NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon users: Why?


Point is -- the court and the purpose of the warrant is secret...

We are only here today all pissed out because this was LEAKED to the UK Guardian..

Whatever happened to Carnivore? I'm sure it ate some really juicy posts off of my message board usage.

No. that's not the point. WE might not have access to it under normal circumstances BUT

it is still designed to GET oversight. From the Court, primarily, pursuant to the TERMS of the laws.

And from CONGRESS which is also provided for by virtue of the reporting requirement the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH wrote INTO the law.

Carnivore is not the issue.

The lack of oversight is the big problem.
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Let's be realistic, please.

Job number one for any politico is to get re-elected.

Being singled out by the noise machine as "weak on defense" or "unwilling to battle terrorism" frightens nearly EVERY ONE OF THEM.

They don't scream unless they think it will win them votes.

It is OUR JOB to push them in the right direction. We need to drown out the crazy noise machine. Otherwise.......there will be no movement on this.

THEY --- don't matter. I wouldn't touch one -- never mind try to push one..

What the PEOPLE know is what matters. And the keepers of that are the nincompoops in the media...

Why don't you go get Jon Steward and Colbert to be CONSISTENT and PRINCIPLED on this issue and to stop pretending that it's just a football? Because THEY have more sway than Hannity or Maddow.. They have shown how powerful mocking is..

Dude. I watch Stewart a few nights per month. I am pretty sure he is 100% against the Patriot Act. Those two are more principled than Hannity....for sure. Maddow? No. She is right there with them.

The media does what makes them money. Your conservative principles led to that.

Come off the rhetoric.. Viewers are there BY CHOICE. Not because of money. And the fact that media are TARGETED to audiences to make money -- does not automatically pollute their credibility..

And tho Stewart IS PROBABLY consistently against this breach.. His 1st inclination is to whine about Bush and show how hypocrital it is.. That's how we got here. He needs to be made aware that we are ALL whining about right now and instead of ridiculing Repubs, he needs to target ALL the guilty..

That's why I always liked Colbert better. All the politicians that deserve mocking --- get mocked. Like Feinstein today with her "Don't worry -- its only metadata" BShit.

The partisians need to stop the 6 yr old routine when you and your nidget brother both get caught doing the same thing..

And you need to stop supporting tools like Feinstein just because she can win.. THat's where the blame goes.

Basically.... If you are serious and consistent....

The LEFT needs a Tea Party. Somewhere where your PRINCIPLED politicians can hang out and be protected from the corrupt and unprincipled party leaders of the Dems and Reps..
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One other thing, if Liberals are continuing to blame Bush for this, why didn't the Obama administration try to repeal the Patriot Act sooner? Or is it because our government is too addicted to power? Or is it because Liberals don't want to further tarnish the reputation of their chosen one? You know, Obama could have done something to stop this if he wanted to.
Senator Obama absolutely DESPISED the Patriot Act

Yes. I believe he said as much.

And then....after he was elected....he extended it.

This is a black mark on his record.

It seems that you would like people like me......those who support his Presidency and find his overall performance to be satisfactory.......to grab a butter knife and begin cutting off our balls because he failed to follow through on this matter.

Check it out........the dude is far less than perfect. Shocker!
One other thing, if Liberals are continuing to blame Bush for this, why didn't the Obama administration try to repeal the Patriot Act sooner? Or is it because our government is too addicted to power? Or is it because Liberals don't want to further tarnish the reputation of their chosen one? You know, Obama could have done something to stop this if he wanted to.
Senator Obama absolutely DESPISED the Patriot Act

President Obama sure doesn't despise it now, my good man.

One other thing, if Liberals are continuing to blame Bush for this, why didn't the Obama administration try to repeal the Patriot Act sooner? Or is it because our government is too addicted to power? Or is it because Liberals don't want to further tarnish the reputation of their chosen one? You know, Obama could have done something to stop this if he wanted to.
Senator Obama absolutely DESPISED the Patriot Act

Yes. I believe he said as much.

And then....after he was elected....he extended it.

This is a black mark on his record.

