NRA opposes Fla move to raise age for rifles to 21, the same age for other firearms.

Leftists are so naive. You don't sell certain guns and poof! No one can get them! You know, like drugs! Idiots
Nobody needs those types of weapons, not even you. :biggrin:

Non-sequitur. I pointed out the futility of your stupid laws. Criminals will just buy illegal guns if they can't buy legal ones. You suddenly get that when we switch the discussion from guns to pot.

And just curious. Is that how you view other Constitutional rights? We only get them if we can convince the government we need them?

The irony is that people like you are why we do need more advanced weaponry. You're out to strip us of our rights and implement a fascist government. When enough of the country gets that, we'll deal with our illegal government
Criminals aren't shooting up schools. Got any irrelevant observations?

Criminals aren't shooting up schools? You managed to make shooting up schools legal now? While I'm sickened by that, I am impressed by your effectiveness. No wonder you oppose people shooting someone killing innocent people. They aren't a criminal!
The kid wasn't a criminal before he shot up the school and didn't buy his weapon on the street. Please try to keep up.

He had been visited by the police 39 times, had the FBI called on him 2 times and the school knew he was dangerous.....typical profile of a murderer....90% of murderers have long criminal histories and contact with the police before they kill...
AR15 type weapons outgun whomever they come up against, like an armed teacher, police or guard... No wonder the armed school guard was hiding outside.

Have you ever fired one before? Or any gun, for that fact?
What's the relevance?

Your lack of an answer is the answer, which is no. You don't think it's relevant that you're commenting on a topic you are completely ignorant on? You've never fired an AR-15. You've never fired a revolver, a semi-auto, or a standard shot gun, and yet somehow you think you're more of an expert on this than the rest of us who have experience using these weapons. Typical hubris. Your entire argument is based on emotion and biased opinion. In other words, you have little clue what you're talking about.
Actually, I own a hunting rifle. Too bad for you. :p

When did you fire an AR-15? How about a 9mm semi-auto?
Ever had an abortion? Then why do you opine on it? Ever had gay sex? Well, ok, you maybe. But you get the drift. I never shot JFK either, but I can discuss it like an adult.

It IS a factor in getting purchased guns into killing hands. The facts support that. I'm not a fan of depriving rights. BUT when one group -- like HS school students DEMAND disarmament -- they need to be the FIRST to give up that right.

Later on in life -- they'll kick themselves for demanding that and fix it right..

gee------for a mod you are patient
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.
If you don't want schools to be shot up with an AR15 type weapon, then don't sell them. It's that simple.

Actually, I kinda want schools not to be shot up with ANY weapon, but since disarming law-abiding people won't accomplish that, your demands are not helpful.
Nobody is "disarming law-abiding people", you can still be armed, just not with those kinds of weapons. Seems reasonable to me.

And it was reasonable to the German people in the 1920s when these same laws were allowed in Germany....20 years later they murdered 12 million unarmed people in gas don't know what you are talking about.....
I invoke Godwin's Law, thanks for playing.

Yes......when confronted with the truth you dodge......I'll throw in China, 70 million unarmed murdered....Russia, 25 million unarmed murdered, Cambodia, 1/3 of the unarmed population,

This Is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace: Mexico Home to 29,168 Murders in 2017 - The Truth About Guns

But Mexico security analyst Alejandro Hope said Mexico’s murder rate is probably higher than the Interior Department statistics show, because the department does the per 100,000 count based on the number of murder investigations, not the number of victims, and a killing may result in more than one victim.

Hope says the real homicide rate is probably around 24 per 100,000.
Because earlier, the gun crowd was trying to move the discussion to "ya, but criminals will always get guns on the street". Which is a totally different issue than what we were trying to discuss. Please explain it to kaz, he seems pretty messed up.

The state and federal governments had precautions in place to prevent Cruz from buying a gun and they failed, yet despite this you all keep making this about the gun and not the fact that law enforcement didn't do their job.
If Cruz can't buy an AR15 type weapon, he won't be OUTGUNNING the guards and teachers who are armed at the school. Please say that you understand that concept at least.
Have you ever fired one before? Or any gun, for that fact?
What's the relevance?

Your lack of an answer is the answer, which is no. You don't think it's relevant that you're commenting on a topic you are completely ignorant on? You've never fired an AR-15. You've never fired a revolver, a semi-auto, or a standard shot gun, and yet somehow you think you're more of an expert on this than the rest of us who have experience using these weapons. Typical hubris. Your entire argument is based on emotion and biased opinion. In other words, you have little clue what you're talking about.
Actually, I own a hunting rifle. Too bad for you. :p

When did you fire an AR-15? How about a 9mm semi-auto?
Ever had an abortion? Then why do you opine on it? Ever had gay sex? Well, ok, you maybe. But you get the drift. I never shot JFK either, but I can discuss it like an adult.

