NRA opposes Fla move to raise age for rifles to 21, the same age for other firearms.

I would prefer 18 for all "adult" things, but if voting rights and guns and such were 19, then yes I would move that also.

I didn't hear any proposals to raise the voting age.

In fact your fellow leftists want to lower the voting age to 13 or something, so that those who take the Tide Pod Challenge can decide how the country is run.
I would prefer 18 for all "adult" things, but if voting rights and guns and such were 19, then yes I would move that also.

I didn't hear any proposals to raise the voting age.

In fact your fellow leftists want to lower the voting age to 13 or something, so that those who take the Tide Pod Challenge can decide how the country is run.

There are no proposals to raise the voting age, just the gun ownership age. You are too stupid to get my point, so I will type really slowly and see if that helps.

Right now some "adult" things are age 18 (military, voting, able to sign a contract) and others are 21 (buy booze, in some states to buy a handgun, in Vegas to use a hooker). I think it is stupid to have some things 18 and some 21. So, I am saying that it should be an all or nothing, either you are an adult at 18 or you are one at 21.

Is that clear enough for you, or do I need to draw a picture using crayons?
I would prefer 18 for all "adult" things, but if voting rights and guns and such were 19, then yes I would move that also.

I didn't hear any proposals to raise the voting age.

In fact your fellow leftists want to lower the voting age to 13 or something, so that those who take the Tide Pod Challenge can decide how the country is run.

There are no proposals to raise the voting age, just the gun ownership age. You are too stupid to get my point, so I will type really slowly and see if that helps.

Right now some "adult" things are age 18 (military, voting, able to sign a contract) and others are 21 (buy booze, in some states to buy a handgun, in Vegas to use a hooker). I think it is stupid to have some things 18 and some 21. So, I am saying that it should be an all or nothing, either you are an adult at 18 or you are one at 21.

Is that clear enough for you, or do I need to draw a picture using crayons?


Democrats push to lower voting age to 17 with boost from billionaire George Soros
Criminals aren't shooting up schools. Got any irrelevant observations?

So Cruz was law abiding and well adjusted, Comrade?

Lie much?
Shut up. Liberals (adults) are talking.

You're a Stalinist child, not a liberal.

I would prefer 18 for all "adult" things, but if voting rights and guns and such were 19, then yes I would move that also.

I didn't hear any proposals to raise the voting age.

In fact your fellow leftists want to lower the voting age to 13 or something, so that those who take the Tide Pod Challenge can decide how the country is run.

There are no proposals to raise the voting age, just the gun ownership age. You are too stupid to get my point, so I will type really slowly and see if that helps.

Right now some "adult" things are age 18 (military, voting, able to sign a contract) and others are 21 (buy booze, in some states to buy a handgun, in Vegas to use a hooker). I think it is stupid to have some things 18 and some 21. So, I am saying that it should be an all or nothing, either you are an adult at 18 or you are one at 21.

Is that clear enough for you, or do I need to draw a picture using crayons?


Democrats push to lower voting age to 17 with boost from billionaire George Soros

Why the fuck do I care what some Dems are suggesting, or pushing? This just helps to support my view, either someone is an adult or they are not. We need to quit having levels of "adulthood". It is stupid and just the government playing nanny, which you clearly support. You are way further left than I am.
Why do libs want laws that are created for the lowest common denominator in our society? Lets create a law to stop the 1% but make the 99% suffer

That is the leftist m.o. ALWAYS

Cater to the minority at the expense of the majority.
Why the fuck do I care what some Dems are suggesting, or pushing? This just helps to support my view, either someone is an adult or they are not. We need to quit having levels of "adulthood". It is stupid and just the government playing nanny, which you clearly support. You are way further left than I am.

Actually, I agree with you on this.

If one is an adult and can serve in the military, they are an adult in every aspect.
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.
You're right there, Bro!
What we need is Federal laws that bring some sanity to the scene, as Australia has done.
As I have learned the last few days, ALL semi autos are as fast, deadly and powerful as an AR-15. So I am told by the pro gun folks.
So yeah, what logical choice do we have?

Well, getting law enforcement to do their jobs would apparently be a good start.
So you think that it is ok for a group [the NRA] that gives out millions for congress to vote in their favor to have more power over the Americans..

From where does the NRA get its money and its power? It all comes from American citizens, who support the NRA because we expect the NRA to defend our rights under the Second Amendment, against a hostile and corrupt government that continually attacks our rights.
Your right to an unregistered assault rifle ends with a blood-drenched room full of slaughtered school children. Believe it.


Yeah, yeah, when you're done dancing in the bloodstains because you think THIS time, you've found a way to get what you want, you WILL let us know, won't you?
Why the fuck do I care what some Dems are suggesting, or pushing? This just helps to support my view, either someone is an adult or they are not. We need to quit having levels of "adulthood". It is stupid and just the government playing nanny, which you clearly support. You are way further left than I am.