It seems that you would like people like me......those who support his Presidency and find his overall performance to be satisfactory.......to grab a butter knife and begin cutting off our balls because he failed to follow through on this matter.

Check it out........the dude is far less than perfect. Shocker!

I DO like you.
I pull your chain from time to time but, mostly, you're non-partisan when it comes to common sense stuff.

Besides this "black mark" (and I won;t even say "race card!!" :D ), it seems that Obama has been constantly 'data-mining' the living shit out of us.

Besides this most recent nosiness of the IRS, they will soon have access to all of our medical records.
We have the NSA casting a net over the entire country and collecting data.
EPA drones
DNA collections

Senator Obama absolutely DESPISED the Patriot Act

Yes. I believe he said as much.

And then....after he was elected....he extended it.

This is a black mark on his record.

It seems that you would like people like me......those who support his Presidency and find his overall performance to be satisfactory.......to grab a butter knife and begin cutting off our balls because he failed to follow through on this matter.

Check it out........the dude is far less than perfect. Shocker!

I DO like you.
I pull your chain from time to time but, mostly, you're non-partisan when it comes to common sense stuff.

Besides this "black mark" (and I won;t even say "race card!!" :D ), it seems that Obama has been constantly 'data-mining' the living shit out of us.

Besides this most recent nosiness of the IRS, they will soon have access to all of our medical records.
We have the NSA casting a net over the entire country and collecting data.
EPA drones
DNA collections


Again Horty (with respect) Sir... These current events have not been engineered by Obama. Just neglected. Like a lot of other blowups..

If you start making a list --- like you did --- and remember that these clowns stole TRILLIONS in Soc Sec surplus to balance their budgets out of the wallets of the working class, and are bombing or droning 6 countries a year and patting down 3 yr olds at the airport --- we might quickly get to the same level of grievances that was cited in the Declaration of Independence.. And you know what they say about the govt serving on our consent? Might be time for one of the events that Jefferson and the founders hinted might be useful every so often..
Yes. I believe he said as much.

And then....after he was elected....he extended it.

This is a black mark on his record.

It seems that you would like people like me......those who support his Presidency and find his overall performance to be satisfactory.......to grab a butter knife and begin cutting off our balls because he failed to follow through on this matter.

Check it out........the dude is far less than perfect. Shocker!

I DO like you.
I pull your chain from time to time but, mostly, you're non-partisan when it comes to common sense stuff.

Besides this "black mark" (and I won;t even say "race card!!" :D ), it seems that Obama has been constantly 'data-mining' the living shit out of us.

Besides this most recent nosiness of the IRS, they will soon have access to all of our medical records.
We have the NSA casting a net over the entire country and collecting data.
EPA drones
DNA collections


Again Horty (with respect) Sir... These current events have not been engineered by Obama. Just neglected. Like a lot of other blowups..

If you start making a list --- like you did --- and remember that these clowns stole TRILLIONS in Soc Sec surplus to balance their budgets out of the wallets of the working class, and are bombing or droning 6 countries a year and patting down 3 yr olds at the airport --- we might quickly get to the same level of grievances that was cited in the Declaration of Independence.. And you know what they say about the govt serving on our consent? Might be time for one of the events that Jefferson and the founders hinted might be useful every so often..

I did incorrectly tie Obama to all of that.

BUT he IS the President.
Let him show the leadership qualities that his drooling followers claim he has and put his foot down and call out the assholes over this sort of behavior.

I won't hold my breath
I expect to see the left wing outrage in




I suspect left-wingers may be less outraged because they have less to hide. Just a guess...

Who says that the next president whether it's a Republican or democrat will not use all this new power against the citizens of this country? Why do you feel safe when they have it?
One other thing, if Liberals are continuing to blame Bush for this, why didn't the Obama administration try to repeal the Patriot Act sooner? Or is it because our government is too addicted to power? Or is it because Liberals don't want to further tarnish the reputation of their chosen one? You know, Obama could have done something to stop this if he wanted to.