I'm pro choice and I support gay marriage. I'm not really sure how any of that is relevant to your making a claim that someone with an AR-15 is more dangerous than the man with a Glock 19.
If Cruz can't buy an AR15 type weapon, he won't be OUTGUNNING the guards and teachers who are armed at the school. Please say that you understand that concept at least.

Explain in detail how having an AR-15 outguns them. Please say that you understand that concept at least. You keep saying that over and over, but you can't seem to explain why. This gets back to your lack of experience with firearms.

You still haven't defined what an assault weapon is either.
Nobody needs those types of weapons, not even you. :biggrin:

Non-sequitur. I pointed out the futility of your stupid laws. Criminals will just buy illegal guns if they can't buy legal ones. You suddenly get that when we switch the discussion from guns to pot.

And just curious. Is that how you view other Constitutional rights? We only get them if we can convince the government we need them?

The irony is that people like you are why we do need more advanced weaponry. You're out to strip us of our rights and implement a fascist government. When enough of the country gets that, we'll deal with our illegal government
Criminals aren't shooting up schools. Got any irrelevant observations?

Criminals aren't shooting up schools? You managed to make shooting up schools legal now? While I'm sickened by that, I am impressed by your effectiveness. No wonder you oppose people shooting someone killing innocent people. They aren't a criminal!
The kid wasn't a criminal before he shot up the school and didn't buy his weapon on the street. Please try to keep up.

He had been visited by the police 39 times, had the FBI called on him 2 times and the school knew he was dangerous.....typical profile of a murderer....90% of murderers have long criminal histories and contact with the police before they kill...
So you agree that Cruz wasn't a criminal when he got up that morning. Good for you.

I am opposed to it as well unless you change the legal age of being an adult to 21, remove voting rights, military service rights, and everything else that comes when one turns 18 and move it all to 21.

We should have one age of majority in this country. When you hit that age, you can buy booze, join the military, vote, ...

This three year phase in period is BS.

I'd propose 19 because 18 is a bad idea having legal adults in high school. But whatever age it is, let's pick one.

I agree totally! I could live with 19, I think 21 is bullshit.

Would you agree to raise age for the military to 19?

Or would you have soldiers who are given safe spaces instead of rifles?

I would prefer 18 for all "adult" things, but if voting rights and guns and such were 19, then yes I would move that also.
One fucked up 19 year old kid does something really stupid and the knee jerk reaction to it is to curtail the right to keep and bears arms to millions of 18, 19 and 20 year olds that did not commit a crime.

Typical Libtard stupidity.

I am glad you finally agree that Trump is a liberal.!
If Cruz can't buy an AR15 type weapon, he won't be OUTGUNNING the guards and teachers who are armed at the school. Please say that you understand that concept at least.

Explain in detail how having an AR-15 outguns them. You keep saying that over and over, but you can't seem to explain why. This gets back to your lack of experience with firearms.

You still haven't defined what an assault weapon is either.
Now I'm not sure if you're being obtuse to pull my chain or what, but it's been fun. :biggrin:
So you agree that Cruz wasn't a criminal when he got up that morning. Good for you.

Again, what are you trying to prove and failing at? You seem to have a real problem articulating what you're thinking. You just keep repeating things over and over as if it will make them true you say it enough times.
If Cruz can't buy an AR15 type weapon, he won't be OUTGUNNING the guards and teachers who are armed at the school. Please say that you understand that concept at least.

Explain in detail how having an AR-15 outguns them. You keep saying that over and over, but you can't seem to explain why. This gets back to your lack of experience with firearms.

You still haven't defined what an assault weapon is either.
Now I'm not sure if you're being obtuse to pull my chain or what, but it's been fun. :biggrin:

What I'm asking you isn't difficult. Why are you having problems answering the question?

You gonna run away and crawl back into your hole now because someone challenged your nonsense?
Non-sequitur. I pointed out the futility of your stupid laws. Criminals will just buy illegal guns if they can't buy legal ones. You suddenly get that when we switch the discussion from guns to pot.

And just curious. Is that how you view other Constitutional rights? We only get them if we can convince the government we need them?

The irony is that people like you are why we do need more advanced weaponry. You're out to strip us of our rights and implement a fascist government. When enough of the country gets that, we'll deal with our illegal government
Criminals aren't shooting up schools. Got any irrelevant observations?

Criminals aren't shooting up schools? You managed to make shooting up schools legal now? While I'm sickened by that, I am impressed by your effectiveness. No wonder you oppose people shooting someone killing innocent people. They aren't a criminal!
The kid wasn't a criminal before he shot up the school and didn't buy his weapon on the street. Please try to keep up.

He had been visited by the police 39 times, had the FBI called on him 2 times and the school knew he was dangerous.....typical profile of a murderer....90% of murderers have long criminal histories and contact with the police before they kill...
So you agree that Cruz wasn't a criminal when he got up that morning. Good for you.

Yes...he was a criminal....he brought bullets into a gun free zone when he was a student at the school, dumb ass...that is a felony.....
If you don't want schools to be shot up with an AR15 type weapon, then don't sell them. It's that simple.