Actually, I agree with you on this.

If one is an adult and can serve in the military, they are an adult in every aspect.

You know, at one time back in the mid 80's, when they raised the drinking age to 21, the military was exempt from it, but only if they drank at the base clubs. They weren't allowed to drink in civilian bars unless they were 21.

Well.............eventually, they had to take away that exemption. Why? Because a lot of the young guys were bringing their girlfriends on base and getting them drunk even though they weren't supposed to be drinking. Moms and dads of the civilian girls complained quite loudly and got the base to change their policy.

Yes, when people join the military, they are adults, but unfortunately, a lot of them don't act like it.
Why the fuck do I care what some Dems are suggesting, or pushing? This just helps to support my view, either someone is an adult or they are not. We need to quit having levels of "adulthood". It is stupid and just the government playing nanny, which you clearly support. You are way further left than I am.

Actually, I agree with you on this.

If one is an adult and can serve in the military, they are an adult in every aspect.

You know, at one time back in the mid 80's, when they raised the drinking age to 21, the military was exempt from it, but only if they drank at the base clubs. They weren't allowed to drink in civilian bars unless they were 21.

Well.............eventually, they had to take away that exemption. Why? Because a lot of the young guys were bringing their girlfriends on base and getting them drunk even though they weren't supposed to be drinking. Moms and dads of the civilian girls complained quite loudly and got the base to change their policy.

Yes, when people join the military, they are adults, but unfortunately, a lot of them don't act like it.

The OPTION of joining the Military cannot be prior to the age of Majority.
Why the fuck do I care what some Dems are suggesting, or pushing? This just helps to support my view, either someone is an adult or they are not. We need to quit having levels of "adulthood". It is stupid and just the government playing nanny, which you clearly support. You are way further left than I am.

Actually, I agree with you on this.

If one is an adult and can serve in the military, they are an adult in every aspect.

You know, at one time back in the mid 80's, when they raised the drinking age to 21, the military was exempt from it, but only if they drank at the base clubs. They weren't allowed to drink in civilian bars unless they were 21.

Well.............eventually, they had to take away that exemption. Why? Because a lot of the young guys were bringing their girlfriends on base and getting them drunk even though they weren't supposed to be drinking. Moms and dads of the civilian girls complained quite loudly and got the base to change their policy.

Yes, when people join the military, they are adults, but unfortunately, a lot of them don't act like it.

The OPTION of joining the Military cannot be prior to the age of Majority.

Ever heard of the Delayed Entry Program?
Why the fuck do I care what some Dems are suggesting, or pushing? This just helps to support my view, either someone is an adult or they are not. We need to quit having levels of "adulthood". It is stupid and just the government playing nanny, which you clearly support. You are way further left than I am.

Actually, I agree with you on this.

If one is an adult and can serve in the military, they are an adult in every aspect.

You know, at one time back in the mid 80's, when they raised the drinking age to 21, the military was exempt from it, but only if they drank at the base clubs. They weren't allowed to drink in civilian bars unless they were 21.

Well.............eventually, they had to take away that exemption. Why? Because a lot of the young guys were bringing their girlfriends on base and getting them drunk even though they weren't supposed to be drinking. Moms and dads of the civilian girls complained quite loudly and got the base to change their policy.

Yes, when people join the military, they are adults, but unfortunately, a lot of them don't act like it.

The OPTION of joining the Military cannot be prior to the age of Majority.

Ever heard of the Delayed Entry Program?

Sure, and that's fine. But no one should be on active duty prior to the age of majority.
Why the fuck do I care what some Dems are suggesting, or pushing? This just helps to support my view, either someone is an adult or they are not. We need to quit having levels of "adulthood". It is stupid and just the government playing nanny, which you clearly support. You are way further left than I am.

Actually, I agree with you on this.

If one is an adult and can serve in the military, they are an adult in every aspect.

You know, at one time back in the mid 80's, when they raised the drinking age to 21, the military was exempt from it, but only if they drank at the base clubs. They weren't allowed to drink in civilian bars unless they were 21.

Well.............eventually, they had to take away that exemption. Why? Because a lot of the young guys were bringing their girlfriends on base and getting them drunk even though they weren't supposed to be drinking. Moms and dads of the civilian girls complained quite loudly and got the base to change their policy.

Yes, when people join the military, they are adults, but unfortunately, a lot of them don't act like it.

The OPTION of joining the Military cannot be prior to the age of Majority.

Ever heard of the Delayed Entry Program?

Sure, and that's fine. But no one should be on active duty prior to the age of majority.

When I joined back in '82, I wanted to leave for boot camp as soon as I graduated in May. Unfortunately, the recruiter told me that I had to wait until after I turned 18 to go to boot camp.

