NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon users: Why?

Obama's use of the Patriot Act has nothing to do with terrorism or security. It's not even about looking for criminals, it's about identifying political opponents, THEN looking for something to charge them with.

Why do you allege such bullshit when you know BOTH welfare/warfare parties are equally criminal.

Obama's use of the Patriot Act has nothing to do with terrorism or security. It's not even about looking for criminals, it's about identifying political opponents, THEN looking for something to charge them with.

You have zero proof of this.
fu BO....fu Verizon....fu fbi....fu congress weaklings....fu secret courts.....fu anti-Americans with your anti-Constitutional laws....

They're just Sweeping or 'Mining.' They're spying on everyone in the name of 'Security.' That's what's going on. Guilty till proven innocent. Welcome to the new America. Check your Freedom & Liberty at the door. :(

Why haven't you been complaining for the last seven years about this? Oh right, you're a dishonest Republican.

Why aren't you condemning it today?

Oh, because you are a moronic lefty who supports this as long it is is being done BY a lefty.
Poor g.....

These two Liberal Senators show your claims to be complete bullshit.
Obama has not only EXPANDED it, his Admin is using "it's own secret interpretations" of Section 215.

You jus ain't all that kid. This letter is a must read.

That's funny, I remember Right-wingnut media attacking Obama for trying to weaken the Patriot Act!!!

American terrorist in Central Illinois - a personal account - Springfield Government | Examiner.com

The Obama administration wants to add new limits to the Patriot Act such as removing the FBI's ability to target John Doe suspects, such as Michael Fenton, with wire taps and requiring identification of the target. There are also some who question whether or not they should be able to search library records. Currently, the government is allowed to search library records under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which in cases like Michael Finton's, would allow authorities to see if suspects have been researching bomb types, ingredients, etc.

If the left is allowed to reform the anti-terrorism laws of the previous administration, I am afraid the security of the American people will be at risk. Because, in my experience, terrorists can be the person you least expect.

Why not deal with Obama's "secret" interpretation kid?
Poor g.....

These two Liberal Senators show your claims to be complete bullshit.
Obama has not only EXPANDED it, his Admin is using "it's own secret interpretations" of Section 215.

You jus ain't all that kid. This letter is a must read.

That's funny, I remember Right-wingnut media attacking Obama for trying to weaken the Patriot Act!!!

American terrorist in Central Illinois - a personal account - Springfield Government | Examiner.com

The Obama administration wants to add new limits to the Patriot Act such as removing the FBI's ability to target John Doe suspects, such as Michael Fenton, with wire taps and requiring identification of the target. There are also some who question whether or not they should be able to search library records. Currently, the government is allowed to search library records under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which in cases like Michael Finton's, would allow authorities to see if suspects have been researching bomb types, ingredients, etc.

If the left is allowed to reform the anti-terrorism laws of the previous administration, I am afraid the security of the American people will be at risk. Because, in my experience, terrorists can be the person you least expect.

Why not deal with Obama's "secret" interpretation kid?
First of all, it's a secret, and it is probably another restriction on the Patriot Act weakening it like he was being attacked for in the wingnut media above!
I just read through 13 pages of this and it has gone as I expected.

Anyway some News about this.

1 - The Administration is claiming that they are keeping the records on file in case they need them to build a case against someone in the future..

2 - Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), the author of the Patriot Act is pissed and is writing an Amendment to the bill to stop this from happening again.

The PA expires next year and there is an opinion by some that they are trying to get as much information as possible now in case there are changes, which is now guaranteed to happen, next year.

When the PA first came out, I reluctantly supported it. I wanted more oversight.. More controls, more restrictions on it's use. I wasn't one of those that said "If you aren't hiding something, why are you concerned?". I am always concerned about the power of the Federal Government over the people.

When it comes to National Security my motto is that you never throw a tool away just because it can be abused. You place restrictions on when that tool can be used to hopefully prevent abuse.
That's funny, I remember Right-wingnut media attacking Obama for trying to weaken the Patriot Act!!!

American terrorist in Central Illinois - a personal account - Springfield Government | Examiner.com

The Obama administration wants to add new limits to the Patriot Act such as removing the FBI's ability to target John Doe suspects, such as Michael Fenton, with wire taps and requiring identification of the target. There are also some who question whether or not they should be able to search library records. Currently, the government is allowed to search library records under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which in cases like Michael Finton's, would allow authorities to see if suspects have been researching bomb types, ingredients, etc.

If the left is allowed to reform the anti-terrorism laws of the previous administration, I am afraid the security of the American people will be at risk. Because, in my experience, terrorists can be the person you least expect.

Why not deal with Obama's "secret" interpretation kid?
First of all, it's a secret, and it is probably another restriction on the Patriot Act weakening it like he was being attacked for in the wingnut media above!

LOL, translation:"Beacuse Bammy is doing it it is ok."
I just read through 13 pages of this and it has gone as I expected.

Anyway some News about this.

1 - The Administration is claiming that they are keeping the records on file in case they need them to build a case against someone in the future..

2 - Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), the author of the Patriot Act is pissed and is writing an Amendment to the bill to stop this from happening again.

The PA expires next year and there is an opinion by some that they are trying to get as much information as possible now in case there are changes, which is now guaranteed to happen, next year.

When the PA first came out, I reluctantly supported it. I wanted more oversight.. More controls, more restrictions on it's use. I wasn't one of those that said "If you aren't hiding something, why are you concerned?". I am always concerned about the power of the Federal Government over the people.