Well, you see, the alleged "Conservatives" were so rock hard and engorged over the Patriot Act and all its intrusions on our privacy and its Constitutional violations, they had no blood left for their brains to think about what would happen when power shifted and the other party inherited all this kick ass totalitarian shit they had created.

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One other thing, if Liberals are continuing to blame Bush for this, why didn't the Obama administration try to repeal the Patriot Act sooner? Or is it because our government is too addicted to power? Or is it because Liberals don't want to further tarnish the reputation of their chosen one? You know, Obama could have done something to stop this if he wanted to.

Well, you see, the alleged "Conservatives" were so rock hard and engorged over the Patriot Act and all its intrusions on our privacy and its Constitutional violations, they had no blood left for their brains to think about what would happen when power shifted and the other party inherited all this kick ass totalitarian shit they had created.


What conservatives approved of was the patriot act being used outside the U.S. not inside the U.S. SO STOP THAT STUPID SHIT YOU DUMB SON OF A BITCH BUSH DID IT. HE DIDN'T DO THIS
One other thing, if Liberals are continuing to blame Bush for this, why didn't the Obama administration try to repeal the Patriot Act sooner? Or is it because our government is too addicted to power? Or is it because Liberals don't want to further tarnish the reputation of their chosen one? You know, Obama could have done something to stop this if he wanted to.

Well, you see, the alleged "Conservatives" were so rock hard and engorged over the Patriot Act and all its intrusions on our privacy and its Constitutional violations, they had no blood left for their brains to think about what would happen when power shifted and the other party inherited all this kick ass totalitarian shit they had created.


What conservatives approved of was the patriot act being used outside the U.S. not inside the U.S. SO STOP THAT STUPID SHIT YOU DUMB SON OF A BITCH BUSH DID IT. HE DIDN'T DO THIS

You are wrong. Dead wrong. Thanks for proving you willfully blinded yourself during the Bush years.

If you don't want your ass to bleed, and wish to remain willfully blind, stop reading this post at this point.

Still here?


Let's take just a short trip back in time to 2006:

NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls

The National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans, using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, people with direct knowledge of the arrangement told USA TODAY.

The NSA program reaches into homes and businesses across the nation by amassing information about the calls of ordinary Americans — most of whom aren't suspected of any crime. This program does not involve the NSA listening to or recording conversations. But the spy agency is using the data to analyze calling patterns in an effort to detect terrorist activity, sources said in separate interviews.

"It's the largest database ever assembled in the world," said one person, who, like the others who agreed to talk about the NSA's activities, declined to be identified by name or affiliation. The agency's goal is "to create a database of every call ever made" within the nation's borders, this person added.

Among the big telecommunications companies, only Qwest has refused to help the NSA, the sources said. According to multiple sources, Qwest declined to participate because it was uneasy about the legal implications of handing over customer information to the government without warrants.

Qwest's refusal to participate has left the NSA with a hole in its database. Based in Denver, Qwest provides local phone service to 14 million customers in 14 states in the West and Northwest. But AT&T and Verizon also provide some services — primarily long-distance and wireless — to people who live in Qwest's region. Therefore, they can provide the NSA with at least some access in that area.

After searching your phone records, Bush asked Congress to give retroactive immunity to the telecommunications companies which turned over your records:

The Bush administration maintains that the changes are consistent with FISA's intent--that targeting foreign communications doesn't require a warrant--and that a warrant is still required for "targeting a person in the United States." But civil-liberties advocates argue that the government is creating a loophole to monitor Americans' e-mails and phone calls to overseas contacts without the intended court approval.

The new law also immunizes from legal liability the private companies that assist the government with surveillance going forward, but Bush repeated existing calls for making that policy retroactive as well.

"It's particularly important for Congress to provide meaningful liability protection to those companies now facing multibillion-dollar lawsuits only because they are believed to have assisted in efforts to defend our nation, following the 9/11 attacks," Bush said.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, which has sued AT&T over its allegedly illegal cooperation with the government, says references to the crippling liability posed by such suits suggest that the scope of the wiretapping is "massive."

The Republican Congress passed the law, giving them that immunity.

