NRA's new poster child for 2nd Ammend. rights

Why would a murderer be a poster child for the NRA? What does the NRA have to do with some woman killing her kids with guns? Would it be better had she drowned them like this woman?

Monster mom who drowned her two daughters appeals convinction

Or would it have been better had she stabbed them to death like this woman:

Mother allegedly stabs 3 sons to death; children found partially dismembered, police say

Or would it have been better had she ran over them with her car like this woman:

Police: Mother runs over 1-year-old in driveway

Or finally, would it have been better had she simply beat them to death like this woman:

Girl, 4, Beaten to Death By Mom and Boyfriend For Drinking Brother's Juice: Cops - Inside Edition

If a woman wants her kids dead, she doesn't need guns to do it. Only liberals are too stupid to realize a gun is nothing more than a tool. Do you say a hammer built a house, or do you say the carpenter did?

Or she could have just drowned the kids in a bath tub like Andrea Yates

If we didn't allow crazy people to have tubs her kids would be alive today too?

And as far as I can tell there is no right to have a tub

Here! A great way to murder your child. No guns involved.

NJ mom who set newborn on fire sentenced to 30 years

Because women never killed their kids in any other way. You are an idiot.

Soooo....357,000,000 guns in private hands.........

in 2014 there were 8,124 gun murders......

and each year guns are used to save lives and stop violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year......

Can you guys count those numbers and see which ones are bigger and what they mean?

She would have murdered those girls without the gun, Remember the woman who drowned her beautiful children in her car that she drove into a lake...because her boyfriend didn't want kids....she didn't use a gun...or the woman who drowned her children in a isn't the death of the girls that is your issue, because had she killed them in the womb you would have supported and protected that just hate guns.....


And some actual perspective on the murder of children.....

total gun murder of children.....193

murder of children by other means.....703

Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703

Accidental death for kids by gun in 2013....69
Total accidental gun death for kids in 2014...48

These were NOT BABY CHILDREN OR TODDLERS....They were young adults, one 22 and one 17

Sheesh, what silly, ridiculous responses from all of you...they could not be simultaneously drowned or run over or beaten to death or set on fire... shakes head :rolleyes:

Guess you all are just giving knee jerk responses WITHOUT even reading the article and KNOWING THE FACTS of these murders including who was murdered....

So they weren't really children either

Who calls a 17 and a 22 year old children unless they have an agenda?

My child is 31. My agenda is to love and protect her. It always will be my agenda.

Most people I know with grown offspring don't call them children anymore
Well but, libtards children mature more slowly. Mom and dad provide their insurance til they are 26.

At age 26, my daughter was an licensed operating room nurse.

However, I can't help but wonder how old you will be when you finally stop typing "libtard".
Texas Mom Who Killed 2 Daughters Had a 'History of Mental Illness,' Authorities Say

The woman, who shot and killed her daughters and who had a history of mental illness, was a Facebook anti-gun control activist:

"Christy was an active user on Facebook, and posted multiple times in recent months to express her enthusiasm for firearms – and her distaste for gun control.

"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.

And in January she posted a meme showing a handgun which made fun of President Barack Obama's position on gun control. She captioned it "That's right! #merica.' "

I've done an extensive Google search on this woman trying to discover some reason behind this insane act. I came across this article @ Christy Sheats: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know that gives a lot of background. Even then, it doesn't explain this.

Were her so-called "mental problems" simply anger over something she saw going on that she blew up over?

It just seems to me there is far more to this story than we now know. And this is certainly, by far, one of the weakest basis for so-called profiling of gun owners or some kind of legislation designed to determine who should be allowed to own guns.
These were NOT BABY CHILDREN OR TODDLERS....They were young adults, one 22 and one 17

Sheesh, what silly, ridiculous responses from all of you...they could not be simultaneously drowned or run over or beaten to death or set on fire... shakes head :rolleyes:

Guess you all are just giving knee jerk responses WITHOUT even reading the article and KNOWING THE FACTS of these murders including who was murdered....

So they weren't really children either

Who calls a 17 and a 22 year old children unless they have an agenda?

My child is 31. My agenda is to love and protect her. It always will be my agenda.

Most people I know with grown offspring don't call them children anymore

I am honestly surprised, and can not relate to that.
because you're helicopter parent

Well, I have never heard that term before, but my daughter knows that dad will be here for her, unconditionally, for the rest of her life. I guess that, upon reflection, that is nothing I need to justify to anyone.
These were NOT BABY CHILDREN OR TODDLERS....They were young adults, one 22 and one 17

Sheesh, what silly, ridiculous responses from all of you...they could not be simultaneously drowned or run over or beaten to death or set on fire... shakes head :rolleyes:

Guess you all are just giving knee jerk responses WITHOUT even reading the article and KNOWING THE FACTS of these murders including who was murdered....

So they weren't really children either

Who calls a 17 and a 22 year old children unless they have an agenda?

My child is 31. My agenda is to love and protect her. It always will be my agenda.

Most people I know with grown offspring don't call them children anymore
Well but, libtards children mature more slowly. Mom and dad provide their insurance til they are 26.

At age 26, my daughter was an licensed operating room nurse.

However, I can't help but wonder how old you will be when you finally stop typing "libtard".

