NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon users: Why?

It is a tool to find associations and not call content. Ravi, you are wrong, it was restricted to calls that had a foreign origin and a domestic link in the beginning, this is an expansion. Why do you seem more intent on protecting who is doing it than the fact it exists?

You are the one who is wrong. Read my last two posts.

I think the current evidence is better, but no matter. So we agree this practice should be stopped?

I have been saying so for seven years.

I see some people who only got mad about it only now "because Obama". Once again revealing they don't truly care about the Constitution or the truth or facts.
You are the one who is wrong. Read my last two posts.

I think the current evidence is better, but no matter. So we agree this practice should be stopped?

I have been saying so for seven years.

I see some people who only got mad about it only now "because Obama". Once again revealing they don't truly care about the Constitution or the truth or facts.

No one can do anything about it even if they don't like it.
Both of your idiot partisian parties are the problem. Now let's deal with it before
you can't take a piss without Dianne Feinstein knowing it...
Poor g....like all hacks you make jumps in logic that aren't warranted...it makes you look stupid kid.

You assume I did not know about data mining, you assume that I would support it because "Boooosh" did it...and you assume you are the smartest guy in the room.

You don't have the justification to make even one of those assumptions.

Barak the Magic President has expanded the use of this tool...plain and simple...you poor kid.

Obama administration defends collecting phone records from Verizon customers - chicagotribune.com
The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said today the collection of telephone records from millions of Americans as part of counterterrorism efforts has been going on for seven years and lawmakers were aware of it.

Lawmakers weren't the only ones aware this has been going on for a long time. Those of us who aren't brain dead partisan hacks have also been aware of it.

Senators Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat, and Saxby Chambliss, a Georgia Republican, told reporters they did not have a problem with the government's secret collection of records from millions of Verizon customers.

Oh, look! Bipartisanship!
I think the current evidence is better, but no matter. So we agree this practice should be stopped?

I have been saying so for seven years.

I see some people who only got mad about it only now "because Obama". Once again revealing they don't truly care about the Constitution or the truth or facts.

No one can do anything about it even if they don't like it.

You vote out the American Politburo. That's how you do something about it.

All that shit Bush and the GOP Congress were doing is why they got their asses whupped in the 2006 and 2008 elections.

Look, folks, this spying on Americans shit was literally in all the papers seven years ago. But it appears a lot of people had really dense partisan mental blocks to this problem because their idol Bush and the GOP Congress were doing it.

Now they hear about it, and their Obama Derangement Syndrome kicks in.

This sudden found faux love of the Constitution isn't fooling anyone.
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Obama administration defends collecting phone records from Verizon customers - chicagotribune.com
The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said today the collection of telephone records from millions of Americans as part of counterterrorism efforts has been going on for seven years and lawmakers were aware of it.

Lawmakers weren't the only ones aware this has been going on for a long time. Those of us who aren't brain dead partisan hacks have also been aware of it.

Senators Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat, and Saxby Chambliss, a Georgia Republican, told reporters they did not have a problem with the government's secret collection of records from millions of Verizon customers.

Oh, look! Bipartisanship!

But not the good kind. One's an old Communist Globalist hack, and the other's an old Neocon Globalist hack. It's not surprising they agree on this one.
It is a tool to find associations and not call content. Ravi, you are wrong, it was restricted to calls that had a foreign origin and a domestic link in the beginning, this is an expansion. Why do you seem more intent on protecting who is doing it than the fact it exists?
I see that in your embarrassment at getting caught with your pants down you've decided to put words in my mouth.

Learn something, dope:

Reform the Patriot Act | Section 215 | American Civil Liberties Union
I havent seen where obama expanded it. All I see is the act is rubberstamped every 3 months by a judge for the past 7 years. But hey I guess being profiled by the irs is more important.
They're just Sweeping or 'Mining.' They're spying on everyone in the name of 'Security.' That's what's going on. Guilty till proven innocent. Welcome to the new America. Check your Freedom & Liberty at the door. :(
Looks like Big Brother and the Terrorists have won. But the American People have lost. What a sad tragedy.
Someone please correct me if they KNOW I am wrong but I do not think that

"TELEPHONIC META-DATA" is NOT a listening wiretap on each phone number

I believe that what this is a data about each connection made but NOT the content of each connection.

I have NO idea what they might be looking for, but I do not think they are listening to millions of calls.

I suspect that this kind of data can provide is patterns of telephonic activity that suggest some of ORGANIZED telephonic behavior.

I do not think they are looking for mad bombers or the left or the right, I do think they are looking for evidence of ORGANIZATIONAL behaviors on the system.

Just a guess, of course, but based on what we've been told about this event, they're looking for something much more subtle than what most of us seem to think they're looking for.

See the thread on "dont worry -- it's just metadata"... If you gave me your phone metadata, I know where you bank, your business clients, where you've been, who you've been with when you traveled, and maybe even a good guess at whether you were having an affair or own a weapon. CARE TO PLAY????

No one is gonna win this argument saying that all that info is harmless. Especially when you know in detail how it can be combined and ENRICHED with other other infomation out ther in the grasp of the govt..

Exactly. The government would not be collecting this data if they could not glean valuable information about American citizens out of it.

The idea this is "harmless" flies in the face of logic.

Are you reading my post and thinking I am trying to say this is HARMLESS?