It was literally in all the papers.
Obama administration defends collecting phone records from Verizon customers - chicagotribune.com
The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said today the collection of telephone records from millions of Americans as part of counterterrorism efforts has been going on for seven years and lawmakers were aware of it.

Lawmakers weren't the only ones aware this has been going on for a long time. Those of us who aren't brain dead partisan hacks have also been aware of it.

Senators Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat, and Saxby Chambliss, a Georgia Republican, told reporters they did not have a problem with the government's secret collection of records from millions of Verizon customers.

Oh, look! Bipartisanship!
Latest news is this whole thing is a renewal, every 3 months, of a policy in place for the last SEVEN YEARS. ANOTHER BS Pub "scandal"...Watch lying Fox etc get hysterical, and cowardly, anything for ratings corporate media go along for the ride....
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Can someone/anyone link me to something supporting the claim that "conservatives were all in favor of the Patriot Act when Bush passed it"??
Your wish is my command. Is the Heritage Foundation CON$ervative enough for you? Please reward.

After Bin Laden: Support the PATRIOT Act

After bin Laden: Support the PATRIOT Act

Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act: Business Record Orders under FISA. Domestic prosecutors routinely rely on business records and other concrete evidence to prove a wide variety of criminal charges from simple theft to homicide. Law enforcement, working with local prosecutors, acquires this evidence throughout the course of an investigation, often through the use of a subpoena. However, national security agents did not have the same authority to acquire similar evidence prior to the passage of Section 215. They had to obtain a court order and were limited to those records held by a business that was a “common carrier, public accommodation facility, physical storage facility or vehicle rental facility.”
Section 215 eliminated those arbitrary, dangerously narrow and self-limiting provisions but required that the records sought are relevant to an authorized investigation. However, unlike a standard prosecutor-issued subpoena, or even a grand jury subpoena, an order issued under Section 215 requires FISA court approval. In other words, Congress inserted a federal judge between investigators and potential suspects. Furthermore, the law requires substantial congressional oversight.
This provision allows law enforcement, with approval from the FISA court, to require disclosure of documents and other records from businesses and other institutions without a suspect’s knowledge. Third-party recipients of Section 215 orders can appeal the order to the FISA court.
Section 215 further protects civil liberties by requiring additional approval for document requests that might have the slightest relation to freedom of speech and expression, such as library records.
As Wainstein testified, “There is no reason to return to the days when it is easier for prosecutors to secure records in a simple assault prosecution than for national security investigators to obtain records that may help prevent the next 9/11.”
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Can someone/anyone link me to something supporting the claim that "conservatives were all in favor of the Patriot Act when Bush passed it"??
Your wish is my command. Is the Heritage Foundation CON$ervative enough for you? Please reward.

After Bin Laden: Support the PATRIOT Act

After bin Laden: Support the PATRIOT Act

Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act: Business Record Orders under FISA. Domestic prosecutors routinely rely on business records and other concrete evidence to prove a wide variety of criminal charges from simple theft to homicide. Law enforcement, working with local prosecutors, acquires this evidence throughout the course of an investigation, often through the use of a subpoena. However, national security agents did not have the same authority to acquire similar evidence prior to the passage of Section 215. They had to obtain a court order and were limited to those records held by a business that was a “common carrier, public accommodation facility, physical storage facility or vehicle rental facility.”
Section 215 eliminated those arbitrary, dangerously narrow and self-limiting provisions but required that the records sought are relevant to an authorized investigation. However, unlike a standard prosecutor-issued subpoena, or even a grand jury subpoena, an order issued under Section 215 requires FISA court approval. In other words, Congress inserted a federal judge between investigators and potential suspects. Furthermore, the law requires substantial congressional oversight.
This provision allows law enforcement, with approval from the FISA court, to require disclosure of documents and other records from businesses and other institutions without a suspect’s knowledge. Third-party recipients of Section 215 orders can appeal the order to the FISA court.
Section 215 further protects civil liberties by requiring additional approval for document requests that might have the slightest relation to freedom of speech and expression, such as library records.
As Wainstein testified, “There is no reason to return to the days when it is easier for prosecutors to secure records in a simple assault prosecution than for national security investigators to obtain records that may help prevent the next 9/11.”