When it comes to National Security my motto is that you never throw a tool away just because it can be abused. You place restrictions on when that tool can be used to hopefully prevent abuse.

The Government will NEVER give up this power.
I just read through 13 pages of this and it has gone as I expected.

Anyway some News about this.

1 - The Administration is claiming that they are keeping the records on file in case they need them to build a case against someone in the future..

2 - Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), the author of the Patriot Act is pissed and is writing an Amendment to the bill to stop this from happening again.

The PA expires next year and there is an opinion by some that they are trying to get as much information as possible now in case there are changes, which is now guaranteed to happen, next year.

When the PA first came out, I reluctantly supported it. I wanted more oversight.. More controls, more restrictions on it's use. I wasn't one of those that said "If you aren't hiding something, why are you concerned?". I am always concerned about the power of the Federal Government over the people.

When it comes to National Security my motto is that you never throw a tool away just because it can be abused. You place restrictions on when that tool can be used to hopefully prevent abuse.

He/They can write any fucking amendment that they want. The damage is done and it's irreversible. No law can go back in time and change the course of history.
The Government will NEVER give up this power.

They will when the people say enough.

Obama administration defends massive phone record collection

(Reuters) - The Obama administration on Thursday defended its collection of the telephone records of millions of Americans as part of U.S. counterterrorism efforts, re-igniting a fierce debate over privacy even as it called the program critical to warding off an attack.

"It's called protecting America," added Senator Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee

Which is like saying that fucking preserves virginity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just read through 13 pages of this and it has gone as I expected.

Anyway some News about this.

1 - The Administration is claiming that they are keeping the records on file in case they need them to build a case against someone in the future..

2 - Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), the author of the Patriot Act is pissed and is writing an Amendment to the bill to stop this from happening again.

The PA expires next year and there is an opinion by some that they are trying to get as much information as possible now in case there are changes, which is now guaranteed to happen, next year.

When the PA first came out, I reluctantly supported it. I wanted more oversight.. More controls, more restrictions on it's use. I wasn't one of those that said "If you aren't hiding something, why are you concerned?". I am always concerned about the power of the Federal Government over the people.

When it comes to National Security my motto is that you never throw a tool away just because it can be abused. You place restrictions on when that tool can be used to hopefully prevent abuse.

I hope that you have learned then that giving government this kind of leeway is a terrible idea. I hope that you and others that supported this monstrosity when it first came out will not support such changes in the future.
Why not deal with Obama's "secret" interpretation kid?
First of all, it's a secret, and it is probably another restriction on the Patriot Act weakening it like he was being attacked for in the wingnut media above!

LOL, translation:"Beacuse Bammy is doing it it is ok."
Translation: It doesn't matter that wingnut media has been attacking Obama for the past 5 years for weakening the Patriot Act, the Right worshiped until now, leaving this country defenseless against terrorism, while hoping for another 9/11 so the Right can accuse Obama for being soft on terrorism and leaving us vulnerable. Now is the time to attack Obama for not weakening the Patriot Act even more than he did. :cuckoo:
First of all, it's a secret, and it is probably another restriction on the Patriot Act weakening it like he was being attacked for in the wingnut media above!

LOL, translation:"Beacuse Bammy is doing it it is ok."
Translation: It doesn't matter that wingnut media has been attacking Obama for the past 5 years for weakening the Patriot Act, the Right worshiped until now, leaving this country defenseless against terrorism, while hoping for another 9/11 so the Right can accuse Obama for being soft on terrorism and leaving us vulnerable. Now is the time to attack Obama for not weakening the Patriot Act even more than he did. :cuckoo:

Stop speaking for conservatives. You have no idea what you are talking about.
First of all, it's a secret, and it is probably another restriction on the Patriot Act weakening it like he was being attacked for in the wingnut media above!

LOL, translation:"Beacuse Bammy is doing it it is ok."
Translation: It doesn't matter that wingnut media has been attacking Obama for the past 5 years for weakening the Patriot Act, the Right worshiped until now, leaving this country defenseless against terrorism, while hoping for another 9/11 so the Right can accuse Obama for being soft on terrorism and leaving us vulnerable. Now is the time to attack Obama for not weakening the Patriot Act even more than he did. :cuckoo:

Look kid, you should be condeming this no MATTER who is doing it.

YOU should be screaming about this "secret interpretation".

The fact that you aren't smart enough to realize that says volumes.
Obama's use of the Patriot Act has nothing to do with terrorism or security. It's not even about looking for criminals, it's about identifying political opponents, THEN looking for something to charge them with.

Why do you allege such bullshit when you know BOTH welfare/warfare parties are equally criminal.

First you say it's bullshit, then you admit your party is criminal. Which is it?
They're just Sweeping or 'Mining.' They're spying on everyone in the name of 'Security.' That's what's going on. Guilty till proven innocent. Welcome to the new America. Check your Freedom & Liberty at the door. :(

Why haven't you been complaining for the last seven years about this? Oh right, you're a dishonest Republican.

No Natasha -- My bet is that poster is a CONSISTENT libertarian on Civil Rights..

OR -- s'il vous plait --- a CONSISTENT Classical Liberal...

He and I will be waiting for apologies at the door as you leave for the re-education camp. Both parties have fast-tracked Civil Liberties down the tube in this country.. Please try to LOOK sincere as you apologize to the people you called "naive" and "paranoid" and "friends of terrorists"..

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