NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon users: Why?

All I can say is it is about time that you nutters joined us liberals in voicing opposition to this sort of thing.

The outrage from your chosen representatives should be interesting......since just about all of them approved this program. It is hardly a secret on Captol Hill.

Now, lets all do the right thing and insist that the Patriot Act be repealed!

Are you with me nutters?!!!!!
All I can say is it is about time that you nutters joined us liberals in voicing opposition to this sort of thing.

The outrage from your chosen representatives should be interesting......since just about all of them approved this program. It is hardly a secret on Captol Hill.

Now, lets all do the right thing and insist that the Patriot Act be repealed!

Are you with me nutters?!!!!!

Calling people nutter really builds unity.
You're just as efficient at dividing us as obama,congrats on a swell job,he'd be proud.

As I've said before,this should be an issue that knows no party line.
All I can say is it is about time that you nutters joined us liberals in voicing opposition to this sort of thing.

The outrage from your chosen representatives should be interesting......since just about all of them approved this program. It is hardly a secret on Captol Hill.

Now, lets all do the right thing and insist that the Patriot Act be repealed!

Are you with me nutters?!!!!!

I haven't exactly seen the senate or house screaming from the mountain tops to end the patriot act since O took office.
All I can say is it is about time that you nutters joined us liberals in voicing opposition to this sort of thing.

The outrage from your chosen representatives should be interesting......since just about all of them approved this program. It is hardly a secret on Captol Hill.

Now, lets all do the right thing and insist that the Patriot Act be repealed!

Are you with me nutters?!!!!!

Calling people nutter really builds unity.
You're just as efficient at dividing us as obama,congrats on a swell job,he'd be proud.

As I've said before,this should be an issue that knows no party line.

You are right. My use of the word nutter is not going to bring us closer together. I promise to stop using it when the sane among you come down hard on the crazy among you.
All I can say is it is about time that you nutters joined us liberals in voicing opposition to this sort of thing.

The outrage from your chosen representatives should be interesting......since just about all of them approved this program. It is hardly a secret on Captol Hill.

Now, lets all do the right thing and insist that the Patriot Act be repealed!

Are you with me nutters?!!!!!

You still gonna still vote Democrat even tho they suck at protecting your Civil Rights? If you are -- I'll decline and keep voting against BOTH of your sorry ass parties...

But --- my heart flutters when I see for the first time in years -- general agreement that we are being screwed on Civil Liberties. And for that -- I thank you...

Now board the bus and swab your cheek...
All I can say is it is about time that you nutters joined us liberals in voicing opposition to this sort of thing.

The outrage from your chosen representatives should be interesting......since just about all of them approved this program. It is hardly a secret on Captol Hill.

Now, lets all do the right thing and insist that the Patriot Act be repealed!

Are you with me nutters?!!!!!

I haven't exactly seen the senate or house screaming from the mountain tops to end the patriot act since O took office.

Let's be realistic, please.

Job number one for any politico is to get re-elected.

Being singled out by the noise machine as "weak on defense" or "unwilling to battle terrorism" frightens nearly EVERY ONE OF THEM.

They don't scream unless they think it will win them votes.

It is OUR JOB to push them in the right direction. We need to drown out the crazy noise machine. Otherwise.......there will be no movement on this.
All I can say is it is about time that you nutters joined us liberals in voicing opposition to this sort of thing.

The outrage from your chosen representatives should be interesting......since just about all of them approved this program. It is hardly a secret on Captol Hill.

Now, lets all do the right thing and insist that the Patriot Act be repealed!

Are you with me nutters?!!!!!

I haven't exactly seen the senate or house screaming from the mountain tops to end the patriot act since O took office.

Let's be realistic, please.

Job number one for any politico is to get re-elected.

Being singled out by the noise machine as "weak on defense" or "unwilling to battle terrorism" frightens nearly EVERY ONE OF THEM.

They don't scream unless they think it will win them votes.

It is OUR JOB to push them in the right direction. We need to drown out the crazy noise machine. Otherwise.......there will be no movement on this.

THEY --- don't matter. I wouldn't touch one -- never mind try to push one..

What the PEOPLE know is what matters. And the keepers of that are the nincompoops in the media...

Why don't you go get Jon Steward and Colbert to be CONSISTENT and PRINCIPLED on this issue and to stop pretending that it's just a football? Because THEY have more sway than Hannity or Maddow.. They have shown how powerful mocking is..
All this fighting between Democrats and Republicans, when both sides should be worried about how intrusive their government has become. It doesn't fucking matter who did what. This is wrong on so many different levels and all we can do is point fingers at each other. Do something productive! Contact your senator/representative, flood the Verizon Corporate office with calls voicing your displeasure.

Now that the Government has your "telephony metadata" as the order calls it, it won't matter if it's made to stop, they already have what they need.
The Government will NEVER give up this power.

They will when the people say enough.

Obama administration defends massive phone record collection

(Reuters) - The Obama administration on Thursday defended its collection of the telephone records of millions of Americans as part of U.S. counterterrorism efforts, re-igniting a fierce debate over privacy even as it called the program critical to warding off an attack.

"It's called protecting America," added Senator Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee

Which is like saying that fucking preserves virginity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My burning question, how does invading my privacy protect me or my country?
On the flip side.

What if?

What if there actually DOES exist some rational, coherent basis for the application even in its presently overly broad form?

This must be SOME major threat.

Or maybe it's just some major potential or possible threat?

We may find out sometime in 2038.

Until then, it looks like the Administration is pretty damn worried about terrorism. But ...

didn't they assure us that with the death of bin Laden the war against terrorists was effectively over?
Actually at this point it is the phone companies who want the court order renewed every 3 months.

