NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon users: Why?

I expect to see the left wing outrage in




I suspect left-wingers may be less outraged because they have less to hide. Just a guess...

No, we've seen the outrage at lesser things. Maybe it's because they are simply unable to come up with a defense for this latest action. Better to avoid it.
On the flip side.

What if?

What if there actually DOES exist some rational, coherent basis for the application even in its presently overly broad form?

This must be SOME major threat.

Or maybe it's just some major potential or possible threat?

We may find out sometime in 2038.

Until then, it looks like the Administration is pretty damn worried about terrorism. But ...

didn't they assure us that with the death of bin Laden the war against terrorists was effectively over?
Uh Duh, the Government has to take your rights away in order to preserve them. It's like more War = more Peace. JEEZ! You damn people just don't get it! Big Brother is lookin out for you! Now quit your bitchin and get back to your Porn, Reality TV, Celebrity-Worship, and Sports!
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You are suggesting Democrats didn't vote for the Patroit act both times? You can't see the difference in how it has been applied from one adminstration to the next?

Try to pay attention because you're argueing like a girl. Poster said this: "These are not wiretaps. Same rules as with the Bush Administration. They even gave the telecoms immunity after the fact. Now of course the Warrant(s) absolves the Telecoms.....

Ready to repeal the Patriot Act yet?"

Rabbi Responds: 54 Dems voted for it

You tell me in your estrogen riddled mind how Rabbi addressed anything Blind said.

All you had to do was answer my questions, but then you can't avoid the truth can you?

All you had to do is stay on topic and this wouldn't be an issue.
I'd "settle" for Administration officials (including FBI Agents and their bosses) doing their jobs -- well -- properly. Why not try to COMPLY with the law?

I'd "settle" for Judges complying with the strict requirements of the law and refusing to SIGN orders this broad.

I'd "settle" for a Congressional Investigatory hearing or a dozen.

But on balance, I'd really just like for the words in the Constitution to have some meaning to all the folks IN Government.
Ah, back to your Porn, Reality TV, Celebrity-Worship, and Sports. Nothing to see here folks. Big Brother's got your back. ;)
Americans don't care about the 4th Amendment.

Americans do. obamamerican's don't. The nation has divided into two enemy camps. So far, one side has been able to attack the other with impunity.

The NSA scandal, is just the latest, which is it 5 or 6 now?

No, Americans don't. You care right now only because the person doing it has a D next to their name. If Romney had won and done the same thing, you would no doubt be defending him.

And anyone with a brain saw this coming. Did you right wingers honestly believe the Patriot Act wouldn't be abused? You guys are the ones always screaming about government having too much power, but you thought the Patriot Act was just dandy?

Holy shit americans are dumb!
The scandals keep coming. If only the media had been doing it's job, maybe the administration would have been less likely to do stuff like this. Amazing what they do when they are confident they'll get away with it.

So, we're being spied on for no good reason.

Meanwhile, they want GITMO closed and liberal lawyers (Holder's law firm) rushed to the aid of the terrorist suspects and delayed trials for years in an attempt to have the suspects tried in a civilian court rather than military tribunals.

Where are all those who screamed about treating the terrorist suspects at GITMO with respect? Are they not outraged that the rights of American citizens are being stomped on?

We still have the right to privacy and due process. Passing a few bills does not amend the constitution or bill of rights. The left was furious with Bush for the Patriot Act, as were many on the right. Obama put the Patriot Act on steroids and is going way too far, yet not a peep from most on the left.

I want to see outrage, not specifically from the left or right, but from anyone who considers themselves a red-blooded American!
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Video at site

Obama: No warrantless wiretaps if you elect me


The front-running Democrat in the New Hampshire primary makes the promise in one last stump speech at an election day rally with the Facebook generation.

video and the rest here
Obama: No warrantless wiretaps if you elect me

The front-running Democrat in the New Hampshire primary makes the promise in one last stump speech at an election day rally with the Facebook generation.

video at site
Obama: No warrantless wiretaps if you elect me | News Blogs - CNET News

A. This is not a case of wiretapping.

B. There is a warrant.
Americans don't care about the 4th Amendment.

Americans do. obamamerican's don't. The nation has divided into two enemy camps. So far, one side has been able to attack the other with impunity.

The NSA scandal, is just the latest, which is it 5 or 6 now?

No, Americans don't. You care right now only because the person doing it has a D next to their name. If Romney had won and done the same thing, you would no doubt be defending him.

And anyone with a brain saw this coming. Did you right wingers honestly believe the Patriot Act wouldn't be abused? You guys are the ones always screaming about government having too much power, but you thought the Patriot Act was just dandy?

Holy shit americans are dumb!

I've never liked the PA. And in light of the current crap going on with the IRS?
It scares the crap out of me. As does the thought of that same gov controlling my healthcare.
It's become pretty obvious that politicians cant be trusted with this much power.
And I mean ALL politicians !
Ah, back to your Porn, Reality TV, Celebrity-Worship, and Sports. Nothing to see here folks. Big Brother's got your back. ;)
Americans don't care about the 4th Amendment.

