxic Brand...

And we may finally have reached a tipping point...


It's about time...

This is delusional, and a bit scary...
It is not delusional in the slightest, although I'm glad you find it scary.

...What does the NRA have to do with the Parkland school shooting?...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.

...The NRA has been urging stronger security in schools for years...
Locking the barn door after the horses have bolted.

...Is it the NRA's fault that the FBI and the local police failed to follow up on clear leads and red flags that should have prevented the shooting many times over?...

It is the NRA's fault that they bribed legislators to allow continued access to assault weapons by those under 21.

... And what if Cruz had used a car? Would you be saying it's about time we isolate the AAA auto club and all car makers?
Kinda difficult to get a car into a classroom or up a set of stairs or to quickly move from room to room in the opening seconds of any such attack.

That is silly because the NRA has nothing to do with the question of weapons rights clearly being inherent to each individual under the Constitution and the SCOTUS precedents.
Bringing the NRA into the discussion shows a strong personal emotional bias not based on and contrary to the principles of law.

However, it is clearly true that this shooting occurred because of insufficient school security, and would have also happened just as easily if AR rifles never existed. Anyone could easily have killed far more with the usual firearms used in most crimes, which are pistols or shotguns.

What should be most clear of all is that it is anyone who would try to reduce rights for ANY group of the population that is against the democratic principle of equality in a republic. And that is a clear and present danger not just to a few, but to the whole democratic republic.
Doesn't matter.

There is now a Children's Crusade afoot to push for sweeping Gun Reform in the United States and much of the adult population is beginning to back them.

Not to mention an increasing number of Fortune 500 companies now beginning to boycott (sever ties with) the NRA.

Come the Fall mid-term elections, if you're still taking NRA money, you can kiss your election or reelection goodbye, in a great many jurisdictions.

Time's up, NRA... The People have grown tired of your $hit, and the Children are showing us the way forward.

Yes...the children's crusade...they have to take a break every hour to take videos of themselves eating Tide Pods for youtube...yes...let's hand over all of our policy decisions to them...
AR15 type weapons outgun whomever they come up against, like an armed teacher, police or guard... No wonder the armed school guard was hiding outside.

Have you ever fired one before? Or any gun, for that fact?
What's the relevance?

Your lack of an answer is the answer, which is no. You don't think it's relevant that you're commenting on a topic you are completely ignorant on? You've never fired an AR-15. You've never fired a revolver, a semi-auto, or a standard shot gun, and yet somehow you think you're more of an expert on this than the rest of us who have experience using these weapons. Typical hubris. Your entire argument is based on emotion and biased opinion. In other words, you have little clue what you're talking about.
Actually, I own a hunting rifle. Too bad for you. :p
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.
If you don't want schools to be shot up with an AR15 type weapon, then don't sell them. It's that simple.

Will the kids be less dead if they get shot up with your standard handgun instead?
AR15 type weapons outgun whomever they come up against, like an armed teacher, police or guard... No wonder the armed school guard was hiding outside.

And ...... you are wrong...and know nothing about this topic....thanks for not playing....

He had no idea what weapon was being used....

Unless a mass shooting is by a muslim terrorist, the shooter will commit suicide, surrender or run away as soon as someone with a gun shows up.....either civilian or police.....I gave you a list of A-15 rifle equiped mass shooters who did just that....they committed suicide, surrendered or the shooter in this high school ran away.
So how did that help the dead kids?

It didn't help because the guard didn't engage the shooter and none of the staff had guns of their own....if they had, more lives would have been saved...
Blamng the NRA for shooting deaths is like blaming AAA for Traffic deaths

The AAA participates in facilitating highway and motor vehicle safety; the NRA actively opposes laws and measures that would facilitate a decrease in gun crime and violence.

No they don't....they actively campaign for gun safety, actually teach gun safety and they train cops, you dumb ass.....nothing you claim about laws would stop criminals or mass are such a doofus....
Criminals aren't shooting up schools? You managed to make shooting up schools legal now? While I'm sickened by that, I am impressed by your effectiveness. No wonder you oppose people shooting someone killing innocent people. They aren't a criminal!
The kid wasn't a criminal before he shot up the school and didn't buy his weapon on the street. Please try to keep up.

He'd had the police called on him over his behavior dozens of time. While he may not have been arrested for anything in the past he most certainly wasn't an innocent.
So you agree with me that he wasn't a criminal. Good for you.

Not at all. He was well known to the police and had several investigations into his behavior.
But he wasn't a criminal, thanks for clearing that up. Please tell kaz, he's totally lost.

You're engaging in semantics. You're disingenuously claiming that because he had no arrest record he wasn't a danger to society and he was known for being exactly that. What exactly are you are failing at proving here?
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If you don't want schools to be shot up with an AR15 type weapon, then don't sell them. It's that simple.

Will the kids be less dead if they get shot up with your standard handgun instead?
AR15 type weapons outgun whomever they come up against, like an armed teacher, police or guard... No wonder the armed school guard was hiding outside.

And ...... you are wrong...and know nothing about this topic....thanks for not playing....

He had no idea what weapon was being used....

Unless a mass shooting is by a muslim terrorist, the shooter will commit suicide, surrender or run away as soon as someone with a gun shows up.....either civilian or police.....I gave you a list of A-15 rifle equiped mass shooters who did just that....they committed suicide, surrendered or the shooter in this high school ran away.
So how did that help the dead kids?