Verizon providing all call records to U.S. under court order - The Washington Post

An expert in this aspect of the law said Wednesday night that the order appears to be a routine renewal of a similar order first issued by the same court in 2006. The expert, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive issues, said that the order is reissued routinely every 90 days and that it is not related to any particular investigation by the FBI or any other agency.

The expert referred to such orders as “rubber stamps” sought by the telephone companies to protect themselves after the disclosure in 2005 that widespread warrantless wiretaps could leave them liable for damages.

The phone companies are NOT the applicants.

To the extent that they are taking the position that a fresh reissued new warrant every three months may help them against lawsuits, that merely begs the actual question:

WHY does the Government apply for them if they are not related to a particular and on-going investigation?

Those are the requirements.

So is EVERY such application (assuming there are more than just this one out there) essentially an effort to commit a fraud upon the court?

And, still: where the hell is the oversight?

The law also requires the reporting to Congress of the applications for the warrants. Does NOBODY in Congress ever demand to know WHAT investigation is supposedly going on?

Aside from the FBI agent who signed the application, his direct bosses and the AG's Office and the Judge and the FISA court staff, who else knew about these absurd subpoenas?

If ANY member or members of Congress knew and either didn't ask the pertinent questions or worse yet, got lied to in reply, then Congress isn't doing its job of oversight or somebody has committed some serious crimes by lying to Congress.
I expect to see the left wing outrage in




I suspect left-wingers may be less outraged because they have less to hide. Just a guess...

Whether you have anything to hide or not has nothing to do with it.



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRhjgynfhag]DNI James Clapper says that the NSA does not collect data on millions of Americans - YouTube[/ame]
The Government will NEVER give up this power.

They will when the people say enough.

Obama administration defends massive phone record collection

(Reuters) - The Obama administration on Thursday defended its collection of the telephone records of millions of Americans as part of U.S. counterterrorism efforts, re-igniting a fierce debate over privacy even as it called the program critical to warding off an attack.

"It's called protecting America," added Senator Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee

Which is like saying that fucking preserves virginity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My burning question, how does invading my privacy protect me or my country?

It doesn't.

But they are not looking to protect you or the country. They want to protect their careers and power.

One other thing, if Liberals are continuing to blame Bush for this, why didn't the Obama administration try to repeal the Patriot Act sooner? Or is it because our government is too addicted to power? Or is it because Liberals don't want to further tarnish the reputation of their chosen one? You know, Obama could have done something to stop this if he wanted to.
I haven't exactly seen the senate or house screaming from the mountain tops to end the patriot act since O took office.

Let's be realistic, please.

Job number one for any politico is to get re-elected.

Being singled out by the noise machine as "weak on defense" or "unwilling to battle terrorism" frightens nearly EVERY ONE OF THEM.

They don't scream unless they think it will win them votes.

It is OUR JOB to push them in the right direction. We need to drown out the crazy noise machine. Otherwise.......there will be no movement on this.

THEY --- don't matter. I wouldn't touch one -- never mind try to push one..

What the PEOPLE know is what matters. And the keepers of that are the nincompoops in the media...

Why don't you go get Jon Steward and Colbert to be CONSISTENT and PRINCIPLED on this issue and to stop pretending that it's just a football? Because THEY have more sway than Hannity or Maddow.. They have shown how powerful mocking is..

Dude. I watch Stewart a few nights per month. I am pretty sure he is 100% against the Patriot Act. Those two are more principled than Hannity....for sure. Maddow? No. She is right there with them.

The media does what makes them money. Your conservative principles led to that.
One other thing, if Liberals are continuing to blame Bush for this, why didn't the Obama administration try to repeal the Patriot Act sooner? Or is it because our government is too addicted to power? Or is it because Liberals don't want to further tarnish the reputation of their chosen one? You know, Obama could have done something to stop this if he wanted to.
Senator Obama absolutely DESPISED the Patriot Act

Point is -- the court and the purpose of the warrant is secret...

We are only here today all pissed out because this was LEAKED to the UK Guardian..

Whatever happened to Carnivore? I'm sure it ate some really juicy posts off of my message board usage.
In 2007, then SENATOR Obama expressed an intent to LIMIT the use of National Security Letters and resort to the provisions of the Patriot Act.

What happened?

Wanna read something funny? Obama's words in 2008:

But I want everyone to understand, I taught constitutional law for ten years, I take the constitution very seriously. The biggest problems we\'re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through congress at all and that\'s what I intend to reverse when I am President of the United States of America.
Found at Barack Obama - Homeland Security look for the sub-topic 2008 Campaign Event - PATRIOT Act then click the hyperlink.

He "taught" con. Law? Sort of.

HE takes the Constitution "very seriously?" Apparently NOT.

BRINGING more power to the Executive branch is a BAD thing? Then why the fuck is Obama DOING it? Or maybe it's only "bad" in his pin head when it was Booooosh doing it (allegedly).

He has BEEN President for 4 and a half fucking years. WHEN exactly is the dipshit planning on this alleged "reversal" that supposedly intended to do?

One other thing, if Liberals are continuing to blame Bush for this, why didn't the Obama administration try to repeal the Patriot Act sooner? Or is it because our government is too addicted to power? Or is it because Liberals don't want to further tarnish the reputation of their chosen one? You know, Obama could have done something to stop this if he wanted to.
Senator Obama absolutely DESPISED the Patriot Act

...unitl he got control of the reins and then it was fun.
One other thing, if Liberals are continuing to blame Bush for this, why didn't the Obama administration try to repeal the Patriot Act sooner? Or is it because our government is too addicted to power? Or is it because Liberals don't want to further tarnish the reputation of their chosen one? You know, Obama could have done something to stop this if he wanted to.
Senator Obama absolutely DESPISED the Patriot Act

...unitl he got control of the reins and then it was fun.


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