Would you please explain your anger over the use of the word Libtard? Is it any worse than some of the names you use for those who believe in the other side of the spectrum?

A Retarded Liberal does not seem to be worth all the vitriol and anger expressed by Leftist/Progressives.
These were NOT BABY CHILDREN OR TODDLERS....They were young adults, one 22 and one 17

Sheesh, what silly, ridiculous responses from all of you...they could not be simultaneously drowned or run over or beaten to death or set on fire... shakes head :rolleyes:

Guess you all are just giving knee jerk responses WITHOUT even reading the article and KNOWING THE FACTS of these murders including who was murdered....

So they weren't really children either

Who calls a 17 and a 22 year old children unless they have an agenda?

My child is 31. My agenda is to love and protect her. It always will be my agenda.

Most people I know with grown offspring don't call them children anymore
Well but, libtards children mature more slowly. Mom and dad provide their insurance til they are 26.

At age 26, my daughter was an licensed operating room nurse.

However, I can't help but wonder how old you will be when you finally stop typing "libtard".
I will when you guys stop being libtards.
So they weren't really children either

Who calls a 17 and a 22 year old children unless they have an agenda?

My child is 31. My agenda is to love and protect her. It always will be my agenda.

Most people I know with grown offspring don't call them children anymore
Well but, libtards children mature more slowly. Mom and dad provide their insurance til they are 26.

At age 26, my daughter was an licensed operating room nurse.

However, I can't help but wonder how old you will be when you finally stop typing "libtard".

Would you please explain your anger over the use of the word Libtard? Is it any worse than some of the names you use for those who believe in the other side of the spectrum?

A Retarded Liberal does not seem to be worth all the vitriol and anger expressed by Leftist/Progressives.

No anger involved. I just find it amusing that an adult would use a term that is a derivative of a common 4th grade elementary school playground insult. It does not reflect anything on me.
Why would a murderer be a poster child for the NRA? What does the NRA have to do with some woman killing her kids with guns? Would it be better had she drowned them like this woman?

Monster mom who drowned her two daughters appeals convinction

Or would it have been better had she stabbed them to death like this woman:

Mother allegedly stabs 3 sons to death; children found partially dismembered, police say

Or would it have been better had she ran over them with her car like this woman:

Police: Mother runs over 1-year-old in driveway

Or finally, would it have been better had she simply beat them to death like this woman:

Girl, 4, Beaten to Death By Mom and Boyfriend For Drinking Brother's Juice: Cops - Inside Edition

If a woman wants her kids dead, she doesn't need guns to do it. Only liberals are too stupid to realize a gun is nothing more than a tool. Do you say a hammer built a house, or do you say the carpenter did?

Or she could have just drowned the kids in a bath tub like Andrea Yates

If we didn't allow crazy people to have tubs her kids would be alive today too?

And as far as I can tell there is no right to have a tub

Here! A great way to murder your child. No guns involved.

NJ mom who set newborn on fire sentenced to 30 years

Because women never killed their kids in any other way. You are an idiot.

Soooo....357,000,000 guns in private hands.........

in 2014 there were 8,124 gun murders......

and each year guns are used to save lives and stop violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year......

Can you guys count those numbers and see which ones are bigger and what they mean?

She would have murdered those girls without the gun, Remember the woman who drowned her beautiful children in her car that she drove into a lake...because her boyfriend didn't want kids....she didn't use a gun...or the woman who drowned her children in a isn't the death of the girls that is your issue, because had she killed them in the womb you would have supported and protected that just hate guns.....


And some actual perspective on the murder of children.....

total gun murder of children.....193

murder of children by other means.....703

Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703

Accidental death for kids by gun in 2013....69
Total accidental gun death for kids in 2014...48

These were NOT BABY CHILDREN OR TODDLERS....They were young adults, one 22 and one 17

Sheesh, what silly, ridiculous responses from all of you...they could not be simultaneously drowned or run over or beaten to death or set on fire... shakes head :rolleyes:

Guess you all are just giving knee jerk responses WITHOUT even reading the article and KNOWING THE FACTS of these murders including who was murdered....

So they weren't really children either

Who calls a 17 and a 22 year old children unless they have an agenda?

My child is 31. My agenda is to love and protect her. It always will be my agenda.

Most people I know with grown offspring don't call them children anymore
Well but, libtards children mature more slowly. Mom and dad provide their insurance til they are 26.
-------------------------------------- excellent point , my parents woulda been ashamed of me if i wasn't somewhat independent at 15 to when i finally left the house at 17 - 18 . Course i was welcome at the house at any age but parents woulda thought that i was messed up if i wasn't ready and willing to give life a shot on my own . ----------------- heck , my Dad and Uncles were storming 'europes' beaches at 18 - 20 years of age
There is no loophole. Private sellers do not have to run background that is not a loophole...that you continue to use Loophole to describe it makes you a liar......

You stupid fuck. The fact a private gun seller is not doing background checks is the fucking loophole. Good God.

How'd you get so fucking stupid? Why did the NRA hire YOU?

So when a private seller sells to a private buyer that's a "gun show loophole?"

So if a single person sells a single gun to a single buyer in their living room that venue is now referred to as a "gun show?"

I find it a bit hilarious when someone is wrong and yet calls someone else a "stupid fuck." Me thinks you need to look in the mirror to find said fuck.

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