It didn't help because the guard didn't engage the shooter and none of the staff had guns of their own....if they had, more lives would have been saved...
If the shooter doesn't have an AR15 type weapon, the staff and guards AREN'T OUTGUNNED!!!!!!!!!! What the fuck don't you understand about this?
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.
If you don't want schools to be shot up with an AR15 type weapon, then don't sell them. It's that simple.

Actually, I kinda want schools not to be shot up with ANY weapon, but since disarming law-abiding people won't accomplish that, your demands are not helpful.
Nobody is "disarming law-abiding people", you can still be armed, just not with those kinds of weapons. Seems reasonable to me.

And it was reasonable to the German people in the 1920s when these same laws were allowed in Germany....20 years later they murdered 12 million unarmed people in gas don't know what you are talking about.....
AR15 type weapons outgun whomever they come up against, like an armed teacher, police or guard... No wonder the armed school guard was hiding outside.

Have you ever fired one before? Or any gun, for that fact?
What's the relevance?

Your lack of an answer is the answer, which is no. You don't think it's relevant that you're commenting on a topic you are completely ignorant on? You've never fired an AR-15. You've never fired a revolver, a semi-auto, or a standard shot gun, and yet somehow you think you're more of an expert on this than the rest of us who have experience using these weapons. Typical hubris. Your entire argument is based on emotion and biased opinion. In other words, you have little clue what you're talking about.
Actually, I own a hunting rifle. Too bad for you. :p

When did you fire an AR-15? How about a 9mm semi-auto?
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.
If you don't want schools to be shot up with an AR15 type weapon, then don't sell them. It's that simple.

Actually, I kinda want schools not to be shot up with ANY weapon, but since disarming law-abiding people won't accomplish that, your demands are not helpful.

Leftists are so naive. You don't sell certain guns and poof! No one can get them! You know, like drugs! Idiots

The Mexican drug gangs, with their Mexican police and army allies are putting up gun factories in the areas they control...they are making fully automatic rifles all on their serial numbers are on these weapons.......just across our border....
But they're not shooting up our schools, are they? Please try to keep up with what we're actually talking about.

You don't understand that the drug cartels are murdering tens of thousands of Mexican citizens every single year....and supplying our drug gangs with guns and drugs.....and what you don't understand...their gun factories will be exporting their guns to the are such a doofus...
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The kid wasn't a criminal before he shot up the school and didn't buy his weapon on the street. Please try to keep up.

He'd had the police called on him over his behavior dozens of time. While he may not have been arrested for anything in the past he most certainly wasn't an innocent.
So you agree with me that he wasn't a criminal. Good for you.

Not at all. He was well known to the police and had several investigations into his behavior.
But he wasn't a criminal, thanks for clearing that up. Please tell kaz, he's totally lost.

You're engaging in semantics. You're disingenuously claiming that because he had no arrest record he wasn't a danger to society and he was known for being exactly that. What exactly are you are failing at proving here?
Because earlier, the gun crowd was trying to move the discussion to "ya, but criminals will always get guns on the street". Which is a totally different issue than what we were trying to discuss. Please explain it to kaz, he seems pretty messed up.
If the shooter doesn't have an AR15 type weapon, the staff and guards AREN'T OUTGUNNED!!!!!!!!!! What the fuck don't you understand about this?

Yes, you keep making this claim, but what experience do you base this on? Maybe the reason nobody understands your point is because you're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about and you're not making any sense.
Will the kids be less dead if they get shot up with your standard handgun instead?
AR15 type weapons outgun whomever they come up against, like an armed teacher, police or guard... No wonder the armed school guard was hiding outside.

And ...... you are wrong...and know nothing about this topic....thanks for not playing....

He had no idea what weapon was being used....

Unless a mass shooting is by a muslim terrorist, the shooter will commit suicide, surrender or run away as soon as someone with a gun shows up.....either civilian or police.....I gave you a list of A-15 rifle equiped mass shooters who did just that....they committed suicide, surrendered or the shooter in this high school ran away.
So how did that help the dead kids?

It didn't help because the guard didn't engage the shooter and none of the staff had guns of their own....if they had, more lives would have been saved...
If the shooter doesn't have an AR15 type weapon, the staff and guards AREN'T OUTGUNNED!!!!!!!!!! What the fuck don't you understand about this?

They weren't outgunned when it happened...doofus. You have no idea what you are talking about.......
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.
If you don't want schools to be shot up with an AR15 type weapon, then don't sell them. It's that simple.

Actually, I kinda want schools not to be shot up with ANY weapon, but since disarming law-abiding people won't accomplish that, your demands are not helpful.
Nobody is "disarming law-abiding people", you can still be armed, just not with those kinds of weapons. Seems reasonable to me.

And it was reasonable to the German people in the 1920s when these same laws were allowed in Germany....20 years later they murdered 12 million unarmed people in gas don't know what you are talking about.....
I invoke Godwin's Law, thanks for playing.
Because earlier, the gun crowd was trying to move the discussion to "ya, but criminals will always get guns on the street". Which is a totally different issue than what we were trying to discuss. Please explain it to kaz, he seems pretty messed up.

The state and federal governments had precautions in place to prevent Cruz from buying a gun and they failed, yet despite this you all keep making this about the gun and not the fact that law enforcement didn't do their job.

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