Will the kids be less dead if they get shot up with your standard handgun instead?
AR15 type weapons outgun whomever they come up against, like an armed teacher, police or guard... No wonder the armed school guard was hiding outside.

And ...... you are wrong...and know nothing about this topic....thanks for not playing....

He had no idea what weapon was being used....

Unless a mass shooting is by a muslim terrorist, the shooter will commit suicide, surrender or run away as soon as someone with a gun shows up.....either civilian or police.....I gave you a list of A-15 rifle equiped mass shooters who did just that....they committed suicide, surrendered or the shooter in this high school ran away.
So how did that help the dead kids?

It didn't help because the guard didn't engage the shooter and none of the staff had guns of their own....if they had, more lives would have been saved...

Well, it was a gun free zone so what could possibly go wrong?
I am opposed to it as well unless you change the legal age of being an adult to 21, remove voting rights, military service rights, and everything else that comes when one turns 18 and move it all to 21.

We should have one age of majority in this country. When you hit that age, you can buy booze, join the military, vote, ...

This three year phase in period is BS.

I'd propose 19 because 18 is a bad idea having legal adults in high school. But whatever age it is, let's pick one.

I agree totally! I could live with 19, I think 21 is bullshit.

Would you agree to raise age for the military to 19?

Or would you have soldiers who are given safe spaces instead of rifles?

He did agree to 19 if you read what he was responding to.

I don't know what your second sentence means.

The main thing to me with military is the draft. No one should be able to be forced into the military and yet be denied full citizenship rights.

If volunteers are under the age of 19 in that system, I'd be fine with that.

Then again I oppose a draft entirely, that's why I phrased it that way

It's real simple, the left generally wants a double standard - we will hand a soldier a rifle at 18 - but suddenly 18 year olds are not mature enough to own a rifle - but yet they are mature enough to vote?

It is the absurdity of the positions the left takes.

Like this lefty moron...

What's the relevance?

Your lack of an answer is the answer, which is no. You don't think it's relevant that you're commenting on a topic you are completely ignorant on? You've never fired an AR-15. You've never fired a revolver, a semi-auto, or a standard shot gun, and yet somehow you think you're more of an expert on this than the rest of us who have experience using these weapons. Typical hubris. Your entire argument is based on emotion and biased opinion. In other words, you have little clue what you're talking about.
Actually, I own a hunting rifle. Too bad for you. :p

When did you fire an AR-15? How about a 9mm semi-auto?
Ever had an abortion? Then why do you opine on it? Ever had gay sex? Well, ok, you maybe. But you get the drift. I never shot JFK either, but I can discuss it like an adult.

I'm pro choice and I support gay marriage. I'm not really sure how any of that is relevant to your making a claim that someone with an AR-15 is more dangerous than the man with a Glock 19.

If I had a glock or an AR-15------I would not be dangerous
Like this lefty moron...

View attachment 178822

How does this make him a lefty moron? If you've paid even the slightest bit of attention, it's the mental health angle that those of us who actually respect the Second Amendment have been beating the drums on. It's not the gun that's the issue, it's the fact that people like Nicolas Cruz, Jared Loughner, James Holmes. etc. were able to walk around among the public in the first place. As far as banning bump stocks, I said the day after we had the shooting here in Las Vegas that they should be banned. There is some disagreement on that within the pro-Constitution crowd, but I think most people will agree they should be banned.

As far as raising the age of purchase to 21, as I said in a couple of threads, that's nothing more than theater. It's not going to make anybody more safe and it's an infringement on the Constitutional rights of 18 to 20 year olds.
The Moon Bats demand Constitutional rights for the Illegals but not for American citizens.

If they want to take guns away from anybody they should start with the MS 13 gang member that Obama allowed to flood in.
Non-sequitur. I pointed out the futility of your stupid laws. Criminals will just buy illegal guns if they can't buy legal ones. You suddenly get that when we switch the discussion from guns to pot.

And just curious. Is that how you view other Constitutional rights? We only get them if we can convince the government we need them?

The irony is that people like you are why we do need more advanced weaponry. You're out to strip us of our rights and implement a fascist government. When enough of the country gets that, we'll deal with our illegal government
Criminals aren't shooting up schools. Got any irrelevant observations?

Criminals aren't shooting up schools? You managed to make shooting up schools legal now? While I'm sickened by that, I am impressed by your effectiveness. No wonder you oppose people shooting someone killing innocent people. They aren't a criminal!
The kid wasn't a criminal before he shot up the school and didn't buy his weapon on the street. Please try to keep up.

He had been visited by the police 39 times, had the FBI called on him 2 times and the school knew he was dangerous.....typical profile of a murderer....90% of murderers have long criminal histories and contact with the police before they kill...
So you agree that Cruz wasn't a criminal when he got up that morning. Good for you.

He wasn't shooting people when he got up that morning. He was a criminal when he did start shooting people. See how that works? I know it's tricky, you may want to study that for a while

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