Three days after I turned 18, I was wondering what in the hell I had just done to myself.
Actually, I agree with you on this.

If one is an adult and can serve in the military, they are an adult in every aspect.

You know, at one time back in the mid 80's, when they raised the drinking age to 21, the military was exempt from it, but only if they drank at the base clubs. They weren't allowed to drink in civilian bars unless they were 21.

Well.............eventually, they had to take away that exemption. Why? Because a lot of the young guys were bringing their girlfriends on base and getting them drunk even though they weren't supposed to be drinking. Moms and dads of the civilian girls complained quite loudly and got the base to change their policy.

Yes, when people join the military, they are adults, but unfortunately, a lot of them don't act like it.

The OPTION of joining the Military cannot be prior to the age of Majority.

Ever heard of the Delayed Entry Program?

Sure, and that's fine. But no one should be on active duty prior to the age of majority.

When I joined back in '82, I wanted to leave for boot camp as soon as I graduated in May. Unfortunately, the recruiter told me that I had to wait until after I turned 18 to go to boot camp.

Three days after I turned 18, I was wondering what in the hell I had just done to myself.

I hate to tell you this, but your recruiter lied to you. They probably had enough people shipping the week you wanted to so they found a reason to push you back.
Why the fuck do I care what some Dems are suggesting, or pushing? This just helps to support my view, either someone is an adult or they are not. We need to quit having levels of "adulthood". It is stupid and just the government playing nanny, which you clearly support. You are way further left than I am.

Actually, I agree with you on this.

If one is an adult and can serve in the military, they are an adult in every aspect.

You know, at one time back in the mid 80's, when they raised the drinking age to 21, the military was exempt from it, but only if they drank at the base clubs. They weren't allowed to drink in civilian bars unless they were 21.

Well.............eventually, they had to take away that exemption. Why? Because a lot of the young guys were bringing their girlfriends on base and getting them drunk even though they weren't supposed to be drinking. Moms and dads of the civilian girls complained quite loudly and got the base to change their policy.

Yes, when people join the military, they are adults, but unfortunately, a lot of them don't act like it.

The OPTION of joining the Military cannot be prior to the age of Majority.

Ever heard of the Delayed Entry Program?

Sure, and that's fine. But no one should be on active duty prior to the age of majority.

People are allowed to go to basic training while still 17.
You know, at one time back in the mid 80's, when they raised the drinking age to 21, the military was exempt from it, but only if they drank at the base clubs. They weren't allowed to drink in civilian bars unless they were 21.

Well.............eventually, they had to take away that exemption. Why? Because a lot of the young guys were bringing their girlfriends on base and getting them drunk even though they weren't supposed to be drinking. Moms and dads of the civilian girls complained quite loudly and got the base to change their policy.

Yes, when people join the military, they are adults, but unfortunately, a lot of them don't act like it.

The OPTION of joining the Military cannot be prior to the age of Majority.

Ever heard of the Delayed Entry Program?

Sure, and that's fine. But no one should be on active duty prior to the age of majority.

When I joined back in '82, I wanted to leave for boot camp as soon as I graduated in May. Unfortunately, the recruiter told me that I had to wait until after I turned 18 to go to boot camp.

Three days after I turned 18, I was wondering what in the hell I had just done to myself.

I hate to tell you this, but your recruiter lied to you. They probably had enough people shipping the week you wanted to so they found a reason to push you back.

Actually, when I was working at the MEPS in Amarillo from 1999 until 2002, we never shipped anyone to boot camp before they turned 18. But, that was mainly because you had to have a diploma before you could go to boot camp.

If a person had a GED, they were all over the age of 18 when the recruiters brought them in.
The OPTION of joining the Military cannot be prior to the age of Majority.

Ever heard of the Delayed Entry Program?

Sure, and that's fine. But no one should be on active duty prior to the age of majority.

When I joined back in '82, I wanted to leave for boot camp as soon as I graduated in May. Unfortunately, the recruiter told me that I had to wait until after I turned 18 to go to boot camp.

Three days after I turned 18, I was wondering what in the hell I had just done to myself.

I hate to tell you this, but your recruiter lied to you. They probably had enough people shipping the week you wanted to so they found a reason to push you back.

Actually, when I was working at the MEPS in Amarillo from 1999 until 2002, we never shipped anyone to boot camp before they turned 18. But, that was mainly because you had to have a diploma before you could go to boot camp.

If a person had a GED, they were all over the age of 18 when the recruiters brought them in.

I was the MEPS Liaison for the Marine Corps at the MEPS in St Louis for 20 months starting in 2004. We did not ship a lot of 17 year olds, but it was not against the rules for doing so. Typically the summer months you have no trouble filling the quota for shippers so there is no need to do so, as it does require extra paperwork. But in late 04 and into 05 when recruiting got a whole lot tougher we started sending a few here and there.

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