I was thinking of something more personal like, say, a quote of somebody here applauding it back then
Can someone/anyone link me to something supporting the claim that "conservatives were all in favor of the Patriot Act when Bush passed it"??
Your wish is my command. Is the Heritage Foundation CON$ervative enough for you? Please reward.

After Bin Laden: Support the PATRIOT Act

After bin Laden: Support the PATRIOT Act

Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act: Business Record Orders under FISA. Domestic prosecutors routinely rely on business records and other concrete evidence to prove a wide variety of criminal charges from simple theft to homicide. Law enforcement, working with local prosecutors, acquires this evidence throughout the course of an investigation, often through the use of a subpoena. However, national security agents did not have the same authority to acquire similar evidence prior to the passage of Section 215. They had to obtain a court order and were limited to those records held by a business that was a “common carrier, public accommodation facility, physical storage facility or vehicle rental facility.”
Section 215 eliminated those arbitrary, dangerously narrow and self-limiting provisions but required that the records sought are relevant to an authorized investigation. However, unlike a standard prosecutor-issued subpoena, or even a grand jury subpoena, an order issued under Section 215 requires FISA court approval. In other words, Congress inserted a federal judge between investigators and potential suspects. Furthermore, the law requires substantial congressional oversight.
This provision allows law enforcement, with approval from the FISA court, to require disclosure of documents and other records from businesses and other institutions without a suspect’s knowledge. Third-party recipients of Section 215 orders can appeal the order to the FISA court.
Section 215 further protects civil liberties by requiring additional approval for document requests that might have the slightest relation to freedom of speech and expression, such as library records.
As Wainstein testified, “There is no reason to return to the days when it is easier for prosecutors to secure records in a simple assault prosecution than for national security investigators to obtain records that may help prevent the next 9/11.”

I was thinking of something more personal like, say, a quote of somebody here applauding it back then

You have got to be kidding. There are nutters here who STILL support it.
Can someone/anyone link me to something supporting the claim that "conservatives were all in favor of the Patriot Act when Bush passed it"??
Your wish is my command. Is the Heritage Foundation CON$ervative enough for you? Please reward.

After Bin Laden: Support the PATRIOT Act

After bin Laden: Support the PATRIOT Act

Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act: Business Record Orders under FISA. Domestic prosecutors routinely rely on business records and other concrete evidence to prove a wide variety of criminal charges from simple theft to homicide. Law enforcement, working with local prosecutors, acquires this evidence throughout the course of an investigation, often through the use of a subpoena. However, national security agents did not have the same authority to acquire similar evidence prior to the passage of Section 215. They had to obtain a court order and were limited to those records held by a business that was a “common carrier, public accommodation facility, physical storage facility or vehicle rental facility.”
Section 215 eliminated those arbitrary, dangerously narrow and self-limiting provisions but required that the records sought are relevant to an authorized investigation. However, unlike a standard prosecutor-issued subpoena, or even a grand jury subpoena, an order issued under Section 215 requires FISA court approval. In other words, Congress inserted a federal judge between investigators and potential suspects. Furthermore, the law requires substantial congressional oversight.
This provision allows law enforcement, with approval from the FISA court, to require disclosure of documents and other records from businesses and other institutions without a suspect’s knowledge. Third-party recipients of Section 215 orders can appeal the order to the FISA court.
Section 215 further protects civil liberties by requiring additional approval for document requests that might have the slightest relation to freedom of speech and expression, such as library records.
As Wainstein testified, “There is no reason to return to the days when it is easier for prosecutors to secure records in a simple assault prosecution than for national security investigators to obtain records that may help prevent the next 9/11.”

And of course you'll ignore the White House weak-ass attempt to justify all of this EVEN TODAY. Or Feinstein asserting "it's all about keep the nation safe"..

Partisianship dies hard .. Or in Franco's case it may be cause of his demise..

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