Do any of you see the word HARMLESS in my post?

If anything my post is suggesting what this kind of data can be used for.

Whether that is harmless or not depends on INTENT.

I cannot read the minds of the NSA, can you?
When Bush was in office there were rules. One side of the call had to be in a foreign country, and be a number or from a person known to be on a terrorist watch list. This is not the equal of Americans making local calls to one another no matter HOW liberals want to make it so. The taps under Bush were to identify those who would bring harm to the country. The taps under obama are to identify those who are critical of obama.

These are not wiretaps. Same rules as with the Bush Administration. They even gave the telecoms immunity after the fact. Now of course the Warrant(s) absolves the Telecoms.....

Ready to repeal the Patriot Act yet?
54 Democrats in the House voted to extend the Patriot Act in 2011. Are you lobbying them yet?

How many Republicans did?
Poor g.....

These two Liberal Senators show your claims to be complete bullshit.
Obama has not only EXPANDED it, his Admin is using "it's own secret interpretations" of Section 215.

You jus ain't all that kid. This letter is a must read.

That's funny, I remember Right-wingnut media attacking Obama for trying to weaken the Patriot Act!!!

American terrorist in Central Illinois - a personal account - Springfield Government | Examiner.com

The Obama administration wants to add new limits to the Patriot Act such as removing the FBI's ability to target John Doe suspects, such as Michael Fenton, with wire taps and requiring identification of the target. There are also some who question whether or not they should be able to search library records. Currently, the government is allowed to search library records under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which in cases like Michael Finton's, would allow authorities to see if suspects have been researching bomb types, ingredients, etc.

If the left is allowed to reform the anti-terrorism laws of the previous administration, I am afraid the security of the American people will be at risk. Because, in my experience, terrorists can be the person you least expect.
Poor g.....

These two Liberal Senators show your claims to be complete bullshit.
Obama has not only EXPANDED it, his Admin is using "it's own secret interpretations" of Section 215.

You jus ain't all that kid. This letter is a must read.

That's funny, I remember Right-wingnut media attacking Obama for trying to weaken the Patriot Act!!!

American terrorist in Central Illinois - a personal account - Springfield Government | Examiner.com

The Obama administration wants to add new limits to the Patriot Act such as removing the FBI's ability to target John Doe suspects, such as Michael Fenton, with wire taps and requiring identification of the target. There are also some who question whether or not they should be able to search library records. Currently, the government is allowed to search library records under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which in cases like Michael Finton's, would allow authorities to see if suspects have been researching bomb types, ingredients, etc.

If the left is allowed to reform the anti-terrorism laws of the previous administration, I am afraid the security of the American people will be at risk. Because, in my experience, terrorists can be the person you least expect.

So you enjoy being spied on and it's good for America ?
Poor g.....

These two Liberal Senators show your claims to be complete bullshit.
Obama has not only EXPANDED it, his Admin is using "it's own secret interpretations" of Section 215.

You jus ain't all that kid. This letter is a must read.

That's funny, I remember Right-wingnut media attacking Obama for trying to weaken the Patriot Act!!!

American terrorist in Central Illinois - a personal account - Springfield Government | Examiner.com

The Obama administration wants to add new limits to the Patriot Act such as removing the FBI's ability to target John Doe suspects, such as Michael Fenton, with wire taps and requiring identification of the target. There are also some who question whether or not they should be able to search library records. Currently, the government is allowed to search library records under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which in cases like Michael Finton's, would allow authorities to see if suspects have been researching bomb types, ingredients, etc.

If the left is allowed to reform the anti-terrorism laws of the previous administration, I am afraid the security of the American people will be at risk. Because, in my experience, terrorists can be the person you least expect.

So you enjoy being spied on and it's good for America ?
Now that's a desperate attempt to deflect. How exactly do you come to that conclusion from my rebutting the claim that Obama EXPANDED the Patriot Act by showing the wingnut media attacking Obama for restricting it?????? :cuckoo:
Obama's use of the Patriot Act has nothing to do with terrorism or security. It's not even about looking for criminals, it's about identifying political opponents, THEN looking for something to charge them with.
They're just Sweeping or 'Mining.' They're spying on everyone in the name of 'Security.' That's what's going on. Guilty till proven innocent. Welcome to the new America. Check your Freedom & Liberty at the door. :(

Why haven't you been complaining for the last seven years about this? Oh right, you're a dishonest Republican.
See the thread on "dont worry -- it's just metadata"... If you gave me your phone metadata, I know where you bank, your business clients, where you've been, who you've been with when you traveled, and maybe even a good guess at whether you were having an affair or own a weapon. CARE TO PLAY????

No one is gonna win this argument saying that all that info is harmless. Especially when you know in detail how it can be combined and ENRICHED with other other infomation out ther in the grasp of the govt..

Exactly. The government would not be collecting this data if they could not glean valuable information about American citizens out of it.

The idea this is "harmless" flies in the face of logic.

Are you reading my post and thinking I am trying to say this is HARMLESS?

Do any of you see the word HARMLESS in my post?

If anything my post is suggesting what this kind of data can be used for.

Whether that is harmless or not depends on INTENT.

I cannot read the minds of the NSA, can you?

It' all about what they intend to do with it.

If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.

Excuse me while I puke.

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