NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon users: Why?

When Bush was in office there were rules. One side of the call had to be in a foreign country, and be a number or from a person known to be on a terrorist watch list. This is not the equal of Americans making local calls to one another no matter HOW liberals want to make it so. The taps under Bush were to identify those who would bring harm to the country. The taps under obama are to identify those who are critical of obama.

These are not wiretaps. Same rules as with the Bush Administration. They even gave the telecoms immunity after the fact. Now of course the Warrant(s) absolves the Telecoms.....

Ready to repeal the Patriot Act yet?
54 Democrats in the House voted to extend the Patriot Act in 2011. Are you lobbying them yet?

Rabbi Says: 1+2=2
Someone says: No it's actually 3
Rabbie says: yeah but 4 is a equal number

What? He just says shit then when proven wrong floats to the next thing
2006-Liberals: "Why is President Bush spying on my telephone records?" "Im outraged."
2006-Conserrvatives: "He's just trying to keep America safe."

2013-Conservatives:"Why is President Obama spying on my telephone records?" "Im outraged."
2013-Liberals: "He's just trying to keep America safe."

Same shit different day.

Thank YOU!
Like terrorists limit their activities to the Verizon network....

Our legal system is suppose to focus on probable cause and not let's check on everyone and see what filters out.
These are not wiretaps. Same rules as with the Bush Administration. They even gave the telecoms immunity after the fact. Now of course the Warrant(s) absolves the Telecoms.....

Ready to repeal the Patriot Act yet?

Go for it----you got the votes. Or is there something you don't know ?

It was a rhetorical question. If you supported Bush in this type of data collection you can't very well not support the current administrations use of the very same tactic. If you didn't support it under Bush, you shouldn't change your tune just because it's a Democrat in the office.

I did not support it under Bush.....but I also did not expect ANY administration to abuse it.

And based on the numbers of records seized?

It is a complete abuse of the PA and by no means in the spirit of its intent.
When did guilty till proven innocent become so acceptable to Americans? What has happened to our Nation? Is it still all about 9/11? Did that really change us that much? Should it have? I think these are very important questions.
When Bush enacted the PA we had just been attacked. So it made some sense back then and it was easy to pass because Americans were scared.

Fast forward to the obama admin.
obama tells us the threat of terrorism is at pre 9/11 levels.
That terrorism is on the run.

So why do we need to increase the power of the gov to snoop on us if things are so much safer?

Cant have it both ways.
Democrats justify obama's data collection by saying that if the police arrest six drug dealers, they have to arrest six non drug dealers too, just to maintain equality.
Like terrorists limit their activities to the Verizon network....

Our legal system is suppose to focus on probable cause and not let's check on everyone and see what filters out.

Do you REALLY think that Verizon was the only one?
These are not wiretaps. Same rules as with the Bush Administration. They even gave the telecoms immunity after the fact. Now of course the Warrant(s) absolves the Telecoms.....

Ready to repeal the Patriot Act yet?
54 Democrats in the House voted to extend the Patriot Act in 2011. Are you lobbying them yet?

Rabbi Says: 1+2=2
Someone says: No it's actually 3
Rabbie says: yeah but 4 is a equal number

What? He just says shit then when proven wrong floats to the next thing

You are suggesting Democrats didn't vote for the Patroit act both times? You can't see the difference in how it has been applied from one adminstration to the next?
2006-Liberals: "Why is President Bush spying on my telephone records?" "Im outraged."
2006-Conserrvatives: "He's just trying to keep America safe."

2013-Conservatives:"Why is President Obama spying on my telephone records?" "Im outraged."
2013-Liberals: "He's just trying to keep America safe."

Same shit different day.

Standard responses by liberals:

1) They all do it
2) Boosh
3) What difference at this point does it make?
4) September was a long time ago.

Really? That's what I said? Read my post again.
The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon, one of America's largest telecoms providers, under a top secret court order issued in April.

April...of this year.

Hmm...who was President during April of this year? Oh yeah...that's right....Obama.


I wonder how many days the White House will be denying any knowledge of this. "I know nothing! Noooothing!"
When Bush enacted the PA we had just been attacked. So it made some sense back then and it was easy to pass because Americans were scared.

Fast forward to the obama admin.
obama tells us the threat of terrorism is at pre 9/11 levels.
That terrorism is on the run.

So why do we need to increase the power of the gov to snoop on us if things are so much safer?

Cant have it both ways.

But that is the problem. He is finding out he CAN have it both ways.

His supporters...and the media...see his "contradictions" as nothing more than GOP cosnpiracy theories.

And now he is abusing his freedom to contradict himself.
I expect to see the left wing outrage in




I'm a Verizon user and I certainly am not happy....been texting key terms such as "bomb", "terrorist" "middle east" "revolution" etc. randomly to express my displeasure. I recommend that everyone on Verizon flood their texts, phone calls with such words.

Ah yes, another who ascribes to sarcasm as a way of offering up such sentiments as ..."if you're not doing anything wrong.........."

Is that what I said? You better read again. There was NO sarcasm in my post.
Like terrorists limit their activities to the Verizon network....

Our legal system is suppose to focus on probable cause and not let's check on everyone and see what filters out.

Do you REALLY think that Verizon was the only one?

Very good point. The NSA and Google have very close ties as well. And i'm sure that goes for many other Communications Companies & Social Networking sites too.
NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon users: Why?


1- we are no longer a Constitutional Republic

2- the federal government has a massive paramilitary domestic army ready to pounce on anyone who dares object. Ask the Davidians

3- Federal "judges" are immunized - so there is not a fucking thing US citizens can do against them

4- The US is now governed by a continuing criminal enterprise - grin and bear it

When Bush enacted the PA we had just been attacked. So it made some sense back then and it was easy to pass because Americans were scared.

Fast forward to the obama admin.
obama tells us the threat of terrorism is at pre 9/11 levels.
That terrorism is on the run.

So why do we need to increase the power of the gov to snoop on us if things are so much safer?

Cant have it both ways.

But that is the problem. He is finding out he CAN have it both ways.

His supporters...and the media...see his "contradictions" as nothing more than GOP cosnpiracy theories.

And now he is abusing his freedom to contradict himself.

I was referring to a sane world.
My bad...
But yeah you're right. ALL Americans should be pissed about abuse of power.
Because eventually that power shifts.
I didn't see this as big deal in the previous admin, and I don't see it here. If the NSA knows the phone number of a suspected terrorist in Pak or someplace, I sure as hell want them to know who the sob is talking to over here. I'm still a bit ticked off that dead sob in boston got back into this country too.

That said, I don't want them looking for mom and pop home grow outfits by tracking who is calling people who advertise in horticulture mags.
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NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon users: Why?


1- we are no longer a Constitutional Republic

2- the federal government has a massive paramilitary domestic army ready to pounce on anyone who dares object. Ask the Davidians

3- Federal "judges" are immunized - so there is not a fucking thing US citizens can do against them

4- The US is now governed by a continuing criminal enterprise - grin and bear it


Sadly, i must admit you're Spot On.

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