Americans do. obamamerican's don't. The nation has divided into two enemy camps. So far, one side has been able to attack the other with impunity.

The NSA scandal, is just the latest, which is it 5 or 6 now?


You folks just want to use this as a vehicle to impeach the President.

I didn't like the Patriot Act, Enemy Combatant Distinction, Torture, Extra Rendition, and the AUMF when they were introduced.

Those should all be outlawed.

And..we should add an amendment to the constitution, specifically and clearly protecting the right of privacy..whether that be electronic media or analog.

None of you folks are even remotely suggesting that. In fact..you applaud profiling when it's done to people you don't like.
Why is a judge not giving a crap about the privacy components in the law itself?

Because the federal agent pretending to be a "judge" has been given ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY from lawsuits - so WE THE PEOPLE can do nothing - but from his handlers he gets power, promotion s and federal blue cross blue shield and other perks

next question please.

Video at site

Obama: No warrantless wiretaps if you elect me


The front-running Democrat in the New Hampshire primary makes the promise in one last stump speech at an election day rally with the Facebook generation.

video and the rest here
Obama: No warrantless wiretaps if you elect me

The front-running Democrat in the New Hampshire primary makes the promise in one last stump speech at an election day rally with the Facebook generation.

video at site
Obama: No warrantless wiretaps if you elect me | News Blogs - CNET News

A. This is not a case of wiretapping.

B. There is a warrant.

I'm not sure there's a warrant. But there's a very rational arguement that under Justice Stevens Katz analysis, we have no right to privacy for lots of data mining. Most specifically, if I use my cell phone to call my friendly intl bomber in Islamabad, I may have right to privacy as to what I tell him, but do I have any expectation to think the govt won't know I made the call?
On the flip side.

What if?

What if there actually DOES exist some rational, coherent basis for the application even in its presently overly broad form?

This must be SOME major threat.

Or maybe it's just some major potential or possible threat?

We may find out sometime in 2038.

Until then, it looks like the Administration is pretty damn worried about terrorism. But ...

didn't they assure us that with the death of bin Laden the war against terrorists was effectively over?
Actually at this point it is the phone companies who want the court order renewed every 3 months.

Verizon providing all call records to U.S. under court order - The Washington Post

An expert in this aspect of the law said Wednesday night that the order appears to be a routine renewal of a similar order first issued by the same court in 2006. The expert, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive issues, said that the order is reissued routinely every 90 days and that it is not related to any particular investigation by the FBI or any other agency.

The expert referred to such orders as “rubber stamps” sought by the telephone companies to protect themselves after the disclosure in 2005 that widespread warrantless wiretaps could leave them liable for damages.
I noticed an article from last year where petraeus was condoning cameras in household appliances. It really is special that we have a govt full of voyeuristic pigs. Screw them to hell. Hope they're reading this.
This has been going on for the last seven years and NOW you people are whining about it? You deserve what you stupidly condoned.
To be consistent, I was pissed when "W" was invading our privacy and I'm pissed now that The Big "O" is doing it.
My questions are, how many posters defended "W" but are now attacking "O"? How many posters attacked "W" but are defending "O"?
Video at site

Obama: No warrantless wiretaps if you elect me


The front-running Democrat in the New Hampshire primary makes the promise in one last stump speech at an election day rally with the Facebook generation.

video and the rest here
Obama: No warrantless wiretaps if you elect me

The front-running Democrat in the New Hampshire primary makes the promise in one last stump speech at an election day rally with the Facebook generation.

video at site
Obama: No warrantless wiretaps if you elect me | News Blogs - CNET News

A. This is not a case of wiretapping.

B. There is a warrant.

Right.. It's harmless. It just gives the govt access to MOST of the intimate details of your life, your whereabouts, and contacts.. Hopefully, youre not sooo "blinded" by your partisianship to see the train coming...
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Americans don't care about the 4th Amendment.

Americans do. obamamerican's don't. The nation has divided into two enemy camps. So far, one side has been able to attack the other with impunity.

The NSA scandal, is just the latest, which is it 5 or 6 now?


You folks just want to use this as a vehicle to impeach the President.

I didn't like the Patriot Act, Enemy Combatant Distinction, Torture, Extra Rendition, and the AUMF when they were introduced.

Those should all be outlawed.

And..we should add an amendment to the constitution, specifically and clearly protecting the right of privacy..whether that be electronic media or analog.

None of you folks are even remotely suggesting that. In fact..you applaud profiling when it's done to people you don't like.

I'm with you on this one. I'll even go beyond that and call for the disbandment of the HS dept. I was against it from day one.
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To be consistent, I was pissed when "W" was invading our privacy and I'm pissed now that The Big "O" is doing it.
My questions are, how many posters defended "W" but are now attacking "O"? How many posters attacked "W" but are defending "O"?

Read above.

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